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Rima E Laibow MD from Dr Rima Truth Reports Substack

Long covid is generally a misnomer for post-jab toxicity. Pilots in most airlines around the world have been jabbed or they would have lost their jobs. Thus, if the data in this article is accurate, and it seems so to me, then every pilot is at increased risk (for how long? no one knows) of dying in flight.

Sudden Adult Death: Real and Yielding to Scientific Exploration. Pilots, Beware. Passengers, Be Very Concerned
Dr. Walter Chestnut is a careful scientist and thinker who brings us urgently important information. Given that pilots were almost all jabbed, death at altitude is a huge concern  
Rima E Laibow MD from Dr Rima Truth Reports Substack Nov 18 2024

Article abstract + 1 image on my X Nov 18 2024


Sudden Adult Death: Real and Yielding to Scientific Exploration. Pilots, Beware. Passengers, Be Very Concerned
Dr. Walter Chestnut is a careful scientist and thinker who brings us urgently important information. Given that pilots were almost all jabbed, death at altitude is a huge concern.
NOV 18
The technical information, statistics and mathematical references in this article are of interest to those who deal in such thing. For the rest of us, skipping those details, the importance of this substack is primal and urgently important. People have an increased likelihood of sudden death if they have long covid and are exposed to increased gravitation and altitude. 

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Long covid is generally a misnomer for post-jab toxicity. Pilots in most airlines around the world have been jabbed or they would have lost their jobs. Thus, if the data in this article is accurate, and it seems so to me, then every pilot is at increased risk (for how long? no one knows) of dying in flight.


And the passengers? Of course, their risk is similarly horrifyingly increased.

Here is Dr. Chestnut’s important article:

WMC Research
The Spike Protein, Baroreceptors and Sudden Death: Think Pilots
Comparison of the time domain measures of BRS computed by the spontaneous sequence between the COVID survivor and matched healthy control group. (a–c) represents the number of sequences and (d–f) the BRS quantified, respectively, for SBP‐, MBP‐, and DBP‐based analysis. (BRS, baroreflex sensitivity; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; MBP, mean blood pressure…
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an hour ago · 17 likes · 1 comment · Walter M Chesnut
(100) The Spike Protein, Baroreceptors and Sudden Death: Think Pilots 

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Now consider that this catastrophic mayhem was NOT created by an unfortunate scientific or medical reality. National Institutes of Health, CDC, Robert Koch Institute, European Medicines Agency, Health Canada, Louis Pasteur Institute and every other “trust us, we are the Science and we are here to help” agency lied to its people by giving them a pre-packaged political “crisis myth/bioweapon deployment” story dictated from above and spewed out as if it made any sense at all. 

Those who said that it did not were harshly, sometimes brutally, suppressed and punished for wrong think and wrong speak. 

And now we have a world full of needless woe and wrong-doing, mayhem and murder. Yes, murder. That is what the deployment of bioweapons is, after all. Wide spread, intentional murder. Also known as genocide.

Genocide is a crime in most parts of world, whether sanctioned by an international body or not. We, the unjabbed, will have to figure out how to survive and rebuild a world intentionally destroyed when we get ourselves out of the death machine, the UN, although we are still facing death all around us. Get out of the Death Machine here, Do it now.

I call for justice. In my view, that justice requires serious investigation of ALL the wrong-doers, regardless of how elevated their seat is. And the justice due criminals against humanity is essential for the well-being of all of us. 

When I was younger, I felt that imposing the death penalty for any act whatsoever made us murderers, too. I have changed my mind. I want justice for the murderers and their accomplices and I want them executed so we, the survivors, know that we have imposed true justice and might, just might, be able to heal our scarred and brutalized hearts and go forward.

Our loved ones have been maimed and slaughtered as part of a vile Malthusian Management system at the behest of the incalculably evil would-be masters of creation. Their fate and suffering means nothing except opportunity to these monstrous beings.

And now they are working to move us forward again along the same path of destruction, telling us if we don’t have Monkey Business Pox, or Bird Brain Flu, then we have Pearls Before Swine Flu and need more jabs, more jabs, more jabs.

Our animals need more jabs. Our babies need more jabs, both before and after they are born. We need more jabs. So, it is not enough that we are already in the midst of the world’s most successful holocaust. More, more, more, they cry. Disease, Famine, Death! More, More!

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., said “We are not going to take vaccines away from anybody.” Why not? We know - he knows - from the Simpson Wood papers and Walter Thompson’s revelations, as well as from the research into health outcomes with and without vaccination, that as jabs of any sort go up, health status goes down precipitously.

He knows that vaccination practices and schedules do not conform to the requirements of the 1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation Act, in which a report on each vaccine’s safety and efficacy is due to the Congress of the US every two years and that each vaccine produced must be safter than the others. He knows perfectly well that not one such report has ever -EVER- been provided to Congress because vaccines are neither safe nor effective and injecting pus and poison makes people sick, rather than healthy. 

So why is Bobby Kennedy not taking vaccines away from people, starting, but not finishing with, the mRNA and vector DNA jabs? He’ll take fluoride way, but not the infinitely more dangerous and damaging vaccines? 

Why temporize with death, Bobby, when you know from your years of robust research and advocacy, what the actual truth is?

Why would you, when/if confirmed as head of Health and Human Services, not take the deadly bull by the syringes of its horns and actually do the single most important thing that you can do to Make America Healthy Again [Again? When, exactly, was America so healthy? But I digress.]

The syringes of death must be cancelled, driven off, interdicted, eliminated and forbidden if we are to make anyone, anywhere, safer and healthier. 

Pilots? Clearly no single pilot can ever be allowed to fly alone again until everyone who is a pilot and has been vaccinated is no longer flying.

Oh, wait! That will cut into profits. Too damn bad.

Meanwhile, I’ll drive or take the train.

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