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Crop BFDesq NJ PI JTH JVH Jail Lawyers took $80K advantage of me RWC 
All names removed. Crop of 4:24am email:
Please hold my emails in a folder or?

While I suffered in jail, JF told me BFD was the best lawyer

Turns out BFD was just a court fixture and/or private defender / public defender a cookie cutter caseload of half dozen clients per day in that one courtroom alone. 
Production line, defense attorney for several other
Orange clad prisoners and then more street clothes wearing defendants in one session. 
On the day of November 31, 2022
In court Redwood City CA SMTO co 

Made me wonder if JF took a kickback from BFD of the $40K. Retainer in addition to JF $20 k retainer. 
I do not have proof of this, so I am not alleging it. Nor have I. 
But I do not understand a $40K retainer. 
I believe they took advantage of me. 

NJ refused to answer my questions, many times
At least three emails I asked NJ what he found when he subpoenaed Att cell phone records to see if JTH use my stolen cell phone iPhone, 6S+
After he sent me to jail for 16 days
Simple data search query subpoena to Att to see if my phone pinged off cell phone tower proximal to JT house @ St Pius Church 
With metadata of text or call
And or simple power on or off signal of cell phone as logged by cell tower. 

NJ answered none of my three emails asking what he found by subpoena of Att
Leaving me in near complete darkness, which was my experience with both
BFD and NJ 

     JTH stole my iPhone + 4 MacBook pros
BFD told me J told him SMTO sheriff did not have my iPhone or four MacBook Pro laptops
JTH told and J the sheriffs took them.
This simple cell phone data could be used to prosecute
JT for grand theft of my four MacBook pros and iPhone
As well
Sliver of a chance, hopefully get some of my photographs and affidavits from those five devices that I recorded during my six months of torture and sleep deprivation

Sheriffs only searched my room, so could not have stolen the fourth MacBook Pro, which J stole from the garage after he jailed me
Where he also stole my trust papers before he jailed me

JN had and hopefully has many of my emails describing these incidents from June and July 2023 
Before my case was dismissed October 2023 
1 year after my fraudulent arrest

I asked BFD and CC, NJ
If I should file police reports at MPPD or RCPD
And whether I needed to file the reports in handwritten affidavit at the station, or whether I should print up my affidavits beforehand
BFD Never answered either of these questions. Neither did NJ 

For that egregious miscarriage of Justice nonservice 
BFD charged me $33K 
BFD should be disbarred

JF charged dollars $450/hr and he was my only way out of jail Oct 14-30 2022
JF Met me in jail and said he wanted 20 K retainer for JF and and $10k retainer for BFD
When JF bailed me out November 30 2022 RWC
My court arraignment was the next day NOV 31 2023
JF gave BFD 2 cashiers checks my brother, Tom drew from my mothers estate $40K 
10k and dollars 30K cashiers checks
JF had told my brother but not me in jail that BFD needed 40k
Nobody ever told me while I was in jail
$40k retainer clearly is taking advantage of a sleep deprived victim, who JF knew had suffered 16 days in jail, and six months with no sleep at JTH house

BFD kept $33K of $40K retainer

Dec 23 2023 I wrote: Hello B 
your Bill from Oct 16 was $13,436.67 therefore I would expect the balance of the $40,000 ($30,000 Check + $10,000 Check which were handed to you Nov 1 2022 in court meeting room, From F Trust Account via T) 
$26,563,33 to be returned to me, I can send you a Chase Bank Account for that remaining balance 
Sincerely, S 

BFD kept $33K of $40K retainer

I also have many of emails chains 
displaying that JF is feeble and forgetful. 
Failing to acknowledge previous statements and accounts We discussed in previous emails, starting over from scratch in many ways losing track. 
Just as JF did, even on the phone, at REC House. 
long story, I’ll keep this segment brief, but I have documentation to call in quality of the services I received from JF 

In addition to many emails of not being served by BFD 

H has only partial info of this
JN had and may have more emails I hope. I also have complete chains of emails. 

I would like to honor JN’s very reasonable rate of $50 an hour for any effort she puts in on top of my $1500 past due 
to helping you regain my grandmother‘s trust account and or other funds from my brother, 
And offer you the same and or TBD. For your time and effort. 
JN provided me with excellent service at a very reasonable rate. 
We have discussed no such terms, so I feel awkward.

Lmk if you do not have my trust papers.
Then I can crypticly carefully give you my SSN 
J had a copy, says he lost it wanted me to give him my copy
I did
But he went through all of my stuff and storage in his garage and stole my copy
Then started draining my account for monthly rent plus more
Only one of 100 insults he injured me with in the six months that I could not sleep at his house due to excessive heating noise
Decreased mental function.capacity diminished. 

I owe JL $1500 past Due
I had planned to contract with JN for $5000 worth of services from July to December 2023 
But I fell apart as I was not sleeping and I was mentally not available to run around with JN back-and-forth to my storage 10 miles away  to get my pink slip back to Palo Alto then 
Phone junkyard to tow my car. 
After getting a new iPhone at Apple Store, which I also failed at that time as I was, and am a sad sorry mess.
Only now I’m worse than I was when JN reached out to me last July 2023 

Jail was also sleep, deprivation and difficult as
The San Mateo County Sheriff shown flashlights in my cell throughout the night first 10 days October 14-24 at Maguire jail RWC SMTO where they quarantine everybody for 10 days administering three Covid tests, one of which was the long carbon fiber graphene laced swab up into your brain poking your 
cribriform plate
Thin membrane to brain. Graphene deposition see 
I don’t know if it was that or
My cellmate the first 10 days constantly coughing of Hepatitis or TB ? 
Or the asbestos in the air duct
That we could see construction workers dismantling as we were marched to court. 
From Maquire Jail to Marshall Courthouse. 
I Met a prisoner in jail medical with emphysema, 40 mm tumor in his lung. 
doctor gave him four months to live. 

So I came out of jail, ill, phlegm ever since 
Having lost my cats, my life and my assets
comprehending my days might be numbered

While the court case took a year to dismiss
But J had me on three felonies and two enhancements
Most of which each carried five years
All dismissed, but only after 12 months of constant fear of spending 5-20 years in prison. 
my word against his, and I was sick and homeless and ill and sleepless zombie state

JTH has a lifetime of working the system and paying off everybody and using my money to hire powerful shady lawyers. 
( “Ruthless” in JTH’ own words)
And my two corrupt lawyers, who should be disbarred took me for 80 K @ 40 K each
And did not answer my questions. I have evidence documented of 
12 questions BFDesq and NJ PI didn’t answer. 
I was not represented. 

I should have had all fraudulent police reports by JTH expunged for 2022 Upon dismissal  
But my lawyer was uncommunicative and unresponsive. 

So I rotted for a year suffering. 
I am lost aimless and depressed ever since. 
I am aging and decaying in Limbo. 
JTH took everything away from me. 

I never wanted an iPhone 14 with no headphone jack. 
I had the perfect phone iPhone 6s Plus large display with headphone jack last model to ever have a headphone jack by Apple 
Now when I talk to people, I am not able to hear them and type notes in my text 
I am at an extreme disadvantage  now
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.