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Bananas Apples Oranges are allowed to be spoken of up to 2015. After 2015 the bananas would not allow oranges to be spoken of in the bananas and apples FruitBowl forum. Those who spoke of oranges were FruitChecked by PolitiFruit,com placed in FruitJail by Mango Zuchini, CEO of FruitBook. Unable to speak, Oranges formed their own Citrus Network. 
Excited at first, Potato,com filled with Oranges thrilled to revel in their Julius froth. Oranges, realizing the limiting confines of their Navel echo chamber, sought to rejoin FruitBowl. To their harsh surprise, Oranges were were now called literal Mandarins, shunned and Banned by FruitBowl, MangoZuchini and FruitBook! But they were not Mandarins. Less than 1% were Mandarins, and nobody had even seen a mandarin for 50 years, since eating them out of a tiny can as mandarin orange slices as a kid 
a half century ago in their Steel SuperMan Lunch Box in the 1970s. 

FruitBook rallied against Potato as an extremist Mandarin network and caused FruitCongress to shut down Potato. 

Oranges sat alone again in their tiny orange trees again just as they had done during the CitrusVerde 2019 lockdowns of 2020-2021

Oranges Longed for the camaraderie of the potlucks they used to enjoy but were no longer invited to. 

Oranges grew bored and stir crazy in their Homogenous crates of oranges.
With nothing to talk about except Orange Grove issues of harvest, frost, frostbite and orange blight. Convo gets old and redundant fast. 

Oranges are keenly aware variety is the spice of life. 
Vive La Difference!

Yet FruitBowl has gone Bananas 
Bananas now Yell “ORANGE FRUIT BAD!”
On every FruitCast and every late night FruitShow 

Apples have no choice but to support and echo banana slogans. 

Creative Commons CC license: FreeWare! run with it, add to it, set it free for others. 

I am fruit challenged at a culinary impasse writing this banquet potpourri 

I invite other delicacies and tasty morsels to adopt this spread and cater as able 

Simply to convey the edible concept, that life is more fun, when fruits are able to commingle and pollinate in a glorious feast. 

I suppose this tiny tale could benefit from a cartoon or animation visual format. 

Goal is to present simple tale as delicious
Free of words that trigger 

X.     Twitter

Are of less utility when they are just right wing echo chambers and or mostly comprised of dissidents banned from 

Facebook Meta Instagram 

YouTube Google


What Zuck Meta google YouTube LinkedIn CNN MSM WEF WHO censors stole from us was our commons

Free Speech was taken from us  

If the left half of America calls the right half “literally Hitler” then banishes them from the common social networks

Then discussion and common sense are stolen from America.

(Facebook founded with taxpayers $ with CIA venture capital via inQtel front group)

FB funded by CIA front group inQtel venture capital opened Feb 4 2004 same day DARPA LifeLog closed.

Tabletop Monday August 26 2024 
Yerba Buena, California, pacific cascadia
Telegram trees
Scott at planttrees dot org  Scott Munson Menlo Park Palo Alto

FB Disabled me Aug 10 2024 after 17 yrs
FB does not support Free Speech Activism  

415 269 7738 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.