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Dutchsinse Weds Eve 26:43
9/09/2020 -- California West Coast USA update -- 'PYRO LOW' pressure system forming
Vitamin D Is A Powerful Bullet Against Covid-19 

Why some people can have nice things and others cannot. 
I think in 21st century America (and the rest of the West) there might be a reason why. Help me understand. I'll be in the chat

Sargon of Akkad
Nonceflix Part Deux

Watch the interview: A new political party has been formed in New Zealand - Advance NZ, to restore democracy!!!/
Each so-called democratic country needs a new party to counter the tweedledum vs. tweeledee options now available
Billy Te Kahika Interview with Max Igan - Produced by Vinny Eastwood - 09/10/20

Wild video shows a semi truck slamming into another car, pushing it into several other vehicles Tuesday on Interstate 5 in Sacramento. A total of 9 vehicles were involved in the crash. 1 person was killed, & 3 others were hospitalized.

50% of Murder and Violent Crime in USA by 3% of the Population: YOUNG BLACK MALES
Paul Joseph Watson     @PrisonPlanet    on    twitter 
White privilege on display in the mall.

Citizens Stop Spanish Police From Arresting Woman For Not Wearing Mask

NSA Chief Who Oversaw Sweeping Domestic Phone Surveillance Joins Amazon Board As Director 
September 9th, 2020  Via: ZeroHedge:

Just days after Amazon published a scathing letter slamming President Trump for not allowing the American multinational tech company to get the $10 billion Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) contract, which instead was awarded to Microsoft, Amazon's board has just appointed former NSA head and retired general of the US Army Keith B. Alexander as a director.

Alexander will also serve on the board's audit committee, according to Bloomberg on Wednesday. The company which has long faced criticism and scrutiny over its deep CIA ties and collaboration, especially given its prior $600 million contract with the CIA for cloud computing services, will now have a well-known national security state hawk who was commander of US Cyber Command from May 2010 to March 2014.

Crucially his tenure as Director of the National Security Agency went for nearly a decade, from August 2005 to March 2014. From there he founded a cybersecurity technology company in 2014, of which he still leads as Co-CEO and president, called IronNet Cybersecurity, Inc. This is the very NSA chief who was the face of the agency's mass sweeping up of Americans' communications exposed by Edward Snowden's leaks. The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit earlier this month ruled the invasive NSA program was "illegal" and that US officials lied about it.

Covid-19 or Covid-9-11? 
By Gary D. Barnett, September 9, 2020 
So what difference is there between the 9-11 false flag exercise and the current Covid-19 false flag? As mentioned, the differences are only at the margin, as everything that is initiated and implemented by the state is meant to force compliance by the herd, to gain their conformity due to fear, and to prosecute a war against all of us at each and every level required in order to gain more power for the state and total control over the masses. This is the real agenda, and has always been the main agenda. Power and control are the underlying aspects and core convictions of all government action. The government, even though the more powerful ruling class of banking, corporate, and wealthy claimed elites control it, is the enforcement arm of the real power. Government therefore, is the closest to the people, and by tearing down government power, the top tier of the ruling class become exposed and vulnerable, and more unprotected. So mass resistance against government can lead to tearing down the system of power and control, and help to lead us back to more freedom and less oppression. 

Most think that the result of false flag events is to create war for money, power, geopolitical control, and for conquest, and that is not far wrong, but war is also desired in order to gain more control over the citizenry, because the powerful have to gain control at home in order to gain control globally. This new false flag called Covid-19 was long ago designed in order to effect global dominance by the few over the rest of us. Will this be a successful coup? Will the people of this country acquiesce to the will of tyrants? Will the people allow for the continued murder of their families and neighbors by the state? Will the people continue to hide from themselves and the truth? Will the people never fight back? Will the people allow themselves to become the serfs in a society ruled by kings? 

That is what is coming, and there is only one thing standing in the way of the oppressors, and that is mass resistance by the majority. Without the courage to fight against the ruling class, we will soon be left with nothing, and will have allowed our own servitude. 

World Bank's COVID-19 preparedness program IS scheduled to last until March, 2025

MPA Program Development Objective: The Program Development Objective 
is to prevent, detect and respond to the threat posed by COVID-19 and 
strengthen national systems for public health preparedness
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.