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Upcoming Calendar of fun cheap and unique bay area events Aug 18 - Aug 24
San Francisco // East Bay // North Bay // South Bay // Peninsula

Thanks to Pan Theater's The Imagination Unleashed for sponsoring funcheap this week!
The show starts with exciting and hilarious theater games followed by a fully improvised play. Watch as performers explore the Harold, Tableaux, One Act, French Braid and Montage improv formats- creating a fully improvised play. Each show is unique and performers explore both serious and comedic storylines made up on the spot.
* When: Saturdays 8pm, 8/19, 8/26
* Where: Blue Bear Performance Hall, Bldg D - 2nd Floor - Fort Mason
* How Much: $10 adv / $12 door, but funcheapers get 2 for 1 tix with this email

Friday, August 18th
8/18	6:00 pm	FREE cool SF blog SFist's 2nd birthday @ Varnish - plus a fun bingo game 	Games
8/18	6:00 pm	FREE "The Brilliance of All Knowing" art show @ soap gallery - SOMA 	Art
8/18	6:30 pm	FREE live concert on the beach 60s cover band Papa Doo Run Run - Santa Cruz 	Live Music
8/18	7:00 pm	$5 "Tuff Love" black tie celebration of art inspired by pitbulls - berkeley 	Art
8/18	7:30 pm	FREE Moonlight, Magic and Movies - family outdoor film - Martinez 	Family
8/18	8:00 pm	FREE The Rise of Macizo - art/music/MCs/drum core event @ Balazo - Mission 	Art
8/18	9:00 pm	$6 cool local rock band "The New Centuries" @ Hemlock Tavern  	Live Music
8/18	10:00 pm	$5 New York Nights - uncensored stand up comedy - union square BYOB 	Comedy
Saturday, August 19th
8/19	All Day	$5 San Jose Jazz Festival - 80 artists, 9 stages - neville borthers & dr. John 	Live Music
8/19	10:00 am	FREE Pretzels at Aunti Anne's in Embarcadero 4 & stonestown 	Free Food
8/19	3:00 pm	FREE Zombie Flash Mob at Market & Powell 	Odd
8/19	4:00 pm	FREE "The Tempest" Shakespeare in the Park - Oakland Lake Merritt 	Theater
8/19	4:30 pm	FREE "Godfellas" political comedy musical theater by SF Mime Troupe in Palo Alto 	Theater
8/19	8:00 pm	FREE outdoor film night in the park - Breakfast at Tiffany's - Union Sq. 	Film
Sunday, August 20th
8/20	1:00 pm	FREE lecture/walk led by UC Berkeley professor of forestry @ Lands End 	Outdoors
8/20	1:00 pm	FREE "ChoreoFest" human artwork and moving scupture @ YB Gardens 	Art
8/20	1:30 pm	FREE "Godfellas" political comedy musical theater by SF Mime Troupe. wash sq. pk 	Theater
8/20	2:00 pm	FREE live music @ Stern Grove - Every Sunday @ 2pm  - Ozomatli	Live Music
8/20	7:00 pm	FREE Ask A Scientist lecture series "Vision & Misperception" @ Canvas Gallery 	Lecture
8/20	9:30 pm	$5 SF Weekly music pick of the week - "The Pillows" @ Hemlock 	Live Music
Monday, August 21st
8/21	7:00 pm	FREE outdoor screening of "Shrek" - downtown oakland 	Film
Tuesday, August 22nd
8/22	7:00 pm	FREE bookreading by trainspotting author Irvine Welsh @ the Booksmith 	Literature
8/22	7:30 pm	FREE Pub Trivia Night, Tuesdays 7:30PM at the Cupertino Britannia Arms 	Trivia
Wednesday, August 23rd
8/23	5:30 pm	FREE Lawn Bowling Instruction and Games in GG Park - Noon & 5:30p 	Sports
8/23	6:00 pm	Free Eco Film Night: The Power of Community-How Cuba Survived Peak Oil 	Film
8/23	7:00 pm	$2.50 film "Clerks" 2 for 1 tix @ pizza/beer/couch theater - Oakland 	Film
Thursday, August 24th and beyond....
8/24	6:00 pm	FREE outdoor concert "Aja Vu" music of Steely Dan = San Mateo 	Live Music
8/24	7:00 pm	FREE quirky two-some band like "There's Something About Mary" @ Farley's 	Live Music
8/24	7:00 pm	Free Eco Film Night: Sharing Mt Tam/Lost People of Mtn Village @ sports basement 	Film
8/24	7:30 pm	$2 for UCB students "Beyond Bollywood" film festival @ Pacific Film Archive  	Film
8/25	6:30 pm	FREE 60s pop band Herman's Hermits w/ Peter Noone concert on beach - Santa Cruz 	Live Music
8/25	8:00 pm	FREE "Capote" film night in the park - san anselmo 	Film
8/25	10:00 pm	$5 New York Nights - uncensored stand up comedy - union square BYOB 	Comedy
9/6	6:00 pm	FREE former Black Panther Minister of Information book lecture @ Oakland main li 	
9/7	5:00 pm	FREE first thursdays - art galleries open late, usually free wine & nibbles 	
9/8	7:30 pm	$5 Poetry & Pizza (yummy fresh all you can eat pizza, brazillian music & poetry  	
9/9	All Day	11th Annual Ghirardelli Square Chocolate Festival 	
9/9	10:00 am	FREE San Francisco Zine Fest (comics, zines, workshops & flim) @ CellSpace 	
9/15	7:00 pm	FREE "Labyrinth" 6 art galleris all open late w/ cool art and exhibits - SOMA 	
9/16	10:00 am	FREE Day on the Glen Festival "Hip Music for Kids" - Dublin 	
9/16	2:00 pm	FREE Fictional History of the US Authors Panel Discussion @ Oak. Library 	
9/20	7:00 pm	FREE "Old Enough to Buy Art" affordable art for first time buyers - SOMA 	
9/21	6:00 pm	FREE College Night, artist lecture, dj set, live music @ SFMOMA 	
10/6	2:00 pm	FREE Elvis Costello @ Hardly Strictly Bluegrass music festival - GG Park 	
10/7	11:00 am	FREE 6th Annual Hardly Strictly Bluegrass music festival - GG Park 	
click here for more events in San Francisco and the Bay Area

If an event is in bold, then that means we think it's cool and espeically recommend it

What is - A free web calendar & and emailing list of events - we hate spam and we won't clog your inbox. and when you sign up you don't even have to give us your email address if you don't want to. we usually send out one email a week with all the weeks events, usually between 20 and 50. Occassionally we'll send out another email to let you know of a great event or discount that's just come up. or, if you like, you can just view our calendar. we don't care! whatever you want. this was set up by just a couple of underemployed san franciscans who want to share their list with you. no corporations, just wholesome cheap goodness.

Going out and having fun in San Francisco is just too expensive. That's why we started funcheapSF. A free website where cheap bastards like ourselves get together to share tips and events going on in the coming days.

to join our emailing list and have access to our web calendar:
1) visit
2) click on "Join This Group"
that's it! then you'll have to option to receive email listings and view our web calendar.

we do our best to make sure our calendar is accurate, but it's always a good idea to double check with the venue to make sure the event is actually taking place in case of rain or other unforseen events
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.