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The Bilderberg Plan - Control Oil, Control People

The first very memorable "oil crisis" occurred in 1973. Nixon,
obedient to his handlers, announced the demonetization of the dollar
on August 15, 1971. This allowed time for the "real deciders" to plan
their strategy.


Deanna Spingola 
August 18, 2007 

There are arguments from both sides of the oil issue: either we are
quickly running out of oil or we have adequate oil to meet our
requirements for generations. Both sides offer evidence, witnesses,
experts and documentation to validate their assertions. Some
peak-oil projects, funded by oil companies, are highly suspect. The
very credible Lindsey Williams maintains that the North Slope in
Alaska has as much crude oil as Saudi Arabia. Governor Frank H.
Murkowski said in 2005 that there is enough oil on the North Slope
to supply the entire United States for 200 years.[1]   Antony Sutton,
author of Energy, the Created Crisis, is adamant that we have
sufficient oil. Conversely, I have read reports which support the peak
oil theory. I personally believe, after research, that "there is
enough and to spare." Doom and gloom, Chicken Little oil scarcity
claims have been propagated from the beginning. A scarcity, authentic
or manufactured, of any crucial commodity accomplishes the

	1. Increases profits to those who manipulate that commodity. 
	2. Allows the controllers to determine availability to the "right"
	3. In the case of energy - severely impacts lifestyle, progress and
	4. Extracts more money from an often overburdened consumer. 

Henry A. Kissinger, Rockefeller's well-compensated, multi-purpose
minion and long-time member of the Council on Foreign Relations
(CFR) said: "Control the oil and you can control entire Continents.
Control food and you control people."[2]   Michael
Collon, Belgian author said: "If you want to rule the world, you
need to control oil. All the oil. Anywhere."[3]

The first very memorable "oil crisis" occurred in 1973. Nixon,
obedient to his handlers, announced the demonetization of the dollar
on August 15, 1971. This allowed time for the "real deciders" to plan
their strategy. Eighty-four individuals, financial, corporate
and political elitists, gathered at Saltsjöbaden, Sweden for the
annual Bilderberg meeting. American attendee, Walter J. Levy,
outlined the plan for a pending 400% increase in OPEC revenues, the
exact percentage that Kissinger would demand of Saudi Arabian
Shah. Their intentions were not prevention but rather a scheme on how
to manage the projected abundance of oil dollars - what was
later referred to by Herr Kissinger as "recycling the petrodollar
flows." The Bilderberg policy was to initiate a global oil

An internal memo, dated January 8, 1973, from U.S. Bilderberg official
Robert D. Murphy suggested a list of participants for the May
1973 meeting. He stated: "There will be room for only 20 Americans at

Those attending included Robert O. Anderson of Atlantic Richfield Oil
Co., Lord Greenhill, chairman of British Petroleum, Sir Eric
Roll of Siegmund G. Warburg (creator of Eurobonds), George Ball of
Lehman Brothers Investment Bank, Henry Kissinger, William P.
Bundy> , Zbigniew
Brzezinski (soon to be Carter's national security advisor), David
Rockefeller, Emilio G. Collado, Executive Vice President, Exxon Corp.;
Gianni Agnelli>
, Otto Wolff von Amerongen
and Arthur H. Dean, CFR Director
(1955-72) and a partner in Rockefeller-oriented Sullivan & Cromwell.
Kissinger had requested Warburg to develop the Eurobonds ten
years before.[6]  A very
small scheming elite group, centered in New York
and London, influence the economy of the entire world. 

The reasons for the "oil shock" were: 
1. Launch a colossal assault against world industrial growth. 
2. Tilt the balance of power back to the advantage of Anglo-American
financial interests. 
3. Control the world's oil flows, their most powerful weapon. 
4. Increase the world demand for U.S. dollars.[7]  

Egypt and Syria invaded Israel on October 6, 1973 which came to be
known as the Yom Kippur War. This war was "secretly orchestrated"
by Herr Henry Kissinger, Nixon's national security adviser as well as
Secretary of State. Kissinger effectively managed the Israeli
response through his close association with Simcha Dinitz> . Kissinger, "Nixon's
intelligence czar," through privileged channels, misrepresented
motives, suppressed communications, and intercepted intelligence
reports ensured that the war would progress and end with his "shuttle
diplomacy" as planned in May 1973 at Saltsjöbaden. The Arabs,
scapegoats for the Elite, were the recipients of the world's rage and
Kissinger was the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for

A "fortuitous coincidence" was that, with oil's huge price increase,
British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell and other Anglo-American
oil companies were able to substantially recoup the millions they had
spent in the exploration of the North Sea oilfields.
Meanwhile, in Vienna, OPEC countries met and decided to raise their
prices by 70% and initiated an oil embargo on all oil sales to
the U.S. and the Netherlands (major oil port for Western Europe)
because of the U.S. support for Israel in the Middle East War. On
October 17, 1973, OPEC demanded withdrawal of Israel from Arab
territories occupied since June 1967 and the restoration of the legal
rights of the Palestinians. Nixon was in the midst of Watergate,
orchestrated by de facto president Kissinger and assisted by
Alexander Haig.[9]  There are
detectable reasons for Kissinger, a
Rockefeller asset, to "Watergate" Nixon, a man he detested and swore
he would never work for - he didn't.[10]   In
addition, the Watergate fiasco distracted the masses from the grave
economic situation. 

Uninformed Nixon attempted to get U.S. Treasury officials to force
OPEC to lower oil prices but was bluntly instructed, via a memo,
that the bankers had mandated the dollar "recycling" program to
accommodate the higher oil prices. Jack F. Bennett, Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury for International Monetary Affairs (until
July 1974), had counseled Nixon towards his 1971 dollar
demonetization decision. Bennett, at Kissinger's direction and
according to an established agreement with the Saudis to finance the
U.S. government deficits, had arranged for David C. Mulford to go to
Saudi Arabia to act as an "investment adviser" to SAMA. His job
was to "guide the Saudi petrodollars investments to the correct banks,
naturally in London and New York. The Bilderberg scheme was
operating just as planned."[11]

Led by Exxon, some oil companies had created a short supply of
domestic crude oil, supported by Nixon on advice from his aids. By
January 1974, oil prices had increased by 400%. In December 1974, nine
powerful bankers, including David Rockefeller, approached New
York mayor Abraham Beame. They made him an offer he could not refuse -
unless he assigned management of the city's vast pension
funds to them - the Municipal Assistance Corporation - then their
complicit media cronies would financially destroy the city. This
decreased the amount of money available for roadways, bridges,
hospitals, schools and the laying-off of tens of thousands of city
workers in order for New York City, the biggest city in the country,
to service their bank debt. Similar circumstances occurred in
other parts of the world: bank collapses, grave trade deficits,
unemployment, inflation, and industrial and transportation
depression in the more industrial nations. In third-world countries,
the consequences were even more severe.[12]

While devastating to the populace, the oil companies flourished:
Exxon, Mobil, Texaco, Chevron, and Gulf. OPEC's petrodollars were
deposited into the right banks in New York and London: Chase
Manhattan, Citibank, Manufacturers Hanover, Bank of America, Barclays,
Lloyds and Midland Bank.[13]
  These events set the stage for the debt crisis of the 1980s. 

The globalist decision of August 1971 to remove the dollar from a
fixed, gold-backed exchange rate system generated a shift to
double-digit inflation, urban decay, mounting unemployment and
excessive interest rates. The Kissinger-orchestrated Middle East oil
crisis of 1973-74 was designed to de-industrialize and eventually
transform the United States from the world's largest creditor
nation to the world's biggest debtor nation. 

A review of history further helps to reveal ruthless business patterns
that have shaped current circumstances - including yet
another war resulting in death and bloodshed for the benefit of the
greedy, insatiable elite. 

Beginning with the Civil War, the opportunistic, monopolistic John D.
Rockefeller sold inflated-priced Harkness whiskey to the
Federal troops. Recognizing the huge profitability in war with the
right commodity, he built his first oil refinery in 1863 along
the Cuyahoga River (Ohio) to accommodate the growing needs of the
raging Civil War which he and others, like J. P. Morgan, had
purchased their way out of for $300. 

The Rothschild controlled National City Bank of Cleveland gave
Rockefeller his first loan. In 1865 Rockefeller, for $72,500, bought
out his partners (Henry Flagler, Samuel Andrews, Stephen V. Harkness)
and price-chopped or otherwise destroyed his competitors by
purchasing supporting industries such as pipelines, railroad tank
cars, terminal facilities and barrel manufacturing factories. He
soon incorporated the growing imperialistic Standard Oil Company in
1870 to fully exploit the growing Russian kerosene market as
well as the curative "snake-oil" market in the U.S. 

In what Ohio historian Christopher Eiben called "a brilliant stroke of
corporate back scratching," "Rockefeller sold shares to
bankers who lent him millions and railroaders who gave him great
freight deals, including rebates on rivals' shipments."[14]  "Working
through the Wall Street firms of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., and J. P.
Morgan Co., the Rothschilds financed John D. Rockefeller so that he
could create the Standard Oil Empire. They also financed the
activities of Edward Harriman (railroads) and Andrew Carnegie

By 1873 Standard Oil, by hook or crook, had acquired about 80 percent
of the refining capacity in Cleveland which was about one
third of the U.S. total. Interestingly enough, the stock market
crashed on September 18, 1873 and created a six year recession
allowing Standard Oil to seize refineries in Pennsylvania's oil
region, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and New York. Rockefeller
controlled approximately 90% of the oil refined as well as most of the
oil marketing facilities in the U.S. by 1878.[16]  Ruthless
Rockefeller, who detested competition, founded the first
global monopoly and was supplying 90% of the world's oil, 70%
overseas. Great Britain also experienced economic depression in 1873
replete with pandemic unemployment and bankruptcies. Two years later,
the Rothschilds provided a sizeable loan (£4,080,000) to
enable the British government to acquire a controlling share of the
Suez Canal.[17]

Rockefeller had built the world's biggest business in Cleveland, Ohio.
Standard Oil sold over "300 refining byproducts" from
Vaseline to chewing gum. In 1882, he created the Standard Oil Trust,
suggested by Samuel Dodd, Standard Oil's attorney, to
eviscerate and devour all of the independent oil producers and
refiners both nationally (250 competitors in the U.S.) and
internationally. A trust is when stockholders in a group of companies
transfer their shares to a single set of trustees who control
all of the companies which constitutes a monopoly. "In exchange, the
stockholders received certificates entitling them to a
specified share of the consolidated earnings of the jointly managed
Rockefeller's "trust" became an example to other "businessmen" who
embraced the "trust" concept - always at the expense of the working
man. Rockefeller took his growing Goliath to Manhattan in 1883
where he "influenced urban sprawl."[19]

Russia's oil industry accelerated in the latter part of the 19th
century due to an oil boom at the Caspian Sea town of Baku, which
had opened in 1873 and at Galicia (now in Poland). The Rothschild
banking family had major interests in the oil-wells of Baku,
Russia. Beginning in 1875, Ludvig and Robert Nobel built an oil empire
known as the Brothers Nobel, or Branobel, based on oil
deposits in Baku on the Caspian Sea.[20]  By 1883,
Standard Oil's
imports were not as essential to the Russian market for reasons that

Britain's Marcus Samuel, future founder of Shell Oil, developed
tankers capable of carrying oil in cost-cutting bulk transport
through the Suez Canal. The maiden voyage of the "Murex," the first
tanker, was in 1892. Remember, Great Britain had a controlling
interest in the Suez Canal, thanks to the Rothschilds. Marcus and his
brother also established bulk oil storage at ports in the Far
East. In addition, they contracted with a Russian group, controlled by
the Rothschilds, "for the long-term supply of kerosene" which
put them in high-risk direct competition, abhorrent to Rockefeller,
with Standard Oil. The Samuel brothers named their company The
Tank Syndicate but renamed it in 1897 to the Shell Transport and
Trading Company.[22]

Rockefeller and his accomplices felt that they were above the law
until the passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act on July 2, 1890,
enacted by Congress based on their Constitutional power to regulate
interstate commerce. It was signed into law by President
Benjamin Harrison. In 1892, the Ohio Supreme Court ordered the
disbanding of the Standard Oil Trust, an illegal monopoly. "Standard
Oil was subsequently reorganized in 1899 as a holding company under
the name of Standard Oil Company of New Jersey. That state had
conveniently adopted a law that permitted a parent company to own the
stock of other companies."[23]

In 1896 Standard Oil contributed $250,000 to Republican William
McKinley's presidential campaign against Democrat William Jennings
Bryan, a supporter of antitrust legislation.[24]
  McKinley was opposed
to the imperialistic, expansionist Spanish-American War. Yet, to
retain office in the next election, he asked Congress to declare
war against Spain in 1898. He signed the Gold Standard Act in 1900. 

In September 1901, William McKinley, allegedly a Rockefeller tool, was
shot by Leon Czolgosz
 (son of Polish immigrants), labeled as an "anarchist"
although he didn't belong to any rebel groups. Czolgosz was
immediately "tried and executed by the Establishment." The assassination
was manipulated by the Establishment to subtly discredit rebellion and
anyone who might justifiably dissent. The Elite, in any age,
would actually prefer to prohibit dissent. It is similar to our
current administration saying: "Let us never tolerate outrageous
conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th…"[25]>
and by implication - let us never tolerate conspiracy theorists. 

Following the assassination, various anti-sedition and anti-conspiracy
laws were passed by the Establishment. Who benefited by
McKinley's death - Teddy Roosevelt who was supported by the contending
Morgan (as opposed to Rockefeller) wing of the Republican
Party. Roosevelt immediately started using the anti-trust weapon to
try to destroy Rockefeller's Standard Oil and Harriman's
Northern Securities, both bitter enemies of the Morgan world

Woodrow Wilson, son of a Presbyterian minister, had the financial and
political support of the Rockefellers, Jacob Schiff, Bernard
Baruch, and others in his successful 1910 bid for governor of New
Jersey. They also had the love letters he wrote to Mary Peck, his
mistress while he was president of Princeton (1902-1910), for which
they paid $65,000.[27]
  Therefore he later made the perfect, morally compromised presidential
candidate. The following unconstitutional acts were engineered during
the administration of the obedient Rockefeller minion, Woodrow

	1913:The Sixteenth Amendment - authorized income taxes (never
ratified  ) 
	The Seventeenth Amendment - direct popular election of Senators 
	Underwood Tariff - lowered duties 
	Federal Reserve Act - created the un-federal Federal Reserve System 

Through the years, Standard Oil received bad press as a result of
their cutthroat business practices and the muckraking reports of
people like Ida Tarbell and writer/activist Upton Sinclair.
Rockefeller hired Ivy Lee in 1914 as their public relations manager to
clean up their image and appear philanthropic.[28]  A public
professional, with media complicity, also discredits or disgraces any
national or foreign opponent. 

For decades, voters merely decide to cast a vote - the actual
decisions regarding candidates and the orchestrated consequences of
those calculated choices are made in covert CFR committee meetings,
Bilderberg assemblies, pentagon offices and corporate
boardrooms. Voters ultimately suffer the extreme penalties and the
elite benefactors, the "deciders" remain unscathed. 

Click here for part -----> 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19   20   21   22  

Footnotes:  1,
Lindsey Williams - The Energy Non-Crisis   - Part 1 of 8  2,
Monsanto Buys 'Terminator' Seeds Company 
 by F. William Engdahl, Global
Research, August 27, 2006  3, A
Century of War, Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World
Order by William Engdahl, pg. 267  4, Ibid,
pg. 130-141  5, Ibid  6, Ibid  7, Ibid  8, Ibid  9, Ibid  10,
Kissinger   by Gary
Allen, Accessed July 27, 2007  11, A
Century of War, Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World
Order by William Engdahl, pg. 130-141 See also The Hidden Hand of
American Hegemony 
: Petrodollar Recycling and International Markets  12, A
Century of War, Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World
Order by William Engdahl, pg. 130-141  13, Ibid  14, The
Energy Bulletin, Rockefeller and Co. turned oil into local
gold by Grant Segal  l,
Published on 11 Jun 2005 by Cleveland Plain Dealer, Accessed July
20, 2007  15,
Rothschild Fortune Built Rockefellers, Morgans  , Etc  16, The
Dismantling of The Standard Oil Trust  , Accessed July 24, 2007  17, N M
Rothschild & Sons Limited;-Sons-Limited-Company-History.html 
, Accessed July 23, 2007 18, The
Dismantling of The Standard Oil Trust , Accessed July 24, 2007 19,
Rockefeller and Co. turned oil into local gold , June
12, 2005, By Grant Segall, Accessed July 23, 2007 20,
Alfred Nobel - St. Petersburg, 1842-1863  by
Birgitta Lemmel, Accessed July 23, 2007 21, At
The Dawn Of The Kerosene Era
by Alexander Matveichuk PhD (History), Member of the Russian Academy
of Natural Sciences, 2006, Accessed July 20, 2007 22,
Shell, The beginnings
, Accessed July 26, 2007 23, The
Dismantling of The Standard Oil Trust , Accessed July 24, 2007 24,
American Experience, The Rockefeller Timeline ,
Accessed July 24, 2007 25,
President Bush Speaks to United Nations ,
Remarks by the President, To United Nations General Assembly,
U.N. Headquarters, New York, New York, November 10, 2001, Accessed
July 25, 2007 26,
Investigate the Vice President First  by Murray N.
Rothbard, Accessed July 25, 2007 27, The
Greatest Story Never Told, Winston Churchill and the Crash of
1929 by Pat Riott, pg. 20 28,
John D. Rockefeller: A Photographic History  by
Kristin Aguilera and Keith E. Rolfe, Photographs courtesy of the
Rockefeller Archive Center, Accessed July 24 

© 2006 Deanna Spingola - All Rights Reserved 


The Bilderberg Plan - Control Oil, Control People , Part 23, 8-17-07 
The Rockefellers, Funding Fathers of the New World Order  7-22-07 
The One World Order, Transatlantic Economic Integration , Part 22, 5-13-07 
The One World Order: Criminals and Their Camps  - Part 21, 3-15-07 
The One World Order: Terror for Profit  - Part 20, 3-1-07 
The One World Order: Following the Filthy Lucre  - Part 19, 1-28-07 
The One World Order: Separation of Church & Hate  - Part 18, 1-7-07 
The One World Order: the Theocrat in Washington  - Part 17, 12-31-06 
The One World Order: Piety, Packaging & Politics  - Part 16, 12-24-06 
The One World Order: Bush - God's Choice?  - Part 15, 11-19-06 
The One World Order: un-Fair & un-Balanced  - Part 14, 10-29-06 
The One World Order: The Religious Right  - Part 13, 10-14-06 
The One World Order: Stage-managed Morality  - Part 12, 10-3-06 
The One World Order: the Conservative Charade  - Part 11, 9-24-06 
The One World Order: The Ministry of Truth  - Part 10, 9-10-06 
The One World Order: Weapons of Mass Inhumanity  - Part 9, 8-31-06 
The One World Order: Weapons of Mass Inhumanity  - Part 8, 8-27-06 
The One World Order: The Military Minions  - Part 7, 8-17-06 
The One World Order: Deliberate Decline Into Decadence  - Part 6, 7-30-06 
The One World Order: Programming the Masses  - Part 5, 7-8-06 
The One World Order: Bush, The Best of The Worst  - Part 4, 7-5-06 
The One World Order: It's Their Party  - Part 3, 6-25-06 
The One World Order: Secrets of Their Success  - Part 2, 6-17-06 
The One World Order: Conquest or Consent?  - Part 1, 6-1-06

--- End ---

Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, John Majors, Gerald Ford, Nelson A. Rockefeller , Mondale, = Bilderbergers 
List of Bilderberg attendees 
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