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Jack Rabbit Speaks
Volume 10, Issue #25
July 13, 2006

51 days until the Man burns, and today we bring you....the RESOURCE 
issue of the JRS, for your perusal and pleasure, dear reader. Over the 
years, we've been sent many posts about special coupon offers for JRS 
subscribers, retail discounts for desert gear and playa toys, and 
notification about cool ideas and projects that some readers have 
translated into small "businesses" or even small businesses, serving 
other burners who might find them useful. Some of these are just places 
we hear about that are good resources. (For more preparation resources, 
After all, if you're gonna buy your own gennie for your camp, it just 
makes good sense to buy it from someone who's been on the playa for ten 
years, no?

Because we like to keep the JRS focused on Burning Man events and news, 
we've once again put all your RESOURCE listings into one JRS for easy 
reference. Here's the annual dose of playa preparedness in your inbox. 
(Commerce? Commodification? Yes, we continue to offer the RESOURCE JRS 
each year, and if you want to know what Burning Man's approach is to 
these topics, here's a little food for thought: "Commerce and 
Community", an article by Larry Harvey from the 2006 Summer Newsletter:

Some of the order deadlines below are coming up fast, so read up now. 
Back with a regular JRS next week. Happy prepping. - AG

====================STUFF FOR MAKING ART========================



"Playatech - We don't make your camp; we just make it collapse

For the most sensible collapsing camp furniture this side of the Man 
embers, check out - the only brand The Man can 
stand. You build it, everyone comes, and if you pay your royalty to 
BRAF, all ten principles are served.

We hope to have a new web site soon with lots of absurdly perfect new 
designs for The Future, but we fear it might happen after that. So if 
you can code a few web pages for us real quick, please connect with .

You won't believe what's coming. It might break. It might break you. And 
even if our product line of the Future never arrives, our 2005 product 
line is still well worth decking your camp out with, yah??!! Besides, if 
you don't build it, branded plastic imports will come.

Playatech - The Future is Plywood..."



Limor writes: "Hi everyone. I'm a 4-year burner-engineer and I like to 
build LED blinky stuff. I worked on a bike-spoke LED persistence of 
vision project for
3 years off & on and finally got it perfected for the last burn where I
rode around on an animated PacMan and Ghost chasing each other (which
was pretty awesome).

It has 60 LEDs (30 on each side, 22 for BMX wheels) in red, yellow,
blue or green. Lots of people have been asking me if they can get a
set, and I do have kits for sale. You have to DIY, but its designed to
be very easy (tons of people have successfully built it) and its been
heavily playa-tested. There's even a 10% burner discount (use the
coupon 'jackrabbit').

You can read more about the project & check out the cool examples of
what it can do at & spend your
hard-earned money at  .
(There are also some otherneat electronic kits there.)"



"We are:

The 2006 exclusive Burning Man coupon code is:


This coupon will be active until the end of this year's burn and is good 
for 10% off of our products at This offer is 
extended to both internet orders and call-in orders. To place orders 
over the phone please call us at 888.748.4755. We are able to ship both 
UPS and FedEx for any last minute needs."



"CooLight Electroluminescent Wire has been serving the Burner community
since 1999, and its founders have been burning since '97.

We give burner discounts year round.  If you need EL-Wire, please
first register at and then send us an email to,

We'll then change your account to Burner status and the store
will reflect the Burner discount.  Please do this first as we cannot
apply the discount after an order is made.

We have changed e-commerce hosts, so if you have previously had a Burner
account with us, you will need to re-register to get the Burner discount.
CooLight only carries the original high quality and longest lifetime LyTec
EL-Wire and maintains a large inventory ready to ship.  Most orders make 
it out
the same day. CooLight can do custom connections as well.

Burn Bright! 407-654-2660"


===================STUFF FOR WEARING======================



"Get 25% to 35% off all PodBelts!  Plus new Utility Pods, and gifts for 
early orders!

The PodBelt is a burner designed, burner built utility belt, with a 
variety of pouches and accessories that attach with quick snap clips. 
Belts are 100% vegan (nitrile rubber) and pouches are made of sturdy 
nylon and/or canvas, easy to decorate with fabric paints, rhinestones, 
etc. The PodBelt was born for the playa 5 years ago to carry all my 
survival needs without loosing them, and without having to carry a purse 
or backpack.  I still live in it daily!   Burner prices are less than 
$30 for the basic set.

** NEW THIS YEAR: retractable reels, lighters, bottle openers, pens, lip 
balm, tool holders, and other cool new utility Pods.

** GIFTS: Early bird special-- order by Wednesday July 19 and choose a 
free gift!  To get your gift you must select it and add it to your cart 
at the bottom of the burner discount page.

** DEADLINE: Order by Friday August 4 to guarantee delivery in time for 
the playa and get the full discount.  Orders after August 4 will be 
subject to a reduced discount, and may or may not be shipped in time. If 
you order late, include your playa departure date in the comment box.
We'll let you know in advance if we can't get your order out in time, 
and give you the option to cancel or to take advantage of playa pick up.

To get your burner discount just go to this page:
and click on the black rock flame at the bottom of the page.  On the 
next page enter the password:  blackrockbelt.  You'll get a page with 
the special burner prices, and you can submit your order with the PayPal 
shopping cart there.

See you on the playa!

thanks for your support,
isa & DEvan"



"Bring the girls in style to Burning Man 2006!

Feature them in ribbons, beads, jewels, appliques, metallic charms, 
chains, sequins, fuzzies, and other lovely embellishments in a 
one-of-a-kind, handmade bustier by Santa Cruz burner, Sparkle Plenty. 
All materials are securely fastened and will leave no trace on the playa.

Ready to ship today! In addition to the styles we have carried in the 
past, we have many new styles, including the new Pink Collection, the 
Classy Goddess, Cherries Jubilee, Fifties Mama, and the Holiday 
Collection (Ring My Jingle Bell and Spin My Dreidel Bustiers). Check out 
the large photos and close-ups of each bustier. If you see a style you 
like, we can make it in your size! Order on the website or at our Santa 
Cruz, California gallery/showroom by appointment.

Products page, including in-stock items:

In-stock items (from petite to plus sizes)

Are you looking for something more unique? Do you have something special 
that you want to match? A Sparkle Plenty custom-designed bustier is just 
for you.

Do you recognize any burners in Sparkle Plenty Creations bustiers? See 
pictures of happy customers and read about their adventures.

Curve Magazine, the best-selling lesbian magazine in the nation, 
describes our bustiers as "delightfully fun, handmade and whimsically 
empowering" in the June 2006 Pride issue. Read more:

2006 Burners Special Discount:
Free Priority Mail Shipping and $5.00 off all orders.

Sparkle Plenty (jude marks) 831-464-8622 "


SILLIKILTS (TM), SLASHED SLIPS & Other Finery for boys & girls

Asstrid, who sews up a damn storm, tells us: "We all love Utilikilts, 
y'know?  but they are so...UTILITARIAN!  Boys, git yer Kilt attitude on 
with a silly one from  I am creating unique 
ones -- patchwork plaid, polka dots, stripes+plaid, little fruits...and 
they're just WRONG!  Contrast cargo pockets, and you can still wear your 
podbelt!  I'm a 7-year burner, and as much as I love those Khaki 
thingies, when I look at them I just see dots! ..or stripes!

These are designed just for Burningman, and for you, and each will be
unique.  Email me your whims!

And while you're there, take a look at the embellished, slashed &
reconstructed lingerie perfect for playa prancing.  Ask me...I do custom.

Free shipping, of, course, to burners!"


IRRITANT GEAR - CLOTHING, EL JEWELRY, POI GRIPS, AND MORE is offering burners $5 off everything in 
their store, which sells hand made EL-wire necklaces and leather poi 
handles.  E-mail before placing your order to get 
the discount.



Nathan writes: "I am a vendor and I have.....
FUR SUITS -->100$ discount for burners   8 week turnaround, playa 
delivery, hurry!


========================SURVIVAL AND PLAYA LIVING==============



Neil aka doktor random writes: "Having been on the playa for 10 years, 
we have learned a thing or two about quiet generators, and offer our 
burner inspired auxiliary tanks, remote controls, and cables for all 
ultra quiet models, and mufflers and quiet boxes for the louder ones.

This year we are offering all the above as well as Honda and Yamaha 
ultra quiet generators at our permitted and licensed site in Gerlach, 
and can take orders that you can pick up right off Main street in Gerlach."

Duration Power's website is


{Soundtrack to this JRS: "Negative" Project Jenny, Project Jan}

==================ADMIN ON AND OFF THE JRS====================

Email us or any time with questions. Email by 11:59 PM PST on Sunday for post 
requests. (We don't post all requests, however.) Please type "POST 
REQUEST" in your subject line to make it past the SPAM.

NOTE: The JRS is not responsible for losing posts that fail to include 
the subject line "POST REQUEST". The volume of email we get is no joke. 
Help us help you with your post. Thanks!

For questions:
Old rabbits:
On and off this ride:
If you are trying to unsub and it doesn't work, please send us an email 
and give us as much information as possible. Are you sending from a 
different address?
You'll get an email to which you must respond to complete the request.

Andie Grace, Actiongrl
Office of the Jack Rabbit
bman-announce mailing list
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.