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SMART METERS - http://stopsmartmeters.org
http://www.energybulletin.net/stories/2011-03-23/problems-smart-grids The problems with Smart Grids
Video of a professional engineer showing that the health effects of smart meters and RF technology have not been fully studied:
If you live in SF under SUTRO tower you have 18x leukemia cancer and tumor risk. 1 Kilometer away from SUTRO TOWER = 10 x risk. 2km = 6x. 5km = 4x higher risk than other locations on SF Peninsula.
Video by a medical doctor that questions how these new meters can be safe - talks about 'dirty' electricity:
Recent CPUC complaint that outlines the issue comprehensively - PG&E will have to respond in November:
Summary of meter options for people who are experiencing health problems / electro-sensitivity now that they have smart meters on their building:
Videos showing that smart meters can emit more RF radiation than smart phones and cell phone towers - contradicting PG&E and industry data:
Article that questions why the environmental movement has been a proponent of this untested technology while so many health questions exist:
Websites that catalog the myriad of health complaints:
PG&E's own admission that it misrepresented how many pulses the wireless meters send per day (average of 10,000 and a high of 190,000):
Why does a bush begin to die once a smart meter is installed next to it? Note the off-the-chart intensity of the pulses - all smart meter videos show the same thing, yet the FCC only requires the utilities and smart meter companies to report the averaged intensity over 30 minutes. However, our bodies and brains absorb the intense pulses.
Video by nuclear expert at UCSC that states that whole body exposure of smart meters is actually 100X that of a cell phone - completely contradicting industry data:
Interview of someone within the technology/wireless industry who is also electro-sensitive:
http://stopsmartmeters.org/2011/11/09/sensitive-and-inside-big-technology-views-from-the-other-side-part-two |