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Butterfly's Bay Area Events Calendar

Dedicated to informing you of the best events in music, art, poetry, media, 
politics, spirituality & consciousness. 

Upcoming Special Events
Thu. Aug. 17  8:30 pm   **Fontain's M.U.S.E. Dance Party for Peace - Santa 
Sat. Aug. 19  9am         **Craigslist Foundation Nonprofit Boot Camp - 

Contents    **Asterisk denotes events I plan to attend. 

Details for the following events are below & on-line at 
Other peace & justice events at

July 1 - Sept. 17                 David Spero's Enlightenment Gatherings - 
Bay Area  See
Thu. Aug. 17  8:30 pm    **Fontain's M.U.S.E. Dance Party for Peace - Santa 
Fri. Aug. 18  7-10 pm      **Impeachapalooza Open Mike - Berkeley
Fri. Aug. 18  7:30 pm      **North Bay Singles Convention - Santa Rosa
Aug. 18-19                         Making Art, Making Change - SF
Aug. 18-20                         SF Mime Troupe's GodFellas -  SF, 
Sebastopol , Palo Alto
Aug. 18-20                         Mount Shasta Prayer Walk & Weekend Retreat 
- Weed, Ca
Sat. Aug. 19  9am-9pm  **Craigslist Foundation Nonprofit Boot Camp - Berkeley
Sat. Aug. 19  11am            Peace Alliance/Department of Peace Meeting - 
Sat. Aug. 19  7 pm             Mystical Travelers Ball - Sebastopol
Sat. Aug. 19  7-9 pm          Hizbollah, Syria & Iran w. Fred Lawson - Alameda
Sun. Aug. 20  11am-5 pm   3rd Annual Muslim Convention - Newark
Sun. Aug 20 11am-7pm      A Gathering of Angels - Santa Cruz
Tue. Aug. 22  7 pm             Devotional Chanting w. Sahar & Visioning 
Circle- Sebastopol
Fri Aug. 25  6-9 pm            Progressive Dems Party w. Lynn Woolsey & 
Normon Soloman - Sebastopol
Fri. Aug. 25  7 pm               Activism Series with Nadia McCaffrey - 
Fri. Aug. 25  7:30 pm           Unconditional Theatre's Voices of Activism: 
Crawford - Oakland
Fri. Aug. 25  8 pm               Ecstatic Kirtan w. Jaya Lakshmi & Geoffry 
Gordon - Sebastopol 
Aug. 25-27                          Visioning Weekend w. Sahar - Guerneville
Sat. Aug. 26  7 pm              Crystal Trinity w. Paradiso & Eddie Gale - 
San Jose 
Sept. 5-21                          Camp Democracy w. Cindy Sheehan - 
Washington, DC
Sat. Sept. 9  9am-5pm   **911 Power to the Peaceful Festival w. Michael 
Franti - SF
Sept. 15-17                     **Earthdance 2006 - Laytonville

Wish of the Week
Please consider becoming a contributing member this week and you will get our 
Make Love Not War that includes the Bell by Stephan Smith & Pete Seeger or 
our Songs for Cindy compilation CD. Mention that butterfly sent you and I will 
include a CD of 19 of the best butterfly songs I know.   Details are below.

Poem of the Week
Butterflies by Lilith Rogers - At the top of the hill, I come to a field full 
of butterflies, dancing their fluttery dance.
More at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,308/year,2006/month,08/day,07/Itemid,1

Quotation of the Week
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."  --- Mahathma Ghandi

Action Alert
Stop Nestle from privatizing our water. In the McCloud-Nestle deal there is 
no limit to how much water Nestle can take for their own use even it it has an 
adverse impact for the community and lowers the water table. This is part of a 
global trend for corporations to privatize our water supplies for profit.
Details at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,309/year,2006/month,08/day,16/Itemid,1

New Members
Power to the Peaceful Festival
Unconditional Theatre* - This group visited Cindy Sheehan in Crawford, TX, 
where they interviewed people on all sides of last summer's anti-war protests. 
This series of documentary scenes traces the journeys of a number of surprising 
activists who stepped out of their comfort zones to get involved. We invite 
you to listen to the current voices of change. Look for upcoming performances 
throughout the Bay Area, or consider booking us to perform for your own 
organization. Please see

This Week's Links
Donovan Interview - The transcript of Larry Gerald's video interview with 

This Week's Sponsors
Sponsors for this newsletter & memberships are welcomed. Sponsors will also 
be listed on our webpage.  Please contact Alan at 707-552-9886 or email for details.
The Light Party & Artainment Media - Inspired Musical Messages at

Thu. Aug. 17  8:30-12am      **Fontain's M.U.S.E. Dance Party for Peace - 
Santa Clara and Musicians for Peace presents a Dance Party for Peace and 
Fontain's M.U.S.E. CD release party for Mystic Kiss, peace activist music you 
can belly dance to... rocken raga, eclectic grooves, world tribe.

AVALON,   777 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara, Ca 95051  (408) 241-0777
$10 advance, $15 at the door 
Alan has 20 tickets that were donated as a fundraiser for Musicians for 
Peace.  Please contact him at 415-424-7238 or
Age requirement: 21 + bring ID
To get involved contact Fontain Riddle  (408) 666-6207 or

Fontain's M.U.S.E. - releases "Mystic Kiss", peace activist music you can 
belly dance to, Rocken Raga, eclectic grooves, world tribe

Cosmic Comic Swami Beyondananda  - hilarious "uncommontator" is the author of 
Swami for Precedent: A 7-Step Plan to Heal the Body Politic and Cure Electile 
Dysfunction, and his latest CD is called "Supreme Court Jester," and his DVD 
is "Tickling the Body Politic." Swami can be found online at

House of Inana - gypsy dancers, playful, soulful, enchanting

Brazilian Tribal Groove Jam -  a Brazilian Capoeira San Jose group who will 
invite the audience to play their own percussion along with them midway through 
their performance.  Bring your noise toys and play along.

DJ Solomon - KKUP fm 91.5

Master of Ceramonies: Majinga and Genii - acro magic

Chiquy Boom Energetic, beautiful, Venezuelan goddess hostessing on stilts!

Dennis Kyne from South Bay Mobilization will sing a peace song and say a few 
words about South Bay Mobilization. He is a veteran who has turned his 
traumatic experience into peace activism. He uses a guitar instead of a gun.

Anna Coulter/Butterfly Artist will bring some prints and cards and has some 
butterfly stickers and postcards which people can have without charge.You can 
send free butterfly e-cards without any advertisement from her site at

Artmuse Records Julie Larson will be showing her art prints and have some CDs 
and info about her lable

Reikie Massage by John Archdecon
Acupressure/massage by Viviane June DeLeon Bias ... Herbal Medicine maker 
Deeksha ~Art of Living~
Magic Jewelry by Angela Blessing
Bekah's Naturals Global Herbs & Essences.  Create your own personal blend 
using all natural & organic essential 
PALOMA festive fashions & belly dance -
Henna designs, healing, aura photography, art and more

Supporters: Ameri-Tech Properties, KSJS, KKUP, KUSF


Code Pink
Veterans for Peace
South Bay Mobilization
Musicians and Fine Artists for World Peace

Posted at

Fri. Aug. 18  7-10 pm      **Impeachapalooza Open Mike - Berkeley

I hope you can attend our first Impeachapalooza open mike.  Musicians, poets, 
performers and comedians or political satirists are encoraged to attend.  We 
are looking for some performers to headline.

Mediterraneum Cafe, 2475 Telegraph, Berkeley
$5-20 donation/No one turned away for lack of funds.
Contact Norah Foster to RSVP at

Help Impeach Bush Cheney by attending this fun event!  
Bring your musical & artistic friends too!

Fri. Aug. 18  730pm-12 am         North Bay Singles Convention - Santa Rosa

7:30 pm - Entertaining Keynote Address with Teresa Ann Foxworthy, author of 
Dating in the 21st Century
9pm-Midnight - Dance to your favorite hits.

Flamingo Resort Hotel Ballroom, 2777 4th St.(corner of Farmers Lane), Santa 
Rosa, 95405
$20 door

More at

Aug. 18-19                  Making Art, Making Change - SF

Build community and learn to create a just and equitable society! 
Learn to use art for justice!
Celebrate the contributions of youth to social justice!
Create change through art making!

This unique event will bring together artists, activists, teachers, youth 
service workers and young people to share strategies, build community and 
strengthen coalitions as we explore the intersections of art, education and positive, 
lasting social change. Making Art, Making Change will illustrate how the 
various artistic disciplines can ensure opportunities to practice critical 
thinking, discover and express individuals' experiences, investigate creative ideas 
and make new social and intellectual connections. 

Destiny Arts, CELLspace, The San Francisco Mime Troupe, Matt Gonzalez, SF 
Poet Laureate devorah major, Hyim, Bay Area Theatre of the Oppressed, Kearny 
Street Workshop, Youth Speaks, and MORE!

Saturday Morning Workshop Session 10:30 am to 12:00 pm 
(**SF Mime Troupe workshop will go until 12:30pm) 
Saturday Afternoon Workshop Session 2 pm to 3:30 pm 

Fort Mason Center, Herbst Pavilion, San Francisco
$25 Ages 12-24, $45 Ages 25 and up
Register at

Posted at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,295/year,2006/month,08/day,18/Itemid,1

Aug. 18-20               SF Mime Troupe's GodFellas -  SF, Sebastopol , Palo 

Fri. Aug. 18  ANALY HIGH SCHOOL, 6950 Analy Ave., Sebastopol 
Music 7 pm, Show 7:30 pm  Ticket info Call: 415-285-1717

Sat. Aug 19  MITCHELL PARK, 600 E. Meadow Drive, Palo Alto
Music 4:30 pm, Show 5 pm 

Sun. Aug. 20  WASHINGTON SQUARE PARK, Columbus & Union, San Francisco
Music 1:30 pm, Show 2 pm 

More info at

Imagine a nation where religious fervor runs hot, and faith rhetoric runs 
hotter. Where belief has replaced reason, and where Liberty and Justice play a 
broken second fiddle to an all powerful, omniscient and omnipresent 
military-industrial God complex. That's the nation Reverend C.B. De Love wants. And that's 
also the nation where shy civics teacher Angela Franklin finds herself. But 
in her struggle to stop the coming Theocracy will Angela go too far? In her 
zeal to destroy the opiate of the masses, will she make a religion out of her 
anti-religion, and join the ranks of the Gangsters for God? Or will she see the 
folly of blind faith in anything - even the Constitution - and return to 

Aug. 18-20              Mount Shasta Prayer Walk & Weekend Retreat - Weed, Ca

Mount Shasta is a sacred mountain.  We will take a prayer walk together into 
the heart of the mountain and visit the source (sacred waters) for a day of 
prayer and connection to the holy energies.  This is a time of reflection, 
prayer for peace, gratitude and visioning.  Our intention is to have a weekend of 
peace and prayer.  

Stewart Mineral Springs, 4617 Stewart Springs Road, Weed, CA 96094 or call (530) 938-2222
$150 for weekend
RSVP to Rev. Kelley Springer at  831-336-9733, cell: 831-419-5031 or

More at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,306/year,2006/month,08/day,18/Itemid,1

Sat. Aug. 19  9am-9pm       **Craigslist Foundation Nonprofit Boot Camp - 

Join Craigslist Foundation for a day of knowledge, resources and networking 
all focused on how to start and run a vibrant nonprofit. 

University of California, Berkeley, MLK Student Union, 2475 Bancroft Way, 
$50 Registration at

Details Boot Camp Highlights:

450 emerging nonprofit leaders and social entrepreneurs 
Seminars and interactive workshops all covering aspects related to starting 
and running a nonprofit 
The involvement of leading local and national nonprofit support organizations 
as track co-presenters 
An Exhibit Hall featuring organizations that serve nonprofits and social 
Community Lounge, featuring Career Counseling and Ask the Experts 
Networking Reception with complimentary hors d'oeuvres, cocktails and 

Craigslist Foundation, 60 Spear St. 9th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105
Whether you would like to support our efforts, get involved, ask a question 
or just pass along an idea or resource, please feel free to contact us by email 

Sat. Aug. 19  11am-3pm       Peace Alliance/Department of Peace Meeting - 

The Peace Alliance/All Northern California Leadership Meeting. Training, 
Brainstorm, formulate Northern California Strategy, an opportunity to advance to a 
Leadership role in our Department of Peace campaign.

Northbrae Community Church, 941 The Alameda, Berkeley  510-526-3805

Featured Speaker
Dot Maver, Executive Director
The Peace Alliance and The Peace Alliance Foundation

Join us as we prepare for the fall!
This will be a working meeting with kickoff by Dot Maver, our Executive 
We will focus on pre election plans, local District support, the Sept. 
International Day of Peace activities,   the Gandhi Celebration, possible national 
walkathons, visits with local Representatives, SF City Resolution, FUNdraising, 
a large event at the Grand Lake Theater and much more!!

Bring a bag lunch and ideas to share!

Directions at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,290/year,2006/month,08/day,19/Itemid,1

Sat. Aug. 19  7 pm              Mystical Travelers Ball - Sebastopol

7pm arrival, Journey begins at 9 pm doors close at 8:30 pm

You are invited to the.... The Mystical Travelers Ball -   A spiritual 
adventure for mythic dreamers.
We are the dreamers and it is our time.
Join us for a participatory adventure theater event. This indoor/outdoor 
multi-experience ritual journey is a feisty and 
spirited dive into experiential theater, with a deep and magical focus.

Location and directions sent with RSVP confirmation,  Sebastopol
$35 per person advanced reservations required
RSVP  Debra Giusti  707-861-2038

We believe the time has come to gather together with deep and magical intent. 
 Instead of tripping out--we're going to trip in. Let's journey together in 
the unified field. This Spiritual Adventure invites you into deep core 
resonance with yourself, your creativity, your God presence, and others, while 
traversing the terrain of the body,heart,and soul, connecting deeply in sacred space.

The Mystical Traveler's Ball Ritual will take us on a journey through magical 
environments presenting a series of creative interactive experiences that 
offer a playful, insightful, outrageous and spirited layer of our mystical 
journey. We travel indoors exploring unusual curious realms and go outside with the 
stars and around the fire. We will dance, vision, dream, open our voices,  
pray, and create together.  We will share with one another from dropped in 
presence and core truth. We will eat, drink, party, play, and celebrate being 
together in new and deepening ways.

More at

Sat. Aug. 19  7-9 pm              Hizbollah, Syria & Iran w. Fred Lawson - 

The Alameda Public Affairs Forum is pleased to present Professor and Author 
Fred H. Lawson, speaking on "Hizbollah, Syria and Iran: Partnership and Rivalry 
in a Dangerous Neighborhood"

Home of Truth Center, 1300 Grand Street, Alameda
Julie Rufo  510-769-6395

Professor Lawson will be discussing how Hizbullah, Syria and Iran are most 
often presumed to have shared objectives with regard to regional and global 
issues. But in fact the three parties have divergent interests and purposes, even 
on key strategic questions.  It is vital to spell out the areas in which these 
three actors' positions converge and those where they do not, if one is to 
understand recent developments and make accurate recommendations concerning 

Fred Lawson is Rice Professor of Government at Mills College. He is author of 
Constructing International Relations in the Arab World (Stanford University 
Press, 2006), Why Syria Goes to War (Cornell University Press, 1996) and other 
studies of political economy and foreign policy in the Arab world. In 1992-93, 
he was Fulbright lecturer in international relations at the University of 
Aleppo;  in 2001, he was Fulbright lecturer in political science at Aden 

Following the presentation there will be time for discussion and questions 
from the audience. The program is free but donations at the door are accepted. 

Sun. Aug. 20  11am-5 pm           3rd Annual Muslim Convention - Newark

American Muslim Voice Foundation - AMV creating a culture of peace, 
acceptance, mutual respect and harmony by honoring "Ordinary People, Extraordinary 
Heroes" at Annual Convention

Chandni Restaurant, 5748 Mowry School Road, Newark
$25 (Includes Luncheon)
PSVP Samina   650-387-1994  

This year’s American Muslim Voice convention – on the fifth anniversary of  
Sept. 11 – brings together an amazing group of peacemakers: those who  have 
experienced grief first-hand and channeled that grief into action.  The theme, 
“Ordinary People, Extraordinary Heroes,” is only fitting.  

Such heroes include:

John & Bev Titus - parents of Alicia Titus, a 28 year old flight attendant 
killed on United Air Lines Flight 175 on September 11th, 2001. They are members 
of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, an advocacy organization 
founded by family members of victims of the September 11th attacks on the United 

Azim N. Khamisa - father of Tariq Khamisa.  He is Chairman, CEO and Founder 
of the Tariq Khamisa Foundation. TKF ( was founded in memory of 
20-year old  Tariq, who was murdered in January of 1995. Mr. Khamisa reached out 
in forgiveness to the grandfather and guardian of his son’s killer, Mr. Ples 
Felix who now serves as Vice Chairman of TKF.  He has committed his life to 
defeating the continuing cycle of violence amongst the youth. 

Details at

Sun. Aug 20 11am-7pm      A Gathering of Angels - Santa Cruz

This angelic gathering from Artists Helping Aritsts (Aha!) brings together 
all those interested in the charms and enchantments of the celestial and the 
amazements and adventures of the spirit.  A Gathering of Angels includes unique 
workshops and fascinating presentations, as well as interactive arts and music 
that will inspire and uplift.  See list of activities and presenters below. 

Private residence at 300 Redwood Dr. Santa Cruz, CA 95060 in the majestic 
redwoods of the Santa Cruz mountains  
$5 donation for half-day (two to three sessions) or $10 for all day (four or 
more sessions). 
Kids only $3 for half day or $5 for all day.   

To attend the event you must be on the RSVP list. 
Please RSVP Julie Windsor at with: 
a) name of  persons in your party, 
b) what time of the day are you are looking to arrive and depart.   

Coffee, tea and light refreshments included. If you plan to stay all day and 
attend the various workshops and presentations... please also bring sack lunch 
or fruit, or snacks / meals to share / exchange with others...   

Any fine artist, sculptor or photographer that plans to attend the meeting 
and would like to bring up to four pieces of mystical, angelic, spiritual or 
visionary art simply request to do so when you RSVP.  A total of 20 percent of 
any artwork sold at the event will go to Artists Helping Artists (Aha!), the 
nonprofit sponsoring the event.   

Presentations and workshops have limited seating and all guests must be on 
the RSVP list.  

Details at  

Tue. Aug. 22  7 pm       Devotional Chanting w. Sahar & Visioning Circle- 

Join us in our Kirtan & visioning circle about manifesting our dreams based 
on the teachings of Joanna Macy  with Jonathan Haber & Kari 

Celebration Retreat House, Sebastopol
$10-$15 donation, No one will be turned away forlack of funds 

Sahar Pinkham: vocals/ percusion,
Hannah Caratti: vocals/ harmonium,
Dhyana Bohnet: silver flute/ bansuri/ vocals,
Andy Graham: percussion/ didgeridoo
Brian Scharf; spoken word

Sahar Pinkham CHT,  a local percussionist, recording artist, and therapist is 
creator of Sacred Movement, where dancers and musicians alike honor and 
celebrate the moment through improvisational  music and movement. He produced the 
cd "Jammin' With The Infinite." Described as a journey into the inner 
landscape. "As I listen, my spirit lifts. I retreat into meditation."  

More at

Fri Aug. 25  6-9 pm    Progressive Dems Party w. Lynn Woolsey & Normon 
Soloman - Sebastopol

Progressive Democrats Sonoma County Birthday Party
Special guest appearance by Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey 
Author and columnist, Norman Solomon
With a short film presenting Tim Carpenter, Executive Director making it 

Home of Dr. Bill Prange, 2640 Olsen Road, Sebastopol - a magical space, in a 
geodesic dome
RSVP, or for more info: (707) 586-5913 or

Fri. Aug. 25  7 pm          Activism Series with Nadia McCaffrey - Berkeley

Nadia McCaffrey, Gold Star Families Speak Out Founder, with Dewayne Hunn, 
Director of the People's Lobby & World Service Corp. Her son, killed in Iraq, 
joined the National Guard to serve his country, not to kill!

Berkeley Fellowship, 1924 Cedar St. at Bonita, Berkeley
$5 to $10 donation.  No one turned away for lack of funds.
Info: Cynthia Johnson 510-528-5403

Sponsored by BFUU's Social Justice Committee

BFUU Social Justice Cttee events are followed by discussion and action!

Fri. Aug. 25  7:30 pm              Unconditional Theatre's Voices of 
Activism: Crawford - Oakland

Wed. Aug. 30, 7:30 pm  La Pena Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley
Thu. Aug. 31  7:30pm    Tam High School's Ruby Scott Theatre, 700 Miller Ave, 
Mill Valley

Evenings of Documentary Theatre, Storytelling and Dialogue. Members of 
Unconditional Theatre visited Crawford, TX, where we interviewed people on all sides 
of last summer's anti-war protests. We found some very surprising activists, 
and many of them are gathered in Crawford for the anniversary right now! So if 
you can't travel all the way out there, come hear their stories at one of our 
upcoming events. Part play-reading & part discussion, these events are a 
wonderful way to make contact with the current voices of change -- including your 

Temescal Creek Co-Housing, 322 45th St, Oakland
$2-$20 sliding scale
Questions?  Email John Warren at

More at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,297/year,2006/month,08/day,25/Itemid,1

Fri. Aug. 25  8 pm           Ecstatic Kirtan w. Jaya Lakshmi & Geoffry Gordon 
- Sebastopol 

Peacewave and Mystic Beat Lounge are happy to announce an evening of 
devotional singing and dancing to  music of India  with Jaya Lakshmi, Geoffrey Gordon 
and Manose Singh.

Odd Fellows Hall, 195 N. Main St., Sebastopol (downtown above Sprint Copy 
$13 donation

Jaya Lakshmi (lead singer for the West coast based ethno-trance group One at 
Last) has been leading ecstatic kirtans (devotional singing from India) for 
several years on the West Coast and in Hawaii.

Jaya Lakshmi is joined by Geoffrey Gordon on Tabla and vocals

Geoffrey Gordon has led Kirtan for many years and toured internationally with 
Jai Uttal and Krishna das and  many others.  He will play tabla and dumbec.

More at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,293/year,2006/month,08/day,25/Itemid,1

Aug. 25-27                Visioning Weekend w. Sahar - Guerneville

From Friday 5 pm to Sun. 2 pm

This journey will take place in the glorious wilderness of  Austin Creek 
State Park. We will descend into a rich and verdent land where deer, turkeys, wild 
pigs, and even mountain lions make their home.  The weekend will be a 
combination of vision quest, group process, hiking, and music circles designed to 
allow us to feel and express our natural rhythm.

Austin Creek State Park, just outside of Guerneville.
$30 (includes camp site and activites if received by August 18th: $40. 
Space is limited.
Hosted by Sahar Pinkham, CHT. 

Details at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,303/year,2006/month,08/day,25/Itemid,1

Sat. Aug. 26  7 pm                Crystal Trinity w. Paradiso & Eddie Gale - 
San Jose 

Crystal Trinity presents "Vibrational Sound Extravaganza" , A Spiritual 
Journey into Inner Peace at CSL. This concert event features performances by 
Crystal Trinity, Spirit Whisperers, Paradiso, Special Guest Eddie Gale, Dave 
Dilullo, Teresa Orozco & friends. A moving musical experience for body,mind,heart,& 

San Jose Center for Spiritual Living, 1195 Clark Street San Jose
Center Phone (408) 294-1828
$20 in advance, $25 at the door. 

Sept. 5-21                Camp Democracy w. Cindy Sheehan - Washington, DC is joining with organizations and individuals across 
the country to create an event on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. called 
Camp Democracy. This will be a camp for peace, democracy, and the restoration 
of the rule of law. Camp Casey will move from Crawford, Texas, to Washington 
to create a larger camp focused not only on ending the war but also on righting 
injustices here at home and on holding accountable the Bush Administration 
and Congress. 

Cindy Sheehan's Camp Casey to Move from Texas

Tents will provide activist activities, trainings, workshops, and 
entertainment on a variety of themes united by the demand that we shift our resources 
from war to useful projects. Camp Democracy will provide food, housing, 
education, and inspiration for all who can come for the whole event or part of it. To 
do so, we need your help. 

Please sign up to volunteer and please contribute financially at this website 
Contact:  David Swanson

Sat. Sept. 9  9am-5pm        **911 Power to the Peaceful Festival w. Michael 
Franti - SF

Musician and Filmmaker, Michael Franti and his group Spearhead with Guerrilla 
Management present the 8th Annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Festival at 
Speedway Meadow in Golden Gate Park. Come visit the Musicians & Fine Artists for 
World Peace and Global Peace Foundation booth when you are there.

Speedway Meadows, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco

The 911 Power to the Peaceful Festival is proud to present this amazing 
collection of Musicians and speakers:
Michael Franti & Sperahead, Blackalicious, New Monsoon, Los Mocosos, Sila and 
the AfroFunk Experience, and more

Rabbi Lerner, author of the forthcoming "The Left Hand of God: Taking Our 
Country Back from the Relligious Right" and 
Jeremy M. Glick, Robi Damelin and more

Sept. 15-17          **Earthdance 2006 - Laytonville

Uniting over 250 locations in 50 countires.  Musicians for Peace will have a 
booth in Activist Alley will be joined by Papa Dave 'Kunundrum' Potter with 
special performances by members of Dreamseeker.

Black Oak Ranch, Hwy 101, Laytonville
$135 Presale, $165 Gate: 3 day pass includes camping:
Free admission for children 12 and under

Ozomatli, Blackalicious, John Trudell, Toshi Reagon, Luna Angel, Kan'Nal, 
Trillian Green, TranceZenDance, Transcendental Hayride, Ancient Future, 
TranceZenDance, Luminous Fog, Trillian Green, Sasha Butterfly & Friends, Luna Groove, 
Kali's Angels, Tina Malia, Dianne Patterson, The Freys, Human and the Other 
Humans, and more ...

More details  & tickets at

Make Love Not War CD is now available. Immerse yourselves in the spirit of 
the butterflies & hear great music. Get our single CD featuring 19 songs of 
mostly Bay Area Artists for $12.50.  Our double CD has over 2.5 hours of music 
featuring 38 songs for $20, including postage & handling.  You get a copy free 
with a membership to the Butterfly Gardeners or Musicians & Fine Artists for 
World Peace for $25. I personally guarantee that you will love it & your purchase 
or membership will help support our mission. 

Songs for Cindy compilation CD with 18 songs that you will love.  $12.50 
includes postage

We also have copies of the English-Japanese edition of Butterfly that was 
translated by Yumi Kikuchi.  You can get a copy for $20 including shipping. With 
a family membership for $35 you can get this book and the CD. 

For a $50 donation you can get the English-Japanese edition, the CD, a 
membership and a listing as a sponsor of our calendar too!  
Please see membership info below or at

Please add $20 if you want to substitute the first edition of Butterfly by 
Norie Huddle in any of the following catagories.

Peace and love,  Alan

Butterfly Gardeners Association & Musicians & Fine Artists for World Peace

___Limited Income    $0-15  Get listing & membership  

___Individual           $25    Includes Double CD or Songs for Cindy CD       

___Family                $35    Includes Double CD or Songs for Cindy CD  & 
the book Butterfly

___Butterfly Lover      $50    Same as above plus sponsor listing on calendar 

___Sponsor/Business  $100   Same as above sponsor plus listing on calendar & 

___CD only                $12.50 for single with 19 songs & $20 for double 
with 38 songs

___CDs for groups      $10 per double CD or $5 per single CD in bulk for 
peace & justice groups used as a fundraiser. Please inquiry at 707-552-9886.

Specify if your membership is for the Butterfly Gardeners or Musicians & Fine 
Artists for World Peace and specify which CD you want. If you want both CDs, 
please add $10 to your order.and mark in memo "Both CDs"
Please make your check out to the Butterfly Gardeners and mail to Butterfly 
Gardeners Association, P.O. Box 1511, Vallejo, Ca  94590
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.