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Just go to playa. It might be the most fun you’ve ever had in your life.  1996 )’( + SF recap below.  Cellspace SF raves Craigslist 1998
Burningman )’( is 10 days of freedom and release. Best therapy ever. 
Imagine 10 days in a row of the best Halloween New Year’s Eve costume party, carnival gala festival dance jam you ever been to. 

First task is packing read up on food medical legal and survival prep for the trip. 
Second task is just to stay hydrated nourished and well slept so you can last 10 days. 
Hot soups at night are great to come back too so camping with group can make sense unless you and yours are experienced campers and can cook for yourselves. 

You will never experience anything like the freedom of waking up, showering, walking or biking around naked or costumed, meeting the most ebullient, bright and shining, expanding souls you’ve ever met on earth 

Like a pinball in a pinball machine, you can bounce around all day and night, from gathering to yoga or stretch or listen or TED talk  lounge and food events all day long

People, howling, like wolves, blessing, settingsun,  rising moon (oops sorry dark year new moon 2024)
Energy is in the air. Hot soup on stove is critical now.  If you want to dance all night till the sky gets light
Gentle breeze falls off the mountains, blessing your body

Your mission should you choose to accept it?
Is to stay hydrated and
Have the best time of your life

Whether by foot or bike or car magic carpet
You can dance drink and socialize all night long
Forever for 10 days

Honestly, best time ever. No comparison.

1996 HellCo Theme
John Law escaped a flaming wooden skyscraper on a stainless steel zip line as the powering inferno raged
Hollywood burned 35 and 70 mm cellulite was everywhere flaming piles of art
Flash, and Dana built CACA bell and Joe Camel. 
Cal Spelitech hydraulic pneumatic robot Screech ripped the conflagration inferno Citi to shreds, like Godzilla on a rampage

Steve Hecht 3 story upright piano sculpture was musically fun every day with buckets of drumsticks and piano, levers and feet to bang on the guts of the pianos from the inside of the huge 30 foot? Circle yard of piano skyscraper.
Burned beautifully

Scores of wooden doors were structured in a starship building. Also fun.
They burned

They were impromptu, mudbaths with scores of naked bodies, rolling over each other in caterpillar like succession
It was the most innocent simple happy fun
Like kids in a sandbox
Something that could never happen again
Cause Reasons er um health department

Pepe Ozan led  art crew for Fire opera all day all week to build two story Temple of Ishtar
Stephanis carried empress Zoe upstairs to second level of soon to be towering inferno 
Zoe sang fire opera
Kate led goat upstairs. No animals were harmed. 

Wired magazine, coffee table, burning man book, 1996 has large, colorful pictures of these events. Hardbound. Black spine Yellow Font. 
Distributed by publishers group group west out of Oakland CA

Dream circus characters performed the seven sins under Pepe Ozon direction and paradox Pollack’s choreography

Paradox Pollack and Jonathon Yout founded 
Cellspace dot org 2050 Bryant st SF 1996 
Huge 17,000 sq foot warehouse with couches hanging from the ceilings
On huge crane racks from industrial era wayback machine to view websites long gone 

See also AnonSalon dot com longest running Monthly BurningMan Party 
285 9th st SF at Folsom 

One Friday evening at AnonSalon venue in 1998 a guy named Craig Newmark had a party the night before an AnonSalon Saturday party
 DJ Laird spun at both 
Craig wanted to gather emails from friends at the party and keep in touch with them
So he started a website called so they could catch up Which he ran out of his Victorian house on 8th Ave  SF @ Lincoln at Golden Gate Park 
Craig is a super mellow, friendly guy, with light in his eyes
Shit kicking Java script programmer activist from the well in Santa Cruz, the first BBS in the world. He’s a geek. Craig gave the gift of a free website for everyone to use for everything. 
Only posts, that cost money to list were jobs, and apartments in New York. 
Craig is an angel who fought hard for our rights with such groups as in SF and Creative Commons CC freeware trademark 
lobbied against RIAA and TiVo 

Art was alive. .com era was just starting 
SF was new and fresh, alive bustling place to be for Bohemians and artists. Rooms were $300-500 in a Victorian flat 
$ started to flow. Anyone and everyone could get a job doing anything  
Raves were held every weekend on some new empty floor some grand skyscraper office building
Some kid would have the Kys, as he was in charge of gutting, an entire floor of desks and partitions
Every night a rave. SF was ground zero for burning man culture music art tech design internet creation 
this creativity and energy flowed into the desert every year 

I will post these writings at as resource for folks interested in TTITD 

I can toss up a bunch of camping biking and packing and travel tips too. Many useful FAQs
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.