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The 9/11 Cover-up Challenge (with Comedy & a Band!)
July 30 : doors 7pm

Hosted by:

John Parkin from the SF 9/11 Truth Alliance;


the good folks at
The Breathing Space
3617 San Pablo, Oakland
Gabriel Mott (artist in residence)

whatup from Gabe:

If you ain't paying attention, the headline in the NYTIMES today
is: 9/11 Panel Releases Unanimous Report,Finding Government Failed on Many
Levels. But there are some who claim the panel didn't even consider the
greatest government failures.

Have you heard of the 9-11 Truth Alliance? They are the folks
who claim that a significant amount of evidence about the 9-11
disaster has been overlooked by the government. Over the last
couple of months when I heard of evidence like the following:

1. the third tower-- tower 7-- was
never hit by a plane but collapsed
on it's own due to "fires"

2. jet fuel isn't capable of melting
steel enough to cause the collapse
of the twin towers

3. there were no interceptor jets--
the air force doesn't need "permission"
to track down a civilian plane...

My response was -- "Shit man, this is too obvious, there's no way
the government would have overlooked these things-- and the media
as bad as it is, couldn't have helped but get an explanation."

If you feel at all the same way (or if you are a full blown
revolutionary radical who believes the government was responsible
for 9-11) we've got a forum for you.

This Friday, July 30th, we invite you to the "Daily Show Comes to the
Ghetto" or "9-11 Truth Alliance gets Challenged" or "A Variety
Show about 9-11 Truth" or --- OK we are looking for a title (could use
your help on that). But here's the gist-- the 9-11 Truth
Alliance will be here next Friday to present their case that an
independent investigation into the true cause of 9-11 is needed.

To create a lively and REAL exchange the format includes Master
of Ceremonies and Host, the very funny Harris Maskett with adorable
sidekick, the highly intelligent and often skeptical Dean Wolf.
It will be kind of like the Daily Show-- but with a band. Does Jon Stewart
have band? I don't know. Anyway.

This is your save the date reminder. Help us come up with a title
for this. Help us spread the word. But most of all, come down and
participate! This
is gonna be good.

Gabe Mott
the Breathing Space
3617 San Pablo
Oakland, CA

For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.