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Butterfly's Bay Area Events Calendar
Now on-line at
Comprehensive listing of other peace & justice events at">

Dedicated to bringing you the best in musical, artistic, poetic, political & 
spiritual.and consciousness raising events. If you know of events of this 
nature, please let me know.  

Wish of the Week
We are looking for musicians, performers, poets and peace artists for 
PeaceFest in Vallejo on Oct. 8 Please call (707) 552-2900.
We are also looking for musicians and perfomers for our Musicians for Peace 
party in Vallejo at the Secret Salon in Vallejo on Saturday, October 15.  If 
you are not a performer, we would still like to see you there as this is really 
a great gathering.  Please see details in this calendar.  If you want to get 
involved with Musicians & Artists for Peace, please come to the meeting at 5 pm 
before the party.

Quotation of the Week
Today, a caterpillar told me
I was only a chrysalis.
And a butterfly told me
I was unique and beautiful.
Then I looked at myself
And realized I was actually
A butterfly;
The same one, in fact,
Who had told me
I was unique and beautiful.  - Teresa Cochran

This Week's Links  Please order Peace "Why postcards" and click on Musicians for Peace 
link and we get a donation. The goal is to send 6 MILLION Postcards to 
President Bush and the various powers that be, demanding answers to what has become a 
whole host of "WHY's".   Passion Life - Online Course with LiOr 
study, practice, & receive support to fulfill your soul's purpose passionately.

This Week's Sponsors
Sponsors for this newsletter & memberships are welcomed. Sponsors will also 
be listed on our webpage.  Please contact Alan at 707-552-9886 or email for details. - Brant Miller, Singer, San Antonio, TX  The Lilac 
Center for Healing & Enlightenment - Fairfield, CA  Inspired Musical Messages Designed 
To "Inspire, Delight, Heal & Enlighten" from the LightParty and Artainment 

Contents    **Asterisk denotes events that I plan to attend. 

Details for the following events now on-line at">

Sept. 8 - Oct. 2                     San Francisco Mime Troupe - Bay area 
Tue. Sept 20  7 pm                Kirtan with Geofrrey Gordon & Friends - San 
Wed. Sept. 21  4-8 pm           Peace One Day Celebration - Berkeley
Thu. Sept. 22  2:30 pm          Voices of Dissent @ Oakland International 
Film Festival
Thu. Sept. 22  6 pm              The Blue Butterfly @ Orinda Film Festival  
Sold Out - See Sunday
Thu. Sept. 22  8 pm               DJ Polywog - Berkeley
Fri. Sept. 23  8 pm                Jaya Lakshmi Kirtan - Sebastopol
Sept. 23 - 25                         2nd Annual Mt. Shasta Gathering of 
Tribes & World Music Festival - Dana
Sat. Sept. 24  11 am          **National Mass March - From Iraq to New 
Orleans - SF
Sat. Sept. 24  12 pm             2005 Loveparade - SF
Sat. Sept. 24  2 pm               Assoc. of Transformative Media Arts Open 
House - Novato  Cancelled
Sat. Sept. 24  3 pm               Benefit for Katrina Victims w. Clara 
Bellino - Alameda
Sat. Sept. 24  10 pm             Kan'Nal - SF
Sept. 24-25                          The Art of Aging Festival - Berkeley
Sept. 24-25                           Dreadstock Reggae Festival 2005 - 
Sun. Sept. 25  6-9 pm           Robert Temple Peace Benefit - Berkeley
Sun. Sept. 25  6:30 pm         Celebrations of Spirit Pot Luck & Music - Marin
Sun. Sept. 25  8 pm          **The Blue Butterfly @ Orinda Film Festival
Mon. Sept. 26  7 pm              Impeach Bush Meetup - Oakland
Mon. Sept. 06  8:30 pm      LaunchPad Drum Circle/Music Night - Oakland
Tue. Sept. 27  6:30 pm          DolphinDance @ Healing Oasis - Sebastopol 
Thu. Sept. 29  7-10 pm          Berkeley Live & Unplugged - Berkeley
Fri. Sept. 30  7:30 pm            Hithhikers Cabaret Cauldron - Sebastopol
Oct. 1-2                                The Great San Francisco Crystal Fair
Sun. Oct. 2                        **UNESCO - Earth Charter Concert - SF     
Sun. Oct. 2  7:30 pm             ChantWave w. Michael Stillwater - Terra Linda
Sat. Oct. 8  11-3 pm          **Peace Fest - Vallejo
Sat. Oct.  15  5 pm            **Musicians for Peace Meeting - Vallejo
Sat. Oct.  15  7 pm to late **Butterfly & Musicians for Peace Party at the 
Secret Salon - Vallejo
Tue. Oct. 18  7:30 pm       **The Butterfly Effect w. Alan Moore- Berkeley
Sat. Oct. 22  9:15 pm        **Transformance Tunnel Concert w. Karashay - 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.