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Station 40 
3030B 16th St (across from the 16th & Mission Bart) SF towards Valencia

Anarchist Film Series:


Starting this Thursday, March 4th, and every Thursday for the month!

Thursday March 4th @ 9PM


Using amateur camera footage recorded by protesters at the scene of the 1999
WTO riots, the film documents the riot from the perspective of the anarchists,
their opinions of fellow protesters, local politicians....

Thursday March 11th @ 10 PM (After Ardent Press Book Release!)

"PICKAXE" [1999]

The film follows an eclectic mix of activists who take a stand to protect an
old growth forest from logging at Warner Creek in the Willamette National
Forest of Oregon, blockading the logging road and repelling the State Police.
Over months a community builds around the illegal blockade as it develops into
the Cascadia Free State and similar actions spread across the region. Years
after its release, Pickaxe has become a classic document of the potential for
grassroots direct action to achieve victory against the forces of both
government and big business. Lovingly crafted by the participants themselves,
the film expertly presents every moment, from confrontation to celebration.

Thursday March  18th @ 9PM


"Behind the Mask" is a documentary that focuses on the Animal Liberation Front,
direct action, and the current repressive, so-called free governments to which
activists are victim.

Thursday March 25th @ 9PM

[ English translation: "WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF FIRE?" ]

Set in Berlin, the film opens in 1987 to show a group of radicals battling
police but soon moves to the modern day to present the same radical characters
brought together once more by an act they carried out in their
anti-establishment heyday.

In 1987, the main characters of the film are anarchists squatting in an
abandoned building in Kreuzberg and making propaganda films. In one of these
films, they demonstrate how to make a homemade bomb out of a pressure cooker
and chemicals available over the counter, and they plant the bomb in a vacant
villa in Grunewald. However, the timer sticks, and the bomb does not go off
until 12 years later, when it is jostled by a real estate broker and a
potential buyer. They are injured in the blast, and the police are pressured to
hunt down the "terrorists" responsible.

Other Events:

Thursday, March 11th, 8-10PM (Followed by film "PICKAXE")

Ardent Press Book Release Party

In celebration of the THREE new books coming out from new anarchist and
anti-political publisher Ardent Press, we will have an event with drinks and
hors d'oeuvres.


Anarchy Works - by Peter Gelderloos
Willful Disobedience - by Wolfi Landstreicher
Nihilist Communism - by Monsieur Dupont
Monday, March 15th, @ 7PM
$3-5 donation, but no one turned away

An Anarchist Look at the Barcelona Squatting Movement
with Peter Gelderloos

Hosted by the Institute for Anarchist Studies

Most of us have heard stories about (or experienced firsthand) the squatting
movement in Spain. But we frequently fail to think about the effect that this
network of squatted and autonomous spaces has on the social activist movement
in Europe, generally, and Barcelona, specifically. How does the prevalence of
squatted spaces impact the anarchist world in ways that are structurally
different from the anarchist world in the United States? What do we stand to
learn from each other? Author and activist Peter Gelderloos, author of "How
Nonviolence Protects the State" and "Consensus: A New Handbook for Grassroots
Social, Political, and Environmental Groups," will explore the squatting
movement in Barcelona. He made headlines in 2007 when he was arrested there in
conjunction with a squatters' protest.
Tuesday, March 30th, 7:30-10:30PM
$5 to benefit Station 40, no one turned away for lack of funds
byob & free vegan cake !

The UnClear Cabaret / Phatima's Birthday party

Well we all get Older no matter what we do... So this Unclear Cabaret is all
about getting older and Death ...Two things that We all have in common and
there is No escaping... I will be turning 44 so why not have a show all about
it with some of my Favorite people, Vinsantos (SF) and Michelle Blades (PHX)
and the Lowered Expectations Drag cast of many ....

As a new tradition of the show Bring a CD and you too can Be in the show..for
By the way NO gifts Please ...Just Bring your selves
Food Not Bombs every Thursday---
cooking in the afternoon,
serving by 7PM

Station 40 
3030B 16th St (across from the 16th & Mission Bart) SF towards Valencia
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.