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Aloe Vera Raw Plant Prevents sunburns, even after the fact. Lavender helps. 
Tear leaf off plant slice off the two sharp pointy serrated lengths, then slice the leaf in half all the way down separating the two skins so that you have two flat layers you can hold on the palm of your hand  
Slap that against your sunburn when you’re fresh and clean after you’ve stepped out of a fresh lukewarm shower now you’ve removed oil from your skin and your pores are wet and open ready to receive aloe vera 
Ok to 
Take knife again to the aloe and score it with a knife, making scores of hash marks to interrupt, and open up the gel reapply to your body again and again until all the gel is gone until you’re down to the green skin  of plant cover

Grow aloe at home  and ID local wild sources in your neighborhood. I keep my own maps on my phone. If I see huge crops of aloe I’ll email myself the cross streets and address City keep a list of locations. Compiled by city

Take as many leaves as you can to burningman then you can offer them as gifts to people you find who are red and sunburned, and share the recipe BM )’( 

If you have no plants, then Trader Joe’s brand aloe vera gel will do 
It saved my skin one year at burning man when I got stuck approaching Gerlach in traffic jam. Turned the car off sat on roof topless. Oops.
Red lobster   What to do?
Went to CBGB massage camp got aloe vera gel applied to sunburn. Cured.  Did not burn.
So I learned that TJ‘s brand aloe vera gel saved my red lobster skin from a burn. No burn. No peel.  

Resources sunscreen guide:
Best sunscreen equals shirt and hat 

Aloe Vera. Lavender via Tropical. 
Vit E. Astaxanthin via Oral. 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.