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Project Censored Announces Release of  Censored 2005, The 
Top 25 Censored News Stories

For Immediate Release
September 3, 2004

Project Censored Announces Release of
Censored 2005, The Top 25 Censored News Stories
  Media Democracy in Action

Sonoma State University\'s student run media research group Project 
Censored announces the release of its annual publication, Censored 
2005, a compilation of the year\'s 25 most significant news stories 
that were overlooked or under-reported by the country\'s major 
national news media, as well as chapters on the grass roots media 
democracy, media ownership maps, real news about US involvement in 
Palestine, Haiti, Iraq, and more.

With introduction by Greg Palast and the political cartoon commentary 
of Tom Tomorrow throughout, this year\'s book covers critical issues 
facing the American public this election year.  In Chapter 1\'s list 
of top 25 stories focus on politics, economics, foreign policy, food 
and health, the environment, energy, domestic policy, and the 

\"We define censorship as interference with the free flow of 
information,\" states Peter Phillips, Director of the Project, 
\"Corporate media in the United States is interested primarily in 
entertainment news to feed their bottom-line priorities.  Very 
important news stories that should reach the American public often 
fall on the cutting room floor to be replaced by sex-scandals and 
celebrity updates.\"

The Sonoma State University research group is composed of nearly 200 
faculty, students and community experts who review about 1000 story 
submissions for coverage, content, reliability of sources and 
national significance.  The top 25 stories are submitted to a panel 
of judges who then rank them in order of importance.  Current judges 
include, Norman Solomon, Michael Parenti, Cynthia McKinney, Howard 
Zinn, and 20 other national journalists, scholars and writers.

Censored 2005, now available in bookstores nationwide, can also be 
purchased on the project\'s website at

For more information, contact:
Project Censored
Trish Boreta


Top Most Censored News Stories

#1 Wealth Inequity in 21st Century Threatens Economy and Democracy
Multinational Monitor, May 2003, Vol. 24, No. 5
Title: \"The Wealth Divide\" (An interview with Edward Wolff)
Author: Robert Weissman
Buzzflash, March 26 and 19, 2004
Title: \"A Buzzflash Interview, Parts I and II\" (with David Cay Johnston)
Author: Mark Karlin
London Guardian, October 4, 2004
Title: \"Every third person will be a slum dweller within 30 years, UN 
agency warns\"
Author: John Vidal
Multinational Monitor, July/August, 2003
Title: \"Grotesque Inequality\"
Author: Robert Weissman

Wealth inequality increased dramatically in the United States in the 
late1990s. The top 5% is now capturing an increasingly greater 
portion of the pie while the bottom 95% is clearly losing ground, 
resulting in the rapidly vanishing middle class. This trend is the 
product of legislative policies carefully crafted and lobbied for by 
corporations and the ultra-wealthy over the past 25 years.  America\'s 
economic trends have a global footprint, and today, the top 400 
income earners in the U.S. make as much in a year as the entire 
population of the 20 poorest countries in Africa.  A series of 
reports released in 2003 by the UN warn that further increases in the 
imbalance in wealth throughout the world will have catastrophic 
effects if left unchecked, such as the collapse of the entire global 

#2 Ashcroft vs. the Human Rights Law that Holds Corporations Accountable
One World.Net and Asheville Global Report, May 19, 2003
Title: \"Ashcroft goes after 200-year-old Human Rights Law\"
Author: Jim Lobe

Attorney General John Ashcroft is seeking to strike down one of the 
world\'s oldest human rights laws, the Alien Torts Claim Act (ATCA) 
which holds government leaders, corporations, and senior military 
officials liable for human rights abuses taking place in foreign 
countries.  Organizations such as Human Rights Watch (HRW) vehemently 
oppose the removal of this law, as it is one of the few legal 
defenses victims of human rights violations can claim against 
powerful organizations such as governments or multinational 
corporations.  By attempting to throw out this law, the Bush 
Administration is effectively opening the door for human rights 
abuses to continue under the veil of foreign relations diplomacy. 

#3 Bush Administration Manipulates Science and Censors Scientists
The Nation, March 8, 2004
Title: \"The Junk Science of George W. Bush\"
Author: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Censorship News: The National Coalition Against Censorship 
Newsletter, Fall 2003, #91
Title: \"Censoring Scientific Information\"
Author: The National Coalition Against Censorship staff
Environment News Service and OneWorld.Net, February 20, 2004
Title: \"Ranking Scientists Warn Bush Science Policy Lacks Integrity\"
Author:  Sunny Lewis
Office of U.S. Representative Henry A. Waxman, August 2003
Title: \"Politics and Science in the Bush Administration\"
Prepared by: Committee on Government Reform - Minority Staff
(Updated November 13, 2003

In Washington D.C. more than 60 of the nation\'s top scientists, 
including 20 Nobel laureates, medical experts, and former federal 
agency directors, issued a statement February 18, 2004 accusing the 
Bush Administration of deliberately distorting scientific results for 
political ends. They are calling for regulatory and legislative 
action to restore scientific integrity to federal policymaking. 
Under the current administration, the Environmental Protection Agency 
(EPA) has blacklisted scientists who pose a threat to pro-business 
ideology, and many unqualified scientists with close industry ties 
have been appointed to advisory boards.

# 4 High Uranium Levels Found in Troops and Civilians
Uranium Medical Research Center, January 2003
Title: \"UMRC\'s Preliminary Findings from Afghanistan and Operation 
Enduring Freedom\" and \"Afghan Field Trip #2 Report: Precision 
Destruction - Indiscriminate Effects\"
Author: Tedd Weyman, UMRC Research Team
Awakened Woman, January 2004
Title: \"Scientists Uncover Radioactive Trail in Afghanistan\"
Author: Stephanie Hiller
Dissident Voice, March 2004
Title: \"There Are No Words  Radiation in Iraq equals 250,000 Nagasaki Bombs\"
Author: Bob Nichols
New York Daily News, April 5, 2004
Title: \"Poisoned?\"
Author: Juan Gonzales
Information Clearing House, March 2004
Title: \"International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan At Tokyo, The 
People Vs. George Bush\"
Author: Professor Ms. Niloufer Bhagwat J.

Civilian populations in Afghanistan and Iraq and occupying troops 
have been contaminated with astounding levels of radioactive uranium 
as a result of post-9/11 United States\' use of tons of uranium 
munitions. Four million pounds of radioactive uranium were dropped on 
Iraq in 2003 alone. 
Most American weapons (missiles, smart bombs, bullets, tank shells, 
cruise missiles, etc.) contain high amounts of uranium that on 
detonation, release a radioactive dust.  Once ingested, these 
subatomic particles slice through DNA.  With a half-life of 4.5 
billion years, it is a permanent contaminant distributed throughout 
the environment.
Scientists from around the world testify to the huge increase in 
birth deformities and cancers wherever uranium munitions have been 
used. The effects of the U.S. deployment will be felt in all the 
neighboring countries in the Middle East and Asia, as well as in our 
returning troops.

#5 The Wholesale Giveaway of Our Natural Resources
In These Times, November 23, 2003
Title: \"Liquidation of the Commons\"
Author: Adam Werbach
High Country News, Vol. 35, No. 11, June 9, 2003
Title: \"Giant Sequoias Could Get the Ax\"
Author: Matt Weiser

The Bush Administration\'s environmental policies are destroying much 
of the environmental progress made over the past 30 years.  Between 
the \"Clean Skies Initiative,\" a recent policy that allows power 
plants to emit more than five times more mercury and twice as much 
sulfur dioxide, and the \"Healthy Forests Initiative,\" which allows 
the wholesale liquidation of ancient forests by corporate timber 
interests under the guise of fire prevention, resource extraction and 
pollution is occurring at unprecedented rates.

#6 The Sale of Electoral Politics
In These Times, December 2003
Title: \"Voting Machines Gone Wild\"
Author: Mark Lewellen-Biddle
Independet/UK, October 13, 2003
Title: \"All The President\'s Votes?\"
Author: Andrew Gumbel
Democracy Now!, September 4, 2003
Title: \"Will Bush Backers Manipulate Votes to Deliver GW Another Election?\"
Reporter: Amy Goodman and the staff of Democracy Now!

Conflicts of interest exist between the largest suppliers of 
electronic voting machines in the United States and key leaders in 
the Republican Party.  While the voting machines themselves present 
some technical issues, the political affiliations within the voting 
machine industry pose even more serious questions. The three major 
companies involved in implementing the new, often faulty, technology 
at voting stations throughout the country have strong ties to the 
Bush Administration, Republican leaders, and major defense 
  	It must be noted that under the Help America Vote Act control 
over the electoral process has been taken away from local officials 
and placed in the hands of a very small number of for-profit 
corporations.  In effect we are privatizing America\'s most public 

#7 Conservative Organization Drives Judicial Appointments
The American Prospect, Vol. 14, Issue 3, March 1, 2003
Title: \" A Hostile Takeover: How the Federalist Society is Capturing 
the Federal Courts\"
Author: Martin Garbus
Title: \"Courts vs. Citizents\"
Author: Jamin Raskin

In 2001 George W. Bush eliminated the longstanding influence of the 
American Bar Association (ABA) in the evaluation of the prospective 
federal judges.  ABA\'s judicial ratings had long kept extremists from 
the right and left off the bench.  In its place, Bush has been using 
the Federal Society for Law and Public Policy Studies-a national 
organization whose mission is to advance a conservative agenda by 
moving the country\'s legal system to the right.
One of the most important issues in the country is the control of one 
of the three branches of government, the judiciary.  While Presidents 
and Congress-members get elected every few years, judicial 
appointments are for life, Our courts deal with nearly every aspect 
of life; work conditions and wages, schools, civil rights, 
affirmative action, crime and punishment, abortion and the 
environment, amongst others.

#8 Secrets of Cheney\'s Energy Task Force Come to Light
Judicial Watch, July 17, 2003
Title: \"Cheney Energy Task Force Documents Feature Map of Iraqi Oilfields\"
Author: Judicial Watch Staff
Foreign Policy in Focus, January 2004
Title: \"Bush-Cheney Energy Strategy: Procuring the Rest of the World\'s Oil\"
Author: Michael Klare

Cheney Energy Task Force documents turned over in the summer of 2003 
by the Commerce Department as a result of the Freedom of Information 
Act lawsuit brought by Sierra Club and Judicial Watch contain maps of 
Iraqi oilfields, pipelines, refineries and terminals.  The documents, 
dated March 2001, also contain plans of occupation and exploitation 
that predate September 11, confirming suspicions that the Bush 
Administration energy policy is driving U.S. military strategy.

#9 Widow Brings RICO Case Against U.S. Government for 9/11, November 2003 and December 2003
Title: \"911 Victim\'s Wife Files RICO Case Against GW Bush\"
Author: Philip J. Berg
Title: \"Widow\'s Bush Treason Suit Vanishes\"
Author: W. David Kubiak

Ellen Mariani became widowed when her husband Louis Neil Mariani 
perished in the collision between United Airlines flight 175 and the 
South Tower of the World Trade Center.  In addition to her refusal of 
the government\'s million-dollar settlement offer, Mrs. Mariani has 
filed a 62 page complaint in federal district court charging  that 
President Bush and officials: (1) had adequate foreknowledge of 911, 
yet failed to warn the country or attempt to prevent it; (2) have 
since been covering up the truth of that day; (3) have therefore 
abetted the murder of plaintiff\'s husband and violated the 
Constitution and multiple laws of the United States; and (4) are thus 
being sued under the Civil Racketeering, Influences, and Corrupt 
Organization (RICO) Act for Malfeasant conspiracy, obstruction of 
justice and wrongful death.

#10 New Nuke Plants: Taxpayers Support, Industry Profits
Nuclear Information and Resourse Service, November 17, 2003
Title: \"Nuclear Energy Would Get $7.5 Billion in Tax Subsides, US 
Taxpayers Would Fund Nuclear Monitor Relapse If Energy Bill Passes\"
Authors: Cindy Folkers and Michael Mariotte
WISE/NIRS Nuclear Monitor, August 2003
Title: \"US Senate Passes Pro-Nuclear Energy Bill\"
Authors: Cindy Folkers and Michael Mariotte

Senator Peter Domenici (R-NM), along with the Bush Administration, is 
looking to give the nuclear power industry a huge boost through the 
new Energy Policy Act.  The Domenici-sponsored bill will give nuclear 
power plants credits costing taxpayers an estimated 7.5 billion 
dollars, to build six new privately owned, for-profit reactors across 
the country. Safety standards will be lowered and liability will be 
passed on to taxpayers. This is in addition to the $4 billion already 
provided for other nuclear energy programs.

#11 The Media Can Legally Lie
CMW Report, Spring 2003
Title: \"Court Ruled That Media Can Legally Lie\"
Author: Liane Casten
Organic Consumer Association, March 7, 2004
Title: \"Florida Appeals Court Orders Akre-Wilson Must Pay Trial Costs 
for $24.3 Billion Fox Television; Couple Warns Journalists of Danger 
to Free Speech, Whistle Blower Protection\"
Author: Al Krebs

In 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals ruled that there are no written 
rules against distorting news in the media. It agreed with an 
argument by Fox Television that, under the First Amendment, 
broadcasters have the right to lie or deliberately distort news 
reports on public airwaves. Under the current ruling, it is up to the 
public to discover whether or not they are being lied to.

#12 The Destabilization of Haiti
KPFA Radio-Flashpoints, April 1, 2004
Title: \"Interview with Aristide\'s lawyer, Brian Concannon\"
Reporter: Dennis Bernstein, February 29, 2004
Title: \"The destabilization of Haiti\"
Author: Michel Chossudovsky
Dollars and Sense, September/October 2003
Title: \"Still Up Against the Death Plan in Haiti\"
Author: Tom Reeves
KPFA - Democracy Now!, March 17, 2004
Title: \"Aristide talks with Democracy Now! About the leaders of the 
coup and US funding of the opposition in Haiti\"
Reporter: Amy Goodman
Associated Press, March 16, 2004
Title: \"Aristide Backers Left Out of Coalition\"
Author: Ian James

On February 29, 2004, President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was forced 
into exile by American military. While U.S. officials were eventially 
forced to acknowledge the kidnapping allegations, they were quick to 
discredit them and deny responsibility. Meanwhile, the circumstances 
that led to the current situation in Haiti, as well as the history of 
U.S. involvement, are being ignored by U.S. officials and the 
mainstream media.

#13  Schwarzenegger Met with Enron\'s Ken Lay Before the California Recall
Common Dreams, August 17, 2003
Title: \"Ahnuld, Ken Lay, George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Gray Davis\"
Author: Jason Leopold
The London Observer, October 6, 2003
Title: \"Arnold Unplugged-It\'s Hasta la Vista to $9 Billion\"
Author: Greg Palast
San Francisco Chronicle and CommonDreams, October 11,2003
Title: \"Schwarzenegger Electricity Plan Fuels Fears of Another Debacle\"
Author: Zachary Coile
San Francisco Chronicle, May 26, 2001
Title: \"Enron\'s Secret Bid to Save Deregulation: Private Meeting With 
Prominent Californians\"
Authors: Christian Berthelsen, Scott Winokur, Chronicle Staff Writers

In 2002, while the California Governor and his deputy were attempting 
to re-regulate the energy industry (and get back the $9 billion that 
was defrauded from California taxpayers by Enron and other energy 
companies) Arnold Schwarzenegger was being groomed to overthrow 
Governor Davis in a recall - and cancel plans to re-regulate or to 
recoup the $9 billion. Back in May of 2001, in the midst of 
California\'s energy crisis, Schwarzenegger met with Enron\'s Ken Lay 
to discuss \"fixing\" California\'s energy crisis.

#14  New Bill Threatens Intellectual Freedom
Yale Daily News, November 6, 2003
Title: \"New Bill threatens intellectual freedom in area studies\"
Author: Benita Singh
Christian Science Monitor, March 11, 2004
Title: \"Speaking in \'Approved\' Tongues\"
Author: Kimberly Chase

The International Studies in Higher Education Act of 2003 threatens 
academic freedom and classroom curriculum. Under this act, professors 
whose ideological principles do not support U.S. practices abroad can 
have their appointments terminated, any course curriculum containing 
criticism of U.S. foreign policy can be censored, and any course 
deemed anti-American can be barred from the classroom.

#15 US Develops Lethal New Bio-weapon Viruses
The New Scientist, October 29, 2003
Title: \"US develops lethal new viruses\"
Author: Debora MacKenzie

Scientists funded by the US government have developed a way to make 
pox viruses incredibly deadly.  The stated goal of this research is 
to fight possible bio-terror attacks. The new virus kills all mice 
even if they have been given antiviral drugs along with a vaccine 
that would normally protect the victim from death.

# 16  Law Enforcement Agencies Spy on Innocent Citizens
Agenda, July--August 2003
Title: \"Big Brother Gets Bigger--Domestic Spying & the Global 
Intelligence Working Group\"
Author: Michelle J. Kinnucan
Community Alliance, April 2003
Title: \"Police Infiltrate Local Groups\"
Author: Mark Schlosberg
CovertAction Quarterly, Fall 2003
Title: \"Denver Police Keeping Files On Peace Groups\"
Author: Loring Wirbel
North Bay Progressive, Volume 2 # 8, October 2003
Title: \"Fresno Peace group Infiltrated by Government Agent\"
Author: Mike Rhodes
World Socialist Web Site,, 1/10/04
Title: \"Bush Administration Expands Police Spying Powers\"
Author: Kate Randall

With little media comment, federal, state and local agencies have 
begun working as partners in the collection, analysis, and 
dissemination of intelligence information. Under the \"Global 
Intelligence Working Group\" (that oversees the new network) police 
departments receive increased funding for surveillance activity. This 
has resulted in the recent COINTELPRO-style instances of police 
infiltration of groups critical of government policies.

#17 U.S. Government Represses Labor Unions in Iraq in Quest for 
Business Privatization
The Progressive, December 2003
Title: \"Saddam\'s labor laws live on\"
Author: David Bacon
Left Turn, March/April 2004, v. 12
Title: \"Ambitions of Empire: The Radical Reconstruction of Iraq\'s Economy\"
Author: Antonia Juhasz

According to the Wall Street Journal (alone), the Bush Administration 
has \"sweeping plans to remake Iraq\'s economy in the US image.\" The US 
is calling for the privatization of state-owned industries such as 
oil and water. But it has chosen not to overturn Sadaam-era edicts 
that outlaw unions. Every day the economic policies of occupying 
authorities create more hunger among Iraq\'s working people, 
transforming them into a pool of low-wage, semi-employed labor, 
desperate for jobs at any price.

#18  Media and Government Ignore Dwindling Oil Supplies
New Internationalist, October 31, 2003
Title: \"Running on empty; Oil is disappearing fast\"
Author: Adam Porter
Guardian Unlimited, December 2, 2003
Title: \"Bottom of the Barrel\"
Author: George Monbiot

Even industry executives affirm that oil is close to reaching, or may 
have already reached, its highest levels of production potential. 
Once the peak is reached, oil prices will start to rise (as they have 
every year since 2000). As oil decline accelerates, prices will rise 
even faster, with devastating effects to the US economy. Over the 
years, U.S. leaders, bowing to oil industry pressure, have not worked 
to develop viable alternatives (as they have done in Europe).

#19  Global Food Cartel Fast Becoming the World\'s Supermarket
Left Turn, August/September 2003
Title: \"Concentration in the Agri-Food System\"
Author: Hilary Mertaugh

Agribusiness and supermarket alliances are transforming the agri-food 
system into a powerful network of transnational corporations. They 
now have the power to control the world\'s food supply at every stage 
of food production. As fewer corporations control food production, 
traditional farming is becoming a high-tech form of serfdom.  Lack of 
competition is leading to higher prices, lower choice and quality, 
and employee abuse.

#20 Extreme Weather Prompts New Warning from UN
UK Independent, July 2003
Title: \"Extreme Weather Prompts Unprecedented Global Warming Alert\"

In 2003, The UN\'s World Meteorological Organization reported 
unprecedented levels of extreme weather and climate occurrences all 
over the world. The report emphasized an alarming increase in global 
warming and pointed to the impact of human activity. The significance 
of this particular report is that the highly respected UN 
organization is known for its normally conservative predictions and 

#21 Forcing a World Market for GMOs, 12/3/03
Title: \"Agriculture: Biotech Links to Big Lenders Worry Farm Experts\"
Author: Katherine Stapp
Inter Press Service (IPS) News Agency, May 14, 2003
Title: \"U.S. WTO Dispute Could Bend Poor Nations to GMOs-Groups\"
Author Emad Mekay
CMW Report, Summer 2003
Title: \"A Rebuttal to the Tribune\"
Author: Liane Casten
SF Weekly, June 2-8, 2004
Title: \"Bioscience Warfare\"
Author: Alison Pierce  

The Bush Administration is trying to force Europe to drop trade 
barriers against genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Meanwhile, 
the agricultural biotechnology industry is focusing even more 
intently on developing countries, where regulations governing their 
use are generally more lax. At the same time, biotech promoters 
continue to suppress studies that show GMOs may have adverse effects 
on health and the environment.

#22  Exporting Censorship to Iraq
The American Prospect, Volume 14, Issue 9, October 1, 2003
Title: \"Exporting Censorship to Iraq\"
Author: Alex Gourevitch
Asheville Global Report, May 12, 2003
Title: \"U.S Army Major Refuses Order to Seize Iraq TV Station\"
Author: Charlie Thomas

After the fall of Saddam, Paul Bremer told journalists they were now 
\"free to criticize whoever, or whatever, you want.\" But when negative 
critiques of U.S. policies appeared in the Iraqi media, Bremer 
quickly placed controls on its content. And rather than hiring a 
media outlet to run the Iraqi media (or simply allowing the news 
groups already there to continue reporting), the Pentagon chose a 
defense contractor to define the news.

#23  Brazil Opposes US-style FTAA agreements, But Provides Little 
Comfort for the Poor of South America, November 15, 2003
Title: \"Trade: US Moves to Squeeze FTAA Opponents\"
Author: Emad Mekay
Left Turn, Mar/Apr, 2004
Title: \"Lula\'s First Year\"
Author: Brian Campbell

The Free Trade Area of the America\'s (FTAA) could become the biggest 
trading block in history, expanding NAFTA to 34 countries from Canada 
to the bottom of South America. This deal is unlikely to meet its 
January 2005 deadline, now that the second largest player in the 
negotiations, Brazil, is holding back. However, Brazilian President 
Lula has begun, of his own volition, to institute his own brand of 
FTAA austerity policies that are sure to drive the poor of the region 
deeper into poverty.

#24 Reinstating the Draft
Salon, November 3, 2003
Title: \"Oiling up the Draft Machine?\"
Author: Dave Lindorff, November 11, 2003
Title: \"Would a Second Bush Term Mean a Return to Conscription?\'
Author: Maureen Farrell
War Times, October-November, 2003
Title: \"Military Targets Latino Youth\"
Author: Jorge Mariscal

The Selective Service System (SSS), the Bush Administration, and the 
Pentagon have been quietly moving to fill draft board vacancies 
nationwide in order to prepare for a military draft that could start 
as early as June 15, 2005. Several million dollars have been added to 
the 2004 SSS budget. Meanwhile, through an on-going militarization of 
public school systems, the Pentagon has begun efforts to double the 
number of Latinos in the U.S. military by 2006.

#25 Wal-Mart Brings Inequity and Low Prices to the World
Multinational Monitor, October 2003
Title: \"Welcome to Wal-World\"
Author: Andy Rowell

The vision of the international division of Wal-Mart is one where 
Wal-Mart becomes a global brand, just like McDonald\'s or Coca- Cola, 
monopolizing the global retail market. The next five or six years 
could see about 5,000 to 6,000 Wal-Mart stores outside of the United 
States. Wal-Mart is Americanizing retailing around the world and 
exercising an inordinate amount of economic power.

Peter Phillips Ph.D.
Sociology Department/Project Censored
Sonoma State University
1801 East Cotati Ave.
Rohnert Park, CA 94928


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