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WTF is up with all those hippies dancing in the dust at dirt rave TTITD? 
Burning man allows thinking individuals to meet and greet, form technology, foster ideas for better living which they can then they take back the default world without burning man. 
We are crashing and burning fast as a country, and a globe, faster every month of every year. 

Without An exchange of brain power meet up such as burning man for technological, sharing, music and food Breaking gluten-free bread and meeting your neighbors, we will be less likely to solve the crushing societal problems that are currently literally killing us in the default world. 

Therefore, from a risk analysis, standpoint, or a risk versus reward viewpoint, burning man is absolutely critical if humans are going to escape the problems of the real world, which are crushing us. World problems are top down genocidal inhumane, antisocial, power-hungry government agencies that are antithetical to happy people making music and dancing on Playa. 

Most all the problems we face were created by government 

CV 19 was created in a lab in Wuhan with funding from Fauci going back to 1980 Robert Gallo work pharmaceutical Dr. Fauci combined research elements to develop AIDS as demanded by Congress to develop a retrovirus to target specific populations 
After which Merck pharmaceutical on 20,000 acres of land, least from Mutu of Zaire now Congo got the virus which is a bovine virus inside of the synthetic shell 
Which was given in the form of hepatitis B vaccine to gay men in New York City, and San Francisco California see

Burning man was canceled in 2020 and 2021 due to CV 19. Therefore I hope readers will forgive my recitation of history here but it is most relevant.

Michael Crichton Hot Zone book was a coverup for Merck pharmaceutical bio weapons development on Mobutu land in Zaire Congo

1980 s Dr. Judy Mikovitz on was researching aids, but all of her research was stolen by Dr. Fauci and a hostile takeover. Sadly, Dr. Fauci‘s interest was not too cure aids or to relieve humanity, but to create AZT and megadollar pharmaceutical products to keep gay in an aids, patients eternally dependent on biomedical intervention via toxic drug cocktails.

See also movie buyers club on Netflix, regarding one of many brave men who brought medical marijuana to the United States as a better option than AZT, which was killing gay men by the tens of thousands across the USA

In summary, you can dial your history machine to any century of the last 2000 years and identify that the government control was the problem over 90% of the time

Fast forward to 1986 when Larry Harvey burned a man effigy on Baker Beach SF with 20 people in attendance and you begin to have a solution where actual people come together to make a better world 

Burning man appears to me to be the best antibiotic to this over 2000 year disease of government 

For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.