July 2, 2010 - July 18, 2010
Greetings Ecology Center members and friends,
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7/6/2010 Cooking Demonstration by Bauman College at the Tuesday Berkeley Farmers' Market Ecology Center logo Farmers' Markets Event
7/6/2010 Climate Change Workshop -- Reduce Your Carbon Footprint (Tues) Ecology Center logo Special Event
7/11/2010 Greywater, Rainwater Catchment, Earthworks Tour at the EcoHouse Ecology Center logo EcoHouse Event
7/12/2010 Climate Change Action Workshop Series (Mon) Ecology Center logo Special Event
7/13/2010 Cooking Class with Kitchen On Fire at the Tuesday Berkeley Farmers' Market Ecology Center logo Farmers' Markets Event
7/17/2010 Introduction to Permaculture Ecology Center logo EcoHouse Event
7/20/2010 Climate Change Workshop -- Reduce Your Carbon Footprint (Tues) Ecology Center logo Special Event
7/22/2010 Introduction to Natural Building, a 2-Part Lecture Series Ecology Center logo Special Event
7/27/2010 Peach Tasting at the Tuesday Berkeley Farmers' Market Ecology Center logo Farmers' Markets Event
7/28/2010 Learn How to Facilitate Your Own Climate Change Action Group Ecology Center logo Class
7/31/2010 The Art of Solar Cooking Ecology Center logo EcoHouse Event
8/5/2010 The Current State of Natural Building Ecology Center logo Special Event
8/6/2010 The Sustainable Reconstruction of Haiti, Benefit Ecology Center logo Special Event
8/8/2010 EcoHouse Tour Ecology Center logo EcoHouse Event
8/21/2010 Fruit Tree Guilds and Food Forests Ecology Center logo EcoHouse Event
9/19/2010 Greywater, Rainwater Catchment, Earthworks Tour at the EcoHouse Ecology Center logo EcoHouse Event
10/10/2010 EcoHouse Tour Ecology Center logo EcoHouse Event
11/14/2010 Greywater, Rainwater Catchment, Earthworks Tour at the EcoHouse Ecology Center logo EcoHouse Event
12/12/2010 EcoHouse Tour Ecology Center logo EcoHouse Event
7/3/2010 Beehive Market East Bay
7/3/2010 Sick Plant Clinic East Bay
7/3/2010 Grand Opening: "U Live Rite" Farmers Market East Bay
7/3/2010 - 7/10/2010 Inner Justice Intensive for Activists, Allies & Agents of Social Change East Bay
7/3/2010 Workshop: Building Rustic Garden Art East Bay
7/3/2010 Volunteer: Creekside Habitat Restoration with SPAWN North Bay
7/3/2010 LaborFest: Historic Rincon Murals Tour San Francisco
7/3/2010 - 7/5/2010 SF Mime Troupe Opening Weekend: POSIBILIDAD, or Death of the Worker San Francisco
7/3/2010 - 9/19/2010 SF Mime Troupe: POSIBILIDAD, or Death of the Worker SF Bay Area
7/4/2010 July 4th Celebration at Cerrito Vista Park East Bay
7/4/2010 Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace Walk East Bay
7/5/2010 Talk: Turkey Vultures East Bay
7/5/2010 - 7/8/2010 LaborFest Film Festival: FilmWorks United San Francisco
7/6/2010 Program Begins: Money for Energy Efficiency ME2 for Berkeley Buildings East Bay
7/6/2010 - 8/20/2010 Summer Camp: Sarah's Science, This Land Is Your Land 2010 Camp (San Ramon) East Bay
7/6/2010 - 8/25/2010 Move We East Bay
7/6/2010 - 8/25/2010 Tues Evening Roller Skate Jams East Bay
7/6/2010 - 7/13/2010 Climate Change Workshop -- Reduce Your Carbon Footprint (Tues) East Bay
7/6/2010 Free Adult Nutritional Cooking Classes for West Oakland Residents East Bay
7/6/2010 Peace Corps Info Session: How to Put Your Green Thumb to Work Overseas East Bay
7/6/2010 Cooking Demonstration by Bauman College at the Tuesday Berkeley Farmers' Market East Bay
7/6/2010 Presentation & Book Signing: "Partnering with Nature" Peninsula
7/6/2010 Gathering: EcoVillage Weekly Coffee Hour East Bay
7/7/2010 East Bay Science Cafe East Bay
7/7/2010 Volunteer Wednesdays at Occidental Arts & Ecology Center North Bay
7/7/2010 Workshop: Composting and Vermicompost East Bay
7/7/2010 Screening: "The Corporation" East Bay
7/7/2010 Volunteer: San Francisco Lessingia Habitat Restoration San Francisco
7/7/2010 Workshop: Labor and Native Sacred Sites East Bay
7/7/2010 Magic Rock Nature Walk East Bay
7/7/2010 Guided Walk: Bret Harte Ramble East Bay
7/7/2010 Lecture Series: Introduction to Permaculture Design 101 East Bay
7/7/2010 Presentation: Ironworkers and Green Jobs San Francisco
7/8/2010 Panel: Rainwater and Greywater in the Sustainable Home Landscape San Francisco
7/8/2010 - 7/11/2010 Workshop: Cob Intensive East Bay
7/8/2010 Workshop: Food Safety: The Industrialists vs. The Heritage Food Movement North Bay
7/8/2010 Economic Development Summit: A New Deal for the City San Francisco
7/8/2010 Yerba Buena Garden Walk San Francisco
7/9/2010 Works Progress Administration Berkeley Walk East Bay
7/9/2010 Presentation: Basins of Relations: Thinking Like a Salmon Creek Watershed North Bay
7/9/2010 - 7/11/2010 Digging Dog Nursery's Summer Plant Sale and Garden Tours Mendocino County
7/9/2010 Volunteer: Berkeley Youth Alternative Gardens East Bay
7/9/2010 Online Workshop: Wastewater Board Basics Operations
7/9/2010 Art Exhibition Reception: Benny's Garden East Bay
7/9/2010 Sierra Club Green Friday Potluck: "From Greywater to Green Gardens" East Bay
7/9/2010 Berkeley Community Water Safety Day East Bay
7/9/2010 - 7/10/2010 SPAWN Native Plant Nursery Workday North Bay
7/9/2010 - 7/11/2010 Residential Workshop: Landscape Painting North Bay
7/10/2010 Class: Urban Composting San Francisco
7/10/2010 - 11/4/2010 Exhibition: Seaweed, Salmon and Manzanita Cider: A California Indian Feast Mendocino County
7/10/2010 Opening Reception: Art and Labor East Bay
7/10/2010 Volunteer: Trail Crew Marin County
7/10/2010 Labor Bike Tour San Francisco
7/10/2010 Richmond Grows Seed Lending Library Orientation East Bay
7/10/2010 Theater Production: Dogs and Coyotes, Baseballs and Rabbits East Bay
7/10/2010 Workshop: Botanical Illustration East Bay
7/10/2010 - 10/7/2010 Art Exhibit: Exploring the Delta San Francisco
7/10/2010 Volunteer: California Seablite Habitat Restoration San Francisco
7/10/2010 Volunteer: Help Build Schoolhouse Creek Common in Berkeley East Bay
7/10/2010 Class: Botanical Latin San Francisco
7/10/2010 Volunteer: Creek Stewardship Work Party East Bay
7/10/2010 Workshop: Worm Composting (w/ Micki of Bay Worms) East Bay
7/10/2010 Beginning Backpack Seminar with Desert Survivors East Bay
7/10/2010 Activity: Gorgeous Goats East Bay
7/10/2010 Friends of Five Creeks Work Party East Bay
7/10/2010 Guided Walk: Medicinal Plants of the Bay Area: A Bioregional Exploration North Bay
7/10/2010 Volunteer: Creekside Habitat Restoration with SPAWN North Bay
7/10/2010 SCRAP Workshop: Bind Your Own Small SCRAP Journal San Francisco
7/10/2010 SF Freedom School: Building the Foundations of a Movement San Francisco
7/10/2010 Richmond Greenway Volunteer Work Party East Bay
7/11/2010 Film & Discussion: "Garbage Warrior" East Bay
7/11/2010 - 7/25/2010 Class: Fruit Tree Series San Francisco
7/11/2010 - 7/16/2010 Training: Coast Alive! Teacher Institute: Land-Sea Interface East Bay
7/11/2010 Greywater, Rainwater Catchment, Earthworks Tour at the EcoHouse
7/11/2010 Meeting: Passive Buildings California Group East Bay
7/11/2010 Shellmound Walk on Native Sacred Sites San Francisco
7/11/2010 Medicinal Plant Families of California: Botany Tips for Quick ID East Bay
7/11/2010 Class: Fruit Trees For All San Francisco
7/11/2010 - 7/25/2010 Activity: Wheat Harvesting East Bay
7/11/2010 - 7/12/2010 Film: "Sweetgrass" San Francisco
7/12/2010 Activity: July Crafty Crafty San Francisco
7/12/2010 - 7/16/2010 Workshop: Summer Salmon Institute For Professional Developement North Bay
7/12/2010 Sustainable Economies Law Center (SELC) Urban Agriculture Legal Meet Up East Bay
7/12/2010 - 7/16/2010 School Garden Teacher Training and Support Program (July) North Bay
7/12/2010 Feed in Tariffs: A Time for Real Action on Renewable Energy San Francisco
7/12/2010 - 8/23/2010 Summer Training Program for Conservatory of Flowers Docents and Jungle Guides San Francisco
7/12/2010 - 7/16/2010 Greywater Installers Course -- Petaluma East Bay
7/12/2010 - 7/26/2010 Climate Change Action Workshop Series (Mon) East Bay
7/13/2010 Berkeley Bike Station Grand Opening East Bay
7/13/2010 Class: Landscape Watering North Bay
7/13/2010 Book Launch: Dorothy Erskine: Graceful Crusader for Our Environment San Francisco
7/13/2010 Online Workshop: Clean Water State Revolving Fund Application Process
7/13/2010 Cooking Class with Kitchen On Fire at the Tuesday Berkeley Farmers' Market East Bay
7/13/2010 - 7/15/2010 Intersolar North America Exhibition and Conference San Francisco
7/14/2010 Film: "The Greening of Southie" East Bay
7/14/2010 Author Event: Saved by the Sea -- A Love Story with Fish San Francisco
7/14/2010 Green Speed Dating East Bay
7/14/2010 Screening: "Stealing America, Vote by Vote" East Bay
7/14/2010 Volunteer Wednesdays at Occidental Arts & Ecology Center North Bay
7/14/2010 Info Session: Sustainable Building Advisor Program San Francisco
7/14/2010 Lecture Series: Introduction to Permaculture Design 101 East Bay
7/14/2010 Workshop: EcoBudget Kitchen East Bay
7/14/2010 - 7/16/2010 Field Trip: Bay-Delta Tour Sacramento County
7/14/2010 The Savage Garden: An Introduction to Carnivorous Plants San Francisco
7/15/2010 Film: Saving the Bay -- Harbor of Harbors San Francisco
7/15/2010 |