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Butterfly's Bay Area Events Calendar

Dedicated to informing you of the best events in music, art, poetry, media, 
politics, spirituality & consciousness. 

Contents    **Asterisk denotes events I plan to attend. 

Details for the following events are on-line at">
Other peace & justice events at">

Thu. Feb 23.  7-9 pm          Question 9/11 - A Call to Activism - Oakland
Thu. Feb. 23  7-8:30pm       Women & Song Workshop - Oakland
Fri. Feb. 24  5:30-10 pm     Global Exchange Open House - SF
Fri. Feb. 24  7 pm               How'd You Become Activists? w. Peter Camejo 
- Berkeley
Fri. Feb. 24  7:30 pm      **Hithhikers Cabaret Cauldron - Sebastopol 
Sat. Feb. 25  9:30-3 pm      Peace Empowerment Workshop w. Carolyna Marks - 
Sat. Feb. 25  2-5 pm          Counter Recruitment Presenters Mobilization - SF
Feb.  25-26  10 am            The Great San Francisco Crystal Fair - SF 
Sun. Feb. 26  12:45 pm  **Dreaming Anew ~ The Reconciliation of Love & Power 
- Berkeley
Sun. Feb. 26  7-9 pm         Deep Space Sanctuary @ Cobalt Sun - Sausalito
Sun. Feb. 26  8 pm         **Reggae Music w. Earl Zero - Vallejo
Tue. Feb. 28  7:30 pm       Dream House - Sebastopol
Thu. Mar. 2  7:30 pm      **Cindy Sheehan at Osher Marin JCC - San Rafael
Sat. Mar. 4  8-11 pm           Progressives Party w. Cindy Sheehan & Liquid 
Blue - San Diego
Sat. Mar.  4                        21st Annual Empowering Women of Color 
Conference - Berkeley
Wed. Mar. 8  7:30-9 pm      Facilitated Drum Circle w. Kim Atkinson - 
Thu. Mar. 9  7:30 pm           Polar Bear Encounters - SF
Mar. 24-26                      **Social Artist, Social Healer w. Jean 
Houston - Petaluma

New Members  Jean Houston. 
Jean will be presenting a program called Social Artist, Social Healer from 
March 24-26 at the IONS Retreat Center in Petaluma.  Please see calendar for 
details.  Please read her article "On Butterflies & Essence" from a Mythic Life at   

Story of the Week
"I know where the new archetype will come from. China is the great cocoon for 
the birth of the new archetype.  It will come out of our hearts when they 
break open. Then the dream will become real, and the new archetype, the butterfly 
will fly all over the Earth."     From "On Butterflies & Essence" from a 
Mythic Life by Jean Houston. The entire story is at">

Quotation of the Week
Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always 

Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elemental 
truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the 
moment one definitely commites oneself, then Providence moves too.

All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have 
occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favour 
all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which 
no man could have dreamed would have come his way.  -   W.H. Murray

This Week's Links">   In a scientific breakthrough that has 
stunned the world, a team of South African scientists has developed a 
revolutionary new, highly efficient solar power technology that will enable homes to 
obtain all their electricity from the sun.">
   A minute of Joseph Campbell, with Bill Moyers, clarifying in "The 
Power of Myth"  Norie Huddle and I are focusing on how to play what she calls The 
Best Game on Earth.  The cover of her book "Butterfly" states that historian 
Arnold Toynbee observed that the 21 civilizations he studied all collapsed for 
the same reason: their inability to adapt to changes taking place either 
within them or surrounding them.  Like Joseph Campbell, Toynbee noted the 
importance of myth in shaping the future of a civilization.  For from the myth springs 
the vision of new possibilities.  Each nation, each culture tells such an 
overarching story about itself.  But when great changes take place, a new myth is 
required.  Butterfly is the myth for our times.  It was published on Earth Day 
1990 as a tale of great transformation to help usher in the "Butterfly Era" 
of global civilization.   Passion Life - Online Course with LiOr 
study, practice, & receive support to fulfill your soul's purpose passionately.



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