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Dana Ashlie 
A solution they DO NOT want you to know.

Truth about Bill Gates divorce Tue May 4 2021

Are you ready for this? Mon May 3 2021 14:20

Pfizer admits in its own mRNA jab trial documentation that non-jabbed people can be ENVIRONMENTALLY EXPOSED to the jab’s spike proteins by INHALATION or SKIN CONTACT.

We now know the COVID jab sheds. The first distribution of this nightmare went to healthcare providers who are now shedding on their patients and then to teachers who are now shedding on our children. They created the second wave... #imout

The Chinese Communist Party's embassy in Japan tweeted and then deleted this cartoon of the United States depicted as the Grim Reaper going door-to-door in various countries wielding a blood-soaked Israeli flag scythe.

California Officials, Biden-Linked Firm Coordinated With Big Tech to Censor Election Posts - Judicial Watch
28 April 2021 | California officials colluded with Big Tech to censor social media posts in the United States during the 2020 presidential election, government watchdog group Judicial Watch announced Tuesday. The findings come after Judicial Watch received 540 pages and a further four pages of documents from the office of the Secretary of State of California in response to an open records request, the group said. It had filed the request after a December 2020 report surfaced revealing that California's Office of Election Cybersecurity had surveilled and asked the social media giants to remove or flag as "misleading" at least two dozen messages. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said that SKDKnickerbocker, a communications company linked to Joe Biden's election campaign, was involved in the censoring of speech during last year's election period.

huge compilation of reactions
Andy Ngô @MrAndyNgo 
Paris: Far-left rioters attacked vehicles in the street at the May Day protest. #antifa

Andy Ngô @MrAndyNgo 
Seattle: Police rushed in to arrest BLM-antifa rioters after a child was assaulted by them. An #antifa flag can be seen in the crowd. Videographer
was brazenly assaulted by a protester for filming:

Andy Ngô @MrAndyNgo 
Seattle: Police rushed in to make arrests of violent #antifa at Cal Anderson Park (where the deadly CHAZ experiment was.) Video by

#Antifa = Anti First Amendment 
#BLM = Burn Loot Murder    BLM = Buy Large Mansions Baal Lucifer Moloch 
#Chaz  = Crack Heroin Amphetamine Zone
#CHOP = Crack Heroin Opium Pills

Antifa BLM cause Global Warming and Deforestation via 
Broken Windows which require intense factory heat to melt sand into glass
Significant % of earth’s forests are consumed to produce PLYWOOD to cover windows smashed by BLM Antifa Riots
     Did you know? 
ARSON BLM Antifa Riots also cause Global Warming block by block as the buildings go up in flames.
Yes Arson and Fire also cause Global Warming. Where’s GRETA? 
GRETA THUNBERG causes Global Warming. She wears an Antifa Shirt. Antifa Causes Global Warming
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.