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BURNING MAN: Drinking Water & Grey Water Storage - $10 (campbell) 655 E McGlincy Ln Ste A, Campbell, CA, [408] 879-9062
I bought 7 of these last month as they fit inside my Plymouth Grand Voyager. Vertically, as I had almost a foot of stuff already in van floor. Not sure how many I can stack when van is empty. will find out.
Looks Like I'm going back, putting 7 in and 3 on roof.
They were used for organic cane syrup. They Came rinsed clean and sealed.  Actually there were different caps on em when grabbed. Therefore you would choose the caps that best suit your purpose. (ie spigot ready)

Folks often use white or black barrels for greywater. BLUE stops the UV from going in so BLUE is best for DRINKING water. Good to keep those separate. In that way you can always know your BLUE are safe for storing Drinking Water for EARTHQUAKE etc. Blue are best for catching rainwater too from your gutters. Simply place a screen or cheesecloth or scarf or some material over the opening so that mosquitos do not get in. Plenty DIY videos on YOUTUBE about this.

Learn about your state and fluoridation using FAN's State Fluoride Database:

Don't just sit there, do something!

Dover, New Hampshire: 
Rainwater Catchment and Greywater
#‎Rainwater harvesting? Hell YES! Bay-Friendly Landscaping video featuring Wholly H2O director Elizabeth Dougherty 
‪#‎cadrought‬ ‪#‎savingwaterisfun‬ ‪#‎stopwaste‬

The networked beauty of forests - Suzanne Simard

Five beauty products you can make using coconut oil:

Wi-Fi and the technological radiation 'sea':

In Maine, many rallied in support of a rule change requiring manufacturers to list their use of phthalates.


 The reason I think that deflation has to happen first is because looking throughout all of history, I can't find a single example where the population gets rewarded for mass stupidity. It's usually the banks that end up winning, and the average guy suffers - at the expense of the banks.
Mike Maloney 
Ex CIA agent explains how to delete the elite!

Russia has sensationally accused Ukraine of staging a Gleiwitz-style false flag and killing their own troops to pin the blame on Moscow -

     Info Wars
Jones continues to analyze the fallout from the police state crackdown on protesters and reporters in Missouri, as the smoke clears and more facts emerge concerning the shooting of Ferguson teen Michael Brown. Jones also looks at the escalating crisis in east Ukraine, where Ukrainian forces have destroyed a Russian convoy thought to be transporting humanitarian aid, or militants. 

Obama Addresses Ferguson Protests, Iraq -
President Obama makes a statement on the riots in Ferguson.

Former Cop Arrested Over Anti-TSA Protest on Public Property
Paul Joseph Watson | “I have a right to stand there and hold signs.”

Secret Service Investigates Photo of ISIS Flag Outside White House -
Islamic flag misappropriated by #‎ISIS

SOS is spot on asking "Did Obama Arm ISIS or Al Qaeda from Benghazi?"
Sign this petition. SOS will hand deliver it to Rep. Gowdy personally.

How can a group ISIS / ISIL suddenly arise and overcome the army of an established state, Iraq, killing civilian men, raping their women and going on to the next town or next tribe, all the while US & EU quiet. Impossible without outside aid from greater powers. In particular, given that an invading army has to be several times stronger than the entrenched, defending army. Was the rise and movement of ISIS / ISIL not visible on satellite, that it could be stopped ? Why does the US drag its feet about airstrikes, with effectively plenty of notice provided to ISIS on the major news media ?
Those in the know at US Veterans news describe the identity of ISIS / ISIL.

     David Icke
SWAT raid over anonymous INTERNET POSTING … must-watch. Police State raid starts at 3.02:

Tonight, Ferguson Cops Say Michael Brown Robbed Store Before He Was Killed, and, SWAT Team Claims They Were ‘Helping’ in Tear Gassing of Journalists, then, Former Cop Arrested Over Anti-TSA Protest on Public Property. Details & more on the 
Infowars Nightly News @ 7pm ct Tune-in

New Video of SWAT Team Attack on Al-Jazeera in Ferguson You Haven’t Seen
Please share and expose lying cops!
Kit Daniels | New footage reveals SWAT team shot at reporters after they identified themselves as press.

“After the shot, the kid just breaks away. The cop follows him, kept shooting, the kid’s body jerked as if he was hit. After his body jerked he turns around, puts his hands up, and the cop continues to walk up on him and continues to shoot until he goes all the way down," WATCH: Ferguson Police releases surveillance video they say shows Michael Brown in alleged robbery shortly before he was fatally shot by an office 12 Façons de désarmer un homme

Air Force 2045 — DIRECTED ENERGY Weapons — New 30 year plan announced
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.