Legal note. SF: nude not legal after 2012
CA: State allows naked on coastal tideline? Says JT
I have no confidence. Need Legal cites.
Fed. No law against being naked on federal land.
Hence 3 naked beaches SF: North end Baker, Marshall, Golden Gate. Naked BurningMan BLM.
A naked acquaintance I’d see on Baker, Marshall and Golden Gate Beach through the last three decades JT
Would Walk naked up and down Fort Funston, San Mateo Coast beaches.
Carrying a SF chronicle newspaper clipping in his wallet
Stating his right as a California citizen to walk the coast of California
I wish I had that newspaper clipping or a photo or facsimile of it
As he asserted his right to walk along the coastline naked
That clipping
This deserves further research
If not for him, I would not have thought to lobby for my right
To walk, up-and-down, California coastline, naked.
Indeed, I have not tested this liberty
Outside of Marin, SF SMTO, SCRUZ
Beaches where I was always adjacent to a known nude beach
Normal to be wandering naked
I would tend to avoid authorities.
Honestly I was most often alone in nature.
More data needed re: JT
Again through many decades
On all of my wanderings on trails above Baker, Marshall, Golden Gate, Beach, SF
I have been of a mindset and fully prepared to walk briskly back down to the ocean and be on my way.
With no intention of speaking to anybody of legal authority carrying a gun
Safer and more legal: water walking
On 7 days, I naked walked or Waded ankle deep knee, deep, or hip deep to and into
Clothed China Beach SF from Clothed South end of Baker Beach SF, 5/7 successful days 2004
I was prepared in hydration, caloric load, body temp reserves, knowledge of tides water temps eddies ebb and flow per
With a mindset to swim naked into the ocean, then north or south to evade outwit and outfox
Any boot and vest wearing authorities before they could summon JetSki or boat authorities
Naked China Beach SF
Mindset and activist legal defense:
If GW BushCo regime is going to make his own laws and illegally steal the White House a 2nd time in 2004, I’m gonna make my own laws.
Catch me if you can.
Days 1-3 2004
I walked full length of Baker Beach SF north south, then south and north ankle deep.
If I saw women or kids, I would walk waist deep.
Day 4
Naked in ocean at China Beach trying to pin down the location of a steel pole jutting out of the ocean floor attached to a concrete filled truck tire washed out from beach garbage can post holder
I was looking up to houses on Seacliff to triangulate my position for map reference
So that I could inform of this life-threatening hazard visible above the water at extreme low tide
Though my Charting and plotting was interrupted by bells, tones, and whistles from lifeguard loudspeaker by which I noticed a park ranger police SUV at China Beach Station.
I ignored the PA loudspeaker tones as I was attempting to save lives righteously escalated
Commanded the Federal Park Ranger over PA LoudSpeaker
I turned north, and walked out of sight, never to be seen in that beach water naked again
Days 4,5
I walked fully waist deep in China beach water which was risky and difficult due to cobblestone concrete water, pipe, X flow laid on ocean floor channel for stormwater runoff
I noted Park Ranger SUV, assumed binoculars and eyes on me scrutinizing yet I heard no address over the PA system
I was waist deep
I thought better of risking an ankle caught in a crevice of cobblestone rocks concrete
I never returned to walk naked in water in China beach
Day 6
I may or may not have enjoyed organic California medicinal herb on Baker Beach North
I did walk south in beach water in Beachwater along Baker Beach.
Halfway south on beach, I did observe two armed Park rangers Khaki Olive on ATVs stationed ready up along fence observing.
I ceased my southward, naked travels as I enjoyed waist deep water, walking out into the ocean, enjoying waves
I was unable to determine if these two nice officers were there for me.
I was keenly aware that whether they were called there for me, or happened upon me
They may well be aware of me.
I maintained waist deep while I pondered my predicament.
I did not think it wise to walk south, and cross their latitude.
I walked north, waist deep in water.
Day 7 Dry no water needed.
Naked among friends on North Baker Beach
I explained my ankle knee waist, deep tactics to
My lovely topless friend
I invited her to walk the beach with me naked
She declined the naked part but was happy to join me topless
Wearing only her slightest half see through Sarong loosely gathered around her delicious waist over her voluptuous hips
We held hands walking
Simply peacefully as a nearly naked couple
Up and down full length 1 mile of Baker Beach
No issues. None expected.
In my mind, a naked couple is far less threatening to women children, families, mothers, dads
Than a single naked man.
Law. Cops. Handcuffs.
Legal Caveat Danger Warnings Anecdotes 4:
I have seen 4 men arrested, and or detained under Golden Gate Bridge, and on south end of Baker Beach
For naked, or exposed activities or fire
North under Golden Gate Bridge construction zone, reinforcement post 911, where cables anchor into earth SF concrete block
A sad and lonely naked man was cornered by multiple Olive authorities.
Unsure of agency, as both Park, Rangers and county sheriff where Olive Green
Anne, Golden Gate Bridge is patrolled by half dozen authorities while scores of authorities have jurisdiction anywhere in SF
Specifically at bridge park rangers khaki Olive Park Police Blue Black
CHP Khaki
bridge Patrol Black with credentials
Unknown agency black tactical gear no logos
Hint: best not to approach bridge naked
So Mr. guy who was cornered under construction platform south of Fort point
Was escorted away by authorities
North Mr Guy #2 Mr. guy number two whom I met on Golden Gate Beach one fine sunny day
Explain to me that he, too, was taken away by authorities for being naked under Golden Gate Bridge
Sat in an office, interrogated by authorities who ran his IDs
Address, CDL, story letting him go only after ascertaining he was not a threat to the bridge
South Guy #3
Arrested or detained led off beach by authorities
Near sunset I walked waters edge South end of Baker Beach SF
A man stood against the newly constructed Rockwall Beach access 4 CAMERA staircase of
120 SeaCliff SF
Wearing a sky blue windbreaker or Raincoat
I could not tell if he was peeing or fondling self
I walked to huge boulder south, and Baker Beach, sap, enjoyed sunset, looking for whales, dolphins,
Moments later, I noticed 2 park rangers addressing blu Man #3
Highly unusual blue man extended his arm to display an ID to the officer.
Best guess this display was of a fishing license.
Any CDL offered to any authority is 99% always taken and held by the authority
Therefore 99% this was a fishing license.
Officers measured Dungeness crabs? and blue man bucket
Officer #1 escorted BlueMan #3 off beach.
Officer # 2 walked BlueMan’s bucket to ocean,
Tossing Dungeness crabs? Into Pacific.
Fire kid #4 Face Down HandCuffed Eve bonfire
Walking south on Baker Beach after sunset I ask a girlfriend How long she thinks that bonfire will last
She answers “5 Minutes”
As I approach the bonfire just north of Lobos Creek I notice an Park Ranger approach bonfire
So I walk towards the ocean
Highschool age kid pulls 5 foot flaming then glowing ember smoking tree branch out of bonfire
Officer commands: “put that down!”
Kid flaps back at officer;
“It’s a good fire. We didn’t see any signs!”
I think it best to walk along the ocean, minding my own business.
Minute later I look back over my left shoulder.
Kid is face down in the sand, getting handcuffed wrists behind his back.
I am walking minding my own. I exit beach.
I hear multiple sirens and see four sets of police lights, descending southward at Washington and Lincoln in Presidio SF
I assume police have a call at Ocean Beach or some unknown.
How naïve am I?
4 cop four cop cars park between two Baker Beach parking lots.
Kids are walking everywhere
Cops pay no attention to #30-40 kids
Only attention to kid number one who talked back
FYI fires not legal on Baker Beach
Suggest no fires.