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SF Burning Man Announce - 7/11/07

As we get closer to the Big Event, whether here in The City or on the Playa, there's lots of ways to participate in helping BM07 materialize!

(Event submission, subscribe, and unsubscribe information at the bottom of this message, yo) 

Upcoming Events:

*** Preparing for BRC - Be Nice Party - Tonight, Wed July 11th ***

*** Anesthesia Fundraiser - Saturday, July 14th ***

*** Center Camp Cafe Work Weekend - July 20th through 22nd *** 

*** Center Camp Cafe Craft Parties - Thurs, July 26 and Thurs, August 2nd ***

Call for Participation:

** Get on the Green Map! ***

*** Living Pulse ***

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Preparing for BRC @ )'( Be Nice Party )'(

Less than two months until the playa!  And since it is that time of year, we have again turned the Be Nice Party into the place for people to connect before we head out to the desert.  This is the place for Black Rock City residents to meet off the playa and discuss plans, camp recruiting, preparation and other things.  Have fund raisers or workshops coming up?  Come down and promote them! 

The Be Nice Party. An early evening in a quiet club atmosphere where you can drop in after work, order dinner, sip a drink and have a chat with new friends. A Burner-rich event, this is about bringing Burning Man home: come meet your Bay Area neighbors in a setting where there are no expectations, just smile if you want and enjoy the vibe. This is our part of bringing Black Rock City Sensibilities Home. 

Catalyst Cocktails
312 Harriet (@ Bryant & 6th in SOMA) -- [Easy Bus Access on the 47
San Francisco

Wednesday, July 11, 2007, 6pm to 11pm

No cover. 21 and over. 


Todd and Janaya

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Come help support interactive art installation for the 9:00 plaza! This project is
a concrete and steel structure that serves as a venue for performing arts, public displays, and 
general gathering place. The Fundraising event is Saturday July 14, 2007 in downtown San
Francisco, playa attire encouraged. Headlining DJ's from San Francisco and Reno will be spinning
from 8pm-4am, full bar, playa fashion show, aerial performance, professional photo-shoot booth, 
art gallery, and silent auction. For more information and donations please go to 

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Hey San Francisco Volunteers...

Come join the Center Camp Cafe Decor Crew for a fabulously fun Work
Weekend!! We head up to the playa and congregate at the Ranch to get 
busy with power tools, wood, paint, & fun!!

So if you just can't wait for Burning Man, how about coming out early
and get dusty with us on the Ranch!!!

Here's the super duper haps....

WHEN:   Friday, July 20th thru Sunday, July 22nd, 2007 (That's 2
weekends from now!)

WHERE:  The Ranch (This is very near to Black Rock City outside of
Gerlach. Past  Mile Marker 12 going north. I'll give you directions 
when you RSVP.)

TIME:   4pm ish & later on Friday thru 4pmish on Sunday. Arrive when
you want to on Friday evening and leave when you need to on Sunday.
We'll either be camping on the Ranch or the playa so, getting there 
when the sun's up helps.

NEEDED: You will need to bring your camping gear, sleeping stuff,
lanterns, etc. Tools are always appreciated but please mark your
name/info on them. Gloves, Safety glasses/goggles, & masks if you have 
them. They are supplied at the ranch but having your own is really an
asset. Prepare yourself for the playa as if it's the event.

And don't forget your goofy hats & sparkly hot pants!!!!!

FEEDING YOUR BELLY:  Meals will be provided but please feel free to
bring something to share. And BYO cold beer, etc. Cold sodas, water,
electrolytes provided.

PLEASE RSVP TO ME AT: Also feel free to throw me
any questions!

Looking forward to getting the Cafe & Coffeeshop in playa shape with you!!!

Dusty Love,


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Center Camp Cafe Decor Craft Parties

Hey Bay Area Burners...

Come join the Center Camp Cafe Decor and get your Craft On!!!

Please hold the following dates for some super fun Craft Parties. 
We're making the ever fabulous Rags to Flags pennant flags!!

Here goes...

WHEN: Thursday, July 26 and Thursday, August 2nd

TIME: 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm

WHERE: Burning Man Headquarters. (

Please rsvp and ask any questions...

Looking forward to getting crafty with you!!!

Dusty Love, 


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GET ON THE GREEN MAP!  Call for participation 

Is your camp working on ways to leave no trace and reduce your carbon footprint at Burning Man? Doing something interesting with renewable energy, reuse, recycling, conservation? Offering earth friendly activities or events on the playa? 

Then please consider getting on the Green Map to showcase your green ideas and experiments. Each participating camp will receive a sign designating them as a model camp and will be featured in a large map at the Earth Guardians Pavilion, at Playa Info, at the Man Base Pavilion Environmental Expo, and at each of the plazas. Model camps may also be included in a bus Tour of Green venues during the Burning Man event. 

The only requirements for the LNT and Green model camps are that your camp:

1.  Be a registered theme camp

2.  Subscribe to all 7 LNT principles

3.  Submit a copy of your LNT and Green plans

4.  Be willing to show your featured practices to participants during the Burning Man event

5.  Submit your schedule of green educational activities and events (if you have any)

Please submit your application now!

Note that we will be sharing your cool camp information with other burners!

See what's going in the new Environmental Section of the Burning Man web site and the Earth Guardians web page

 with any questions and to submit an application. We need your application by Friday, July 20 in order to include you in the Green map of Black Rock City. 

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Living Pulse

Hello friends! 
Our inspiring sound and sculpture installation, Living Pulse, is in action on every level and now is the time to jump in and participate.  Check out all of our new photos on our website – to see what we've been up to!  We need all the help that we can get in tons of areas – in the next couple of weeks especially.  We are almost approved to show in Garfield Park (25th and Mission - where the Day of the Dead altars are) on August 4th with the MAPP.  We want it to be spectacular so that we continue to show in public spaces where Living Pulse can really come to life and contribute to as many people as possible. 
LIVING PULSE - Here's how YOU (and any of your friends) can help:

    * 3:00 - 6:00 pm loading recycled wood into trucks (at a super cool warehouse out near the Bayview in SF – 350 Paul Ave- can carpool). 
    * We need one or two more trucks for this, if you have one to lend!
    * 7:00 - 8:00 pm unloading wood in Berkeley at 1336 Channing Way

Call me regarding any help on this day: 415.312.2214 cell
SATURDAY, JULY 14 - NOON to 7:00 pm
We will be making trees!!  Bring you work gloves, heavy shoes, sunscreen, eye protection/sunglasses, hammers, crowbars, drills, snacks, and sparkling enthusiasm for a fun and satisfying day of creating together the real substance of the sculpture itself! 
SUNDAY, JULY 15 - NOON to 7:00 pm
We will be making trees!!  (See above for what to bring) and it is Iris' birthday!  Lend a hand and some love to bring Living Pulse into life!  Also we will be doing some electrical stuff so anyone who wants to participate in the electrical please also come on this day. 
THURSDAY, JULY 19 - 7:00pm
Living Pulse is presenting, along with some other major Burning Man Artists at the BM HQ on 1900 3rd Street,  SF - Come early, it will be packed!
FRIDAY AUGUST 3  - ALL DAY - We need help setting up for our first full run in Garfield Park, SF (25th & Harrison)  Advance commitment gratefully received. 
SATURDAY, AUGUST 4 - ALL DAY AND NIGHT - We need help setting up and running first full run in Garfield Park, SF (25th & Harrison)  Advance commitment gratefully received.
SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 - ALL DAY - We need help taking down and returning LP to Berkeley from our first full run in Garfield Park, SF (25th & Harrison)  Advance commitment gratefully received. 
(Contact Iris for any of these areas, unless otherwise specified -, 415.312.2214)
ELECTRICAL - if you are interested in helping in this area, please let me know.  Our current work dates are Wed. July 18th starting at 6pm to make flowers with cloth, wire, and LEDs.  We'd love your help.  Wed night July 25th, we'll be bringing our heart a-light!   Sunday, July 29th - Noon to  6-ish (at a park in Berkeley) we'll be laying out and doing the wiring for the overhead mandala light-web. 
More hands make light work and happy people, and these are all really fun parts to get involved in. 2-10 people.
INSTRUMENTS - Tyson needs a team of dedicated instrument makers to help create our magical musical forest.  He welcomes your enthusiastic participation.  Also, we would love to have instruments in the branches that are activated by nature alone.  Tyson has some designs for you to make, or you can suggest your own inventions.  Contact Tyson -
BANNERS - Who wants to team up with me in going up to Twin Peaks and wind-proofing the banners?  We need to find the best way to let the wind through as much as possible, that we can do by hand, and that will cause the least damage to the artwork.  (Any ideas - contact me please!!)  I'd love 2-3 people. 
TREE CHAKRA SIGNS - Each tree will need a beautiful sign designed and painted, describing the chakra and inviting people to write their thoughts and prayers.  2-6 people.
OUTER HEART - The outside of the heart will be covered with screening and a melange of soft fabrics, with accents of El Wire.  If you love working with fabric and sewing, or are inspired to create the heart with us, let us know.  2-4 people. 
PRAYER LEAVES - We need a team to help pick up the fabric, and cut/tear it into strips. 2-6 people.
FUNDRAISING - We need funds to pay for these essential elements for the project, and also to store it and pay for transport to show it throughout the year.  Please distribute widely by email, and if you have time - print, make photocopies, add a quick note, and send to your friends and loved ones.  (If it is not attached I will be happy to send you a copy.  Just email me at
Hope to see you this week end, and looking forward to hearing from you! 
Lots of love, Iris*

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