Plant Trees SF Events 2024 Archive: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025


Stonewall Mathew Sheppard TX 1984 AIDS Fauci Gallo UCSF 2017 2018 bake cake Baptist church Drag Queen story hour children’s text book curriculum gender transition surgery assault with knife 

1969 Stonewall Riots NYC
1984 Dr A Anthony Fauci caught on video, exclaiming, with glee his intent to deliver AIDS HIV to gay men through hep B vaccines in SF LA NYC USA in concert with Robert Gallo UCSF
Documented by Dr Leonard Horowitz in book: 

emerging viruses aids ebola nature Accident or Intentional
Book by Dr Leonard Horowitz Tetrahedron publishers 1996 ISBN: 0-923550-12-7 
covers Merck Pharma Zaire Congo Mobutu
20,000 acres Africa leased by Merck to  develop 
AIDS bovine virus inside synthetic sphere shell
Congress orders funds for Retrovirus injection to Gay Men of SF LA NYC in Hep B Vaccine 
US Congressional Record specifically stated intent to develop retro virus to take out certain populations

1989 I marched as grapes in SF CA pride Parade
Cesar Chavez AFL CIO expressed concern to
1990 I marched as organic grapes in SF pride

I have supported gay rights and LGBT all of my life since before I was an adult
I do not intend to stop supporting gay rights 
Most all Americans support gay rights as I do
But this century trans rights hijacked LGBT

1998 Matthew Shepard, Texas TX USA 
“Help me daddy!” Mathew cried, as he was beaten to death by homophobic bigots; 
At the fuel pumps at a gas station. 

Pendulum begins to swing. 

20th century bad, horrible and wrong things were violently done to innocent people who were gay and misunderstood, or feared by cruel people. 
That was wrong and those things should not have happened at Stonewall or to Matthew Shepherd

Pendulum swings swiftly. 
where will it stop? nobody knows. 

1992 2006 2019 Southern Baptist church gay

2017 2018 You will bake this gay cake

2015 2019 children forced to watch drag queen story hour in public schools 

2020 approx your child may see gay porn at 5 years old
Children Read gay porn sex instruction 8 years old 

2024 California schools can initiate encourage prompt and assist a child in transitioning with zero notification to parents by law signed by Gavin Newsom governor if California 
2024 is the year the state surgically stole children from parents

2024 criminal fines, and or  jail time in California for healthcare professionals or providers who miss gender, or do not use a persons chosen pronouns

2024 California enacts laws barring use of mother or father language in health care settings. Replaces with birthing person. 

2020-2024 California and several states legislate unisex bathrooms forcing girls to share restrooms with biological boys and men 

Assault with knife
Pendulum in full swing, picking up speed
How many innocent unknowing children will fall under the knife?

          AGE OF CONSENT 
2020 USA you cannot drive a car till 16 years old 
fire a gun join the military or kill people until you are 18 years old Tattoo 18 piercing 18 vote 16 18 
NO Consent to sex with adults till 18 years old 
( except in Scott Weiner’s California 10 years difference ok ) 
Get married 18 run for political office 18
alcohol 21 ( 18 Colorado for 3.2% alc beer ) 

How then can a child consent to having body parts removed as a minor?  whether 
breasts, uterus, vagina, ovaries, 
penis, testes, or other sex organs? 

How can a child of 8 or 12 years old who would choose an Oreo cookie over $1000 cash; 
Be trusted to make a decision about surgically removing body parts?

Is that not child abuse? 

At what point will some people understand 

Pendulum of politics swings both ways

If you want to protect your rights on the Apples side of the pendulum

Maybe you shouldn’t swing the pendulum too hard to decimate the people on the oranges side of the pendulum 

Is there some better way to communicate this? 

Please stop with the fallacy that there is no trans agenda or pedo agenda or NAMBLA agenda 

That is what people in the center and right are reacting to 

Got news for you the center and the right were OK with you being Hella gay that was never a problem for 99% of Americans. But

Chopping off kids’ penises and breasts 

Maybe that was a little too far ?

People get blocked on Facebook for using this dirty word I’m gonna type in the next line 

Detrans or DeTransition

Innocent people are blocked banned, and deleted from numerous social platforms for daring to speak this word 

Which 95% of Americans have never heard spoken 


Who is censoring?  Is the left censoring hard? 
Is that why 95% of Americans have never heard the word de transitioning and have no idea what it means or what the heck you’re talking about?

Why the censorship ?  Is that actual living proof of a

Trans agenda right in our face?

Please do not deny there is a trans agenda 

Please do not deny the transgender agenda 
is resulting this decade, this century in child mutilation 
Both surgical and chemical / hormonal

Please don’t chop up our kids. It’s not fair. 

Not kind. Not even tolerant. 
It is technically criminally and legally 
assault with knife 

Doctors are being sued today 
and will be sued tomorrow for these crimes

I’m just the messenger please don’t shoot me. 

I have been observing this pendulum swing in California across 6 decades. 
Pendulums can swing both ways. 
Maybe not wise to swing pendulum too hard? 


My pro LGBT thoughts over 6 decades in SF CA USA

Stonewall Mathew Sheppard TX 1984 AIDS Fauci Gallo UCSF bake cake Baptist church Drag Queen story hour children’s text book gender trans surgery gay


Dallas Buyers Club
Dallas Buyers Club is a 2013 American biographical drama film written by Craig Borten and Melisa Wallack, and directed by Jean-Marc Vallée.
The film tells the story of Ron Woodroof (Matthew McConaughey), a cowboy diagnosed with AIDS in the mid-1980s, a time when both the etiology and the treatment of HIV/AIDS are poorly…

For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.