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A Cursory Review Of What Makes No Sense Around Would Be Trump Assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks CELIA FARBER JUL 16, 2024
Note: I began writing this 2-3 days ago, and am publishing it with a little bit of trepidation. Everybody already knows most of this. 
Granada street baguettes last longer than American assassination 
skepticism story angles. I don’t want to exhaust myself thinking I can outsmart Masons doing capstone OPs. I think maybe we should consider letting it go and accepting that the system runs its narratives and narrative trumps “truth.” That said, here are some basic observations about the assassination attempt that was either planned, staged, or, knowing Masons, perhaps both. I posit that just like every other zeitgeist-shifting pseudo event over the last century and a half, we will never get to the bottom of it, and if we do, they will never concede it. Their game is to keep us guessing. Ours is to not be goldfish.

Who Was Thomas Matthew Crooks?
Somebody noted on X: “He was the only 20 year old in America with no social media.”
Yet he has turned up in a Blackrock commercial, now deleted.
A 10 second video with somebody who is said to be Thomas Matthew Crooks appeared fast, displaying random Trump and Republican hatred, but by somebody bearing little resemblance to the person I will call “original Thomas.” (Photos from school.)
Here is that video.
The person said to be him on the roof, while rally attendees try to alert security people.
Thomas Matthew Crooks is alleged to have been from an upper middle class suburb of PA, 20, a registered Republican, and a former member of an LGBTQ gun club in PA; Also to have made a $15 Democratic Party donation, also to have had Libertarian leanings.
I think he is poorly sketched, even by Deep State standards.
Pravda’s headline invokes the repetitive predictability of all this.
Everything is so queasily familiar.

So, to my eye: The person in this cryptic video, [linked above in the word “video”] bears no resemblance to Original Thomas, shown below.
This child below is not possessed. He looks like a sweet child. Reports are he was highly intelligent and very bullied.
(If he existed.)

The man in the video with long, blond, fluffy-ish hair has beefed way up, and has a different soul and disposition, it seems; He’s the bully, whereas Original Thomas is the bullied. (These observations are subjective and do not constitute proof.)

Why Is There A Photo Of Alleged Dead Would Be Assassin? Is That Permitted?

If you so choose, you can see here a gruesome and heartbreaking photo of what is said to be Thomas Matthew Crooks, after he has been killed. Is it instead “Antifa” man Maxwell Yearick, also spelled Yaerick?

If you look at the hair of the man in the “I hate Donald Trump” car video and compare it to this gruesome photo, you will see it is not the same hair.

Photos of Original Thomas all show very straight hair. The man in the car video has distinctly wavy, almost frizzy, long blond hair. In this montage they attempt, I guess, to make us think it’s the same boy. Totally different forehead shape also. (I think.)

These two are surely not the same person

A video about the inexplicable delay, after SS saw the gunman on the roof. (Allegedly.)
“Laura Loomer” somehow unearthed a Blackrock ad featuring Thomas Matthew Crooks. Now that is a match: Original Thomas and the boy in the (now pulled) Blackrock ad. But how did “Laura Loomer” find it? Who can find a needle in a haystack like that within 24 hours of an attempted assassination? Unless, of course, they are using their free time reviewing old Blackrock ads in case they find Trump’s would be assassin in the clip. Am I too “cynical?”
I am getting Mossad vibes.
(And if somebody wants to say anti-Mossad-ism is “anti-Semitism,” then distrust in FBI is anti-Irish or anti-WASP.)
This [July 13] is an OP of epic proportions, and OPS work 24/7, they bloom and morph, like giant narrative messaging parasites, to set us up, set us up, set us up.
Frame, frame, frame.
“Fight! Fight! Fight!”

“If there is a rifle on the wall in act one, it will go off in act three.”
—Anton Checkhov

What is this one setting us up for? Probably/possibly a REACTIVE killing like Oswald-Ruby.
Least alarming and least likely: A non-mortifying changing of the guard?

The TDS “left,” meanwhile, has talking points, or raging points, identical to MAGA/Patriots.
Super angry woman who is livid at Joe Biden for not killing Trump, by blowing him up, which she feels is especially justified after this Supreme Court Ruling.
Here Biden all but says “Make America Great Again.” (Catches himself.)

We’re being doused in very heavy OP-ery. Everything has to mean something, and everybody must choose what they think everything means. So long as the algorithm is always ultra violence betting more ultra violence, in the Matrix.

The Slow Sniper And The Red Bracelet Op
Red bracelet? Always Kabbalah? Or is all such talk “anti-Semitic?”
Somebody claiming to be the SS sniper who delayed, claiming to be named Jonathan Willis, is claiming he was told to stand down. Let’s bear in mind nothing we ever see or hear can be authenticated anymore. And most people do not even try.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s first son tweeted this:

Excuse profanity but I’m trying to collect samples of how Americans are reacting, thinking:

Alex Soros

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