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Hey everybody, here's your San Francisco Burning Man Announce ... so much to check out and get involved in ... read on!

(Event submission, subscribe and unsubscribe information at the bottom of this message, yo)

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* * * A Note From Larry Harvey: Please Join Me on April 19th * * *
Dear Friend of Black Rock Arts,
Originating in the Black Rock Desert, a movement has begun to roll outward.  The Black Rock Arts Foundation is at its forefront.  It's based upon the premise that art can be a catalyst for social change and civic renewal.
I am pleased to invite you to our 2nd Annual Flip Your Lid! benefit event for the Foundation, coming up in San Francisco next Thursday, April 19th.


Last year, we encouraged folks to come adorned in fanciful hats of their own creation. We also auctioned off several hats created by artists and members of the Black Rock Arts Foundation, but I did not participate. I am contractually bound to the Burning Man organization to keep my Stetson atop my head at all times, thus making it impossible for me to flip my lid, much less decorate it. According to the terms of this unfortunate agreement, it is sutured into place, but this year I intend to make amends.  At Flip Your Lid! 2007, we will conduct another hat auction.  I have riffled through the secret Hat Warehouse where I keep the 420 Stetsons that I have  previously worn (wisely, I reserved this right), and I will take a leap of faith and radically express myself.  I'll decorate a hat in support of a very good cause.

    Thursday, April 19th
    supperclub san francisco
    657 Harrison Street
    (between 2nd & 3rd)

A four-course dining experience featuring one of a kind hats and a full evening of fine food, massage, art, music, dancing and performance, including a breathtaking variety of live aerial, butoh, circus, acrobatic, operatic, stiltwalking, bodypainting, fashionista, superstar VJ and DJ bootyshakin' icing-on-the-HAT action!!!


    Tiara - $250 -- 6:30pm-2:00am
    * Hosted cocktail reception and VIP preview, four-course dinner
    and entertainment. Stay for the after-party! *

    Fez - $125 -- 7:30pm-2:00am
    * Four-course dinner, entertainment galore, and stay for
    the after-party! *

    Tam O'Shanter - $10 with a dapper topper, $20 without-- 10:00pm-2:00am
    * Join us for the after-party -- a killer line up of rockin'
    DJ's and cameo performances. *

That this is a very good cause should be apparent to anyone who lives in or visits San Francisco.  Recently, the Black Rock Arts Foundation sponsored the installation of David Best's temple on Hayes Green.  I live near this neighborhood, and I watched it quicken and come alive. It became a public meeting place.  Folks were married in front of it, children clambered on its altar.  By the time it was taken down, it was covered with a palimpsest of messages that represented nearly everyone in the community.  Now, David has gone on to work on another temple in Detroit, in the vacant heart of America's rustbelt.  Of the top five counties in America that have suffered major losses of population, it ranks with the devastated communities of the Gulf Coast.

Again, I invite you to:

    Flip Your Lid! on April 19th:

I'd be pleased if you could join me.

Thank you,

    - Larry

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Be A Part of How Weird's last year on Howard St!

We are currently seeking volunteers for setup/strike, greeting, and
promotion! Variety of shifts available.

Please contact me at

Youll also recieve free food/drinks and free pass to post party events.

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Kinetic Steam Works: Pre Coachella Steam-up 

Oakland, April 21, 2007, 3-7pm 

Kinetic Steam Works will host dynamic demonstrations   
of steam power with a collection of repurposed vintage 
equipment driving interactive sculptures just days 
before their appearance at the Coachella festival in  
the Palm Springs desert. 
An Auxiliary boiler, assorted mill engines, and a 1920  
Case traction engine are the force behind a collection 
of awe-inspiring and personally engaging sculptures 
including a hand fabricated working carousel by Jamie 
Vaida, brass instruments plumbed with falling water   
and rising steam by Stephen Rademaker, a towering 22' 
tall fire and waterfall by Orion Fredricks, and a live 
performance by spygirl and Sean Orlando. "The Dingus  
Smashing Show" uses a 1920's ironworker to crush  
anything placed between its gears, a gross example of 
juvenile delinquency at it's most entertaining.  
The Pre Coachella Steam-up happens Saturday, April 
21st at NIMBY warehouse, 1649 28th street Oakland. 

Kinetic Steam Works is a bay area arts collective of  
engineers, artists and steam enthusiasts. We marry 
kinetic art and industry by re assigning mechanical 
relics of the pre-petroleum era with steampunk  
Don't miss this rare chance to see us all steamed up. 

For additional information, interviews, or photographs 
Zachary Rukstela (916) 320-4090  
(916) 320-4090 or check us out online 

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YEP!  We're trying to save our WILD ASSES from the MASSIVE SPANKING we got in Oakland last month!  This will be the first in a series of attempts to wipe our asses clean of the debt we incurred there...and, have incurred over the past few years bringing live music and havoc to the desert.

This Sunday, April 15, at RETOX, we'll be washing cars, bikes, (asses?) etc...beginning at 2pm outside RETOX.  SONIC VIMANA, BABY SEAL CLUB, and KURT WAHLBERG will be entertaining inside the club beginning at 6pm.  $7 cover.

This will be a fun day/night!  Come!!!

RETOX  20th St. @ 3rd   2pm-2am  

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An evening of social networking, creativity & big-picture thinking

[5:30] Non-profit networking w/ the Craigslist Foundation 
[7:30] Interactive Art with Exploratorium & SFZero

TEENAGERS (Chronicle Books)

[9-11pm] Music, DJs & more w/ Ren the Vinyl Archeologist (True Skool) 

PARTNERS: Chronicle Books, Craigslist Foundation, Exploratorium, 
Headlands Center for the Arts, Just Think, Lighthouse for the Blind, 
Photoworks, Red Ink Studios, Social Venture Network, SF Camerawork, 
SFZero, Spitfire Strategies

To get an official invite:  

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Announcing Pandora’s Trunk 1st Anniversary:
Visual Vaudeville & Built Burlesque

Saturday April 28th 1-7pm
Mina Dresden Gallery
San Francisco
free admission – live music – free drinks

In the grand and practical spirit of variety entertainment of old, Pandora’s Trunk presents a spectrum of the finest artists in every genre imaginable – the twist is in the format.  These vaudevillians work in fabric and thread, and burlesque in paint, wood, and metal.  Guests find flesh and hustle here; they find artistry and showmanship.  They have an action-packed variety of experiences, and can actually interact with artists, coming away with something to remember it all by.

The focus of this eclectic arts showcase is a sample sale and indie designer showcase; each event includes a wide variety of attractions:

Art/Fashion Performance Production
At past shows this has included live painting by Dave Crosland, gonzo millinery by Medium Reality, live fashion reconstruction by Miranda Caroligne and Bad Unkl Sista, and a DIY clothing modification station.  April’s anniversary show will include live screen printing, allowing guests to customize their purchases.

Live Music
This has included classical viola, folk harmonica, sitar, and celtic cello.  We are pleased to provide a laid-back venue for real live music played by a real live person in a city thick with electronic beats.

Gourmet Food
Handmade chocolate truffles from chocolatier Philippe of Edible Love.  Pandora also offers up a bottomless bowl of free sangria – this unspoken but undeniable invitation to stay and mingle forges surprising connections between diverse social groups.

Pandora’s Trunk debuted in March of 2006 and is very pleased to announce the celebration of a successful first year full of new connections and crowds of fresh faces.  The show has grown exponentially from its beginnings and is enjoying a consistently increasing profile in the San Francisco underground.

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Flambé Lounge Takes to the Street 
June 2nd Day and Night!!

Saturday, June 2nd, 2007 
Burning Man Flambé Lounge 
In front of and inside Mighty 
 119 Utah Street (at 15th St), San Francisco 
Day and Night (probably 3pm to 4am--details TBA) 
This is a call for your participation in the June 2nd Burning Man Flambé Lounge Precompression event spectacular!!!  
Flambé Lounge takes to the street for a day and nighttime block party gathering at the 100 block of Utah Street and inside Mighty. We are shutting down the block in front of Mighty for the day and evening.  And "we" means YOU!  This Flambé is especially geared to showcase YOUR art, theme camp, and performance ideas for Burning Man 2007. Special emphasis on Green Man theme, Earth-friendly art and alternative fuel inventions and camps! Try out your Green Man plan here, find out how to participate in Burning Man 2007 and meet collaborators and fellow art instigators!  
We'd also love to hear from light performers and art projects incorporating light and color.  If you spin glow balls, light sticks, LED staffs, etc., or have art projects highlighting the use of light and color, we encourage you to join us in making the streets glow.  If you have lights, and want to help us transform the area into a glowing sea of color, contact us!  
We need theme camps and art cars to contact us now. Some limited spots may also be available for Flame Effects Art and choreographed fire performance, but we have to get our plans in soon! This is your chance to prepare for the playa, try out your interactive camp projects and maybe even find some volunteers and new campmates!  So participate in creating this Flambé Lounge by contacting  to get involved!  Submission Deadlines: April 30th for Fire and May 11th for everything else. Sooner the better to ensure your place! 
 We'll put a more detailed call out here soon with other ways to participate…also bookmark  for updates and other Bay Area Burning Man gatherings. 
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MAPS Fundraiser: "The Final Frontier"

Brought to you by False Profit and MAPS--the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies

April 28, 2007
8pm - sunrise
at a private star trek theme luxury home in San Francisco, CA

Keynote By MAPS president Rick Doblin

and special guests:
* Stan and Christina Grof
* Ralph Metzner
* Erik Davis
* Anjuli Verma (ACLU Drug Law Reform Project)
* Allen Hopper (ACLU Drug Law Reform Project)
* Matt Baggott
* Dale Gieringer (NORML)
* Angel Raich (Medical Marijuana Patient)
* David Jay Brown (author)
* Steph Sherer (ASA)

Visionary Live Painting by:
* Robert Venosa
* Martina Hoffmann
* David Heskin
* Mars-1

(50% of proceeds on art sales go to MAPS)

Additional Artwork by:
Andrew Jones and Andrew Gonzales

Screenings of the newly completed film, Entheogen

Music by:
Welder ( )
Dr. Toast (False Profit)
Kitty-D (Glitch Mob, Beat Church)
Neptune (Beat Church, Spiritual Technologies)
Auralox (MAPS)

Libations and Food provided by:
DogStar Catering 

Open Bar before Midnight - Cash Bar after Midnight!

Special Chill Space provided by Fuzzy Philippe

Visit this address to find out more info and to purchase tickets on the MAPS website...


~MAPS "Final Frontier" Fundraiser Tickets and Availability~

* there are 4 floating tiers @ $100, $200, $300, and $400

Tiers are as such:

1) Final Frontier "Bones" Tickets: limited availability @ $100
2) Final Frontier "Spock" Tickets: 35 available @ $200
3) Final Frontier "Captain Picard" Tickets: 10 available @ $300
Come early for a cocktail reception with the presenters at 7pm
4) Final Frontier "Captain Kirk" Tickets: 10 available @ $400+ 

Sponsor the ticket of a special guest and come early for a cocktail reception with the presenters at 7pm

LOW on $$$??? --- Inquire about an additional limited number of low cost tickets by submitting a ONE PAGE request detailing your interest in attending the event, financial situation and naming a price that you can afford to pay to: 

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to unsubscribe: email
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For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.