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   From Acterra: Action for a Sustainable Earth


    CONTENTS ~ 01 March 2005 

    1 ~ Next Calendar Submission Deadline

    2 ~ Featured Event:  Acterra Environmental Forum

    3 ~ Keep Acterra Growing: Join/Renew or Donate to Acterra Online!
    4 ~ Acterra Needs Volunteers
    5 ~ What's in a name: EcoCalendar vs. EcoAdvocate 
    4 ~ EcoCalendar:  Upcoming events.  Also available online at:   Acterra: Community Calendar


Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul

- Edward Abbey


    ~ 1 ~  Next Calendar Submission Deadline:  The deadline to submit calendar events for the next EcoCalendar is Monday, March 21, at 3pm; note that we are skipping a week.  Please send all calendar submissions to in the appropriate format!

The appropriate format is now:

City: CITY where event takes place

Description: DESCRIPTION of event

Cost: Any COSTS for event
Location: complete address; include zip code for people looking online for directions;
include a Mapquest link, if you want, in: (map) 
Contact: name, phone, email
Presented by: group or individual
Websites: URLs for websites

Wednesday, January 8, 2005 (9:00 pm - 11:00 pm)
The Hoochy-Koochy Party
City: Palo Alto

Description: The Hoochy-Koochy Party is a once-a-year wild ride to dance and sing about sustainable lifestyles and other really fun stuff. Join us!

Cost: $25 per person.
Location: Peninsula Conservation Center, 3921 East Bayshore Road, Palo Alto 94303. (map)
Contact: For more info contact: Laura Stec, 650-962-9876 ext.346,
Presented by: Acterra: Action for a Sustainable Earth

    ~ 2 ~  Featured Event:  Acterra Environmental Forum

Wednesday,  March 9, 2005   (7:00 pm - 8:30 pm)
Green Remodeling - Facts, Case Studies, and Your Questions
City: Palo Alto
Description:  Through inspiring case studies of local homes we will introduce you to green remodeling, and three professionals will take your questions.  You will:

* Learn benefits and approaches to green remodeling

* Learn how to create a healthy home (you’ve heard that indoor pollution is greater than outdoor)

* See and touch eco-friendly building material samples

* Find out about a select list of service providers and product resources to get the job done right

* Learn how to respond to the unique qualities of your home, site, and climate

* Network with like-minded homeowners and professionals

Panelists will be –

* Willem Maas, Publisher of, a one-stop resource for hard-to-find advice, inspiration, and information about green building projects, products, and services.

* Susan Davis, co-owner and design principal of Spectrum Fine Homes, Inc., a residential remodeling firm in Mountain View. A Certified Green Building Professional, she has been remodeling homes on the Peninsula and S. Bay area for twenty years.

* Alicia Peche, interior designer and owner of Eco Design Resources, a local showroom providing beautiful environmental products for the home and family.

Cost: Free, light refreshments. Please RSVP.
Location: Peninsula Conservation Center 3921 E Bayshore Rd. in the Raptor Room  
Contact: Please RSVP. Diane Dulmage, 650-962-9876 x306,
Presented by: Acterra

    ~ 3 ~ Keep Acterra Growing: Join/Renew or Donate to Acterra Online!

Click on our budding plant to become an Acterra member, renew your Acterra membership or make a monetary contribution via our secure webpage.

    ~ 4 ~   Acterra Needs Volunteers

Have an hour or two to volunteer?  We need help with the following:

March 3rd, 4th and 7th:
Help with a Mailing
Anytime - work in the office or your own home
specifically, put on labels and stamps

Friday. April 22nd
Earth Day at Keplers
Anytime - 9am-7pm - sign up for a 1-2 hour shift
Man a table outside of Keplers, Menlo Park.  Pass out flyers encouraging people to mention Acterra at the checkout for a 5% donation per purchase

Friday, April 22nd
Prep cook for Decadent Dinner
5-8:30 pm - sign up for a 1-2 hour shift
Help chop veggies and pick cilantro for the 29th Annual Decadent Dinner

Saturday, April 23rd
Help at Decadent Dinner
Noon - 11pm - sign up for a 1-2 hour shift. Work the dinner, get in free!
Help cook, serve, cleanup or with registration.

Contact: Laura Stec, Membership, Acterra: Action for a Sustainable Earth
650-962-9876 x346,,

    ~ 5 ~ What's in a name: EcoCalendar vs. EcoAdvocate In an effort to uncomplicate our ever-more-complicated world (or at least Acterra's small part in that world) we have formally changed the name of the e-mailed calendar from EcoAdvocate to EcoCalendar. Acterra's print newsletter that is mailed out 3x a year will keep the name EcoAdvocate. The EcoAdvocate, filled with timely, interesting articles, and Acterra updates, is mailed to all members of Acterra at the $35 membership level and above. If you would like to have the EcoAdvocate mailed to you, please contact membership and join Acterra today!

    ~ 6 ~  EcoCalendar:  Upcoming events.  Also available online at:   Acterra: Community Calendar

Saturdays,  February 26 through May 21, 2005   (2:00 pm - 5:00 pm)

San Mateo County Master Composting Certification Course

City: San Mateo

Description: Learn detailed, state of the art information about composting,  vermicomposting, and soil ecology in a relaxed, hands-on setting. Includes general organic gardening principles.  This is a twelve session course, not individual classes.  Registration will close after the second class.

Cost: FREE TO SAN MATEO COUNTY RESIDENTS in exchange for volunteer service

Location: College of San Mateo, Building 20, room 101, 1700 West Hillsdale Blvd.  San Mateo, Ca  94402  (map)

Contact: For registration or more info: Jacqueline Rosine, (650) 599-1498,
Presented by: San Mateo County RecycleWorks,
Websites: RecycleWorks Master Composter Program

Wednesday,  March 2, 2005   (4:00 pm - 6:30 pm) 
Groceries from the Garden 
City: San Francisco 
Description:  Try out some kid-friendly recipes that use the food from your garden. These activities illustrate sustainable agriculture practices and advantages of locally grown food. 

Cost: $10 
Location: Alice Fong Yu Elementary School  
Contact: Jane Wardani, (510) 231-9430, 
Presented by: The Watershed Project 

Thursday,  March 3, 2005   (8:00 am - 7:30 pm) 
Conference: Effective and Efficient use of Our Resources 
City: Foster City, CA 
Description:  We can be leaders in environmental health and safety (EHS) while enhancing the bottom line. PIBA's 2005 Annual Conference addresses these challenges, with one track focused on effective regulatory compliance, and the other on the efficient use of resources to maintain a vigorous bottom line. Key-note speakers include Dr. Friedrich Schmidt-Bleek, Terry Tamminen, Honorable Bill Lockyer and Ed Begely Jr. 

Cost: $50-$400 depending on business and membership status - please visit 
Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ball Room  
Contact: Kathleen Podrasky, 650-965-2436, 
Presented by: The Pacific Industrial and Business Association, a 501(c)3, non profit 

Thursday,  March 3, 2005   (7:00 pm - 9:00 pm) 
Cascadia Cob, the Healthiest Housing in the World 
City: Berkeley 
Description:  Join us for a slideshow presentation about building houses and other structures from earth, using a technique called 'cob'. Also called monolithic adobe, cob is made from a combination of sand, clay, water, and straw, and is mixed by foot, and molded by hand. There are thousands of cob houses on every continent that were built hundreds of years ago, and are still standing to this day. The advantages to cob building are: you can build one by yourself for cheap; it's healthy for the earth, and healthy for humans; and best of all, you can sculpt the house into beautiful, funky shapes! And cob isn't only for people living out in the country -- all across the West Coast, people are reclaiming their urban spaces to create community-oriented places -- out of earth!

Presenter David Sheen has been building structures from earth in the U.S., Canada, and Israel since 2001. He has apprenticed at the North American School of Natural Building with Ianto Evans, Linda Smiley, and Michael Smith, the pioneers of 20th century cob and authors of The Hand-Sculpted House. Currently, David is teaching cob building in the Bay Area and working to revitalize West Oakland with ecological and artistic place-making projects. Co-sponsored by Post Carbon Institute. (A hands-on cob workshop follows on Saturday, March 5.) 

Cost: Free 
Location: Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo Ave, near Dwight Way,  
Contact: David Sheen, 
Presented by: Ecology Center 

Thursday,  March 3, 2005   (7:30 pm - 9:30 pm) 
Multiple Dates: Every Thursday Until May 19th 
Exploring the Cultural Elements in Experiential Mentoring with Jon Young 
City: Menlo Park 
Description:  A multi-part presentation series on creating a mentoring culture that is based on time tested patterns from traditional societies around the world. 

Jon Young has spent over 20 years mentoring and has done extensive research on the commonalities of native cultures worldwide. Through this process he identified a series of repeated patterns that he has come to describe as the 36 Cultural Elements. Each element is intentionally designed to produce aware and contributing community members who have an intimate relationship with the land as a common ‘by-product’ of everyday living. 
Many of the stories and examples will come from the natural world, though most of these elements are universal and can be applied to a variety of situations, especially when utilized by a creative mentor. Therefore, we encourage naturalists, teachers, coaches, parents, and community-minded citizens to join us. Those who have long-term relationships with their students and are interested in creating a dynamic framework through which they may learn and grow will find this series especially interesting. 

This is a 25-night event that will run as a special performance and informational lecture series on Thursday nights. Most nights will feature live music, storytelling, creative arts performances, or artwork and displays to open up the evening. Audience participation will be encouraged and we invite you to propose a performance of your own. You can come to one, many or all of the talks as is convenient for you. 

Cost: $20/class or $90/five classes 
Location: 3455 Edison Way 
Menlo Park, CA 94025   
Contact: Jeremy Hartje, (650) 298-3405, 
Presented by: Riekes Center Nature Studies Department 

Friday,  March 4, 2005   (7:00 pm - 9:00 pm) 
6th Annual Seed Swap 
City: Berkeley 
Description:  Seeds! Music! Food! Gardeners! Bring and get locally saved seeds. Come be a part of the Bay Area Seed Interchange Library (BASIL) seed swap! This is a great way to meet other local gardeners and trade seed. There will be free seed giveaways to get you started, along with a short introductory talk on seed saving. Bring seed, envelopes and pens or just show up with a commitment to bring seed back to the Interchange Library. Our seed library is part of a growing network of concerned farmers and community gardeners dedicated to conserving genetic diversity of our planet's seed stock. We have created a library of healthy vegetable, herb, and flower seeds that are being made available free to the public. We are a dynamic group that needs your support and involvement! 

Cost: Free 
Location: Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo Ave, near Dwight Way, Berkeley.  
Contact: Beck Cowles, 510-548-2220 x233., 
Presented by: The Ecology Center 

Saturday,  March 5, 2005   (8:00 am - 1:00 pm) 
Multiple Dates: Saturday March 5th & 12th 
Bird Language and Awareness Workshop 
City: Redwood City 
Description:  How is it that the cougar, the bear, and the coyote can live so close to us, yet never be seen? Similarly, how is it that the native scout or hunter can move silently through the forest without being detected? It is no coincidence that they all have one thing in common: they understand the language of the birds. Through exciting stories, examples, and field time, naturalist and tracker Jon Young explains the hidden worlds of nature that await your discovery and unlocks the secrets to learning the language of the forest. Experience how animal language provides a system to gauge the impact of our presence on the landscape and learn techniques that will help you blend into nature. This workshop incorporates tracking, mapping, botany, bird behavior, ecology, wild animal observation and sensory awareness techniques. 

Cost: $50/day 
Location: Call for detailed directions   
Contact: Jeremy Hartje, (650) 298-3405, 
Presented by: Riekes Center Nature Studies Department 

Saturday,  March 5, 2005   (8:30 am - 10:30 am) 
Multiple Dates: Saturday, March 5th, March 19th 
Bird Banding Demonstrations with SFBBO 
City: Miplitas/McCarthy Ranch area 
Description:  See conservation science in action in the south San Francisco Bay Area! Come visit the longest, continuously running bird banding station on the west coast. Learn about the process of bird banding and explore a restored riparian habitat. Find out how bird banding impacts conservation science, and what they can tell us about our community. If all goes as planned, visitors will see live birds after they have been banded. Most suitable for ages 7 and up. RSVP's required. Great for scout groups. 

Cost: Free 
Location: Meeting place in west Miplitas/McCarthy Ranch area. Meet in Borders Bookstore PARKING LOT in McCarthy Ranch. Reservations are Required, and more details are provided upon RSVP.  
Contact: Laura Weiss, 408-946-6548, 
Presented by: San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory 

Saturday,  March 5, 2005   (9:30 am - 11:30 am) 
Does Money Really Grow on Trees?: The Economic and Social Benefits of the Urban Forest 
City: Palo Alto 
Description:  Ever wonder why tax dollars are spent on trees? Did you know that having trees on your property and along your street can increase your home’s value by as much as 6%? Or that most consumers report a preference to shop in stores surrounded by trees and will pay higher prices for goods at those stores? 

Kathy Wolf, Ph.D, Research Social Scientist at the College of Forest Resources at the University of Washington, a leading researcher and lecturer in her field, has dedicated her work to the human dimensions of urban forestry and urban ecosystems. In addition, she is interested in the integration of scientific information in policy and planning. Dr. Wolf has worked professionally as a landscape architect and as an environmental planner. In addition, she is interested in the integration of scientific information in policy and planning. Her studies have shown the positive impact that trees have on urban shopping districts, transportation corridors and residential zones. She also addresses the positive impacts of trees on human health and well-being. 

Seating is limited, so reserve your seat today by calling Canopy at 650-964-6110 or emailing us at 

Cost: Free! 
Location: Palo Alto Art Center Auditorium; 1313 Newell Road  
Contact: Jana Dilley, 650-964-6110, 
Presented by: Canopy: Trees for Palo Alto 

Saturday,  March 5, 2005   (10:00 am - 4:00 pm) 
Hands-on Cob Workshop 
City: To be announced. 
Description:  Come get your hands dirty and learn about building houses and other structures from earth, using a technique called 'cob'. Also called monolithic adobe, cob is made from a combination of sand, clay, water, and straw, and is mixed by foot, and molded by hand. Workshop presenter David Sheen has been building structures from earth in the U.S., Canada, and Israel since 2001. He has apprenticed at the North American School of Natural Building with Ianto Evans, Linda Smiley, and Michael Smith, the pioneers of 20th century cob and authors of The Hand-Sculpted House. Currently, David is teaching cob building in the Bay Area and working to revitalize West Oakland with ecological and artistic place-making projects. Co-sponsored by Post Carbon Institute. Call to pre-register and for location. 

Cost: $30 general, $20 Ecology Center members. 
Location: To be announced.  
Contact: Beck Cowles, 510-548-2220 x233., 
Presented by: The Ecology Center 

Saturday,  March 5, 2005   (10:30 am - 12:30 pm) 
Blueberries and Raspberries   
City: Palo Alto 
Description:  Nancy Garrison will share her vast knowledge on growing blueberries locally and her growing experience with growing raspberries based on her research conducted with the University of California Cooperative Extension in Santa Clara County and in her home garden. She will also cover soil preparation, planting, selecting the best varieties, pruning, fertilizing and tips for success. 

Nancy has coordinated the Master Gardener Program in Santa Clara County since 1982. She grows 80 varieties of fruit on her 1/4-acre urban farm in San Jose. 

Common Ground Organic Garden Supply and Education Center. 559 College Avenue * Palo Alto, CA * 94306 
ph: (650) 493-6072 

Cost: $21 
Location: Common Ground Organic Garden Supply and Education Center 
559 College Avenue * Palo Alto, CA * 94306
Contact: Patricia Becker, (650) 493-6072, 
Presented by: Common Ground Organic Garden Supply and Education Center 

Sunday,  March 6, 2005   (2:00 pm - 4:00 pm) 
Meat Market: Animals, Ethics, and Money 
City: San Francisco 
Description:  Erik Marcus, author of Vegan: the New Ethics of Eating, is one of America’s leading writers about animal agriculture. He is also the publisher of, a popular website devoted to animal protection and the vegan lifestyle. A highly regarded public speaker, Mr. Marcus lives in the Boston area. 

Please join Erik Marcus for this special Bay Area appearance as he talks about his newest book: 

Meat Market: Animals, Ethics, and Money 

Every generation, a book comes along that reshapes society’s attitudes toward food. Meat Market is such a book, and it offers the most compelling critique of animal agriculture yet set to print. In his talk, Erik Marcus looks at the history of animal agriculture, and charts the decline of its ethical standards. Despite the worsening plight of animals, Erik’s message is hopeful and optimistic. He offers ideas and strategies to combat cruelty that can be embraced by meat-lovers and activists alike. He also shows how easy it is to fill your diet with delicious, healthy, and humanely produced foods. 

Cost: Free 
Location: 1665 Haight Street (at the corner of Cole) at the Red Victorian Peace Center. 

More information on location, public transit, etc.:   
Presented by: Bay Area Vegetarians 

Monday,  March 7, 2005   (8:30 am - 5:00 pm) 
Multiple Dates: thru March 12, 2005 
Get out of the fog: GO SOLAR!!   
City: San Francisco, CA 
Description:  Participants in the PV Design & Installation workshop learn how to use PV (photovoltaic) technology to produce their own electricity from the sun through practical design and installation of PV systems. Participants learn system sizing, site analysis, hardware specification and component selection. The workshop covers typical applications and case study examples. Install an operational system in the field and learn the proper use of tools and safety precautions. This workshop is for the beginner who wants to use PV or for those seeking employment in the solar industry. 

Cost: $600 
Location: Pacific Energy Center. 851 Howard St.  (map) 
Contact: Rachel Ware, (970) 963-8855, 
Presented by: Solar Energy International, GRID Alternatives 

Monday,  March 7, 2005   (7:30 pm - 9:30 pm) 
Multiple Dates: Mondays thru March 21 
Monday Night Movies 
City: Palo Alto 
Description:  A weekly series of acclaimed documentaries to educate, raise awareness, and inspire us to take action for a better and sustainable world for all. 
See for full descriptions. 
Mar 7: Velorution: One City's Solution to the Automobile: how the city of Havana changed in response to the loss of its oil supply. 
Also on March 7: Greening of Cuba: in 1990, Cuba embarked on the largest conversion to organic farming ever attempted. 
Mar 14: About Baghdad: documents the effects that decades of oppression, war, sanctions and occupation have had on Baghdad. 
Mar 21: Friendship Village: An award-winning documentary about an international group of veterans who are building a village in Viet Nam for children with Agent Orange-related disabilities. 

Cost: Suggested donation: $5 to $10 (no one turned away for lack of $$) 
Location: Unitarian Hall 
505 E. Charleston, Palo Alto   
Contact: Peace Umbrella of Palo Alto Unitarian Universalist Church, Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, (650) 326-8837 
Presented by: Peace Umbrella of Palo Alto Unitarian Universalist Church, Peninsula Peace and Justice Center 

Wednesday,  March 9, 2005   (6:00 pm - 7:30 pm) 
A Talk about the Wild Side - the Flora and Fauna of the Guadalupe River Park 
City: San Jose 
Description:  Instructor: H.T. Harvey & Associates 

Salmon, kingfishers and coyote brush. The Guadalupe River Park is home to several species of plants and animals, which the biologists at H.T. Harvey & Associates are well equipped to share with us. Additionally, they will talk about some of the unique ways that many of the newly installed plants along the river were grown. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with your wild side! 

Cost: Free! 
Location: Guadalupe Garden Center 
715 Spring Street 
San Jose, CA 95110 
Phone: 408-298-7657   
Contact: Kary Wilson, 408-298-7657, 
Presented by: Freinds of Guadalupe River Park & Gardens 

Wednesday,  March 9, 2005   (6:30 pm - 9:00 pm) 
"Oil on Ice"   The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in the Balance
City: Cupertino 
Description:  "Oil on Ice" is a one-hour documentary on Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The film tells the story of the native Gwich'in people, the wildlife, and the controversy over drilling for oil. The Refuge is an American treasure, a wilderness home of countless birds, musk oxen, polar bears, grizzly bears, and the summer calving ground of 130,000 caribou. Ultimately, Oil on Ice reveals how the fate of the refuge is inextricably linked to decisions our nation makes about energy policy, transportation choices, and other seemingly unrelated matters, while the culture and sustenance of the native people and the survival of migratory wildlife are caught in the balance.  Because the film examines both the consequences of oil drilling and alternative solutions to our energy needs, it tells the viewer, "Don't be misinformed."

Cost: Free 
Location: Quinlan Community Center 
10185 North Stelling Road (one block north of Stevens Creek Boulevard),  Cupertino CA   
Contact: Melissa Hippard,, 650-390-8414
Presented by: Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society and Loma Prieta Chapter of Sierra Club 

Wednesday,  March 9, 2005   (7:00 pm - 8:30 pm) 
Green Remodeling - Facts, Case Studies, and Your Questions 
City: Palo Alto 
Description:  Description: through inspiring case studies of local homes we will introduce you to green remodeling, and three professionals will take your questions. 

* benefits and approaches to green remodeling 

* create a healthy environment (you’ve heard that indoor pollution is greater than outdoor) 

* see and touch eco-friendly building material samples 

* learn about a select list of service providers and product resources to get the job done right 

* respond to the unique qualities of your home, site, and climate 

* network with like-minded homeowners and professionals 

Panelists will be – 

* Willem Maas, Publisher of, a one-stop resource for hard-to-find advice, inspiration, and information about green building projects, products, and services. 

* Susan Davis, co-owner and design principal of Spectrum Fine Homes, Inc., a residential remodeling firm in Mountain View. A Certified Green Building Professional, she has been remodeling homes on the Peninsula and S. Bay area for twenty years. 

* Alicia Peche, interior designer and owner of Eco Design Resources, a local showroom providing beautiful environmental products for the home and family. 

Cost: Free, light refreshments. Please RSVP. 
Location: Peninsula Conservation Center 3921 E Bayshore Rd. in the Raptor Room   
Contact: Please RSVP. Diane Dulmage, 650-962-9876 x306, 
Presented by: Acterra 

Wednesday,  March 9, 2005   (7:30 pm - 9:30 pm) 
Premiere- The 9-11 News Special 
City: Menlo Park 
Description:  Premiere screening of "The 9-11 News Special You Never Saw- The Great Conspiracy" followed by dialogues with producer, Barrie Zwicker; author of “9-11 Synthetic Terror: Made in the USA,” Webster G. Tarpley; Director of Project Censored, Peter Phillips; and Michael Kane, musician, investigative reporter, the press, and the public. 
Barrie Zwicker was the first mainstream television journalist to deeply examine the official 9-11 story; he was director of the Toronto International Citizens’ Inquiry into 9-11. In the documentary, Zwicker analyzes the use of fear to unnerve the public, and deconstructs the so-called “war on terror.” He examines in depth the failure of the military on 9/11, and George Bush’s highly inappropriate behavior on that day. He finds the 9/11 Commission Report to be a cover-up operation. Throughout the film, he analyzes the role of mainstream media in keeping the public misinformed. 

The events are benefits for the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance 866-268-2320 
Co-Sponsors include- Veterans for Peace- Chapter 69, American Legion Post 315,,,, Project Censored, KPFA, Pacifica Radio, Kepler's Books, Black Oak Books, Cody's Bookstore, City Lights Bookstore, Valencia Street Bookstore, Modern Times Books, The Raging Grannies 

Cost: $10 
Location: Guild Theatre, 949 El Camino Real in Menlo Park  (map) 
Contact: Carol Brouillet, 650-857-0927, 
Presented by: Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance 

Friday,  March 11, 2005   (3:30 pm - 5:00 pm) 
Plant a Pizza - After-school Workshop 
City: San Jose 
Description:  What makes pizza taste so good? Freshly grown ingredients, of course! Come learn about where your food comes from. We'll be planting tomatoes, basil, wheat and other yummy pizza ingredients. Plus, you'll make your very own seed germinator to take home so you can watch different seeds grow from the bottom up! Mmmmm… 

Cost: $5.00 per child 
Location: Guadalupe Garden Center 
715 Spring Street 
San Jose, CA 95110   
Contact: Kary Wilson, 408-298-7657, 
Presented by: Friends of Guadalupe River Park & Gardens 

Friday,  March 11, 2005   (9:00 am - 5:00 pm) 
Transforming Our Communities: An Inclusive Approach to Environmental Justice 
City: Berkeley 
Description:  In a forum of open dialogue and inclusive discussion, scholars, policy makers, activists, community organizers and environmental lawyers will convene to discuss their work in a wide range of areas, from the setting of environmental policy to grass roots, community-based struggles against the unequal siting of major public health risks. The day-long forum will also serve as a brainstorming session for effective strategies in pursuit of true environmental justice. 

Cost: Free 
Location: Boalt Hall School of Law, UC Berkeley (Bancroft and Piedmont streets)   
Contact: Caitlin Sislin, 
Presented by: Environmental Law Society, Boalt Hall 

Saturday,  March 12, 2005   (9:00 am - 4:00 am) 
Multiple Dates: Sat. March 12 & 19, 2005 
Kids in Gardens workshop for educators 
City: San Mateo & Atherton 
Description:  Join the Watershed Project for this two-day workshop that will help you gather the tools to build and integrate a garden into your school. Learn basic gardening concepts and techniques, and how to create and sustain a school garden program. Presentations, demonstrations and activities train participants to propagate plants, improve their soil, eliminate pests without harmful chemicals, reduce waste, conserve water, and create wildlife habitat! 

Participants receive: 

- 2 days of fast-paced, hands-on training—academic credit is available through Cal State Hayward. 

- A Kids in Gardens binder-- over 500 pages of activities, background information, and up-to-date resources. Activities are correlated to California State Content Standards. 

-$150 stipends are available for educators who complete a follow up project. 

-Take home plants, seeds, worm composting bins, and more. 

-Grant information specific to getting your garden project funded. 

To register: Please call or email Claire at Watershed Project 
Phone: (510) 231-5706 

Cost: $25 
Location: Day 1: Coyote Point Museum, San Mateo - Day 2: Encinal School, Atherton   
Contact: Claire Beyer, 510-231-5706, 
Presented by: The Watershed Project 

Saturday,  March 12, 2005   (10:00 am - 2:00 pm) 
Green Building 101 
City: Berkeley 
Description:  Learn about healthier building materials, and how to lower your utility bills, reduce home maintenance, and minimize remodeling construction waste. Greg VanMechelen, Architect, will present ways to incorporate green building materials and methods into your home remodeling and improvement projects. Call to register. 

Cost: $10 EC members, $15 general, no one turned away for lack of funds. 
Location: Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo Ave, near Dwight Way, Berkeley.   
Contact: Beck Cowles, 510-548-2220 x233, 
Presented by: The Ecology Center 

Saturday,  March 12, 2005   (10:00 am - 11:00 am) 
Book Talk: The Olive in California - History of an Immigrant Tree 
City: San Jose 
Description:  Author: Judith Taylor 

For olive lovers and historians alike! The olive has traveled from the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean to an agricultural industry in California that includes hundreds of growers, canners and oil makers. Join Judith as she talks about the history of the olive and how it developed into a signature crop in California. Judith will have some copies of her book available for sale. 

Cost: $5.00 per person 
Location: Guadalupe Garden Center 
715 Spring Street 
San Jose, CA 95110 
Phone: 408-298-7657   
Contact: Kary Wilson, 408-298-7657, 
Presented by: Friends of Guadalupe River Park & Gardens 

Saturday,  March 12, 2005   (5:00 pm - 8:00 pm) 
Bowl the Planet Fundraiser 
City: Daly City 
Description:  Help save rainforests and coral reefs at the Eleventh Annual Bowl-The-Planet, Saturday, March 12 at Serra Bowl, Daly City. A $15 pre-registration fee or $25 at the door provides food, rock & roll and Glow-Bowling from 5pm – 8pm. Bumper bowling for kids. This one-day pledge event raises funds for the nonprofit Center for Ecosystem Survival. 

Cost: $15 per person pre-registration, $25 at the door, FREE for groups of 5 or more 
Location: Serra Bowl, 3301 Junipero Serra Blvd, Daly City 94014  (map) 
Contact: Van Chu, 415.648.3392, 
Presented by: Center for Ecosystem Survival 

Saturday, March12, 2005 

City: Palo Alto


GROW BIOINTENSIVE  on March 12, 2005
Seed Propagation and Transplanting with Demonstration Watering needs, Slide show of backyard gardens, Vegetable & Herb studies
GROW BIOINTENSIVE  on April 2, 2005
Soil & Composting with Demonstration. Additional Fertilizers or Amendments & Building a Compost Sifter
GROW BIOINTENSIVE  on April 23, 2005
Nurturing Your Garden for Bountiful Harvests, Insect Identification, Plant Indicators, Nitrogen, & Seed Saving 

For more information on class descriptions and registration, see  Events and Classes at Common Ground in Palo Alto.

Cost: Varies depending on event.  Please pre-register.

Location: Common Ground Organic Garden Supply and Education Center, 559 College Avenue, Palo Alto, CA  94306   (map)

Contact: Patricia Becker, (650) 493-6072,

Presented by: Common Ground Organic Garden Supply and Education Center

Websites: Common Ground Garden Supply and Education Center

Sunday,  March 13, 2005   (10:00 am - 5:30 pm)
Deepening Our Earth Connections  

City: Palo Alto

Description:  Deepening our experience of interconnectedness with all life is essential to our survival. During this day, we will play with trees, stones, mountains, and rivers, deepening our sense of belonging on this earth. We will develop our sense of connectedness with the four elements of water, earth, air, and fire, the four directions, and the spirits of nature. We will use shamanic journeying, meditation, and ceremony as our primary tools. We will learn practices we can continue to use in our lives, forging sacred, reciprocal relationships that nurture all beings. Facilitated by Meg Beeler.

Cost:   $90, registration required: call the Foundation for Global Community, 650-328-7756.

Location: Foundation for Global Community, 222 High Street, Palo Alto.  (map)

Contact: Meg Beeler, 650-328-4347,
Presented by: Foundation for Global Community
Websites: Earth Caretakers,  Foundation for Global Community

Tuesday,  March 15, 2005   (6:30 pm - 8:00 pm) 
Multiple Dates: Tuesdays, through May 10 
Course: Choices for Sustainable Living 
City: Berkeley 
Description:  Choices for Sustainable Living is a course developed by the Northwest Earth Institute with the aim of motivating individuals to examine and transform personal values and habits, to accept responsibility for the earth, and to act on that commitment. In this 9-week discussion course, we will explore sustainability at societal, community, and individual levels. We'll exchange ideas on readings from many leading thinkers, including Paul Hawken, William McDonough, Lester Brown, and Donella Meadows. Please join us in discussing topics ranging from ecological principles and definitions of sustainability to food, sustainable buying, and business and the economy. 
Class is held off-site; PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED. 

Cost: Free 
Location: Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo Ave, near Dwight Way, Berkeley.   
Contact: Beck Cowles, 510-548-2220 x233, 
Presented by: The Ecology Center 

Saturday,  March 19, 2005   (9:00 am - 5:00 pm) 
Grassroots Action & Candidate Endorsement Workshop 
City: Palo Alto, CA 
Description:  Do you want to make a difference and yearn to do more than just write a check to a worthy cause? If so, then come to the Sierra Club Loma Prieta chapter's Grassroot Action & Candidate Endorsement Workshop on Saturday, March 19, 2005. 
You will learn how to research candidates' backgrounds, evaluation their environmental records, conduct endorsement interviews, provide campaign support, and how to lobby local elected officials. 
Chapter level political committees play a key role in the election of local officials by educating candidates on environmental issues and endorsing those candidates committed to writing and supporting environmentally friendly legislation and local policies and programs. 
Over 80% of the candidates we endorsed for the November 2004 election won their races. In the past decade over 70% of candidates endorsed by the chapter have been elected. The Loma Prieta political committee political endorsement process is respected by Sierra Club officials as a model for future endorsement campaigns. 
Urgent: We need volunteers who reside in many peninsula and south bay cities, and a special request for those living in southern Santa Clara County, San Benito County and coastal areas of San Mateo County. . In addition, there is a special election in June 2005 in San Jose to fill the District 7 seat, recently vacated by Terry Gregory. We welcome all members who live in San Jose, especially those who live in District 7, to help us in this special election endorsement interview process. 
2005 City Council races include Cupertino, Gilroy, Los Altos, Palo Alto, Sunnyvale, Belmont, Millbrae, Burlingame, South San Francisco, Redwood City, San Mateo and many other Cities as well Open space and Water Boards. If you live in any of these cities then we could really use your help and your perspective of incumbents. 

Cost: Free 
Location: Peninsula Conservation Center (PCC) 
3921 Old Bayshore Rd. 
Palo Alto   
Contact: Ann Schneider,, 650-962-0404 -OR- Jon Silver,, 650-492-0114, 650-962-0404, 
Presented by: Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter 

Saturday,  March 19, 2005   (9:30 am - 12:00 pm) 
We're Egg-static! 
City: San Jose 
Description:  Ages: All ages! 

Experience the colors of nature! We will be boiling up cabbage, onion skins and other non-toxic materials to make natural dyes for you to create beautiful Easter eggs. Bring your own boiled, white-shelled eggs - in a cooler or other container to keep them from spoiling. 

Cost: $5.00 per child 
Location: Guadalupe Garden Center 
715 Spring Street 
San Jose, CA 95110   
Contact: Kary Wilson, 408-298-7657, 
Presented by: Friends of Guadalupe River Park & Gardens 

Saturday,  March 19, 2005   (10:00 am - 1:00 pm) 
Seed Saving for Gardeners 
City: Berkeley 
Description:  Learn the basics of saving seed from your own favorite garden vegetables. This important part of the gardening cycle is being reclaimed by those who want to preserve heirloom varieties, adapt crops to unique growing environments and empower ourselves with alternatives to relying on an increasingly consolidated seed market. Learn techniques for preserving varietal purity, selecting the best seed, collecting, cleaning, and storing your own seed. Tour the BASIL seed library at the Ecology Center. Taught by Terri Compost, a local community gardener and board member of the Bay Area Seed Interchange Library (BASIL). 

Cost: $10 EC members, $15 general, no one turned away for lack of funds. 
Location: Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo Ave, near Dwight Way, Berkeley.   
Contact: Beck Cowles, 510-548-2220 x233, 
Presented by: The Ecology Center 

Saturday,  March 19, 2005   (10:30 am - 3:30 pm) 
EcoCareer Day for High School Youth   
City: San Francisco 
Description:  Through hands-on WORKSHOPS and by meeting professionals in the field, learn about the wide range of ENVIRONMENTAL career opportunities available in the URBAN and NATURAL environments. Get a jump start on SUMMER educational, VOLUNTEER, and JOB opportunities at the resource fair with dozens of local organizations. 

FREE event includes lunch and giveaways 
Registration required. For directions and a registration from go to 

Cost: FREE 
Location: Crissy Field Center. 603 Mason St at Halleck, Presidio 
Muni Lines 28,29,30,43, 45 for map and directions 
Contact: Michele Gee, 415.561.7751, 
Presented by: Crissy Field Center, in collaboration with Headlands Institute, Urban Watershed Project, & Home Away from Homelessness 

Sunday,  March 20, 2005   (2:00 pm - sunri am) 
Spring Equinox Celebration 
City: San Jose 
Description:  Hike during the day, and take part in a fire ceremony in the evening. Camp at the park, and observe the sunrise on the spring equinox from the Avenue of the Sun, a grove of ancient trees planted oveer 500 years ago to observe the changing seasons. 

Cost: $35 
Location: Joseph Grant Park at the foot of Mt. Hamilton 
18405 Mt. Hamilton Road, San Jose, 95140   
Contact: Ginny Anderson, 650-323-4494, 
Presented by: Circling the Bay 

Thursday,  March 24, 2005   (7:00 pm - 9:00 pm) 
Film: The Future of Food   
City: Berkeley 
Description:  An in-depth investigation into the disturbing truth behind the genetically engineered foods that have quietly filled the U.S. grocery store shelves for the past decade. The film examines the complex web of market and political forces that are changing what we eat and explores alternatives to large-scale industrial agriculture, placing organic and sustainable agriculture as the real solutions to the farm crisis today. 

Cost: Free 
Location: Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo Ave, near Dwight Way, Berkeley.
Contact: Beck Cowles, 510-548-2220 x233, 
Presented by: Ecology Center 

Thursdays through Sundays until Sunday, June 12, 2005   (Noon - 4:00 pm)
Exhibit: Wallace Stegner: Throwing a Long Shadow

City: Los Altos

Description:  An in-depth overview of the internationally respected author, teacher,
and environmental advocate. 

Cost: Free

Location: Los Altos History Museum, 51 S. San Antonio Rd, Los Altos.  (map)

Contact: Madelyn Crawford, Museum Director 650-948-9427, x10,

Presented by: The Los Altos History Museum
Websites: Los Altos History Museum


Acterra: Action for a Sustainable Earth (formerly Bay Area Action + Peninsula Conservation Center Foundation) is a nonprofit environmental organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our programs protect and restore our local environment through engaging people in restoration opportunities, educating the community, and developing environmental leaders.   |  |  tel: 650 962-9876

Acterra  |  3921 East Bayshore Rd  |  Palo Alto CA 94303


EcoCalendar Email Edition is edited by the staff and volunteers of Acterra.


Copyright 2004-2005 Acterra. Permission is granted to repost or redistribute this newsletter in its entirety, including all contact info (but don't spam anyone!), only for not-for-profit educational purposes.


We never sell or trade your personal information, including your email address. For details see our privacy policy on our website.


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For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.