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Dear Seaflowers,

Want to extend summer’s last precious days?  Then join Seaflow on Sept. 13 on Rodeo Beach for a prelude to our monthly community meeting, and bring tales of your summer adventures to our general meeting that follows.  Michael Stocker and Seaflow’s newest board member and dynamic marine advocate, Rona Weintraub, will facilitate the evening.  For those who are able to come early, Michael will lead an educational walk on Rodeo Beach, discussing the sounds of the marine environment just beyond the waves. This leisurely stroll will begin at Seaflow’s office at 5:30 p.m., then proceed to the beach.  The general meeting will begin at 7 p.m.

Seaflow has been in high gear this summer advocating for marine life.  Seaflow representatives attended the International Whaling Commission meeting in Sorrento Italy, the Marine Mammal Commission plenary sessions on Ocean Noise, the California Ocean Management workshop in San Francisco, and our Ocean Noise Coalition meeting here in Sausalito.

The Ocean Noise issue continues to rise "front and center" in both policy advancement and (unfortunately) in tragic incidents and strandings around the world involving ocean life. Among Seaflow’s summer accomplishments was success educating federal and state policy-makers about the need to address regulating ocean noise pollution.  Seaflow drafted text on ocean noise for Senator Barbara Boxer’s Ocean Protection Policy Bill that will be introduced to the U.S. Senate any day.  Seaflow also contributed text on ocean noise for  the California Ocean Management Action  Protection Plan that will be signed by Governor Schwarzenegger. (Without Seaflow’s input ocean noise would have not been included in this important document that will serve as a model for other states.)

Our first autumn meeting will review these summer events and their implications, and evaluate the actions that Seaflow helped set in motion.




• Mark J. Palmer will share his personal account of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) meeting in Sorrento, Italy this summer.  (Ocean noise was a sizzling topic.) Mark will also bring us up-to-date on the spectacular Earth Island legal victory for dolphins and "Dolphin Safe" tuna.


• Rona Weintraub will share some amazing highlights of her recent Central American ocean voyage, and demonstrate how a passionate life can inspire action and participation of others around ocean noise issues – and for the  preservation of ocean life.

• Details about Seaflow’s upcoming events of interest and opportunities for Involvement: Vivienne’s “Ceremonial Jewelry” Show, Beach Equinox Celebration, Animal Communications Workshop, OceanFest, and inaugural Online Auction. (Please email if you can volunteer to help.)


• Michael Stocker will share his IWC journey highlights.  He will discuss the science behind the IWC scientific committee report, and implications of that report for our campaign.

• Your tales of summer adventures and encounters with marine life.


• Composer and pianist Marcia Bauman will give us a taste of her savory music. Marcia’s  works for dance, radio, drama and concert hall have been performed in the U.S., South America and Australia. Her music has been aired on PBS stations and featured on KPFA's "Women in Music" series. 

• Buffet of seasonal farmers market treats.


• Shark watch over Rodeo Beach. (We’ve heard that they’re moving south from Stinson!)





•Saturday, September 18,  2 - 6 p.m., Seaflow’s “Ceremonial Jewelry” Sale.   Jewelry artist and Seaflow co-founder, Vivienne Verdon-Roe will host an opening of her fabulous, imaginative  and beautiful wearable art show. Music will be provided by Blue, Native American flutist,

and also board member, Michael Stocker, along with a few talented friends.  There is no charge for this event.  ALL jewelry sale proceeds will go directly to Seaflow.  Vivi is also donating all materials and weeks of work!  Join us at the Healing Arts Center, Stinson Beach (main drag).  Bring your friends!
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.