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An Invitation to the Premiere of 
"The 9-11 News Special You Never Saw- The Great Conspiracy"
  art at- 

March 9th at the Guild Theatre, 949 El Camino Real in Menlo Park, 
March 10th at the Grand Lake Theatre, 3200 Grand Ave. in Oakland, 510-452-3556
March 11th at the Herbst Theatre, 401 Van Ness Ave. in San Francisco, 
March 12th at the Odd Fellows Hall, 545 Pacific Ave. in Santa Rosa , 707-664-2500

All screenings begin at 7:30 PM to be followed by dialogues with producer, Barrie Zwicker; author of “9-11 Synthetic Terror: Made in the USA,” Webster G. Tarpley; Director of Project Censored, Peter Phillips; and Michael Kane, musician, investigative reporter, the press, and the public.

     Barrie Zwicker was the first mainstream television journalist to deeply examine the official 9-11 story; he was director of the Toronto International Citizens’ Inquiry into 9-11. In the documentary, Zwicker analyzes the use of fear to unnerve the public, and deconstructs the so-called “war on terror.” He examines in depth the failure of the military on 9/11, and George Bush’s highly inappropriate behavior on that day. He finds the 9/11 Commission Report to be a cover-up operation. Throughout the film, he analyzes the role of mainstream media in keeping the public misinformed. (The great comedian, Swami Beyondananda, will be in charge of film breaks; humor being the best fortifier for facing painful truths). These events are especially designed to encourage the press to write and speak about the most censored questions and truths of our times, and to participate in the public dialogue which will explore these questions and more:

Why did Bush and Cheney limit the investigation?
Why were interceptor jets late, slow, and ineffectual?
What explains Bush's actions and inactions on 9/11?
Why was evidence removed or kept from investigators?
Who benefited?  Why the media silence? What can we do?    

All tickets $10 available @the door, and at the local bookstores which are our co-sponsors, also available through 415-392-4400, at the Grand Lake Theatre, and for the Santa Rosa screening through Project Censored.

The events are benefits for the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance  866-268-2320 
Co-Sponsors include- Veterans for Peace- Chapter 69, American Legion Post 315,  Project Censored, KPFA, Pacifica Radio, Kepler's Books, Black Oak Books, Cody's Bookstore, City Lights Bookstore, Valencia Street Bookstore, Modern Times Books, The Raging Grannies

To volunteer or for further information, contact- Carol Brouillet 650-857-0927
The Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance

     911 - inside job: demand investigation into cover-up! - - - -  -  - - -
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.