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Marin Nude Beaches Red Rock Muir Black Sands Beach HumpBack Whales Dolphins Seals Sea Lions Naked ok

MARIN     Nude Beaches OUTLINE  list North to South
Red Rock moderate steep trail Park 420’ft 128m Elevation 10-20-30 people. Hetero ish

Muir Beach north end beyond huge rock. Het ish
Muir cars park close to beach at 150’ ft 45m elevation above sea level easy. Het ish 

Black Sands beach . Mod steep trail view SF 
gay ish though often sparse serene
Park 320’ft 100m Elevation 0-6 people. Gay ish 

Compare to 260’ ft 75/80m Langdon Ct Park lot 
Batteries to Bluff Trail to Marshall Beach SF 

Topographical maps scaled differently SF / Marin
Marin 40’ft contour lines. SF 20’ft contour lines.

1m meter = 39” inches. 1 Yard = 36” inches = 3’ ft
1’ ft = 12” inches SAE ‘ = ft foot. SAE “ = inches. 
5280’=1 mile. 1 mile = 1.6 Km. 1Km = 0.62 miles 

MARIN     Nude Beaches EXPANDED 

SPRING WATER Safe, clean, fresh, drinking  bring all the containers
Red Rock Beach Cold Spring, Stinson Beach, CA  3.7/5 (3) 43 people follow this spring.

Qspringwater ask friends recon local springs

Red Rock moderate steep trail Park 420’ft 128m Elevation 10-20-30 people. Hetero ish 
Spring Water Flows both on Road PC Pipe and on Beach PVC Pipe. HEAVEN! We played naked ultimate frisbee. I’ve only ever done that on Baker Beach SF also.
Young, healthy crowd, #10-20-30 women, men

     Directions.  Red Rock. Hot Springs. 
Driving south from southernmost last stop sign in Stinson Beach, CA approx 1/4 miles see
Little gravel parking lot at 100‘ ft elev. hot springs in Pacific Ocean only exposed at extreme low tides -1.7 -1.5 -1.3’ 1 or 2 hours

     Directions.  Red Rock Beach
1/2 mi larger gravel lot 420’ft 128m elev RED ROCK BEACH note sprinter vans, VW vans, climbing gear, crash pads Climbing ropes 
SpringWater flows at Road and on Beach pipes

Wading Swimming access Red Rock Via Stinson 
50/50 vs bouldering climbing Rocks 
Depends on Weather. Water temp. Air temp. Tide. 
Each can be safe or Deadly. Individual results may vary. 

This is not legal advice. 
Swimming is safe only To 100 meters on Baker Beach Sf due to shallow Fathoms charts and protected nature of Baker Bay. 
Swimming/ RipTides / currents are DEADLY on Ocean Beach, Marshall Beach, Golden Gate, Beach, SF, and much or most of the COLD Northern California Coast. Baker Beach SF is protected, indented 2 miles in from coastland.

Muir Het ish cars park close to beach at 150’ft 45m elevation above sea level easy SHORT TRAIL 
I’ve only been 1X with a woman who took me to HotSpring Just North. 
She wanted to play on beach. I was young, 
I was shy due to other people being near. 
Seemed we were the only couple? Of <10 peeps
? + (Muir Beach north end beyond huge rock?)

Black Sands Beach . Mod steep trail view SF gay ish Private. Serene. Desolate. Very few peeps. 
Beach faces South. View of SF GG Bridge 
View of SF Baker Beach China Beach Lands End 
Park 320’ 100m Elevation 0-6 people.  Men. Gay ish
Park lot 1 mile West of GG Bridge 1 way road to point Bonita Light house and Hostel. 
Upper Fisherman’s Parking Lot 
Tiny portaPotty or toilet in wood fence? 
Ignore: Sign says trail closed as NPS is CYA? 
You walk east of Black Sand Beach toward GG Bridge there is another even more private lovely beach that is all yours alone most all day 
Quiet. Private. Solitary serene. 
I’ve been twice. Saw maybe 2 or 3 guys each day. 

       Humpback Whales. EXCELLENT VIEW

8 Humpback whales swim Clockwise when they visit SF GG Bridge. Afternoon 
Humpback Whales enter Baker Bay from North along Marin HeadLands at Point Bonita Lighthouse to Black Sands Beach then Hawk Hill. 
Whales then surround and trap fish in Kirby Cove Marin. Just West of GG Bridge. 
Five whales hang out at the Golden Gate Bridge while three may swim south in view of Baker Beach SF, 
Often days provide many hours of whale watching all eight whales in Baker Bay 
Dolphins seals and Sea Lions too! 
Look for Pelicans diving, blow holes blowing water spouts, and whales breaching. 
eight HumpBack Whales head out West then South to Lands’ End, Cliffhouse, Sutro baths, Ocean Beach SF 

Black Sand Beach more likely fog on fog days. 
See my SF Weather FAQ long med short 

Black sand Beach, often breezy or windy in funnel of GG Bridge. See weather FAQ 

Often foggy Jun Jul Aug when HOT SACTO sucks FOG thru GG Bridge
Sunny warm pleasant INDIAN SUMMER 
SEPT OCT when Sacto Chills out. 

Baker Beach SF often BUBBLE of SUN 
even when Ocean Beach foggy 
Due to warm water baker Bay  +
Protection, win, cut off by lands end SF 

North End Baker Beach often Bubble of Sun 
even when South and Central Baker Beach foggy. 
Micro climate within micro climate 

North Baker Beach hottest beach in SF Bay. 

I am also creating a list of North to South 
PNW Wrecks Beach 

TLDR scrape WayBack Machine for annual Nude Beach Guide 
Including Descriptions Access Parking and Legal 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.