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JTH aka JVH took my cats from me when he took my life away from me Oct 14 2022 1 yr before this photo. I did not recover. 

This is my cat Star 2 blocks from home 
1 year after JTH aka JVH destroyed my life Oct 14 2022. I did not recover. 
with grey spot on top of head. His brother is Angel pure white, larger heavier. My 2 cats were stolen from my life by my abusive landlord who tortured me for 6 months with 80’/ 90’ heat and loud noises past 4:30 am 
Neighbors dog barking always 4:45 am 
then new noise always 6am -7am kitchen below 
I was unable to sleep then and ever since. Sad. 
All my life I needed 8 to 10 hours sleep
All my life I was healthy until 55 years old when J got me 
on Sycamore Ct off Valota in Redwood City. Apr -10/14 2022 
All while he threatened to toss my two cats brothers, three years then old out on the street in 2022 before he falls asleep. J was heavily medicated, but abuse me all my all my life from 13 years old when he molested me as a child, but never so horribly as he did, when he finally trapped me in his house with Noah scape after my back was broken twice second time from moving into his house first time when he broke my back at 16 years old, massaging me naked in his bed 
Where he had a secret video, camera hidden in his closet behind a sheet of cardboard with a lens hole, cut out and a secret door to the hallway to access the video camera
1015 Continental Dr Menlo Park CA 94025

Star was a stray, always stuck by his older brother for protection. 
I recognize the look of fear, and Gerard concern that he always had when not near his brother

This plus the gray spot on his top of his head between his ears is a very unlikely coincidence
Pure White cats are somewhat uncommon
This is absolutely his posture, his stance, and positively his facial expression and his unique facial bone structure, which is thinner than his brothers. 
This looks so much like him. I am crying.

I adopted them at 16 weeks old off next-door they were
Abandoned and a litter of five cats at a Hayward animal shelter, which then tried to catch the mother, but could not. I received these two white cats who were pair bonded as brothers.
Star little brother, beta picture here
I was dependent on his older brother
Angel, Alpha, big brother
Both chipped with my phone number and my email though I have not heard anything of them. 
And they had a rich full life together for 2 1/2 years at my house with 30 cat trees to climb in six different rooms. Tons of toys, windows to watch birds. 
They had paradise. 
They loved to wrestle and sleep together  
In winter, they would always sleep on me
Angel would sleep on my thighs
Star would sleep between my calves  
We were all three in heaven comparatively
We all three came from trauma

Redwood Oaks is 2 blocks East of where we were abused in Redwood City. By St Pius Church and elementary school. 
Atherwood Ave @ Valota and Woodside rd RWC 
J my pedophile landlord loves children 
Even freezes his DVD player if a young child comes up in a segment playing basketball, and just stares at the frozen image of a young boy in school
J molested me from 13 to 18 years old took away all of my high school years
Pedophiles.usually choose victims to have no father. I lost my dad when I was five years old.

I need legal help please. 
If I’ve lost my cats now. I’ve lost everything.

Cat Found 40 weeks ago. Star. 

before he falsely accused me of assaulting him October 14 2022 two then threw me in jail for 16 days. 

Case dismissed due to his fraudulent lies and refusal to testify in court 
Due in part to molestation of me when I was 13 to 18 years old
As well as another child who sued him
That’s why he changed his name from JVH to JTH 
As my 2nd lawyer received scores of affidavits and photographic evidence from me of
JTH my fraudulent, abusive, gaslighting, narcissistic sadistic , landlord who holds 2 IDs to claim 2x false benefits from state and federal government 
JTH was born in 1945 but obtained a 2nd false CDL of Aug 20 1945 to scam SSI early

JTH killed my brother Raymond Douglas Munson at his house via renal failure by alcohol aspirin and dehydration lying on the floor in his living room where concocts all of his frauds on notepads, laptop and PC tower 
June 12 2019 then
Forced me to move into his house for years later
As he would only let me use my grandmother’s to rent a room from him and not to buy a sprinter van to move into another beautiful house that I had found in Menlo Park , January 2 022

J left Ray’s room vacant for three years downstairs and the master bedroom upstairs also for three years as he wanted to move me in
For which I need a third lawyer to describe

My first two lawyers took $80,000 from me

I have not had a good nights sleep since
His six months of torture, constant noise, 24 seven 

My brain was rewired to fear 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.