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Naked and or barefoot, are actually doable on Playa with proper foot care at night 
Most days are pleasant to be naked all day. 
Most of my 20 years 1995-2014 were approx

12pm Shave and shower Noon or lunch
8 hours naked playa 12p noon - 8pm barefoot 
8pm shower, costume socks shoes
8 hours bike dance party  costume sock shoe
4 am shower. Sleep clean fresh sheets x10days
8 hours sleep 4am -12pm       Wash rinse repeat 

Each day I place new hand towel dry from yesterday’s shower over bike seat
That’s 10 days of fresh clean hand towel on seat 
Large rubber band Gathers towel to seat post.

If I go barefoot playa over 12 hours I simply apply coconut oil or Shea butter to my feet, then wear socks while sleeping eight hours to hydrate feet

Calloused feet from three decades of naked, bouldering and rock, climbing north of Baker Beach SF 
And just plain barefoot, walking from car to beach for 30 years of volleyball, frisbee swimming, sunbathing, and parkour from beach to bridge

No problem going naked 24/7 on Playa weather permitting.
Cardboard, newspaper, paper bag, towel or clothing article suffice as seat protector, if you must sit on a public seat. 

There is no law against being naked on federal LAND. 
That’s why naked people have always been allowed at burning man and on Baker Beach from the north end all the way to the Golden Gate Bridge

Presidio SF charter written 1990 when US Army Bad became National Park states 
All traditional uses must be respected ie:
Are legal, lawful and permissible on Baker Beach SF
No Glass. No Dugs. Federal land. 
Naked people are encouraged to be on north end of Baker beach SF. 
Park Police can cite for disturbing peace SouthEnd

BM Burning man BurningMan Playa naked nekkid )’( 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.