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Help Understanding Neocon Doublespeak
Decoding Neoconservative Propaganda Terms
1. anti-Americanism = admiration for the American Founding Fathers, respect for the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, America Firstism over Israel Firstism, the pursuit of the American interest and protection of American values, honest disagreements by Americans with Israel and the Israel lobby
2. anti-Semite = anyone hated by neoconservatives
3. appeasement = resistance to neoconservative fascism
4. Christianity = anti-Christianity, Christian Zionism, Judeo-Christian fascism, neoconservative fascism
5. democracy = neoconservative fascism
6. evildoers = those who won't submit to the will of Israel and the Israel lobby
7. failure of nerve = resistance to neoconservative fascism
8. freedom = neocon-controlled Soviet-style police state
9. Global War on Terror = Global War of Terror
10. hate speech = well-informed and reasonable disagreements with Israel and the Israel lobby
11. holiness = a high degree of fanaticism about the Israeli interest
12. Islamofascists = Muslim targets of aggression by Israeli and neoconservative fascists
13. Judaism = Jewish ethnic cultism, Jewish ethno-nationalist supremacism
14. moral clarity = blind murderous rage on behalf of neoconservative fascism and Israeli aggression
15. neoconservatism = anti-conservatism, Jabotinskyism, Judeo-Christian fascism, militant Jewish nationalism, Straussianism, Trotskyism
16. neoconservatism = the projection of one's worst personality traits on others
17. righteousness = submission to the will of Israel and the Israel lobby
18. terrorists = targets of Israeli and neoconservative terrorism
19. the West = Judeo-Christian fascism, militant Zionism, the destruction of core Western values and institutions
GWB: Completely illegitimate President.
"The equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom and justice and peace in the world."
...Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Just another 'GD piece of paper'.
"...there was nothing we could DOOOOO about it!!"...people all over Germany, 1945
911 - inside job. Demand investigation!
http://www.wtc7.net - http://www.physics911.org - http://www.911-strike.com
http://www.oilempire.us - http://www.dieoff.org - http://www.peakoil.net
http://bombsinsidewtc.dk - http://www.911review.com
http://www.globalresearch.ca - http://www.cooperativeresearch.org
http://www.911review.com/index.html - http://www.911truth.org
http:// www.UnansweredQuestions.org
http://www.topica.com/lists/politicaldiary |