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Hello everybody!  Here's your latest SF Burning Man Announce ... check out what's going on, and get involved!

(Event submission, subscribe and unsubscribe information at the bottom of this message, yo.)

Burn on!

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Burnal Equinox: A Flambe Lounge to Benefit Black Rock Arts

March 3rd from 8pm to 4am
At Mighty!
119 Utah St. at 15th St., San Francisco

Once a year, we stand halfway between burns, and playa energy
yearns to be expressed.  Join us March 3rd for the midpoint in
our burning year.

The first FLAMBE LOUNGE of the year is here!
Mostly indoors this time, with some art on the street. Come mark
the end of hope and fear and the start of Green Man season by
bringing your art, band, DJ skills, video/slide content, or art
car from the past or future - or mix them together!

To maximize space (for dancing) we’re especially interested in
thematic art and décor that can be hung or has a small
footprint, large art vehicles that can serve as chill spaces,
and fantastic art for inside and out.

Got art, performance, projections, or wish to volunteer? E-mail TODAY!

For info on the Burning Man 07 theme, visit:

For BRAF mission or to make a donation, go to:

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Detroit has a dream and you're a part of it!

This May the Michigan Burning Man community is working with David Best to
build The Temple of the American Dream. Burning Man artists, attendees and
supporters from all over the country have come together to realize this
dream, but we still need you.

The Detroit Dream Project brings home to the streets of Detroit the
interactive art that Burners have come to know and love on the playa. We're
partnered with Motor City Blight Busters; an amazing group that for nineteen
years has been rebuilding, revitalizing and stabilizing neighborhoods in
Detroit. With our shared vision and collective experience, this team has the
right tools to turn the Dream into Reality.

This project is a perfect opportunity for Burners everywhere to realize the
ideals that unite us, and do it in the world beyond the playa. Share your
enthusiasm (and your cash if you can spare some) by making a contribution.
We don't want to just talk a good game about reaching out and making what we
create in the remote desert a real and important part of the default world.
We're making it happen, and we need your love, your energy and your muscle!

Check us out online at:

The Black Rock Arts Foundation has jump-started us with a generous challenge
grant of up to $15,000.
We've already raised $6,000 locally and now is the time to drive it home.
Show the love now, by check or online. Every donation-of any size-is
important, appreciated and tax deductible; BRAF is a 501C(3) Non-Profit
Organization, Federal Tax Exempt ID #91-2130056.

For online donations, go to and put "Detroit Dream Project"
in section 3 (gift options) on the checkout page.

Make checks out to "Black Rock Arts Foundation" with "Detroit Dream Project"
on the notes/memo portion of the check. Then send them to Black Rock Arts
Foundation, 1900 3rd Street, First Floor, San Francisco, CA, 94158. Don't
forget the stamp!!

If cash is tight but you've got steel, we'll take it.
Vehicle parts such as hoods, springs and wheel rims?
We'll take 'em. Just have piles of steel? We'll take 'em! Email and tell us how to reach you.

One more thing! If you've got mad skillz, get to the Motor City this May and
get sweaty with us! If you're a certified welder, a certifiable nut in the
kitchen, or just a willing hand - we want you! Email

Thank you,

Cynthia "Cooky" Jones and Kurt "Zorch"
Co-regionals, Michigan Burning Man Community

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Pancake Playhouse announces it's 2nd annual ITALIAN DINNER EXTRAVAGANZA!

You're invited and tell your friends!  Seating is limited, so email Frittata to reserve a spot NOW!  Contact:  or, while tickets last, go to and purchase your spots online!
About this dinner/fundraiser
Che:  Lots and lots of yummy Italian food (this is no mere spaghetti feed!) and bottomless wine (yes, you can consider that a challenge!) 
Dove:  Frittata & Smoothie's loft in San Francisco's Dogpatch neighborhood - further details will be provided to paying guests 
Quando:  Saturday, February 24th at 7 p.m.
Perché:  Because we want to continue bringing pancakes to the playa...and that stuff ain't free! * 
Quanto costa:  $20 - a bargain!  All you can eat and drink - and fun company (trans: compagne bizzarri)!
Playa wear encouraged but not required.  See our flyer here:

*except to YOU on the playa!  :)

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Camp Klepto has been on the playa for over 6 years now, throwing great parties, playing bunnyball and organising pick-up soccer for y'all.  We are looking forward to being on the playa again 2007!

Come and get a taste of camp klepto on Friday, March 2th at Shine.

join the party > celebrating camp klepto of burningman
friday > march 2nd > 8pm
shine > 1337 mission @ 9th st > 415 255 1337

Click-link for line-up:

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For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.