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JTH JVH AbuseListOct

JVH damaged my L5S vertebrae @ 13-16 yrs old
Still, I managed my life and health very well for 40 years with excellent healthy regimen of exercise, bicycling, hiking, running, climbing, swimming, dancing, socially active outreach through SF, burning man, community and festivals only an ADHD, dyslexic autistic. Asperger‘s guy could dream of. 

But after Jay’s 2022 abuse, my back was killing me even in 6 months the nicest hotels in Palo Alto. I tried six different hotels, seeking six different bed, firmness, pillow, quiet, pool, hot tub, combos
Until the hotel started charging 300 bucks a night so I transferred over to $100 a night less hotels with poor yelp ratings 

Nov 2022-Apr 2023 6 hotels
Most all hotels were sleep, challenging due to a.m. noises from other guests noises, room service, noises eight 9 AM
Parking lot noises 6 AM in the lesser hotels 

May 2023–present-October 2024 car camp
Leading me to attempt car camping after six months of varied hotel results 

Each time I emerge from my sad, cramped, pretzels, homeless cocoon in my little car
I take stock of my arthritic injured spine feedback as I walk or bicycle
Different bicycle rides I appraise my 

mental acuity at 70 80 90% of pre 2022

Arthritis spine injury vertigo dizzy spatial balance acuity sub standard some days when I get up

Knees arthritis poor

Cortisol in bloodstream surely a cause of arthritis in 
3 years of anger, depression, angst, and futility since Jay’s attacks

I’ve written other writing of 10 or 20 causes of depression
Lawyers told me to sit in a hotel and lay low
One year of limbo were all I could do was create affidavits, which I did too BFDesg and NJPI who required dollars 40 K retainer for poor service not answering pertinent questions and emails ie:

MPPD or RWCPD to file police reports for landlord abuse, molestation and theft of iPhone and four MacBook pros

NJ 3x never answered info I requested subpoena Att phone records to prove JT possession of cell phone, which JTH told NJPI the sheriff had taken. Sheriff told, and JPI they did not take my electronics and my further proof
Is that even my fourth MacBook Pro located in garage was taken. Whereas the sheriff only searched my room where MacBooks, one, two, three were located.

JTH set my cats out doors as he constantly threatened to do May-Oct 2022
August 10 2024 I saw a picture of cat star beta little brother in Redwood City as a stray first week of October 2023
Which puts the lie to JF communications to me December 2 023, as if JTH J still had my cats

BFD repeatedly declined throughout 2023 
 to press charges against JTH for
Molestation 13-18 years old 
Abusive uninhabitable conditions 2022 April-Oct
Theft of iPhone and 4 MacBook Pro s
Theft of valuable papers documents evidence 

Evidence lost on iPhone and MacBook Pro 

Bronchial and phlegm issues ever since 16 days of Jail
Asbestos in air ducts day 1-10 Oct 14-24 Maguire Jail 500 Marshall RWC
Cell mate Brock Howe coughing 10 days
Cell mate Brock Howe bit me breaking skin
HepC? TB? Other? Unknown exposure 
Day 1-10 3 covid tests. Day 10 3” covid skewer up nasal passage contacted my cribriform plate
International research on provides clear evidence these swabs, deposit graphene nano particles that self assemble in bloodstream

Sleep Deprivation 
6 months of 80-90-100’ torture + Noise RWC
16 days of noise and light pollution most hours at Jail. Days 1-10 flashlight in face several hours throughout evening 
16 days 5:45 wake for GMO soy junk breakfast 

Stanford Medical X-ray displays absence of synovial fluid between L5 Vertebrae and Sacrum as of March 2023 
L5 S Facet joint no clearance space

JTH seized most of my assets $4M 2022
 Now worth $6M gold $2700 Silver $33 2022.10.19

5 Men abused me JVH JTH Tom manipulated my mom telling her I was going to burn the house down with her in it. He said this repeatedly as I could hear on the baby monitor.

After Ray’s death, I found similar notes in Ray papers. This insidious statistic concept I could only attribute to JTH. From my four decades of study of JV,H and JTH, fraud, manipulation, projection, gaslighting, deceit, and schemes
It fits J MO to plant this idea and raise his head who could then tell Tom. 
I would be happy to get my Dan to document my experience of J from age 13 through 55 to prove hundreds of element of JT fraud, falsification, liable, slander, and falsities to this end
But I never had my day in court

Jay’s multiple false police reports of 2022 should have been expunged as well as my dismissed arrest, three felony assault charges and two enhancements 4 of 5 of which prescribed five years in prison each, 
but we’re not expunged adding to my depression as my record would do me on the streets anytime a cop sees J’s charges
Dismissed means very little to cops as most, perhaps have similar rap sheets, where the purple is more likely guilty than myself
No way for cop to know that I am innocent of Jay’s charges as my situation is far too complex

Lawyers have advised me I need to separate my abuses from J as the complexity is overwhelming
Molestation 13-18
Abusive landlord Apr-Oct 2022
Sleep deprivation heat noise sadistic verbal abuse threats and acts
False police Reports summer Fall 2022
False Arrest imprisonment 
Theft of iPhone 4 MacBook Pro s 
Theft evidence above and legal docs
Release of indoor only cats into coyotes streets

Mental decline 
Unknown which or how many of these and other factors have greatest impact 
Cascade syndrome sleep loss depression downward spiral add cortisol inferior diet quasi starvation 

 NO way to win

I studied health nutrition and wellness for 40 years, working around spinal injuries where 
(JVH JTH broke my back at 16 years old applying his bodyweight to my lumbar in his routine, naked body massage to me after work on a daily basis after he would have me give a clothed body massage to him. )
(Then he would tell me to turn over naked)
(90% of legit massage applied to back)
(Pedos would command a naked boy to turn over but I was naïve innocent, and did not understand that as a teen)
and in this way, was able to maintain mobility in my significantly injured spine via 
Wholesome organic Whole Foods diet of excellent quality nutrients hydration, minerals vitamins from Whole Foods sources
Exercise via bicycle, hiking walking, swimming, climbing, volleyball, frisbee, utilizing comprehensive variety of ergonomic physical movement including cardiovascular regimen

I had some PTSD from my father‘s death when I was five years old. 
I have severe CPTSD since J TH lured me into his abusive trap

CPTSD tangents 
Tangents suggest venn diagram s and 

Necessary to display JTH JVH abuse 40 years of statistic, gaslighting, narcissistic, projecting abuse, physically, mentally and financially

Although I am unclear if the sadistic abusive elements came out strongest in 2022, do more to interactions of GTH pharmaceutical intake of benzodiazepines Valium, restoral, Flexeril

Interacting with his lifetime of fraud, but manipulative schemes 

Interacting with his newfound opportunity to seize my dollars for $4M as evidenced by his

Three year otherwise unexplainable gap leaving to lucrative valuable rooms in his RWC house vacant when he had rented those rooms out previously 

In fact, when I asked him one night during his massage, which he required of me as a condition of rent 

He left room and the master bedroom upstairs vacant for three years  2019 June -  2022 April 
The manipulative pathological liar J TH actually stated :
“ I guess no one wants to rent in this area“
Which is a perfect specific “display of the mechanisms of GTH brain where he applies a generalized objective answer to obscure the actual truth behind his history, history and actions 

He left those rooms open as he wanted me to rent them, which should have happened sooner after my mom’s death April 6 2019 which lead to my brother
Rays depression and death June 12 2019 @ JTH house RWC

JTH killed my Brother Ray June 12 2019
Foreigner reported, renal failure, aspirin, and blood, and other substances
My brother, Tom stated the purported suicide note JTH gave to police was not in raise writing, and not raise words
Ray did not drink alcohol yet raise room was found with over 50 but less than 100 empty Budweiser beer 16 ounce cans of which Ray never drank but Vic J roommate and conspirator in housing paperwork ownership fraud has
A dozen hefty bags, full of empty Budweiser beer cans in garage and upstairs hundred degrees storage attic room adjacent to my master bedroom, not recycled as aluminum recycled market dropped out before J lured me into his bedroom master bedroom, 2022. 
J had asked me for recycling resources for “a friend “without telling me it was Vic
(JTH bought RWC house but transferred ownership to Vic approximately 2011)(have docs)

Covid lockdown 
JTH wanted me to move in sooner than three years
Tom had wanted to sell Menlo Park house a year after our mother passed

Tom agreed I could stay in Menlo Park house for 19 years if I paid all utilities, bills, expenses, maintenance upkeep.
Which made perfect sense as Tom had repeatedly told my mom he wished to stay for 19 years working custodial school, Palo Alto to gain his pension and retirement, which, with a short him of lifelong Kaiser HMO he could use Lake Oraville area for his retire 
This was clearly Tom‘s plan as stated to my mother in all of the years of 2015-2019 

Therefore, it was no surprise to me that Tom agreed if I pay all expenses, I could stay in the house. Tom agreed. The house would be worth the far more, perhaps even $10M by the time he retired
Outpacing any other investment he could make with the funds. 

JTH knew of Tom’s agreement to let me stay in the house indefinitely. Yet 
JTH Repeatedly email Tom with real estate sales schemes, ideas, articles, and web links for selling the house
So I told JT Tom did not want to sell the house. 
But J TH persisted in sending Tom emails CCed to me for Tom to sell the house 

Nov 2 2021 Toms eviction, lawyer, stapled
NOTICE TO VACATE to my front door
Soon after California allowed such acts after two years of suspension of evictions due to Covid lockdown 

2 Rooms Vacant 3 years
3 years 2 rooms vacant JTH RWC June 2019-Apr 2022 
Pathological, liar, JT,H told me free different reasons why Canadian couple vacated master bedroom upstairs over as many months of lying to be three of 66 months summer of 2022 
#1 Canada couple vacated master bedroom above kitchen, because they saw Ray’s death. 
#2 Canada couple vacated because, garbage disposal noise too loud in kitchen, below master bedroom, which JTH blamed on Tran as he does for other acts (JTH Thermostat 79’ 8am-5pm Mon-Sat)

JTH falsely blamed Tran
JTH Thermostat 79’ 8am-5pm Mon-Sat
Heat Abuse 79’ downstairs 99’ upstairs MBr
Attic storage room over 100° via digital thermometer. Read out throughout summer 2022.

May 1 2022
On second day of Heat torture I asked JTH if he could turn down the heat
Pathological liar JT told me Tran had turned up the heat when he enters his kitchen each morning from 6-7 am which brings up another horrendous lie of JTH, who promised me quiet house with zero use of the kitchen by either tenant, Vic or Tran. 
JTH repeatedly told me his crafted lie that
“Tran is from Vietnam and likes it hot”

JTH told me this lie throughout May, the first month of 5 months of heat torture 

5:40 every morning Dog barks loud backyard if 19
6am M-Sat Vic drags his wooden chair out from under kitchen table on wooden floor loudly waking me. If the dog had not. 
I had achieved some sleep in April until 540/6 AM before the heat torture started in May1  2 022

7 am Mon-Sat Vic 

Tran to Walmart for his job pushing shopping carts. While Vic sits in Honda SUV on CB. HAM radio. JTH says Vic and Tran are competing for global prize to see who can establish highest number of documented via short wave radio. Contest.

7am Mon-Sat Vic and Tran are gone so only 

JTH resets thermostat to 79’ every day, even after I turn it down to 70 or below after Vic and Tran leave

May and June 2022 JTH what turn the thermostat back up to 79° after I turned it down to 70 or 69 after roommates left.

Pathological, manipulative liar JTH would tell me he was not turning up the thermostat. 
Claimed thermostat was turning up on its own
Which was not possible as it heated every day, whether I
Manually pressed temperature down button to below 70° to 69°
And or manually turned thermostat off
Either way, no matter what I did J would reprogram it that day thermostat and heat house for 79°

When I learned one in that it was J doing this and turning off the thermostat and line to be about his actions

I asked Tran if he turned the thermostat up in the morning
Train said no. This was earlier in May so I was still tortured, sleep deprived, confused, unsure of what was going on
So I asked Tran again if he turned up the thermostat and he said no talk to J

May and June 2 022 I had a slow learning curve of sleep, deprived torture where I gradually came to understand

Day 1 + Day 2 of heat torture 
April 30 2022 Day of Heat torture JTH RWC
That evening I could not sleep in extreme heat as my master bedroom above kitchen, absorbed vast heat from my floor, connected to kitchen
Extreme heat from 100° attic storage room adjacent to my master bedroom over JT living room dwelling space where he spends all waking hours at house with a vaulted ceiling collecting all hot air in his living room under hotbox attic storage closet room above living room, which has its own slanted floor over vaulted roof, reaching over 100° as evidenced by digital thermometer

Attic, hotbox storage room has zero insulation on exposed wood ceiling, which reaches over 100° on sunny summer days over 110° on sunny heat wave days summer to 022

4 methods of heat torture
JTH Thermostat 79’ 8am-5pm Mon-Sat May June July 2022

JTH offered me to remove the thermostat from the kitchen wall after months of my pleading him to not repeatedly turn it up each day to 79°

But I did not accept that offer as I suspected, he would then blame me for stealing thermostat or interfering with thermostat

After two months of sleepless torture, I did remove thermostat from wall and hide it in garage on Vicks shelf away from my storage area

#2 JTH Heat torture method Fans windows on
Heatwave days of summer, 2022 JTH placed a 24 inch X 24 inch box fan in window of central family room drawing air from 90° - 95’ RWC heat wave
Doc temp records, Redwood City summer 2022

I pleaded with JT to not draw in hot air at 1 PM on heatwave days
Pathological liar JTH told me he did that to draw in cool air from the space between the houses (LIE)
I then told JT it was 95° outside and his box fan was drawing hot air into the house which radiated up to my room
JTH told me: “That was not my intent.”

after many weeks of my unplugging, living room, center room intake, a box fan 
I started to move the fans into garage or storage shed locations to hide them from JTH

JTH then entered my room, unannounced, uninvited as usual and took my window box fan, which I was attempting to use evenings to cool my room from his torture heat

So I told him I would put his fans back both in center room downstairs and his living room dwelling space where he daily used box fan 2 x 2 #2 to draw air in to his living room. Space

Topless JTH in khaki Cargo shorts would sit daily in chair, facing window box, fan, sweating profusely onto daily newspaper he would sit on and have draped over back chair, rest to absorb his sweat

He was a heat cycle to his body and his room downstairs
Which he would cycle with the cooling sleep cycle at night, where in the same fans would cool the lower layer of the house outside air and he would sleep after 4:30 AM till 2 PM

I often wondered if he enjoyed the heat by day and the cool by night for sleep as part of therapy for cancer recovery from previous bout of not sure if pancreatic or less often referred to Organ scare last decade. Which organ affected I do not recall.

Significant though thatJTH had a scare of death. 
Told me in 20199 to talk to him about walking dead or any zombie movies because people who are near death do not want to hear it referring to his touch and go in and out of hospital episodes at Stanford Hospital for his Oregon cancer 

JTH restrictive pioneering protocol, healthcare, cancer, recovery regimen diet via Stanford hospital can only eat iceberg lettuce, not Romain or any green leafy

JTH Cancer Scare 2019-2022
2022 Feb? (Jan Feb Mar) I observed a book on his master bedroom, bathroom, titled something like
Saying goodbye re: how to part with people in hospice

I mention these facts, because I am uncertain what effects, JT many medication’s played in his increasingly sadistic gaslighting manipulative abuse of me occurred 2022 amplified, perhaps perceived mortality

MBr sad attempts of fans
My upstairs torture chamber had no doors to open for outside air cooling

In my gradual learning curve, I learned that the screens on my MBr and MBa master bedroom and bath windows prevented much draft from naturally aspirating into or through my hot 
room so

I placed a box fan in my MBr window to draw in cool air at night as relief from sweaty day with no clean sheets broken washing machine breach of contract tangent

Another week I placed a second fan to suck air out of my bathroom as that amplified the natural breeze from Northwest to outflow north East

I had to leave screens in my window, so my 2 3-yea old pair bonded brother indoor only adopted stray cats would not escape open windows

Loud noise of 2 x 2 box fan in window 1 yard from my bed was intrusive, disturbing and awakening to use understatements
I did not know how to balance this industrial strength noise with my need to attempt sleep in my deprived state of torture
It was not fair to myself, nor my two cats that J tortured me with heat for five months

I was constantly running out of cat food, having to buy more southwest of me at Pet Food express

Tortuous cycles of heat and cold meant I would daily place fans in windows approximate 7 PM and turn on loud fans to cycle air through my two rooms
Stealing my cats, favorite window perch to watch the outside world
From otherwise austere and boring room with six mediocre cat house perches 

Tangent, JTH sadisticly only allowed me a very few trips to move
So I focused on half dozen houses which took up most of my limited cargo space in my small car
I lost 99% of my possessions in that first move
End of March 25 2022 

Tangent date March 25 2022 JTH also lied about on his desktop paper calendar, reasons for which I speculated, or for billing purposes of rent, and or for other falsification statements, he would make to lawyers. Which brings up other tangents. Oyster Blvd Eviction Lawyer SSF airport Boulevard

5 months sweaty dirty sheets
5 Months, sleep, deprivation, noisy fans, sweaty sheets, dirty, broken washing machine, breach of contract cats and I suffered heat
Cats by day with lay on back on floor with legs, stretched out as cats do when overheated because cats don’t sweat and are furry
Cats mouths open attempting to cool, lying pitifully on floor

Vic 1 conversation only:
Mixed blessing as I had often hoped the drowning fan noise would drown out the 545 dog barking at house, 19 neighbor and the 6 AM to 7 AM floor dragon fix wooden chair below me Monday through Saturday
Tangent Vic abuse. I asked Vic if he or I could place for cut tennis balls as feet on his wooden chair to quiet noise of wood chair, dragging on wood floor 6 AM Vic responded with either.
Most of the noise I hear, comes from upstairs or
Noise I hear is upstairs
Referring to another tangent
As I fell into a fear of death via torture where I would wake up, panting, dry mouth dehydrated at all hours of the night out of my half sleep, state of delirium

Vic from then on audibly, dragged his chair, more frequently, more often louder and deeper after I had my first, and only ever simple discussion with him of those six months

Vic never talked to me. 
Tran talked to me only 2x in my life:
Vic 1X that I recall aside no never
Because on the first day of my move-in, March 20, something which I have in my notes
And I could identify by sms text msg date  if JTH had not stolen my iPhone tangent
Tran spoke to me entering garage from rollup garage door, saying: something like
(are you moving in or
Are you the guy who is moving in?)
To which I responded yes or yeah
Vic was silent that day #1

Tran conversation one sentence each times two days
#1 are you moving in? Day 1
#2 No. Talk to J.   Month 2
J tangent J has people call him J because he’s a pedophile changing his name from J VH to a.k.a. JTH to avoid lawsuits from pedophilia victims Stephen Marancini sp? I asked BFDESQ repeatedly for spelling and BFDesq never told me which is simply par for the course of this corrupt lawyers abusive treatment of me I can provide the chain of three emails were three times I asked for the spelling of this Young boy who accused JTH in court of sexual molestation by JVH at that time

Sleep has always been difficult for me all of my life yet I slept 8 to 10 hours each night peacefully all of my life and the only way I could do was to
Lay down after a shower into clean sheets and fall asleep peacefully
All of my life, it can easily take me a half hour or hour to fall asleep and wind down is a critical window of time and environment, where I need peace, tranquility, dark quiet among other factors

Cold At Night why?
For this reason of my sleep difficulty I cannot afford to get up at 4 AM, 2 AM or 3 AM to turn the fans off on the windows if I’m too cold as I would never get back to sleep
Or rather hope to get into a sleep state from the quasi, delirious, tortured brain, half half sleep state that I existed in six months, where I hoped to be able to sleep in occasionally could score 10 to 30 minutes of nap, where I would actually lose consciousness fully

Cold at Night detail
Therefore I suffered and endured some coolness at night maybe 3 4 5 AM
This was hard on me and hard on my cats as they would need calories to make up for that cold to generate body heat

Cats tore through my huge bags of expensive priced healthy cat foods. I was choosing the best I could have high protein, low-fat, low healthier brands from pet food express.

I ran out of my cat neutral that I brought in the move
And started buying several other brands like great northern, something I can fetch the brands later
My cats tore through that food rapidly I believe because they were cold and hungry at night 34 5 AM as the room cooled unreasonably

This was unfair
Everything did to me was torture, and my life was literally hell and I did not know what to do about it as I was in

Survival state, which I know now more about
But knew nothing relatively about then neither the termCPTSD
Or that I was living radically dysfunctional because I had some sliver of hope in my mind that I might be able to attempt to try each night to gain 10 or 30 minutes of sleep if I was lucky

Literally sleep deprived and acting dysfunction as such the most pitiful subject to a sadistic guy

Tangent Broken back made any move difficult
I wanted to move out from Jay’s but re-injured my back, moving to his house end of March 2022

Dreaded another move, which is actually ironic because now I had almost no possessions, but some possessions in his garage

JTH had me down and out suffering and pure misery




Depression Friends Bandwidth 
Social media platforms, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Gmail fed thwarted capped algorithmically, removed my friends from my support network
Few voices could hear my calls for help as I was being tortured in May 2022

Cat tangent J let outside as he’d threatened 
Stray cat beta star little brother, photo posted on nextdoor first week of October 2023
August 13 2024 I found a photograph of my lost little kitty star, beta little brother on nextdoor that had been posted 40 weeks before I found the post dated 40w

Aug 13 2024 
Another straw, breaking the camels back
Another of 100 daggers crippling me
Although this was up in the top 10 of my lifetime
Certainly top 10 of J TH insults to me which I could rank in different list of 10 20 50 or 100
And need I believe, software, van diagrams, and dynamic flow charts to adequately describe


VERBAL ABUSE heat torture method #3A
JTH Told me I was stupid when I complained about him running portable air conditioner with no exhaust tube in his living room, superheating that room in close system underneath and heating up attic storage hotbox room hundred degrees and my room 90° above the kitchen adjacent to his living room

VERBAL ABUSE heat torture method #2
JTH told me I was dumb
When I explained that his overheating the house to 79° downstairs, inevitably radiated and convicted to overheat my room

VERBAL ABUSE heat torture method # 3 B
JTH told me I was stupid when I asked him not to later vent the exhaust into the living room fireplace because it was blue tarp vented up over the roof from rain
JTH said God, you’re dumb. The tarp is over the center room fireplace, not the living room.
(As seen on Google maps satellite)

I do wish I had been able to see JTH Eagle maniac psychological behaviors in the 40 years I knew him, but I was never his mark, his subject, his target that I knew of deeply until 2022

Back Breaking Pedo, massage tangent
I wish I had known not to turnover when he was giving me a naked back rub, but A:
I was 13 years old. I was naïve and innocent, and did not know. He was paying me money to do chores around the house after school.

Pedo JTH told me at 13 years old 
Don’t tell your mother
She would not understand
Our relationship is special
I’ve never felt this way with anybody but you

horrendous lie of JTH, who promised me quiet house with zero use of the kitchen by either tenant, Vic or Tran. 

broken washing machine breach of contract tangent

Cat tangent J let outside as he’d threatened 
Stray cat beta star little brother, photo posted on next-door first week of October 2023

Tangent, J TH only allowed me a very few trips to move
So I focused on half dozen houses which took up most of my limited cargo space in my small car
I lost 99% of my possessions in that first move

Tangent date March 25 2022 JTH also lied about on his desktop paper calendar reasons for which I speculated, or for billing purposes of rent, and or for other falsification statements, he would make to lawyers. Which brings up other tangents. Oyster Blvd Eviction Lawyer SSF airport Boulevard

Stanford Laundry

Return tangent ATT subpoena could provide evidence. J had my cell phone on turn my cell phone on and or that the last date of pinging from local cell phone tower was approximately October 20 6 or so days after my arrest.
ATT provided me the date of the last cell phone tower ping 6 days after my arrest, but could not tell me which tower or location.
Proving My cell phone was still on after the sheriffs searched my room three days after my arrest then the cell phone pinged the tower six days after my arrest
Unknown to me whether the battery died at that moment, or J turned it off or put on airplane mode or shielded it with EMF or Faraday, as he is fully scientifically knowledgeable in such realms. 

J why JVH hides ID as JTH approx late 1980s?
J tangent J has people call him J because he’s a pedophile changing his name from JVH to a.k.a. JTH to avoid lawsuits from pedophilia victims Stephen Marancini sp? I asked BFDESQ repeatedly for spelling and BFDesq never told me which is simply par for the course of this corrupt lawyers abusive treatment of me I can provide the chain of three emails were three times I asked for the spelling of this Young boy who accused JTH in court of sexual molestation by JVH at that time

QBFDesq when did JVH become JTH
When did JTH fraudulently obtain second CDL?
I assume both current CDL 1940 and 1945 JTH 
As JVH only existed until early 1980s scuttled as was his
1973 Jaguar XKE E type Roadster V12 convertible, puke, green brown color, which he picked me up at my house to take me to Concours d’ Elegance car show at Stanford University on the main lawn by El Camino 
Aka Pedophilic, grooming, or display

Tangent JVH or JTH  guess it was J TH by then took me to two gay and bisexual meetings
1 in Redwood City on marsh Road which I could not find on Google maps, but it was north of the gas station and north of the numbered avenues closer to Bay Road but before Bay Road far away from Middlefield upstairs in the building was a gay men’s meeting that J took me to when I was young though I think I was 18

J took me to a pool party which was likely at John Payne‘s house off Walsh Road in Atherton, California
Warren Steuben, RIP of non Hodgkins, lymphoma, or  or Sarcoidosis syndrome (AIDS) lived in J‘s MO house worked for him, 
molested by JVH? Warned me to stay away from J referring to him as.
”Zorro the gay blade!”
Emphasis on the! On emphasis, that Warren told me twice in that conversation to avoid Zorro the gay blade
This was years after Warren and I had worked for J in the same house in Menlo Park . Upon a chance encounter I had with Warren I guess on the Peninsula.
Need to recover that somehow
I could use some hypnotherapy maybe
Warren was studying at UCB while he worked for J with his own tool kit, one of three or more that J had for J, Ray, Warren also previously worked for J. Also, then later worked for handhold moving company trucks.
Rob had a brunette wife who did not like blondes
Rob would smoke marijuana with J and on one of those days I smoked marijuana too and had hallucinations in the family room workout room where I was trying to do sit ups on the sit up bench that J would molest me on and tell me

Tangent JVH told me: on same sit up bench:
“Don’t Stop me” as he unzipped my and
“Don’t C.. in my mouth”  which happened in the later years I guess as I developed fluid
That I guess didn’t exist or that he did not care about when I was 13

JVH born August 2 zero 1945 LA CA? 
Obtained 2nd Fraudulent CA DMV CDL of 1940
JTH @ 18 Syc RWC told me this was so he could get double benefits from the government
And five years earlier to qualify for Social Security income at that

Claims to UCLA JTH in earlier decades told me he went to UCLA

JTH in early or mid decades told me he stole a greyhound bus when he worked for Greyhound in Los Angeles
JTH told me that he drove buses for Greyhound he knew how to create false paperwork, then take a greyhound bus out of the depot and drive it to Mexico to his friends.
JTH told me his family ancestors come from Oaxaca

I tried to get a private defender when I was in days 10 through 16 at jail in Maple building in Redwood City
The woman private defender Balked when I told her, JT changed his name from JV H, and that he was of Mexican descent
She said he seemed white so 
I told her his people are from Oaxaca
She was not responding to indicate that she believed me
I have no idea how she would attempt to defend me if she cannot even receive the simplest of communications from me

That drove me into accepting legal help from JF and BFDEsq
JF bait and switched me
JF told me dollars $20K retainer for JF and dollar $10k retainer for BFDesq in Jail then 
Behind my back JF told my brother Tom to write  checks $20K retainer JFand $40K retainer for BFDesq

Highway robbery $ JF BFDesq
to covertly stick sleep deprived victim in his 16th day of jail with a secret $40K retainer for a rubber Stamp lawyer
Whose primary job is to sit in court and batch process defendants
Several before me were the typical generic orange prison outfit wearing prisoners who appeared to be well. I don’t know much about them.
But my point is my defender appeared to be the standard apparatus, public defender of the court
In other words, the guy I was stuck with a 40 K retainer for
JF told me was “the best”
Was actually just that rubber Stamp guy that anybody knows of who is a public defender working to gain approval from the judge and not rocking the boat
Because most public defenders aspire to climb the social career ladder within that, and in no way, want to fight, disrupt, or rock the boat in that judges court
This is an ant representation, where, in that rubberstamp public defender is not truly representing the defendant, and does not have the defendants best interest in mind

Pedo JVH aka JTH told me at 13 years old 
Don’t tell your mother
She would not understand
Our relationship is special
I’ve never felt this way with anybody but you

I have since learned that
Pedophiles choose victims with weak or no father 
I lost my father when I was 5 years old 
JVH knew that when he invited me to come to his house at 13 years old to sell him magazine subscriptions for my junior high school

JVH I think had seen me in the parking lot when I came back from a Boy Scout trip after a weekend in a parking lot in the woods, likely in the foothills of the San Mateo mountains of Crescent by Highway 35 so this might have been Portola Valley or Woodside 
But there was there were many transfers of students, and for some reason I was transferring from a car, Jeff Keimer, BMW, my brother, Ray, big brother or other car
To I guess my mom‘s car I don’t recall
And I think this is where J VH first saw me as he was already molesting my brother Ray he killed

Addendum JTH killed my brother Ray 2019
Ray effectively killed my mother April 6 2019 as a result of GTH overbearing abuse of Ray financially in increasing rent in RWC Jan fab Mar 2019

Jan Feb Mar 2019 my brother Ray would come to my house mom’s house most every day up to 10 hours a day and sit at the foot of her hospital bed in living room, depressed, dejected down or now sad complaining about his depression as J wanted to raise his rent and he had no place to go 

JTH lured my brother Ray into his RWC house 2008 During recession when Ray lost his house at 727 middle Menlo Park , which he rented for five years for $60,000 when Ray had three jobs making $ from three sources of income 

Ray 3 Jobs < 2008 Crash
His website was some iteration of 
ComputerGuy or MenloComputer but those 2
Are not his on
Menlo Computer Guy Ray consulted and networked systems for residential clients 
Ray wrote the code for AutoDoubler defrag utility 
Ray built a sturdy, portable, collapsible photo booth for hire with his services at events as well
Standard photography for weddings, bar mitzvah, etc.

Mom decline 
2022 Jan Feb Mar my Mother lost her bowels control and her appetite as Ray depressed her up to 10 hours a day every day coming to house and ignoring her ideas responses suggestions and offerings that he could bike ride hike, swim soccer kite, beach row, orient map Birdwatch lead tours, lead hikes, teach photography, teach wilderness photography
Every every time
Our mom offered him ideas and suggestions he would reply
I can’t I’m too depressed. I don’t have enough energy.
In this way Ray drain her for three months where she no longer got up into her Hoyer lift to go into her wheelchair for daily exercise movement, and quasi, vertical body posture for blood circulation

Ray Begged
Ray begged to move back into our mom‘s house, which was awkward and difficult
Even 10 hours / day was too much for poor mom
Ray begged to move in with our uncle Doug Richmond MA
Ray begged to move into Sue Buermans house in Menlo Park whom mom worked with at LDS library Mormon genealogy center in Menlo Park

2008 crash Ray lost his  income and house
Moved back to our moms house 2008-2012

2012 JTH designed and orchestrated plan to get Ray on SSDi for depression, whereby Ray would pay $300 JTH for monthly rent from SSDI
Until JTH got tired of Ray, again, then raised his rent 2019 Jan Feb Mar 

I guess J VH got tired of Ray when Ray was 15 years old then JVH lure me to his house to molest for five years when I was 13 to 18

JTH empty promises 
JVH promised Ray he would adopt him, but never did
JVH told me he would put me in as well, but never did
JVH asked me if I would like to have sex with his girlfriend Dale I mainly and shyly excepted, but it never materialized
Actually, I only ever saw photos of her and never saw her in person so I don’t even know if she was real
Her photograph was a young Buckham, blonde German or Scandinavian young 20s wow
JVH said Dale liked to clean house when she was stoned

This years model
I did not see much of my brother Ray at JVH MP house when J molested me at 13 years old at his house
But I guess I was this year‘s model, or the younger version of the boy he had been molesting in my older brother
I did see Ray once at his house playing pron on Sane VHS player: 
Alex de Renzy Baby Face 1977 which, in its own right was a plot line of pedophilia albeit man girl 
JTH left Baby Face tape in VCR with cover box visible, so I did watch it on his waterbed in his room and that was before I noticed the video camera hidden in the closet, so I do not know if he was recording me masturbating I do not know if he showed these videos to other men

And I suspected he was grooming me, and showing me off when I wore a speedo at a pool party at John Payne’s house off Walsh Road in Atherton, California
John Payne, famous Stanford football player was a friend of Warren Steuben, who chased the H molested
Warren Steuben, who warned me to stay away from Zorro, the gay blade, a.k.a. JV

I assume JTH was grooming or displaying showing me off by taking me To 
John Paynes Walsh rd Atherton swim pool party, 
two gay or bisexual parties, one on marsh Road RWC btwn Fair Iaks and 15th Ave RWC also on the 2nd floor with windows or balcony overlooking marsh Road, then the creek culvert behind it towards Atherton Estates btwn broader 
Field and Bay Road

Gay social mixer Meeting at Stanford One called 
Biweekly Meeting / double entendres 
Located above the fire truck house at Stanford 
433 Santa Teresa St, Stanford, CA 94305

J routinely weekly took me to Stanford on his way to check his PO Box T Stanford CA 94305
To get a PO Box like that please understand J JVH had Paul, knew how to finagle maneuver and manipulate systems. Who does that? Who gets PO Box T 
He had the inside track. Oops digress

Mom blood clot 2019 
Mar 29 2019 mom rushed to Kaiser with bilateral pulmonary embolism blood clot suspected to have traveled from her legs
Kaiser attempted blood thinner injection into artery question at lung/heart
Procedure was not fully successful did not fully dissolve
10 days in Kaiser ER, ICU, acute care  touch and go

Tangent 2022 JTH rapidly raised my rent RWC from
$600 April $800 $1000 $1100 $1600

Junior High School Molested.  Sad Brain 
My brain is so dysfunctional now that it is only in this moment, I realize JVH was molesting me in junior high school

I had thought of my 13 through 18 yrs as high school but
The fact that I went to his house on his request to sell him magazine subscriptions for scholastic, that I was, in fact, in junior high school, no more than eighth grade   The saddens me
Now I’m wondering what molestation I’m blocking out 
I did not go to any other strangers house to sell magazines. Only his this was my only “invitation“

Blacked out naked 13 years old 
I do know that I woke up naked in his waterbed upstairs and Menlo Park after he had served me orange juice and vodka screwdrivers in his kitchen downstairs with Galliano a very expensive 3 foot tall, octagonal glass bottle from Italy 
He did not warn me, or tell me to moderate my drinking, or explain what alcohol was in anyway, to temper my intake. Rather, he mixed the drink or drinks for me. I would not know as he blocked me out. 

I woke up in his waterbed upstairs in his master bedroom, and Menlo Park 

In the years that I worked for him, folding his laundry, sorting his socks on his waterbed to put in his dresser which I can, and should fully describe in court, so that all the world can hear me, and my words in my description of every spatial foot and yard of his house to show that I am speaking in truth
He had me sort of his socks, claiming he was colorblind on those days

I discovered a hidden Sony Video camera connected to a JVC,VHS, tape recorder player console, on the top shelf of his master bedroom, closet, hidden behind a sheet of cardboard with a 3 inch circle hole, cut in for the 3 inch camera lens all of this behind louvered white closet doors

In later years well past pedophile lawsuit from Stefan Maranchini when J was JVH,
Perhaps a decade and many, almost
Half a dozen houses later, as JVH moved frequently to avoid molestation lawsuits
J as JTH instructed me if a police officer or detective asked me about the camera in his bedroom closet at Menlo Park , that I should deny that it was accessible from a secret door to the hall closet at the top of the staircase

I am only to willing and eager, to draw maps, sketches, diagrams, architectural plans, live in front of jury, judge peers, polygraph, test, and any witnesses or psychological evaluators to demonstrate again that I am speaking in truth

JTH Menlo Park  house as of 2022 Jan Feb March was undergoing construction attaching an ADU
All photos on Google Maps app of J THMP house 1015 show yellow painted old house before ADU
Only by clicking right arrow on street to go uphill to 1020 does Google Maps St. view concrete, stucco ADU in end process of construction attached to JTH master bedroom wall of secret, hidden video tape pedophile closet, where chimney from living room is absent
ADU construction was 2022 Jan Feb Mar as I was telling JTH about this ADU as I visited his house many times in 2022, Jan Feb March
As he was luring me into his house to rent room and garage which is a tangent to post here

J rent offer 1 2 3 2022 Jan Feb Mar
But he offered me half of garage for 200+ raise downstairs tiny bedroom for 100 which I would then paint re-carpet fix raise hole in the closet wall for his cat to go outdoors and do jobs around the house plus give JTH back neck shoulder leg glutes massage 3x / week and
J reserved the right to enter by master bedroom anytime he wanted and reserved the right to shower in my master bathroom anytime he wanted

WTF one could ask why would I accept such crap?
I asked Jay in J 2022 if I could use money from my grandma‘s trust of which he held $29,000 
To buy a Mercedes sprinter van so I can move into a spacious house I found in Menlo Park
J J said no he would not, but that I could use my trust funds to rent his master bedroom upstairs for $ 1600
Which before I moved in dire duress
 I later negotiated down to $600 a month plus the 3X/week massage and jobs projects around the house six hours per week including at that time, taking a saw all the tear up the rear deck outside of his living room, dwelling quarters termite damage and water damage

Tangent living room MP 1979s before ADU 2022 where J paid me to tile and grout his fireplace, horizontal and vertical façade
Living room where J broke the four piece glass fireplace doors by burning Styrofoam box inserts from pack
As JTH was an environmental terror who actually dumped motor oil on the southwest front side yard of his house in the ground telling me it goes back into the Earth

JTH as JVH 1989s allowed me to hold a large quantity of mercury, poured in my hand and more from a glass bottle without warning me of danger
What amount of mercury I ingested that day I do not know. He would send me to buy sandwiches from the deli at Country corner on Alameda. 
3207 Alameda de las Pulgas, Menlo Park, CA 94025
I liked the roast beef on Dutch crunch.
Dutch crunch rolls would be fully able to scrape the mercury off the palms of my hand

I did lose half? Most? Much of my taste one night when JV got me stoned at time zone video arcade at San Antonio shopping center on San Antonio Rd. at El Camino in Mountain View
I wonder if Mercury in my brain was a cofactor losing taste which I attributed to marijuana?
I lost interest and inspiration in food from that day on
And food never significantly turn me on since that night
Same night 
Sadistic JVH blamed me for allowing him to buy a $80 in early 1980s London fog jacket, San Antonio shopping center telling me I should have stopped him from spending that money
Again, I wish I could’ve known earlier in my life that he was a statistic, control, freak egomaniac 

Orchestra leader, JV would tell me is what he dreamed of being a maestro conducting an entire symphony, orchestra

Vinyl Analog 
78 records and earlier era bakelight cylinders 
I would give to JVH, and JTH over for decades as I would find them at garage sales, flea markets, craigslist, and any source as he likes big band music

Evening is coming soon
I feel vertigo I have not eaten or hydrated or risen from my sad bed. I forgot:


J RENT OFFER 1 2 3 offers JTH email ed me Jan Feb Mar 2022 included use of washing machine, which was a lie contractually
JTH Disgusting his pen on paper notes years earlier, broken along with dishwasher and oven
These three appliances have been broken many years before he offered me a room to rent in three offers

The fact that he was torturing me in 80 to 90 to 100° heat in a room with 30 seats and no washing machine are only two elements of ways he was abusing me 2022

I pleaded for a washing machine he stalled for months, siding various sequential excuses
A: have to look online
C: have to wait for woman to pick up pallet worth of cardboard boxes stacked in his garage containing diapers sanitary disinfectant, spritz bottles for diaper area, care package for seniors with continents that he was getting free through his typical fraudulent use of services from the county
So he used this pallet of stock of boxes on the garage floors excuse to not move the washing machine for the first month where he claimed that disconnecting a washing machine would flood the garage floor, which is nonsense as anybody knows you from the water off you carefully disconnect, the water supply hose and the drain and you have a towel or rags ready for Several cups of water but less than a gallon
Of his
Of me
For six months of
Sadistic Gaslighting, projecting deceitful manipulative abuse, and torture of me
Was just this nonsensical and unbelievably frankly incredible
I was sleep deprived, sweating my pores out in dirty sheets in a room with very little circulation, worried to death about my cats which were panting to death

I would wake up at night, panting, dry mouth after any 10 or 30 minutes of sleep I might be able to catch
Worried to death that I was going to die of dehydration in my bed
It was too hot

I had already been de platformed on Facebook and LinkedIn. Google Gmail having very few contacts or friends to reach out to. Of the previous 23,000 addresses on my email list

In hindsight, I wish I had posted a daily diary of his abuses to my next-door and Facebook and friends and everywhere I could but I wasn’t functioning well as sleep deprived zombie

Heat Torture Method#3 portable AC in living room with no exhaust vent tube so I complained
Whence JTH
Gaslighted me again, and said he just changed the Freon in the portable AC so he had to run it. BS.
He did not have to run it all day and evening.
Did not have to run it all day and evening in the living room with no exhaust tube vent. Could’ve done it on the deck right outside the sliding glass door.

When he later did attach the tube to the glass fireplace door in the living room, there was a microfine filter in plain with the glass door which radically reduce the flow. The microfiber thread count was a key to bedsheets or water filter in a washing machine or pool filter or Super fine thread count of over 100 threads per inch effectively blocking the exhaust tube which caused all hot air to leak out the various connectors and flanges of the exhaust tube into the same living room
Which was exactly his point of superheating the room, every day, which he could escape having the doors open all night cooling his downstairs man cave attached to the kitchen, where I could never escape the heat

Abusive gaslighting, portable AC heater #3
JT called me crazy for suggesting that running the AC portable heater in these two way would heat the living room. This is a flat out on his part.
His knowledge of sciences, vast deep and excellent
He knows well that he closed system as such generates excess heat
In fact, in a close system exhaust tube
And a 95% closed system where 5% might get through the ultra fine dust covered covered microfiber filter, screen, but 95% bleeds into room
All electricity converts into heat in this room
Which was his goal

Again he would sit in a chair, topless, sweating profusely onto newspapers. He would place every day just to superheat, for what reasons I do not know, but suspect.
A to superheat me
B Therapy for his cancer of? Pancreas? 

Tangent, feeds birdseed to birds and squirrels every day afternoon, banging his bowl on the ground to attract squirrels and birds

Then, come fall he would never stop all the heating cool air came rather he would maintain topless and wear shorts
Sane people would put on pants and shirt, maybe even jacket or robe but no
His PG&E bill was $450 per month and he didn’t care as it was coming out of my trust fund

To add insult to injury if I was too noisy upstairs, he would call the police six times on me

And he wrote in a note that he would charge me $1000 per incident to him and to Vic
I have still some of my typed notes on this note
Though I lost half or most of my photographic evidence, when he stole my iPhone
I do maintain of photographs of his notes, handwritten pen on paper and computer printed text that he wrote

Eviction Lawyer SSF
Including correspondence, with his effectual lawyer, on oyster Boulevard or more likely airport Boulevard SSF by SFO where he described to this lawyer that he wanted to get a restraining order on me to where I could not move my stuff out of his house, but would have to hire a third-party to do so
This was in his attempt to seize my assets worth $4M 2022 now $6M 2024 Oct 
SSF attorney told him he could not evict me unless I attacked him or stalked him so he

Filed a false police report with RWCPD stating I bruised and cut his arm with the portable AC exhaust flexible tube

JTH also claimed I caused blisters on his chest and torso by holding hot air on him from the portable AC exhaust duct which is ludicrous

The day I complained about the portable AC conditioner with no vent to outside. I swept across him briefly for not one second from a distance of body length, approximately 6 feet away. Simply to demonstrate this was hot air coming into the room.
I was behind a table and television he was over there on the beanbag too far away from me for this

I want my day in court with him on polygraph test. I’ll be on polygraph too, to physically show where I was in the room.

Most everything he’s ever said in the year of 2022 was a flat out manipulative designed to incriminate me

I need to create another affidavit, outlining scores of the statements and lies

JTH  sent computer printed emails and or letters hardcopy which I saw in correspondence to neighbor at 19 where he accused me of these falsified assaults to turn that neighbor against me

Addendum to 7 AM noise neighbor 19 house son would slam kick recycling and our garbage container and or green container at 7 AM some mornings and I had thought that was Vic slamming closed the kitchen drawer of your utensils in the morning before he left at 7 AM
It was many weeks later that I realized it was the neighbor kicking a waste container.
I approached the one day of the house, and expressing my concern for quiet at 7 AM 
To which he said:
“I know who that is.”
And nothing else
That was the end of our conversation
I guess I thought he would take care of it or pass on Word, but it never stopped
So I suffered that noise commonly on mornings throughout April and the whole year
Not that it mattered. Sleep was not possible with 5:45 AM.
Some mornings it was 4:30 AM or 4:45 AM dog barking
Plus6 o’clock Vic chair drag 7 AM chair drag
Sleep was not available to me. There
Some issues were moot, and I was already a zombie sleep, impaired half brain dead, whatever pity case, when I even approach that neighbor who did not an essence reduce the kicking noise of his son

Heat Torture Method#4 October 2022
 2 portable electric 1500 heaters located in living room nowhere near him where he would lounge for beanbag or chair, watching TV but in North corner of living room, one heater in kitchen, where he did not lounge either again all heat rises to the top of the vaulted ceiling, helping not him in anyway heating not him in anyway but superheating the sunny non-insulated, attic storage room, which exceeded 100° on hot days in the sun and roasted the largest wall of my master bedroom over 100° on digital thermometer

2022 Oct I would wake up panting dry throat if I ever not off for a quarter hour or lost consciousness so I had to leave several clean canteen bottles of Berkey filtered water by my bed. This was constant throughout the first two weeks of October before he falsely accused me of assault on October 14 when I went to jail for 16 days.

Jail was hell sleep was available for a few hours, but it was actually relief from the hundred degrees oven torture room, J Trapped me into 
I could shower twice a day at jail and change my sheets once a week and laundry pants, shirt, socks
Jail days 1-10 denied me any thicker bed cushion other than my sadly compressed previously 2 inch foam mat over steel plate
Flashlight in my face all hours of the night
Sleep poor insufficient 
Jail days 10-16 not much better

2022 6 months hot sweaty sheets I lost body mass. My hips would hurt with my pelvic bone on hard mattress as I lost muscle mass and thickness. I have never recovered, and I’ve gotten worse since I am skinny.

So many ironies I was 120 pounds in high school at 6’4” 
JV offered me to work out and took photographic pictures of me on 35 mm film naked and in speedo as I gained 20 lbs in 3 months to 140 lbs then 20 lbs more in next 3 months from 140 to 160 lbs 
Who he showed these pictures to or what he did with him I do not know
But this backyard patio, where he offered me to work out on benchpress curl bar, and sit up bench
Was adjacent to the concrete or stone pathway, aside his orchid greenhouse, where he invited me to sunbath and gave me coconut oil to bask in the reflection of his Mylar coated greenhouse, glass windows
I also wonder what cameras were there

JVH JTH allowed 2 kids James And Rob2 to throw firecrackers at me in the dry lake bed of Lake Lagunitas Stanford on or near a Fourth of July
I wish I could’ve seen his sadism back then
My ears are ringing loudly now, as they have all of my life since that  night 
I don’t hear very well
If I were to count up all of my handicaps disrupted spine, sacrum to hearing loss to other damages
I would feel sad

I am not ok. I am slowly yet gradually aging 10 years per year since 6mos J Torture then 16days Jail 

JTH seized most of my assets $4M

I need organizational tools or software to sort categorize and order these notes likely

Dynamic flow chart info graphic 

For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.