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Upcoming Calendar of fun cheap and unique bay area events June 30-July 6, 2006
San Francisco // East Bay // North Bay // South Bay // Peninsula
Thanks to the 2006 San Francisco Improv Festival for sponsoring funcheap this week!
Improv comedy troupes from all over the country descend on San Francisco for seven weeks to bring you their funny. Funcheapers get exclusive half-price tickets! Click "Begin Order" then choose your day: This weekend: Friday 6/30, Saturday 7/1 is San Francisco's Un-scripted Theater Company and Salt Lake City's JoKyR & Jesster. Normally $20, funcheapers get their tix for $10!!! shhhhhh
- use passcode "improvlov06".
- The Buriel Clay Theater, 762 Fulton Street (@ Webster) - June 15 through July 27, 2006

Friday, June 30th
6/30	12:30 pm	FREE book reading Anthony Bourdain a chef who is the "anti-Emeril"	Literature
6/30	6:30 pm	FREE Friday Nights at the de Young - live music/artist demonstrations, etc...	Museum
6/30	7:00 pm	$5 dj party for "the skinny" cool sf mag on living cheaply @ Candystorewin prizes from 12 Galaxies, Amoeba, Last Supper Club, Jess Imports and more..	Win Prizes
6/30	9:00 pm	$7 girl ukelele trio, shadow puppet theater, and big brass band @ stork club oakla	Performance
6/30	9:00 pm	FREE "For the Masses" Depeche Mode Tribute band @ Rockit Room
it's free if you print out the listing on the funcheap site (just click on the link) otherwise it's $7	Live Music
6/30	10:00 pm	$5 Ten stand up comedians incl. Aundrew the Wonder Woman - byob- above Ruby Skye	Comedy
Satruday, July 1st
7/1	10:00 am	FREE Fillmore Jazz Festival (Marus Shelby & more) three stages, two days	Live Music
7/1	1:30 pm	FREE SF Mime Troupe live outdoor performance & music @ Precita Park	Performance
7/1	2:00 pm	FREE San Francisco Opera outdoor performance at Dolores Park	Performance
Sunday, July 2nd
7/2	10:00 am	FREE Fillmore Jazz Festival (Marus Shelby & more) three stages, two days	Live Music
7/2	12:30 pm	FREE Potrero del Sol Summerfest, jazz electro punk - potrero hill	Live Music
7/2	1:30 pm	FREE SF Mime Troupe live outdoor performance & music @ Dolores Park	Performance
7/2	2:00 pm	FREE live music @ Stern Grove - Every Sunday @ 2pm - Rebirth Brass Band	Live Music
7/2	5:00 pm	FREE Afternoon Twang Sunday w/ "James Colley" @ Thee Parkside	Live Music
7/2	6:30 pm	FREE Jazz: Henry Irvin Trio w/ vocalists Dorothy Lefkovits @ Bird/Beckett	Live Music
7/2	7:30 pm	FREE Shakespeare in the Park 'The Tempest' - Pleasanton	Performance
Monday, July 3rd
7/3	10:00 am	FREE Photography Exhibit - previously unseen photos of the Rolling Stones	Art
7/3	4:00 pm	FREE AK Press annual "Fuck the Fourth" book sale 25% off radical texts - oakland	Sale
7/3	7:00 pm	FREE traditional irish dance & ceili, plus lesson @ Starry Plough	Live Music
Tuesday, July 4th - Fourth of July!!!
7/4	9:30 am	FREE admission to de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park - 1st Tues of Month	Museum
7/4	10:00 am	FREE Redwood City 67th Annual Independence Day Parade
this is supposedly the largest 4th of july parade in the country...	Parade
7/4	12:00 pm	FREE picnic, puppet shows, sailboat rides, rock climbing wall @ Berkeley Marina	Festival
7/4	12:00 pm	FREE all day 4th of july celebration, music, dance, food - Benicia Waterfront	Festival
7/4	12:00 pm	Free family fun 4th of july fest - music, baloon jump, karate, parade - concord	Festival
7/4	1:30 pm	FREE SF Mime Troupe live outdoor performance & music @ Dolores Park	Performance
7/4	1:30 pm	FREE 4th of July concerts (double funk crunch, tainted love) @ Pier 39	Live Music
7/4	3:00 pm	FREE El Rio BBQ and Bandfest - Mission Dist	Live Music
7/4	3:30 pm	FREE Radio Disney X-Treme Team 4th of July w/ music, games, prizes @ Oakland	Kid Friendly
7/4	6:00 pm	FREE SF Guardian pick of the week "Faux Fox" DJ Happy Hour @ Hemlock	Happy Hour
7/4	6:30 pm	FREE live music & 4th of July fireworks - downtown sausalito	Fireworks
7/4	7:30 pm	FREE Oakland East Bay Symphony Concert & Fireworks @ Jack London Sq.
they try harder in the east bay. plus there's probably not going to be fog in the way of the fireworks like there will be in SF.	Fireworks
7/4	9:00 pm	FREE 4th of July Fireworks show @ Benicia Waterfront Promenade	Fireworks
7/4	9:00 pm	FREE 4th of July Fireworks show @ Concord	Fireworks
7/4	9:00 pm	FREE mini "safe 'n' sane" fireworks show w/ john phillips sousa music @ Farleys
not sure exactly what to expect, probably sparklers and mini fireworks while they playa patriotic john phillips sousa on a record player. low key alternative to the made crush at pier 39	Fireworks
7/4	9:30 pm	FREE 4th of July Fireworks show at Berkeley Marina	Fireworks
7/4	9:30 pm	FREE 4th of July Fireworks show @ Aquatic Park, San Francisco	Fireworks
7/4	9:30 pm	FREE fireworks in Redwood City - 4th of July Festival	Fireworks
Wednsday, July 5th
7/5	7:30 pm	FREE book reading "a woman's journey through iraq" @ Black Oak	Literature
Thursday, July 6th
7/6	12:30 pm	FREE International Music Series: Matsumoto Baisho, Japan @ Yerba Buena Gdns	Live Music
7/6	5:00 pm	$5 Asian Art Museum evening with cocktails, Japanese dancing and erotic art  	Museum
Friday, July 7th
7/7	6:00 pm	FREE Palo Alto Art Walk  	Art
7/7	7:00 pm	$10 Night Photography Art Reception & unlimited Pinball playing - alameda	Art
Saturday, July 8th and beyond....
7/8	1:30 pm	FREE SF Mime Troupe live outdoor performance & music @ Berkeley	
7/8	6:00 pm	FREE live big band jazz concert for kids & families @ Potrero Park	
7/9	10:00 am	FREE 2nd annual Healthy Living Fair @ JCCSF - California & Presidio	
7/9	2:00 pm	FREE Merola Opera Program outdoor live opera @ Yerba Bueana Gdns	
7/10	10:00 am	FREE 1906 Earthquake Walk: It Can't Happen Here 	
7/10	7:00 pm	FREE Ask A Scientist KQED lecture series "Gray Whale Mystery" @ Canvas Gallery	
7/10	9:00 pm	$5 Zeitgeist Int'l Film Festival (odd outdoor films, benches & beer) Mission	
7/11	7:00 am	FREE see Willie Brown & Will Durst duke it out live on 960 AM - downtown SF	
7/11	12:30 pm	FREE live poetry readings "Dare We Dream In Concrete" @ Yerba Bueana Gdns	
7/13	5:00 pm	$5 Asian Art Museum evening "Three Gorges Project: Paintings by Liu Xiaodong"	
7/14	5:00 pm	FREE Bastille Day street party in SF's little French Quarter (downtown)	
7/15	1:00 pm	FREE outdoor concert North African Music @ Yerba Buena Gdns	
7/19	5:30 pm	$1 to $5 per problem solved "Rent an Expert" communal sharing of knowledge	
7/22	12:00 pm	FREE 10th Annual Urban Youth Arts Festival w/ breakdancing - Precita Park	
7/23	10:00 am	FREE San Francisco Theater Festival - 70 theater groups, 10 stages @ Yerba Buena	
7/23	2:00 pm	FREE african diamond-mine documentary "Touch One! Touch All!" @ Parkway Oakland	
7/25	7:00 pm	FREE Ask A Scientist lecture series 3rd Anniv. Trivia Party - Bazaar cafe	
7/28	12:30 pm	FREE watergate's John Dean book reading "Conservatives w/o Conscience" @ Staceys	
7/28	9:00 pm	$8 odd & weird indie rock band "Irving" @ Bottom of the Hill	
Thursday, June 8th
6/8	12:30 pm	FREE International Music Series - Mexico: Balamcoatl @ Yerba Buena 	Live Music
6/8	5:00 pm	$5 Asian Art Museum evening "Three Gorges Project: Paintings by Liu Xiaodong" 	Museum
6/8	5:30 pm	$10 - Chic Summer Soiree - Shopping, cocktails, maicures and giveaways! 	Shopping
6/8	5:30 pm	$1 to $5 per problem solved "Rent an Expert" communal sharing of knowledge 
Rent an Expert is an event where people who want to help others do or learn something offer their services to the members of the community for a very small fee. It's in downtown, but the exact location has yet to be revealved	Unique
6/8	6:00 pm	FREE beer @ Horseshoe Tavern (marina district) thanks to "The Onion" 	Free Beer
6/8	7:00 pm	FREE Douglas Coupland book reading "Jpod" @ Booksmith 	Literature
6/8	7:00 pm	FREE bluegrass concert "San Bruno Mountain Boys" @ Farley's 	Live Music
6/8	8:00 pm	FREE Screenings & lecture of cool and rare 16mm Noir films - downtown SF 	Film
6/8	9:00 pm	FREE amoeba screening "We Jam Econo - The Story of the Minutemen" @ 12 Galaxies 	Film
6/8	9:30 pm	FREE live instore by Jack White's band "The Raconteurs" @ Amoeba Haight 
This "band of the moment" supergroup (also staring funcheap favorite Brendan Benson) will be doing special nightime live performance at Amoeba in advance of their show at the Warfield later in the month. Amoeba is staying open late just for this show	Live Music
6/8	11:00 pm	FREE Gypsy Djam hosted by George Cole and the Hot Club of Berkeley - Mill Valley 
Gypsy jazz is a quirky musical genre that borrows from flamenco and american swing.	Live Music
Friday, June 9th
6/9	9:00 am	FREE and fun places to watch the World Cup 2006 with other soccer fans 	Sports
6/9	5:30 pm	FREE celtic rock group "Tempest" live concert @ West Alameda Crab Cove 	Live Music
6/9	6:30 pm	FREE Friday Nights at the de Young - live music/artist demonstrations, etc... 	Museum
6/9	6:30 pm	Free Iyengar Yoga Class (for beginners) - Outer Sunset 	Fitness
6/9	7:00 pm	FREE SF Weekly author pick "Bill Buford" book reading @ ACWLPB 	Literature
6/9	7:15 pm	$10 tickets (normally $25) to SF Giants game vs. Pittsburgh @ AT&T Park 
the giants NEVER discount their tickets... until now. through you can purchase $10 tickets to tonight's game.. all you need is the password "Insider"	Sports
6/9	7:30 pm	FREE San Francisco Free Civic Theatre "The Insect Comedy" Final Week - Castro (Thurs 6/8 through Sun 6/11) 	Theater
Saturday, June 10th
6/10	9:00 am	FREE Italian Street Painting Festival in San Rafael 	Festival
6/10	9:30 am	FREE "The Ron Clark Story" film - part of 8th SF Black Film Festival 	Film
6/10	10:00 am	FREE Fiesta Filipina 2006: dancing, singing, comedy, food @ Civic Center 	Festival
6/10	10:30 am	FREE class for kids "Schmatics, Switches & Circuits) @ Intel Museum Santa Clara 	Family
6/10	11:00 am	FREE Live Oak Park Fair - jazz, food, arts & crafts - berkeley  
120 Booths Original Art & Crafts in this wooded park in berkeley. Free Continuously Running Shuttle from North Berkeley BART. fair is saturday and sunday	Festival
6/10	1:00 pm	FREE Cooking the African Way Food Demonstration @ Oakland Library 
Aji-tos Center for Art and Culture leads a hands-on workshop in how to make nutritional Nigerian (Yoruban) food at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Branch.	Food
6/10	1:00 pm	FREE concert & opening of unique "El Bosque" tree art exhibit - yerba buena 	Art
6/10	2:00 pm	FREE book reading History of African Americans in Rock n Roll - Oakland Library 	Literature
6/10	2:00 pm	FREE comedy & live music all day @ Crissy Field 	Live Music
6/10	3:00 pm	FREE Open Arms Viet Nam - Reception with Photographer Steve Mason - Menlo Park 	Art
6/10	6:00 pm	FREE "Kids, Karicatures, Komics & Kartoons" art & entertainment @ Vallejo 	Art
6/10	8:00 pm	FREE dress as superhero, view 18 great artists - Upper Market 
Eighteen Bay Area artists have been handpicked as the top young talent from this past year's Open Portfolio Nights at Red Ink Studios. An extravaganza of heroic proportions featuring works such as Jasper Wong's hilarious A Guide to Molesting Young Chinese Men with Superman and interactive wearable art. Dress as your favorite superhero — capes are provided.	Art
Sunday, June 11th
6/11	10:00 am	$3 Rock n Swap Giant KUSF 90.3 Record Collectors Fair @ USF Campus 	Music
6/11	11:00 am	FREE 29th Annual Haight Street Fair (live music, food, etc..) 	Festival
6/11	12:00 pm	FREE Alice 97.3 Summerthing Concert with Cake & O.A.R. - GG Park 
Alice's annual Summerthing concert in golden gate park with Missy Higgin, O.A.R, and Cake ("Never There", "Short Skirt and a Long Jacket") etc...	Live Music
6/11	1:00 pm	FREE Estrus 4 Comic Book Release Party and Open Studios - Nob Hill 
Estrus is a compilation of the humorous yet sad autobiographical comics by local artist MariNaomi. You can also get 10% off any original painting at this party	Art
6/11	2:00 pm	FREE "Untold Story of Emmet Till" w/ q&a @ Parkway Theater - Oak 	Film
6/11	4:30 pm	FREE tales of parents, siblings & eccentric aunts @ Bird/Beckett - Glen Park 	Literature
6/11	5:00 pm	FREE Afternoon Twang Sunday w/ "Real Sippin' Whiskeys" @ Thee Parkside 	Live Music
6/11	7:00 pm	FREE Comedy Showcase w/ Danny Dechi @ Red Victorian - Haight 	Comedy
Monday, June 12th
6/12	10:00 am	FREE 1906 Earthquake Walk: It Can't Happen Here 	Lecture
6/12	12:30 pm	FREE book reading This Land: The Battle Over Sprawl and the Future of America 	Literature
6/12	9:00 pm	FREE Beers Bros & Skate Vidoes & live music by The Tourist @ Thee Parkside 	Live Music
6/12	9:00 pm	$5 Zeitgeist Int'l Film Festival (odd outdoor films, benches & beer) Mission  
weird short films reign at this annual film festival in the beer garden in the backyard of Zeitgeist. If you arrive before 8pm, there's a chance you might not get charged.	Film
Tuesday, June 13th
6/13	7:00 am	FREE see Willie Brown & Will Durst duke it out live on 960 AM - downtown SF 	Discussion
6/13	6:30 pm	FREE Italian Cultura Film Series in North Beach - Every Tuesday 	Film
6/13	7:00 pm	FREE Ask A Scientist lecture series "Classical Physics 101" - Bazaar cafe 
Ask A Scienist is a semi-monthly fun lecture series for "curious humans." it's supposed to be fun and informal and you can eat and drink to your hearts content and ask all the stupid questions you want. This Month's Topic: From Galileo to Einstein -- Classical Physics 101 with Tucker Hiatt, everyone's favorite physics teacher	Lecture
6/13	9:00 pm	$6 indie rock british transplants "Hybrid Kid" @ the makeout room  	Live Music
Wednesday, June 14th
6/14	12:00 pm	FREE unique art exhibit of original puppets & stage settings - SOMA 	Art
6/14	8:00 pm	FREE lecture/Film "A San Franciscan's Lost History" @ CounterPulse - SOMA 
Filmmaker Calvin Roberts has been shooting San Francisco's history from the streets since the late 1960s. At this event he will share some of his rarely seen footage of early Black Panthers, politics in the Mission District, wars in Southeast Asia.	Film
Thursday, June 15th
6/15	5:00 pm	FREE Delectation of Five Avant-Garde North Beach Artists @ City Hall 	Art
6/15	6:00 pm	FREE live instore concert "Fiery Furnaces" @ Amoeba Haight 	Live Music
Friday, June 16th and beyond...
6/16	5:00 pm	FREE Art Opening "About Still Life" Visual Aid @ Space 743 - SOMA 	
6/17	10:00 am	FREE Philippine-American Cultural Celebration @ Asian Art Museum - 40th Anniv. 	
6/17	10:00 am	FREE 56th Annual "Juneteenth" Festival african american dance, music food Fillmo 	
6/17	10:00 am	FREE 52nd Annual North Beach Festival - live music & Food demonstrations 	
6/17	11:00 am	FREE 4th Annual Kid's Day at the Landing - Lakspur Festival 	
6/17	12:00 pm	FREE "The Tidal Wave 9" - outdoor heavy music festival @ McLaren Park SF 	
6/17	8:00 pm	FREE Moonlight Magic and Movies "Cheaper By The Dozen" & magic show - Martinez 	
6/17	9:00 pm	$12 astralwerks rock band Radio 4 @ Independent 	
6/18	10:00 am	FREE admission to Asian Art Museum this weekend - 40th Anniversary! 	
6/18	2:00 pm	FREE live outdoor music @ Stern Grove - Aimee Mann & Brazillian Seu Jorge 	
6/18	2:00 pm	FREE documentary "No More Tears" w/ free soda/popcorn/pizza @ Parkway - Oakland 	
6/22	9:00 pm	$10 "Devics" moody coldplayish rock KCRW band - Cafe Du Nord 	
6/24	11:00 am	FREE "Imagine the Way" Blue Greenway Waterfront launch: music, bbq, gavin newson 	
6/24	12:00 pm	FREE The 30th Annual San Francisco Free Folk Festival - arguello/geary 	
6/24	7:00 pm	FREE Book reading wine, beer, victuals, and comradery at the new Grotto offices 	
6/25	2:00 pm	FREE live music @ Stern Grove - Every Sunday @ 2pm 	
6/25	2:00 pm	FREE "Capturing Change" oakland youth filmmakers @ Parkway - Oakland 	
6/25	7:30 pm	FREE Shakespeare in the Park 'The Tempest' - Pleasanton 	
6/27	7:00 pm	FREE book reading "A history of loafers, slackers & bums in america" @ Booksmith 	
6/28	8:00 pm	FREE lecture "Ecological Activism: local vs. international" @ Counterpulse - SOM 	
6/29	6:00 pm	FREE hilarious author Michelle Tea book reading @ Oakland Main Library 	
7/2	6:30 pm	FREE Jazz: Henry Irvin Trio w/ vocalists Dorothy Lefkovits @ Bird/Beckett 	
7/4	9:30 am	FREE admission to de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park - 1st Tues of Month 	
7/6	5:45 pm	$5 flamenco guitar, conga dancing, art and cocktails - Asian Art Museum 	
7/7	6:00 pm	FREE Palo Alto Art Walk	
7/10	7:00 pm	FREE Ask A Scientist KQED lecture series "Gray Whale Mystery" @ Canvas Gallery 	
7/22	12:00 pm	FREE 10th Annual Urban Youth Arts Festival w/ breakdancing - Precita Park 	
7/23	10:00 am	FREE San Francisco Theater Festival - 70 theater groups, 10 stages @ Yerba Buena 	
7/23	2:00 pm	FREE african diamond-mine documentary "Touch One! Touch All!" @ Parkway Oakland  	
7/25	7:00 pm	FREE Ask A Scientist lecture series 3rd Anniv. Trivia Party - Bazaar cafe 	
7/28	9:00 pm	$8 odd & weird indie rock band "Irving" @ Bottom of the Hill 	
7/29	10:30 am	FREE "Beading Binary" class for kids @ the Intel Museum - Santa Clara 	
click here for more events in San Francisco and the Bay Area

If an event is in bold, then that means we think it's cool and espeically recommend it

What is - A free web calendar & and emailing list of events - we hate spam and we won't clog your inbox. and when you sign up you don't even have to give us your email address if you don't want to. we usually send out one email a week with all the weeks events, usually between 20 and 50. Occassionally we'll send out another email to let you know of a great event or discount that's just come up. or, if you like, you can just view our calendar. we don't care! whatever you want. this was set up by just a couple of underemployed san franciscans who want to share their list with you. no corporations, just wholesome cheap goodness.

Going out and having fun in San Francisco is just too expensive. That's why we started funcheapSF. A free website where cheap bastards like ourselves get together to share tips and events going on in the coming days.

to join our emailing list and have access to our web calendar:
1) visit
2) click on "Join This Group"
that's it! then you'll have to option to receive email listings and view our web calendar.

we do our best to make sure our calendar is accurate, but it's always a good idea to double check with the venue to make sure the event is actually taking place in case of rain or other unforseen events
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.