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Sex offender descriptions 3 Baker Beach men who have scared away most all women 25 years
Post to raise awareness of why women have not felt safe on Baker beach North for 25 years. 
Quarter Century ago there were far more women on North Baker Beach as they were allowed to feel safe. No more. 
I write this timeline as I met a man in Palo Alto 2024 who offers independent accounts of the usual suspects. Out of the blue. 
Baker Beach is sad when women are scared. 

Sex Offender 1 
Brian Davis
Black Male 40 250-300lbs SF giants ball cap
Baseball Jersey 
Athletic Shorts 
Sports Duffle
Beach Towell
Baseball Bat on some occasions swings at Ocean

Brian Davis 1 late 1990s .com era 1999? 
Naked Male and Female skinny dipped Pacific
Naked Male and Female (Freedom Electric)(Janis Joplin Spirit) sat by East section of SandWall on Northernmost edge of Baker Beach SF 
Young Brian Davis approached and sat directly to the east 6 ft away. With duffel bag and SF Chronicle, sporting Green, proceeded to talk about baseball. ( circa 1999 ) ( yes newspaper ) 
Male recognized learning disability in speech pattern of Brian Davis, and subsequently wrote him off in his head as harmless. Oops

Brian Davis 1B 2000s 
100s of witnesses observe Brian Davis M/O most days on Baker Beach when women. Until most all women leave Baker beach after Brian Davis approaches them individually.

Brian Davis M/O 2000s 2010s 
Brian Davis would walk up to an individual woman, put his sport duffel bag down next to her 2 yards away, saying;
“can you watch my stuff, I’m just gonna jump in the ocean.”
To which the woman would not have any chance to respond as Brian Davis had already set down his belongings  ext to her and walked off towards the ocean

Brian Davis incidents numerous 
2000s 2010s few Women on North Baker Beach. 
During these 2 decades, long time visitors, regulars, Baker Beach visitors could notice a pattern where women were no longer comfortable at Baker Beach North End. 
Baker Beach became relatively devoid of women most days. 
Especially on days when Brian Davis would approach all single women on the beach, like a pinball bouncing around a pinball machine in slow motion motion. From one woman to the next, until they were all gone. 

Brian Davis incident 2
Brian Davis grabbed a trans woman’s breasts north end Baker Beach by the rocks.
Trans Woman called police. Police came but
Brian Davis slipped out through the woods to the East. 

Brian Davis incident 3 
4 peaceful men walk out of Baker Beach early evening passing by Brian Davis, stationed by Trail to Northgate of battery Chamberlain
Peacemaker in front of group of four men calmly says to Brian and friendly voice;
“ hey Brian, you know the cops are down here looking for you.” 
Brian Davis Mumbled defensively in protest, claiming didn’t do anything
(Re :  Brian Davis had grabbed a trans woman breast. Trans. Woman called the police.
Police came, but could not find Brian. Brian had slipped out the woods to the east.)

Brian Davis incident 4
naked man and Persian woman from Iran, return from Pacific Ocean and sit by rock near north sand wall.
Brian Davis approaches and sits on towel 10 or 12 feet away to the north west against sandal.
Mail ask Brian Davis for space Brian does not move. 
Five or 10 minutes pass. Mail ask Brian to please give them some space and allow them some privacy as it’s a large beach not crowded and there is a mile of beach available and free.
Brian does not move
10 minutes pass and mail and for Brian if Brian does not move in five minutes mail will take a picture of Brian 
Brian, mumbles and stutters and muffled complaints and uttering such phrases
It’s not your beach. I didn’t do anything wrong.
Five minutes pass
Brian has not moved
Man takes out cell phone. 
Man informs Brian, if he does not move he’s going to take a photo of Brian. Public beach. 
Slowly stubbornly and hesitantly Brian packs up his belongings and slowly walk towards the waters edge with his belongings  
30 minutes in Brian is still at the waters edge, mumbling such protest phrases sounding similar to before.

Female Witness
According to woman witness 1 Brian Davis was seen taking SF Muni bus south through Sunset District SF. 

Sex Offender 2
Asian Male 35-40 175-200lbs? black hair pot belly pale skin walks beach naked north end. 

Female Witness A incident 
Approx 2010-2015 May be able fetch actual date from Park Rangers who detained Daniel 
After Daniel attempted to evade police on Pershing and Stillwell streets, Presidio SF 
Daniel changed his shirt attire blue orange during evasion @ 1562 Pershing Dr Presidio SF
Daniel Detained by police @ 
1517 Pershing Dr 

Female Witness A reported Daniel approached her group of women North Baker Beach South of Sand Ladder to Lincoln
A reported Daniel stood over them, and proceeded to masturbate. 

Female witness B reported Daniel approached her group of women mid South Baker between two parking lots on sand North of Lobos creek and claims Daniel said 
You’re beautiful, can I have a hug 
To which female witness a responded :
How about a high five? 

Female witness C from Switzerland
Reported being physically uncomfortable with Daniel’s proximity on mid north section of Baker Beach adjacent to battery chamberlain 
Female witness C actively sought the protection of another man for shelter from Daniel 

Female witness D from Chile 
Reported having to leave her beach blanket spot on mid south Baker Beach north of Lobos Creek 
Female witness C also stated this was not the only time Daniel made her physically uncomfortable 

Male Witness reported seeing Daniel appearing to reside at 1000 Pacific SF ? 
Male witness lived in that same building and noted rent increased from dollars 900 to dollars 2700
And stated accordingly that he hoped Daniel would not be able to afford to live there anymore.

Daniel Death Threat #1
Daniel said “ i’ll have the black guys kill you!“
Police called. Police responded. Pershing Dr 

Daniel Death Threat #2
Daniel Said; “ I’ll shoot you in the head with a gun!”
Police called. Multiple police units responded. 
Female US Park Police officer intercepted Daniel at top of sand ladder at Lincoln. 
Officer detained Daniel and searched his bag.

Sex Offender 3
Black Male 20-30 Tall Lean muscular chiseled hairless naked body wearing white wireless earbuds possibly AirPods 

AirPods Incident 1 afternoon 
AirPods stroked penis North end of Baker Beach to gain 45’erection.
AirPods walked back and forth displaying 45’erection throughout north end of baker beach in presence of tourists and beach goers 

AirPods Incident 2 afternoon 
AirPods lay prone on North Baker Beach South of sand ladder facing east, staring directly between the legs of adult, naked female located by fence at distance of 15 feet
Witness Man asked woman if AirPods was there 
When she arrived, or if AirPods sat down and stared at her after she had lay down on her back. 
Naked female reported that AirPods had arrived after she had set up her space.
Mail witness asked AirPods  for some space.
AirPods threateningly approached, male witness, and kicked sand at his body, 
Male witness defensively took taekwondo stance
While attempting to avoid further physical conflict with AirPods

AirPods Incident 3 evening dusk 
AirPods naked erect 45’ approached and spoke to
Female German Tourist White Female 20
Mid baker Beach near wooden vehicle ramp. 

AirPods Incident 4 late evening Darkness 
AirPods repeatedly utilized water faucet south of restrooms, baker beach, picnic area then
Walked several steps east to hide behind bushes and stare at unknown people in picnic Northmost picnic table barbecue area
While stroking his penis then back to
Water faucet to wet hands and stroke penis to partial erection
AirPods repeated this cycle many times 

AirPods Incident 5 afternoon 
Haight st Fair SF 1st Sunday in July
AirPods walked Naked semi erect on
North sidewalk of eighth Street walking east, approximately two or three blocks east of Stanyan approximately in approximately of wasteland   

3 Caveats. Qualifiers. AirPods 
While nudity was legal in Sf a decade earlier. 
Nudity was not legal the year of this Haight St festival. 
Displaying an erection at Haight street fair less legal than simple nudity. Women / Children. 
This incident listed to demonstrate this man brazenly displayed his erection in front of women and children, foreigners and tourists who unlike beach goers could not have warning or avoid exposure. 
This combined with his lewd creepy covert erection stalking of women in sheltered picnic area provide further information. GGNRA
Baker Beach Presidio SF National Park Service 
Golden Gate National Recreation Area 
US+National Park Police Dispatch 415 561 5505 NPS Jurisdiction Presidio GGNRA Ocean Beach
SFPD dispatch 415 553 0123 SF city Jurisdiction 

Male Witness Bike guy 2024 reports: 
2019 Daniel bugging Debbie but debbie says Daniel won’t bug her because bicyclist is with her

2019 but cyclist is covering female in sand 
Daniell followed her every where
Girl asks to be be buried in sand 
So bicyclist and trans friend buried her in sand
Daniel came up and sat down poured sand on her breast and stomach 
So bicyclist stared Daniel in the face and gave him the look like F off you need to get away from me and my company 

2022 Daniel called cops on guy harassing him. 
Cops said Daniel leave beach or get arrested. 

Bryan Davis Big B BatBoy 2023 was punched in face by 5’4” gay muscular Asian man 

Bryan Davis does a small broadcast for the giants Bag Big B 

baker beach sex offender 

The above accounts were related to me by bike guy very concerned about harassment on Baker Beach SF

Bike Guy 2024 is just 1 of 20 men and scores of women I’ve heard complain about Brian Davis and or Daniel 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.