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JTH JVH actions of 2023 Jan Feb Mar contributed to the death of my mother Apr 6 2019 James Thomas Hanford, a.k.a. Julian Victor Hernandez 

My mother passed Apr 6 2019 after 10 days of ER ICU critical care for 
Bilateral pulmonary embolism due to 
Blood clots in her legs suspected to be from sedentary, laying in bed for three months without getting up into wheelchair.
Her only sitting that season was 15 or 20 minutes for a daily bath. 

Ray was desperate to get out of J’s house
Ray begged my mom to come live with her
His language was assumptive, saying he was going to move into the corner bedroom
He was literally dead, set on moving in

Alternately Ray would pester my mother’s friend from the genealogy center to go move in with her on Stow Ln., Menlo Park

Alternately Ray asked My uncle Doug, my father’s brother, if he could move in with him back east

Ray was desperate, scared, depressed and lifeless. 

Mom died April 6 2019 Ray Died June 12 2019
In JTH living room. 
My Brother Tom Stated Rays “suicide note” was not written in Rays words. 

J TH stole all of my important paperwork, credit cards, drivers license bank cards AAA cards when he put me in Jail. 
I lost Rays “suicide note” death, CERTs 
Moms death CERT 
I lost all of my financial paperwork 
I lost everything

Coroner declared raise renal failure and presence of aspirin. 

Raise room post, death was littered with 50 Budweiser, beer, cans, mini THC, vape and cartridges.

JTH roommate Victor Black VB drank Budweiser alum cans daily. VB had full case and multiple empty cases plus empty bags full of empty bud cans throughout the kitchen garage at up store attic storage room. ATt 100’F 

Tom stated he never saw Ray drink.
Tom stated he never saw beer cans in Ray’s room before his death.
Tom did see the 50 beer cans and raise room after death.
Tom visited Ray frequently perhaps weekly or several times a month perhaps some years monthly or less

The documentation I have via photographs and emails specifically wide and varied aspects of GTH fraudulent manipulation of
Law lawyers
Social workers
County agents
Financial institutions
SSI SSDI Cal fresh snap food stamps IHHS

JTH Is a pathological, liar, gaslighting manipulative dominant man.

Psychopath and sociopath both apply

The words within his sentences, and the structure of JTH sentences are intentionally contrived to 
Convey victimhood, senior, L of physical and mental health

Which are often to prove by factual events

JVH claimed in court when sued by Stefanini that he was impotent, unable to gain an erection due to genital dysfunction, caused by a weightlifting accident, where he lost oxygen to his brain due to a bench pressing accident in his Menlo Park house.

The woman he impregnated on the East Coast sued him for $20,000 for child support

I still have iPhone photos of letterhead from JT lawyer of $20,000 settlement of baby mama approximately in the Carolinas or Virginia’s? Maybe Appalachian Tennessee Arkansas

As well as documentation of JTH complaining about the company, his baby mama keeps with questionable characters involved in illicitdrug consumption and activity. 

I also had photographic evidence of his demand to his baby mama to vaccinate his daughter for HPV Gardasil.  vaccine

I had many scores of photographs documenting a wide variety of JTH fraud
Though I lost much of that documentation and photographs, when

JTH stole my iPhone 6S+ and my four MacBook Pro laptops. 

I also had photographs of J’s laser printed emails to and from his SSF lawyer, conspiring frame me
For attacking GTH, where in
GTH, SSF, lawyer airport Blvd., Burlingame
Instructed J that he could get me out of the house in three days via expedited eviction if I were to stalk or attack JTH 

Indeed, JTH  did cause me to be served me with a short term restraining order at Booking in jail followed by a one year 100 Yard restraining order served later in jail

I was served with a restraining order at booking in jail. 
This may tend to indicate JTH manipulation in his fraudulent role of victim testimony 

          JTH    RAISED.   RAYS.  RENT
JTH raised raised Rays rent to unaffordable levels 2019
Causing Ray to come to my mothers house most every day for three months for up to 10 hours per day sitting sulking moping depressed in a chair at the foot of her hospital bed as she was bedbound from 2014 - 2019 until she passed. 

My aunt and uncles may still have these emails from that time Period. I should too. 

Due to RayS constant endless daily visits, my mother lost her appetite and control of her bowels. Jan Feb Mar 23
She no longer willing to get up for her daily. Hoyer lift to wheelchair our or two of arm and leg exercises while watering the garden outside or watching TV. Netflix Comcast cable.

Daily she would suggest activities to Ray in response to his depression but
Raywood daily expressed that he can’t as he is too depressed, does not have the energy.
She would suggest
Bicycle Photography, frisbee, hikes, Sierra club 
Sierra singles beating groups, help mentoring computer, being tutoring students 

Ray was zombie like depressed. Slow in motion and speech.
Shuffled around the house, like a ward in an institution  
Ray Was in fact, institutionalized on 5150 Which extended to a 14 day hold. 
So I  drove up to San Francisco to Spring him out   From Psych Ward. 

Part of the reason that I mention my relatives have or had these emails
HIPPA for whom? Both deceased. 
My aunt Marcia, psychotherapist, was looped into Ray’s downward spiral actions.

On these 10 hour days Ray would, wait until mom fell asleep then sneakily stealVicodin10/35 and 
OxyContinKaiser from her pillbottles. 

Ray was seriously depressed did not shower
Smelled homeless when he came
I bathed my mother daily, so I was in charge of her hygiene and safety. 2014-2019 
So I always had yesterday’s bedsheets over the chair he would sit in so that I could do laundry when he left. To keep her clean. 

This is not J‘s first rodeo. A
I am frightened by the parallels between JTH orchestrated sadism towards Ray and I 
Orchestrated? Yes, JV eight wanted to lead an orchestra.  Add megalomaniac to his other traits of.
Gaslighting, manipulative, sadistic, pedophile, selfish, dominant control, freak 

Dominant?  Yes. When he would molest me in later years.
On the sit up bench in his family room, Menlo Park , he would tell me “don’t stop me!”
In a dark, demanding voice 
Unlike his innocent suite victim, voice use for social workers lawyers, court agents  

I was an awkward, special-needs late blooming teen  who lost my father. 
I am on spectrum of the dyslexia, ADHD autism Asperger’s   
JVH groomed me in the parking lot at a Boy Scout pick up after a long Boy Scout camp in the presence of Jeff Kaimer in BMW Blue sports car, picking up Ray, his little brother through big brothers association. 

This is not J‘s first rodeo. B
I am frightened by the parallels between JTH orchestrated sadism towards Ray and I. B

I am depressed, believing I am as good with that. Due to lots of my health, my cats, my assets, my home, my car, my social life, my love, life, my media, my possessions, laptops, phone tools, papers, personal effects, credit card, financial records, and entire life history. 
Lifetime of photographs on laptops 
I have trouble finding a reason to live 

My lawyer 
James Frangos JF told me to sit and keep a low profile on November 31 2022 
Waited for my nonresponsive lawyer, 
Brandon F Douglas BFD 
For six months, I sat in hotels, compiling and submitting emails of affidavits and evidentiary points to my lawyer
Wow, there was nothing else I could do but wait
Under the cloud of five? 20 years
Of prison imposed on me by JT fraud

Then became my only responsibility and escape

Sabotaged his life in many ways when J was persecuting him. Raising Rent after 
Lure Ray into his RWC house to 008 with low $300 rent when Ray lost his Menlo Park house
When Ray lost his three businesses in the 2008 crash:
Photo booth. Wedding, bar mitzvah photographer
Software Creator. AutoDoubler TM defrag 
ComputerGuy MenloComouter. Tech consult. 
Ray built a life-size robot, aluminum frame body in his bedroom before he was 14 years old complete with capacitors PC boards, actuators servos switches controls
Ray was gifted before J got to him. 

J lured Ray into JT house at 14 years old we promise of adoption.
Causing Ray to run away from home at 14 years old.

JTH Lured Ray into JTH RWC home 2008 by JTH putting Ray on SSDI whereby Ray would tender part of his disability to Jay TH for dollars, 300 monthly rent. 

Ray destroyed both of his cars by not adding motor oil
Unlike Ray to have bone dry dipstick in both of his cars.
Which I inherited after his death
Had to surrender the Saturn 1994 SL two four-door, coupe as the engine would not pass smog as fried, the motor with no oil.
Same with Rays Ford

Sabotaging cars dry on motor oil
by somebody who personally ripped apart 
And reassembled
motors in high school from his
6.6 liter 454ci Pontiac, Firebird Trans Am, which he painted metallic red after white
Ripping apart the 2.3 L four-cylinder engine from his 1980 Lincoln mercury Capri given to him by
His groomer JTH for subcontracting work at UCSF,UCB Stanford, UCB
Ray was gifted with mechanical engineering ability as a Teen. 

Ray claimed repeatedly that my mother never gave him the pink slip for the 94 Saturn SL two and
Even had my mother pay for a notary public
To come to her bedside in her hospital bed to sign DMV paperwork
Ray actually had the pink slip on the top of very clear white storage box labeled 
, fully visible on the top shelf of his hallway leading from raise bedroom to raise bathroom
Visible to anybody.
Whether this was sabotage or actual mindlessness, I do not know
But Ray was depressed

Depression, sabotage and abuse of two cars may indicate suicidal behavior, or desperately looking for a way out

Victor Black VB also also accuse of pedophilia by neighbors on Sycamore cul-de-sac RWC
I have photographs of GTH handwritten notes on this.

JTH bought Sycamore Court RWC house, and year I can fetch easily 
2011 actually may have been the date that VB assumes the house from JTH
Again, I will fax but the main point is
VB is a hapless, sad, slow, shy Quiet man
Everything I know of. J causes me to believe he engineered.
VB into the paperwork process of assuming ownership of the house
GTH could direct and pull the strings behind the scenes
Just like
GTH pulled the strings behind the scenes when I moved in to JTHRC house March 25 2022
Zero contact with VB Victor black

     $60,000 CASH IN BRIEFCASE
JVH paid cash for 
1015 Continental Dr Menlo Park 
Where JTH molested me 13-18 years old. 
Three doors down from children, Jay Erickson, and Chip Erickson

JTH sold 1015 the year of but before the law came into effect for disclosure late 1980s. As
1015 was shifting due to uphill condos, dumping roof catch rainwater directly into stone pit, basins top of hill. so JT got out disclosure was mandated by California law.

JVH drove buses for greyhound Bus co LA
JVH for paperwork stole Bus from Greyhound 
Drove by to his friends/accomplices in Mexico.
JVH ancestry is of Oaxaca Mexico

     V12 1973 Jaguar XKE E type Convertible Roadster 
Grooming me always J pick me up in his award-winning show car then drove me to show me off at Stanford Concourse D’Elegance 

J Scuttle his prize-winning jaguar E-type to avoid litigation from childhood pedophilia victim Stefan Maracini Sp? 

I asked BFD and NB repeatedly more than three times
What the proper spelling was for Stefanini?
But neither BFB, nor NJ would tell me the simple answer
When they had already discovered and identified him.

I’m not sure legally, if that may be called abuse, negligence or
Perhaps, just simply ignoring my emails.

JTH JVH James Thomas Hanford, Julian Victor Hernandez RWC MP 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.