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Antifa Movie - Rise of the Black Flags 
Explore the anarchy, chaos, and the hidden origins of the violent AntiFa movement

Tyranny @ The Great Reset Toronto Canada
MasterClass Millionaires @MasterClassMill 
You still think this is about #COVID19 think again. 
Maddie Di Muccio @MaddieDiMuccio 
This is nuts. 97 cops to stop someone from getting a steak sandwich in Toronto?
If Antifa or BLM wanted to burn the place down, these “heros” would step aside.
And about a half a mile away, Costco packed to the hilt. No. Really.
In an effort to slow the spread of the Covid-19, Canadian law enforcement officers hold a super spreader event.
Weird how they’ll do this but not surround a business that’s about to be looted and burned to the ground.
Is anybody left to watch the banks?

Luke Rudkowski   @Lukewearechange 
What a criminal corrupt state holy cow I feel sorry for people living in Canada what did you do how did you let it get this bad? 
Pastor Henry Hildebrandt @aylmerpastor 
Ticketed today for attending a protest in #ldnont.

Paul Joseph Watson Nov 27, 2020 11:00

Andy Ngô   @MrAndyNgo 
Person in black bloc on the ground at Paris riot today is dragged away by police. Video by

Paul Joseph Watson   @PrisonPlanet 
Nobody can answer the question sufficiently. Why is there a 2 tier policing system in the UK that treats lockdown protesters like criminals while literally kneeling and bowing for Black Lives Matter? 
@RT_com   Russia state-affiliated media 
Arrests made as anti-lockdown protesters march in #London, defying police warning to obey #Covid19 restrictions

Paul Joseph Watson Retweeted 
Michael De La Broc   @michael_broc 
LOOK AT THE FUCKING STATE OF THIS They almost took me out with this arrest

Paul Joseph Watson Retweeted 
Michael De La Broc   @michael_broc 
Police had to take the arrested women into a shop to prevent the crowd from freeing them

Paul Joseph Watson Retweeted 
Michael De La Broc @michael_broc 
The march descending into violence as police grab women from the crowd

Pat Condell   @patcondell 
More selective politicised policing. Violent anarchy is OK as long as you claim to be protesting against racism or climate change. Police will take the knee or stand watching like muppets, and the media will cheer you on and pretend public opinion is on your side when it isn’t. 
Met Police Events   @MetPoliceEvents 
We're aware groups are intending to protest in #London tomorrow. We want to be clear, gathering in groups is not permitted under the current regulations. Anyone looking to join a protest is urged to stay home. Details

Andy Ngô   @MrAndyNgo 
Mass violence in Paris today as rioters hurled Molotov cocktails at police. Thousands have taken to the streets to oppose a new security law that criminalized the publication of photos of law enforcement officers. Video by

Andy Ngô   @MrAndyNgo 
Antifa black bloc in Paris take advantage of the anti-security law protest to smash up businesses. Video by @ybouziar

Andy Ngô   @MrAndyNgo   
Antifa are rioting again in Seattle tonight. 
Seattle Police Dept.   @SeattlePD 
A group of about 50 southbound on University Wy NE at NE 56th St. Dressed in all black and blocking all lanes of traffic. Use caution if driving in the area.

PORTLANDHappy Thanksgiving from your favorite 503 terrorist cell518 views•Nov 26, 2020660ShareSaveBehindEnemyLinesNews

Behindenemylines   @behindenemy360 
Happy Thanksgiving.... From your local 503 terrorists...Antifa..
Doubt you will use it because you only pay Antifa to capture footage for you
Andy Ngô   @MrAndyNgo 
Seattle Police Dept. @SeattlePD 
Windows broken at NE 43rd St and University Wy NE.

Andy Ngô   @MrAndyNgo 
Dozens of antifa marched in Seattle tonight and vandalized property along the way. They smashed up another
cafe near the University of Washington. #SeattleRiots #antifa

Those businesses should use idea proof glass

     Did you know? 
Antifa BLM cause Global Warming and Deforestation via 
Broken Windows which require intense factory heat to melt sand into glass
Significant % of earths forests are consumed to produce PLYWOOD to cover windows smashed by BLM Antifa Riots
     Did you know? 
ARSON BLM Antifa Riots also cause Global Warming block by block as the buildings go up in flames.
Yes Arson and Fire also cause Global Warming. Where’s GRETA? 
GRETA THUNBERG causes Global Warming. She wears an Antifa Shirt. Antifa Causes Global Warming
Things China Doesn't Want You To Know   @TruthAbtChina 
Do you believe China has 40x better coronavirus numbers than the US? There is no soap or toilet paper in restrooms in top-tier cities. I know adults who have never washed their hands. Do you think a virus won't spread in these conditions? The virus STARTED in these conditions!
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.