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OK, I am now cleaning out 3 garages.
Does your non profit need stuff for a rummage sale? Let me know.
SF events 8.23
Archive Events / Articles:
SF events 8.23
SF events 8.23
SF events 8.23 search events for "sf events"

Tuesday 8/23
 6:00pm San Mateo: Potluck and Screening of "Thirst"
 7:00pm San Francisco: Screening of "This Divided State"

Wednesday 8/24
 6:00pm San Francisco: Honoring Our Own- Los Veteranos Activistas de la Misión

I'm gone for 10 days as of 8/26 to
Find more events here.

North end of Baker beach is warmest!

Join the MUNI Social Strike in SF! when talking to people). The most 
important part of this strategy is to make sure that the people 
you talk to KEEP PASSING IT ON. Please make sure you end every 
conversation about the strike with the request: 
 MUNI Riders email us at 
MUNI workers email us at
Or phone us at 415-267-4801.
For more info, visit


aspartame lawsuit online form
This is rather amazing! Here is a form that you can fill out to send 
your symptoms of aspartame disease to be reviewed for a lawsuit!

If you or someone you know drinks diet soda check out the 
Aspartame Victims Support Group at         READING LIST:

Hidden Sources of Processed Free Glutamic ACID (MSG)

India: Everything Gets Worse With Coca-Cola

In a nutshell, (1) as fluoride exposure in the United States has reached 
out-of-control levels and (2) as dental fluorosis (the first sign of 
permanent damage caused by excessive and chronic exposure to fluoride) has 
reached endemic rates, and (3) as scientific workers and leaders from the 
rank and file of the EPA, as well as respected environmental organizations, 
and other professionals are calling for the reclassification of fluoride as 
a probably human carcinogen, I am asking you to give serious consideration 
for signing the petition:

Diane Doucette on how we Californians can improve the global warming situation

Global Warming: Will You Listen Now, America?

Virulent algae creates red tide of death

A Florida Gulf Coast Dead Zone Eyewitness Report

police state

Last Chance to Tell Monsanto 'Public TV is Not for Sale!'

All US military leave has been cancelled ... 
something big is in the works!

Police Taser Counter-Recruitment Protestors in Pittsburgh .
 Besides local protests of such abuses, if we are victims of such brutality, we can report such to Amnesty International of the US:
 Another thing we can do is research what is being done in cities such as San Jose, CA, and duplicate such efforts in our own areas:
To learn more about the use of tasers, visit:

Here's video of a SWAT team breaking up a Utah rave.

SWAT TEAM bust of permited outdoor "rave"
 military style bust of rave in utah, camo, 
 helicopters, mahine guns,   tear gas... 
 here is a clip from someone who attended.. 
  here is the clip from the news... 

what's up with closing down a rave with assault riffles?

Black Helicopters

“WARNING: You Are Under Martial Law”   by Karen Kilroy August 23, 2005 
The title of this article is what the notice read on the morning of May 4, 1970 – it sat largely unread in the mail boxes of Kent State University students. Later that day, four students were murdered when the Ohio National Guard opened fire on a hillside filled with students – some protesting, some watching, others merely changing classes. 
Whether or not you are old enough to remember the tragedy at Kent State please pay attention to this history. As we head into the age of aggressive protests, the police response is becoming more violent, such as in Saturday’s actions in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Salt Lake City, Utah. In Pittsburgh, protestors marched the wrong way up a one way street to close down an army recruiting office. Police used both tear gas and tasers to subdue the protestors, and one 68-year-old woman was even bitten by a police dog – she was also arrested. In Salt Lake City, a crowd of 1,500 was tear gassed from helicopters. 
This is a war against war. This is a war to end all wars – as the saying goes. We are on the side that is not armed. But just like the students at Kent State a few short years ago, if our right to protest is denied we have little choice other than to assert ourselves. If we are brutalized, we must fight it in the courts, call Congress, and insist that the brutality come to light in the media before it is allowed to progress to even more severe levels. 

Drudge Flash Report - Cindy UNLEASHED ! WE Will IMPEACH THEM ALL !!! 

Nuclear Disaster - 8.20.05 URGENT!!
Cindy Sheehan: Hypocrites and Liars

Posada may testify about the 1963 assassination of JFK 

Bush Now at 36%, Nixon was at 39% at the Height of Watergate


Scrap is a GOOD place for CHEAP art supplies!
801 Toland Street  (entrance on Newcomb Ave) 
SF, CA 94124  415.647.1746\

Building Resources is a good place for CHEAP building supplies
and Burningman materials and fixtures, wood, metal, supplies
 open every day 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Call: 415.285.7814 
FAX: 415.285.4689  Email: 
 701 Amador St Just East of 3rd St 2 blocks South of Cesar Chavez.

summer festivals: Black Rock City, NV: August 29th – Sept 5th , Laytonville, CA: Sept 16th-19th , San Rafael, CA: October 14th-16th Nov. 5-6  Brannan @ 8th St. SF
#  Aug 22,23,24 BEGINNER CLASS 6:30-8pm  INTERMEDIATE CLASS 8-9:30pm 
One consecutive Monday Tuesday and Wednesday in August.
Intermediate students continue on to perform on Thursday evening from 5:30-8pm at the Ferry Building. 

The last chance to take a hoop intensive before Burning Man! Monday's class focuses on torso and arms, Tuesday class focuses on legs and floorwork, Wednesday's class focuses on off body moves. There will be special attention given to micromovements of the body, working with the downbeat, freeing the head, working planes, playing to the audience and infusing your dance with emotion. Guidance for performance given throughout class. Intermediate level class will recieve more challenging exercises and moves and must have taken an intensive previously. The intermediate class will include more discussion of performance, stage presence, costuming and creating a cohesive show. 

Both classes emphasize poise, elegance, grace, power and originality in creating your hoopdance. The first class also works on learning basic "tricks", the intermediate class starts using those moves in a full dance context which uses each move on every angle, while exploring alternating body height and body angles while doing every move. The intermediate class also covers advanced moves and combinations.

Each evening will have a jam circle to close. Fantastic music will propel us to a new level! Beginner level class is $75 for three night series of classes, 4.5 hours total time. Intermediate level class is $85 for 4.5 hours class and a 2.5 hour live performance lab. Enrollment preference given to those who register for entire series as this creates the "intensive hoop bootcamp" experience. Class size limited to 11 students per class. 

Pre-registration required at  Go to "Buy Now" link and register in online store. Space is *very* limited and sells out every month for the beginner class. Don't miss out! Christabel is now teaching in San Francisco only once a month. Danzhaus is located at the corner of Cesar Chavez and Connecticut. Directions can be obtained at Please arrive early or promptly on time. 

For more information or questions on the class call Christabel at 415-515-0469. Please note that registration cannot be refunded, but credit may be applied towards future classes.

Tue Aug 23

# Aug 23 Taking Aim with Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone can be heard weekly at  Tuesday, 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time (5:00 p.m. Eastern Time).
Streaming Web @   Programs are archived at

# come one, come all! exchange playa addresses and brush up on a couple of tricks.
Hula Hooping every Tuesday 5:30-7pm at
2050 bryant To subscribe to the Bay Area Hoopers list, send an email to:

# Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Save the Forests: Public Hearing — The Santa Rosa Board of Supervisors will take up the forest conversion issue. Let's bring over 500 people to the public hearing! Call for more information on this issue, or to discuss and prepare for the hearing. Location: Santa Rosa Supervisors Hearing Room, 575 Administration Drive, Santa Rosa. Time: 6pm. Info: 707-824-4371.

# Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Class: "Radical Mental Health" — This is a Barrington Collective "Free School" class. Location: Long Haul Infoshop, 3124 Shattuck Ave., (across from La Pe–a, 1 block east of Ashby BART), Berkeley. Time: 6pm - 7:30pm. Info: 510-466-7368,

# Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Class: "Alternative and Non-coercive Education" — This is a Barrington Collective "Free School" class. The class will be in the basement of Nabalom Bakery. Location: Nabalom Bakery, 2708 Russell Street, near College Ave., Berkeley. Time: 7pm - 9pm. Info: 510-466-7368,

# History of SF's Noe Valley

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

$5 for non-members, free for SFHA members
The San Francisco History Association presents

guest speaker: Bill Yenne

doors open 7 PM
speaker begins 7:30-7:45

Noe Valley is a very special place, both in terms of its long history and in terms of its still being the "small town within the city" that makes it San Francisco's favorite residential neighborhood.

There are many interesting facts about Noe Valley, going back to the mystery of who is buried in Noe's tomb.  Tonight Bill will give a visual presentation based on his new book "Noe Valley"  that will be available for sale and signing.

Bill is the author of more than six dozen books on historical topics, as well as many large-format pictorial books, including the acclaimed "San Francisco Then & Now".

bill and his wife Carol have owned a home in Noe Valley for three decades and they raised both their children in Noe Valley.  Carol owns Small Frys Childrens Store on 24th Street and is an active member of the Noew Valley Merchant's Association.
Mission Dolores School Auditorium
3371 16th St.
San Francisco

Auditorium entrance on 16th between Church & Dolores

Free auto and bicycle parking is available in lot
adjacent to the meeting room. Enter parking lot from Church Street.

Public Transportation:
16th St station
J line
22 line

Wed Aug 24

# 8.24 Every Weds at 2pm on 94.1 fm:

# Wed Aug 24, 6:30 pm  Instant Runoff Voting (IRV)
 Is it right for Marin?  Organizational Meeting #2
 A number of individuals in Marin County have created an exploratory group in anticipation of gearing up for a local campaign in support of Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) and/or choice voting.
 We are inviting individuals or group representatives interested in election reform and in particular IRV ranked voting to get together for a brainstorming/planning/organizational meeting.
 We will discuss and evaluate several proposals for action at the city and county level, including possible introduction of IRV at College of Marin and/or Dominican University, public forums, contact with elected officials, seeking endorsements of SB 596, etc.   College of Marin  Student Services Building (cafeteria building)
 Cafeteria  Contact Bob Richard

Thu Aug 25

# I invite you to join me to demonstrate every Thursday from 6:30 to 7pm
at the KFC at Lake Merritt, Oakland.
This is a great location, with lots of foot and automobile traffic, as
well as exposure to non-KFC pedestrians.
People are quite receptive and supportive; I have convinced many
people to eat elsewhere.
I have literature to supply, although bringing your own is always
helpful. Lake Merritt KFC address:
470 Lake Park Ave between Grand Ave. and Lake Shore Ave. across from
the Grand Lake Theater.
To subscribe to Bay Area Animal Rights Network please send blank email to:

# Report Back from India and the 75th Anniversary Salt March
Thursday, August 25 at 7 PM 
New College Theater, 777 Valencia St., SF
Revaz Farok Ardesher and Francesca Rosa, participants in the 24-day 75th Anniversary Salt March, will show slides and discuss their experience in the March/April 2005 event. 
In 1930 Mohandas Gandhi and 78 handpicked followers (all pledged to total non-violence) marched from Ahmedebad in Gujarat State to Dandi Beach 241 miles south. Thousands joined en route. 24 days later in Dandi, Gandhi and his followers 'illegally' harvested salt in violation of colonial British salt laws. In response they were brutally attacked by the British army. Gandhi and many others were jailed. This event was considered the real beginning of the Independence movement and one of the first successful modern manifestations of Satyagraha, or non-violent civil disobedience. 
75 years later, an anniversary Salt March or 'Dandi Yatra' was organized by Tushar Gandhi (great grandson of Mohandas Gandhi), the Mahatma Gandhi Foundation and the Congress Party of India to commemorate this historic event and as a response to the widespread violence in Gujarat State in 2002 against the local Moslem population. 
$5-$10 sliding scale donation - no one turned away for lack of funds. 
Funds benefit Mahatma Gandhi Foundation (and flood relief in Mumbai). 
Sponsored by New College Center for Education and Social Action. 
Endorsed by Global Exchange, Norcal ISM (Northern California International Solidarity Movement) and American Arab Anti Discrimination Committee - SF.  415-552-6430.

# An Evening of Poetry & Music with  Genny Lim and Clif Ross
Report Back From Caracas

Thursday, August 25, 7:30 pm
New College Cultural Center, 766 Valencia St., SF
Dear Friends,
Fresh off the plane from a wild and wonderful poetic journey through Venezuela from Caracas, to Barinas, where beef and oil are plentiful, to the mouth of the Orinoco, where an indigenous gathering of 16 tribes united for the first time, to beautiful Merida on the gentle slopes of the Andes and Tovar, the drug laundering hub, I have filed this general report on the status of women. My hope is to return and do further reports on the development of indigenous peoples' issues sometime this winter or next spring. 
I will be presenting a Report Back From Caracas, evening with my friend, poet-journalist, Clif Ross, who is currently doing political work in Venezuela on Thursday, Aug. 25th, at the New College Cultural Center, 766 Valencia St., near 19th St., at 7:30 p.m. 
Venezuela is undergoing a massive socialist revolution under the dynamic leadership of President Hugo Chavez, who has survived an assassination attempt, a coup and a referendum, all CIA backed. Hope you can come for poetry and music.
Salud! Genny

# Thursday, August 25, 2005
Reading: Jack Laws on "Sierra Birds: A Hiker's Guide" — Jack Laws is a naturalist, illustrator, and educator from San Francisco. He has developed and taught classes on ecology, biology, and illustration and leads monthly field sketching outings in the Bay Area. He received a B.S. in Conservation and Resources at the University of California, Berkeley, and an M.S. in Wildlife Biology from the University of Montana, Missoula. He studied scientific illustration at the University of California at Santa Cruz. He will discuss his recent book, Sierra Birds: A Hiker's Guide, the first publication in a five-year project to create an easy to use, fully illustrated and portable guide to sierra plants and wildlife. Location: Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo Ave, near Dwight Way, Berkeley. Time: 7pm - 9pm. Cost: Free. Info: 510-548-2220, ,

# HORRAY ! WERE BACK AT PEACOCK GAP Starting on Thursday August 25th
7:30 till Midnight $10.00 "Community Dance Night" The Peacock Boogie
with DJ's Les"The Man" Shill and Carter "CC" Collins "the mix"
World Beat, Trance, Rythm & Blues, Jazz, Latin, Rock, some Hip hop and Rap
NO TECHNO Ultra large Dance Floor, Large Carpeted Area
Natural Juice Bar with Goodies, No Alcohol
Peacock Gap Country Club, San Rafael
Need More info, CONTACT Martin Masters 415-453-4122  Ext 15

Fri Aug 26

# Friday, August 26, 2005 - Saturday, August 27, 2005
SPAWN: Help Protect Salmon in San Geronimo Creek — Help us construct a fence to protect a 5,500 sq. ft. native plant restoration site and help protect the creek banks from further erosion. Bring lunch and water, sturdy shoes, sun protection, and work gloves if you have them (although gloves can be provided). RSVP by phone. Location: Roy's Pools, San Geronimo Valley Golf Course, San Geronimo Valley Dr., San Geronimo. Time: 10am - 4pm. Info: 415-488-0370 x102, ,

# Friday, August 26, 2005
Benefit Forum: "Women's Equality Day Call to Action" — Women in the US gained the right to vote 85 years ago. It was supposed to bring women political equality with men. We must work globally and locally to strengthen women's power as a dynamic force in assuring that the world's resources are allocated for peace, sustainable development, justice and human rights. Share your ideas with our guests from Uganda - Lydia Bakaki, Attorney, and Annette Mukabera, Member of Parliament. Both are women's rights activists. Help plan how women in California will mobilize to address issues like Proposition 73, and use our votes to elect representatives who support our agenda. Location: Women's Building, 3543 18th St., between Valencia & Guerrero, SF. Time: 6pm - 9pm. Cost: $15 - $100 suggested donation (no one turned away). Info: 415-221-4841,

# A Popular Guide to Building a Community FM Broadcast Station Book Release
 Fri Aug 26 7:00pm-10:00pm FREE
Have you ever thought about setting up a small FM broadcast station for your community and considered such an endeavor much too involved and expensive? This book demonstrates that it is not - and, it will inspire you to make the effort. Of all the media and communications technologies, radio is the most accessible and democratic. By asserting your right to communicate, you become part of the struggle for free speech, resisting the privatization of yet another public resource, the broadcast airwaves. If you can not communicate, you can not organize; if you can not organize, you can not fight back; and, if you can not fight back, you have no hope of winning.

This book was illustrated and written by T.J. Enrile in conjunction with Free Radio Berkeley. T.J. is a student in Multimedia Studies at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill, California. It is a graphic guide reflective of the popular education style prevalent in Latin America. A Spanish version will be available by the end of September.

T.J. and folks from Free Radio Berkeley will talk about this book and current projects to empower people with the skills, knowledge, technology and ability to build and set up their own community radio stations.

 AK Press 674-A 23rd St Oakland 510 2081700

AK Press 674-A 23rd. St Oakland, CA
b/t MLK and San Pablo - near 19th St. BART and West Grand Exit of 80/980
All events at AK Press are wheelchair accessible. 510 2081700

# Friday, August 26, 2005
Monthly Activist Series: Carol Brouillet and Kenn Burrows — Activists Carol Brouillet and Kenn Burrows will share their transformative experiences, and strategize on how we can work together to heal our country and the world. Location: Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, 1924 Cedar St., @ Bonita, Berkeley. Time: 7pm. Cost: $5 donation (no one turned away). Info: 510-528-5403.

# Rawstock III - Raw Ecstasy Jamboree - Aug. 26-29 at Macdonald Farm,
Sebastopol, CA
* We are seeking a yoga teacher to teach 1 or 2 classes on Aug. 27 & 28.
Contact for details.
* Rawstocks cards and posters are now available.  If you can help distribute
them at gatherings, healthfood stores, etc, please e-mail
* We only have a few more work-trade opportunities left.  Contact if you are interested.
To join the SonomaRaw e-list send an e-mail to:

# August 26-29 at Macdonald Farm  Rawstock III - Raw Ecstasy Jamboree
 5730 Ross Branch Road, Sebastopol, California  (707) 829-0362
 The world's premier raw food lifestyle festival!
 The pure health empowerment weekend celebrating eco-regeneration, musical ecstasy & raw food delight.
 Come to the greatest raw health festival on Earth! Last year we perfected it and this year we are going way beyond. This will be our last event at Macdonald Farm, so come and experience the magic of “raw school” in the orchard, under the apple trees; meet new vibrant brothers and sisters; reconnect with dear ones; enjoy the most incredible fresh figs, grapes. melons, tomatoes and other peak-of summer fresh delectables; camp in the orchard (no extra charge – B.Y.O tent); dance, groove and have the time of your life!      THE PROGRAM:
 Friday: 4:00 pm through sundown: Music, dance, volley ball, tai chi, poi, tent setup
 Saturday & Sunday: 8:00 am through sundown: Healing prayer circles, yoga, tai chi, lectures, raw cuisine demos, hay bale discussions, child crafts and fun care, bamboo flute making, massage, sport games, music and more music, dance, farm-fresh food galore.
 Monday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Canoeing and swimming on/in the Russian River. Departure by 6:00 pm.
 No smoking, drugs, alcohol.

Sat Aug 27

# Saturday, August 27, 2005
Tree Planting: in San Francisco's Outer Sunset District — Friends of the Urban Forest needs volunteers to help plant trees. Breakfast / lunch is provided. Meeting place TBA. RSVP. Location: SF. Time: 9am - noon. Info: 415-561-6890 ex. 110,

# Saturday, August 27, 2005
Training: Activism and Campaign for Farmed Animals — Be a part of the statewide effort to stop factory farming. Speakers: Joyce Tischler: Animal Legal Defense Fund, Brent Newell: Center for Race Poverty and the Environment, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau: Compassionate Cooks, Kim Sturla: Animal Place, and Lauren Ornelas: Viva!USA. Location: New College of CA, Santa Rosa, 99 Sixth St., @ Wilson, Santa Rosa. Time: 9am - 5pm. Cost: $10 (lunch not included). Info: 707-449-4814,

# Saturday, August 27, 2005
Class: Winter Veggie Garden — Now is the time to get your winter garden started. Novella Carpenter will discuss plant selection, preparation and planting. Location: Magic Gardens (Berkeley), 729 Heinz Ave, Berkeley. Time: 10am - 11am. Cost: Free. Info: 510-644-2351,

# KFC Demo in Antioch on August 27th 
To subscribe to Bay Area Animal Rights Network please send blank email  to:

# 8/27 San Jose Pow-Wow (Evergreen Valley Collage)
 4th Annual San Jose Pow-Wow "uniting Our Elders and Youth" 
 Sat Aug 27  12p.m - 10pm  Evergreen Valley Collage 
 3095 Yerba Buena Road   "Libray Grove Area" 
 Grand Entry is at 1p.m and 6p.m, Head Staff TBA, This is a drug and alcohol free event.

# 8/27: ACT for farmed animals  (santa rosa) 
 What: All-day workshop helping participants understand the treatment of farmed animals and vegetarianism. Topics of discussion will include a summary of California’s factory farms in the meat, dairy and egg industries; local activism; identifying the regulatory agencies responsible for overseeing factory farms; getting politically involved; participating in campaigns; examining the welfare concerns of the most common farmed animals in California; and much more 
 Who: ACT workshop speakers include lauren Ornelas, director of Viva!USA; Kim Sturla, director of Animal Place; Joyce Tischler, executive director of the Animal Legal Defense Fund; Brent Newell of the Center for Race, Poverty & the Environment; and Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, founder of Compassionate Cooks. 
 Intended for everyone, seasoned activists and newcomers alike. 
 When: Saturday, August 27, 2005 
 Where: New College, 99 6th Street (Arlene Francis Theater) Santa Rosa 
 Why: Factory farms are bad news for the animals, the environment and public health. We are mobilizing a statewide network to make change. 
 Cost: Just $10 for full day of speakers, films and discussion. Pre-registration required. Cost does not include lunch.

# Free State Project Social and Talk Sat  Aug 27 Walnut Creek 1:00 PM
 Northern California Free State Project participants will meet for lunch and brew at the Pyramid Alehouse in Walnut Creek. Address information here:
 All friends of liberty are welcome to attend! 
 1pm: FSP discussion 
2pm: Guest Speaker on American currency 
3pm: Adjourn

# Saturday, August 27, 2005
San Francisco Mime Troupe: "Doing Good" — The San Francisco Mime Troupe's latest offering is based on John Perkins' Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, a book that explains how America built an empire on Third World debt. Music at 1:30pm, show at 2pm. Location: Cedar Rose Park, 1300 Rose Street, a block from Cedar & Chestnut, Berkeley. Time: 2pm. Cost: Free. Info: 415-285-1717, ,

# War Tax Resistance Information & Support Gathering
Come share your questions, struggles, dreams and strategies with others who refuse to pay taxes for U.S. militarism at our monthly potluck.  Newcomers welcome!
Saturday, Aug 27th, 3-5:30 pm
3-4:30 pm - Support and updates for ongoing resisters 
 4:30-5 pm - Basic Info. on War Tax Resistance
733 Baker St. @ McAllister
 San Francisco
(near #5 & #33 MUNI lines)
Potluck,  Free but donations appreciated
 Sorry, there are stairs.
 For more information: (510) 843-9877
Half of our federal income taxes are being used for war. 
 Find out about a variety of ways to respond.  Topics will include:
 €    Creative legal protests
 €    Refusing to pay all or part of federal taxes and the possible consequences of this form of 
     civil disobedience
 €    Redirecting resisted taxes to local alternative funds and/or community organizations
 €    Local support networks for war tax resisters
 Northern California War Tax Resistance
 (510) 843-9877 €
Thank you for working for peace! 

# Dave Lippman, political satirist Sat 27 Aug 8pm $10 - $20 N.O.T.A.
War Resisters League West presents

Dave Lippman, political satirist
featuring George Shrub, the only known singing CIA agent
plus "Star of Goliath": songs and slides encapsulating modern Holy Land history and imperial machinations based on Mr. Lippman's trip there last year.

Benefits the upcoming counter-military recruitment conference for youth and allies, "ON THE FRONTLINES: Options for Youth in Times of War," October 22 & 23, 2005, UC Berkeley

more info: GIG & WRL West:
counter-military recruitment conference:

 The Kitchen 225 Potrero St @ 15th St, San Francisco
 SF MUNI lines: 9, 22, 33, 53, 19, & 27.   wheelchair accessable


)'( Aug 29- Sep 25 2005 )'(

Sun Aug 28

# Sunday, August 28, 2005
Tree Tour: Bernal Heights - South Slope — Presented by Friends of the Urban Forest, this tour will be led by Mike Boss, founder and general manager of the landscaping company, Rock and Rose + Birkmeyer. RSVP by phone. Meet outside the coffeehouse. Location: Progressive Grounds Coffeehouse (SF), 400 Cortland Ave, at Bennington, SF. Time: 10am - noon. Cost: Free. Info: 415-561-6890 x108 ,

# Sunday, August 28, 2005
Greenbelt Hike: Purely Purisima — A challenging hike along the Peninsula's Purisima Creek Open Space Preserve offering a wealth of redwoods, creeks and views of the Pacific and Half Moon Bay. Time: 11:15am - 5:30pm. Cost: Free. Info: 415-255-3233,

# Sunday, August 28, 2005
Community Garden Party and Fundraiser — Live music, food, on-site raffle, kid's activities, and peace-tile painting! Come spend the afternoon enjoying this beautiful green oasis. Location: Peralta Community Garden, 1400 Peralta Ave., near Hopkins, Berkeley. Time: 1pm - 5pm. Cost: Free (donations welcome). Info: 510-798-8148

# Labor Media and Report Back on the AFL-CIO Convention
Sunday August 28, 1 pm - 3 pm 
New College Theater, 77 Valencia St., SF
Presentations by:
	• 	KPFA Labor Collective Members who went to the AFL-CIO Convention in Chicago; 
	• 	Steve Stallone, ILWU Communications Director and President-Elect, International Labor Communications Association (ILCA)
Join members of the KFPA Labor Collective and ILCA President-Elect Steve Stallone as they report back on the recent AFL-CIO convention in Chicago.  Four members of the KPFA Labor Collective went to Chicago to record the historic convention. There will be an audio and video presentation as well as discussion.  ILCA President-Elect Steve Stallone will discuss new initiatives of the ILCA, and there will be a report on the national Pacifica Labor Programming on and around the AFL-CIO convention. You can find out more about Pacifica's coverage by going to:   
Free Admission
Co-sponsored by New College Media Studies MA Program
KPFA Labor Collective (510)-848-6767x606 
KPFA Labor Collective Box 69 
1929 MLK Drive Berkeley, CA 94704

# Sunday, August 28, 2005
San Francisco Mime Troupe: "Doing Good" — The San Francisco Mime Troupe's latest offering is based on John Perkins' Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, a book that explains how America built an empire on Third World debt. Music at 1:30pm, show at 2pm. Location: Cedar Rose Park, 1300 Rose Street, a block from Cedar & Chestnut, Berkeley. Time: 2pm. Cost: Free. Info: 415-285-1717,

# Sunday, August 28, 2005
Workshop: "The Art of Home Composting" — Learn to make fertilizer for organic gardening from your kitchen scraps. Location: City Slicker Farms, 16th & Center, Oakland. Time: 2pm - 4pm. Info: 510-763-4241,

# Sunday, August 28, 2005
Bay Area Water: Trekking the Model — Have you ever walked from the Golden Gate Bridge to Stockton? Join a park ranger for a tour of the Bay Model. Watch the tide ebb and flood as the Model of the Bay helps you understand the complexity of California water issues past, present, and future. Location: Bay Model Visitor Center, 2100 Bridgeway, Sausalito. Time: 2:30pm - 4pm. Cost: Free. Info: 415-332-3871

# On Tuesday  Aug. 16th  the SF Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to adopt the Sweatfree Ordinance so now it’s time for the  

Sunday, August 28, 2005    4:00pm – 8:00pm

Project Artaud Theater   450 Florida Street, SF  
 (between 17th St. and Mariposa) 
Join Global Exchange 
and the Sweatfree Bay Area Coalition to celebrate: 
€ the passage of the nation’s strongest sweatshop-free law, prohibiting  
 the SF city government from purchasing goods from sweatshops  
 € the adoption of Fair Trade and Organic Certified purchasing resolutions 
 Support our work to make other communities sweatfree! 

Live entertainment from:  
 ALBINO! 14-piece all-star Afrobeat ensemble  |  ZONK  |  The Labor Chorus 
 Reverend Billy  |  Valerie Orth | TEAM: youth performers
 Sweatfree fashion show from local designers, food, drink, raffle, sweatfree apparel and more! 
 $10-$20 sliding scale (includes raffle ticket).  
 No one turned away for lack of funds.  
 All ages welcome.    Wheelchair accessible. Buses 22, 33, 27. 

Sponsored by: 
 New College of California  |  Project Artaud  |  Harrington Investments 
 MarketPlace: Handwork of India  |  No Sweat Apparel  |  Nueva Vida Cooperative  |  The Onion  
 or contact 415-575-5541, 

# Sun Aug 28 5pm Hello friends of TreeSpirit,
Photographer Jack Gescheidt here, with another TreeSpirit photo shoot scheduled for 5pm, Sunday August 28th (3 Sundays from this weekend's) — in the city of San Francisco!
Two stunning Giant Sequoias watch over a small park @ 25th & Harrison, in the outer Mission, just a few blocks in from Cesar Chavez/Army St.
Look at the jpegs attached to this email to see if these little giants call to you.  All ages and sizes of human are welcome to be photographed connecting with these creatures.  The only requirements are playfulness, adventurousness and your open heart.
Save the date on your calendars and I'll have more detailed information the week of August 22nd before the shoot.
This photo event will consist of 20-100 or more men & women, so there is a place for both the mild-mannered ground-dwellers at the bases of the sequoias AND courageous tree climbers (up to about 120 feet).  Feel free to pass this email invitation to your friends.
As always, each participant will be given a print from the shoot and asked to sign a photo release so the final image can be used in The TreeSpiritProject, incl. fine art prints and website:
yours in love with the trees, Jack
Jack Gescheidt 4340 Anza St. - #7 SF, CA  94121
Tel/Fax: 415.668.5225
A photographic celebration of our connection to nature.

# 8/28: Grand Jury Road Show!  (santa rosa) 

 August 28 5pm with Food Not Bombs 
 Court House Square in downtown Santa Rosa 
 (3rd Street and Mendocino) 

 Do you know your rights? 
 Do you understand what a grand jury is and how it is used against activists? 

 As government repression increases, so does the use of racial profiling, FBI 
 visits, and federal grand juries to intimidate, imprison and destroy 
 communities and social justice movements. 

 Grand jury investigations have recently been used to harass and jail people from 
 the Black liberation, animal liberation, and environmental justice movements in 
 San Francisco and San Diego. FBI intimidation is being used to crush dissent 
 and attack Muslim, Arab, Iranian, and South Asian communities, creating fear 
 and racial hysteria. 

 Learn what you can do to protect yourself and your community! 

 Links for more information about grand juries: 
 Grand Jury Support: 
 The National Lawyers Guild: 212-679-5100 ext.12 
 Just Cause Law Collective: 
 No Compromise: Go to “Issue Archive” #22 fall 2003

# Sunday, August 28, 2005 - Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Film: "McLibel" — Documentary film about the highly publicized court case between the McDonald's corporation and a former postman and a gardener from London. Showings at 7:15pm and 9:15pm, 8/28 - 8/30. Additional showings 8/30 at 2pm and 4pm. Location: Red Vic Movie House, 1727 Haight St, SF. Cost: $8- adults, $4 seniors & children, $6 bargain- 2pm shows. Info: 415-668-3994

Mon Aug 29

# Monday, August 29, 2005
Habitat for Humanity Workshop: How to Make Affordable Housing Green — Attendees will learn how to incorporate green building concepts in design and construction, while working within the models of Habitat for Humanity and other affordable housing providers. Topics will include: connecting green building and affordable housing, designing and specifying for actual conditions, and a "Doing it for real" case study. Pre-registration required. Location: Montclair Presbyterian Church, 5701Thornhill Rd, Oakland. Time: 8:30am - 12:30pm. Cost: Free. Info: 512-482-5406,

#  Monday, August 29, 2005 - Sunday, September 4, 2005
Film: "The Oil Factor: Behind the War on Terror" — The Middle East holds 70% of the world's oil reserves while oil production in North America and Europe will soon slow to a trickle. The husband-wife team of Gerard Ungerman and Audrey Brohy, who made Hidden Wars of Desert Storm, poses challenging questions. Is the war on terror an excuse to control both Iraqi oil and Central Asian oil and gas reserves? And how can the United States maintain its enormous energy consumption? Gerard Ungerman in person, 9/2 and 9/3. Location: Castro Theatre, 429 Castro St., at Market, SF. Info: 415-621-5288 x15,

# PlantTrees says: SEE THIS FILM!
Most incredible live animation of oil barrels superimposed on
global map showing world supply past peak oil.
See for yourself why our troops goto "humanitarian" venues 
such as Kosovo: 
(only  2 ways to export oil from Caspian Sea: Kosovo/Afghanistan)
(but you will be told we attacked those countries for other reasons)

Mon, Aug 29, 2005 - Sun, Sep 4, 2005      
Film Event: The Oil Factor: Behind the War on Terror
Castro Theater Castro Street @ Market San Francisco

M, Tu, Th, F: 7p & 9:15p; W, Sa, Su: (1p), 3p, 5p, 7p & 9:15p

 Directed by Gerard Ungerman & Audrey Brohy 2004, Documentary: 90 min


 The Middle East holds 70% of the world¹s oil reserves while oil production
 in North American and Europe will soon slow to a trickle. The husband-wife
 team of Gerard Ungerman and Audrey Brohy, who made Hidden Wars of Desert
 Storm, poses challenging questions. Is the war on terror an excuse to
 control both Iraqi oil and Central Asian oil and gas reserves? And how can
 the United States maintain its enormous energy consumption? Fact-filled and
 hard hitting.
 (415) 621-5288 x15

Tue Aug 30

# Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Class: "Radical Mental Health" — This is a Barrington Collective "Free School" class. Location: Long Haul Infoshop, 3124 Shattuck Ave., (across from La Pe–a, 1 block east of Ashby BART), Berkeley. Time: 6pm - 7:30pm. Info: 916-447-9832 ext. 279

# Celebrate Bitch Magazine Tue August 30 7pm *Free*
 Oakland-based Bitch magazine has brought its lively feminist response to pop culture to mailboxes and newsstands across the US since 1996. Summer 2005's Truth and Consequences issue looks at gossip, secrets, tell-alls, and more, exposing both the thrills and the repercussions of living in a cultural climate that's constantly redefining the value of truth and the consequences of lying. Join Bitch staffers and supporters for readings and a celebration of Truth and Consequences.
All ages welcome.  Wheelchair Accessible.
A Clean Well-Lighted Place For Books
601 Van Ness @ Golden Gate/ Turk, SF 415-441-6670

# J. Crew has started selling fur this fall, after years of pledging never to touch the stuff. We are gearing up for a no-holds-barred campaign against the company to persuade them to stop selling fur. One of the things we have found to be very effective in corporate campaigns is trying to engage the family of the CEO. Mothers, daughters, wives and sons have great influence. If we can get to them and convince them to talk to the CEO, we just may avoid a long campaign battle. Peggy Drexler, the wife of J. Crew CEO, has just written a new book and is making a handful of appearances for book signings, talks, what have you. We want to go to all of these and politely engage her, have a portable DVD player, show her fur farm footage and ask her to ask her husband to take fur out of J.Crew’s fall line, or maybe just ask her questions during the Q and A.
She has a slew of events coming up in San Fran and we are hoping to have someone at each one:

August 30, 2005 - 7:00 p.m. Book Passage Corte Madera, CA
August 31, 2005 - 12:30 p.m. Stacey's 581 Market @ 2nd St SF, CA
Wed Aug 31 4:30 pm
Reception and Book Signing with Dr. Peggy Drexler
World Trade Club, One Ferry  Plaza, San Francisco.
Contact JCF, 415.777.0411,
Sept 1 7pm A Different Light Castro Btwn Market / 18th SF, CA
 To subscribe to Bay Area Animal Rights Network please send blank email  to:
  For events:   Please see yahoogroups message archives and calendar at 

# Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Panel: "Globalize Liberation" — We live in an era of a new radicalism, a worldwide challenge to global empire that has inspired millions to flood the streets in resistance and to take action in their own communities. This movement of movements is gaining momentum, even in the face of post-9/11 repression and war. All over the world, people are rebelling against the rule of the few who are intent on concentrating profit and power. Hear David Solnit, Elizabeth "Betita" Martinez, and Chris Carlsson, three of the authors of essays in the provocative anthology, Globalize Liberation, discuss examples of effective action and practical tools for everyone to use. Location: Center for Political Education, 522 Valencia St. , between 16th & 17th, SF. Time: 7pm. Cost: $5 donation (no one turned away). Info: 415-431-1918,

# Advocates Forum: Volunteer Meeting  Aug 30 7:30 PM
 Fellini Restaurant, 1401 University Avenue, Berkeley
 Over a delicious Italian vegan dinner, learn how you can get
involved with East Bay Animal Advocates. East Bay Animal Advocates 

Wed Aug 31

# 8.31 Every Weds at 2pm on 94.1 fm:

# C-SPAN will be broadcasting the entirety of the McKinney congressional briefing on 9/11

Representative Cynthia McKinney organized a day-long briefing on July 22 to address the 9/11 Commission's Final Report one year later. The event included leading victims' family members, former government and intelligence workers, academics and authors speaking on the flaws and weaknesses of the 9/11 Commission's investigation, assumptions, omissions, conclusions and recommendations. It was filmed in entirety by C-SPAN.

C-SPAN has now set some times and dates for airing the event. They will air on C-SPAN2 from 8:00 pm to 11:30 pm on Wednesday, August 31 and from 8:00 pm to 1:00 am on Friday, September 2. It is broken into two parts as described below:

Part I           Forum
 September 11 Commission Report Results, Pt. 1
 U.S. House of Representatives, McKinney, C. (D-GA)
 Washington, District of Columbia (United States)
 ID: 187857 - 07/22/2005 - 3:30 - No Sale

Daugherty, Rebecca, Director, Freedom of Info. Service Center
 Smith, Wayne, Member, Center for International Policy
 Gage, Kit, National Coordinator, National Coalition to Protect Policical Freedom
 Kleinberg, Mindy, Relative
 Judge, John, Co-Founder, 9/11 CitizensWatch
 McKinney, Cynthia, U.S. Representative, D, Georgia (State)

Families of victims, former intelligence officials, and authors speak at a
 day-long forum on the September 11 Commission Report, focusing on the
 methodology of the investigation, recommendations made by the
 commission, causes of the attacks, and government responses to the attacks.

Part II        Forum
 September 11 Commission Report Results, Pt. 2
 U.S. House of Representatives, McKinney, C. (D-GA)
 Washington, District of Columbia (United States)
 ID: 187857 - 2 - 07/22/2005 - 5:00 - No Sale

McKinney, Cynthia, U.S. Representative, D, Georgia (State)

Families of victims, former intelligence officials, and authors speak at a day-long forum on the September 11 Commission Report, focusing on the methodology of the investigation, recommendations made by the commission, causes of the attacks, and government responses to the attacks.

The 9-11 Public Discourse Project forums will be aired around our events on the following days on C-SPAN 2 on the following days:

 CIA and FBI Reform on August 24 at 8 pm
 Congressional Intelligence Reform on August 24 at 10:10 pm
 Challenges Facing the DNI on August 25 at 8 pm
 Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction on August 26 at 8 pm
 Homeland Security on August 26 at 10:05 pm
 Civil Liberties on August 29 at 8 pm
 Foreign Policy on August 30 at 8 pm
 Winning the Struggle of Ideas September 1 at 8 pm and 9:30 pm on C-SPAN 1

For full details on these see: and click the "TV Schedules" link at the top right of the lead page, just above the flashing ad for C-SPAN pod-casting.

911 - inside job.   Demand investigation! - - - - -  -

# Taking Aim returns to live broadcasts with more information and analysis of
the London Bombings. This Tuesday, August 16, WBAI-NY, 5:00 p.m ET, 2:00
p.m. PT, live stream at archived at
and Check out our program archive at for prior programs on the London Bombings.

Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone in person.

Mark your calendars. Tell you friends and co-workers. Post widely.

Pacifica Radio programmers Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone present
"The London Bombings: The Footprints of State Terror,"
Wednesday, August 31, 7:00 -10:00 p.m., at the
Women’s Building 3543 18th Street, San Francisco.

Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone document and analyze the relationship between
foreign and domestic intelligence operations, “The War on Terror,”  and the
economic problems of everyday Americans.

Ralph Schoenman was Secretary General of the International
Tribunal on U.S. War Crimes in Indochina. He was a leader of the
anti-nuclear movement in Great Britain, negotiated the release of
political prisoners in many countries and has lectured widely on the
assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Martin
Luther King, Jr. 

Mya Shone is an economist and has a long history as an
activist involved in political, community and labor issues. She worked
closely with both Casa Nicaragua and Casa El Salvador during the
struggles taking place in Central America and was the coordinator of the
Tri-County (Santa Barbara, Ventura, San Luis Obispo) Labor Party
chapter. She was also a newscaster and reporter at KPFK in Los Angeles.

Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone produce “Taking Aim,” heard weekly on
Pacifica’s WBAI-NY and archived at

$10.00 donation at the door.  No one turned away for lack of funds.
Sponsored by Friends of Taking Aim.

For interviews: Contact Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone at 707-552-9992

For calendar listing:
The "London Bombings: The Footprints of State Terror." Ralph Schoenman
and Mya Shone analyze the relationship between foreign and domestic
intelligence operations, “The War on Terror,”  and the economic problems
of everyday Americans. Wednesday, August 31, 7:00 -10:00 p.m., Women’s
Building 3543 18th St., San Francisco. For more information contact:

# Clowns Against Animal Cruelty
 Wednesday, August 31, 2005  - Monday, September 5, 2005 2:00 PM

Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey is coming to Cow Palace. 

This is a circus that is living in the stone age. While other Cirques 
have done away with their animal acts or have only domestic animal acts, 
Barnum and Bailey is still beating chimpanzees with rubber hoses. 

This is not our circus, and it's not what we want people to think of when 
they think of circus folk! 

So here's the plan: I need clowns and acrobats, jugglers and stilters. Lots of 'em. 
Let's throw our own circus with a message! Let's give people something to watch 
and think about while they're in line, before they give a cent to the 
animal exploiters! 

Join Clowns Against Animal Cruelty! 

I'm in the planning stages of this, and have not yet decided on a date, 
however, Saturday 9/3 at 3:30 pm seems like a good time. The link to the 
show schedule is below.

Tribe me if you are interested and let me know what date is good for you. 
Let's make it happen!

)'( Lorin's sets @ Buringman Man )'( )'(

*~Wednesday night @ Opulent Temple (2am & Esplanade) @
1:30am ...playing mostly driving breaks, and pumping
bass action

*~Thursday night @ Cirque BEzerk @ 12:30am 
Freak experimental, hip hop, twisted electro, etc

*~Friday night @ Freek Factory/Disorient @ 12:30am 
freeform auditory mayhem

*~Friday night @ Lotus (10pm @ Esplanade) @2:30am 
grinding, pumping night-time songs

*~Saturday BURN @ El Circo (10pm & esplande big white
dome) @ 1:31am 
loads of new Bassnectar tunes, and the ultra grind

*~Saturday night, Sunday morning @ LOTUS - sunrise set
@ 6am 
i love moring sets...the sun coming up, music gets all
deep and inside ya

)'( Burning Man events: )'(

Finally, a second MEGA HOOP JAM has been scheduled for Burning Man at  
the rockin' San Francisco camp Deep End!

WEDNESDAY AUGUST 31 6pm- right after sunset
DEEP END CAMP Address: Catharsis and 9 oclock

I have booked the Deep End Camp for a major international frenzy of  
hula hooping madness! We chose that time because Deep End is a day  
party camp that closes down shortly after sunset, so sunset didn't  
work as a time to begin -- but their rockin djs and hundreds of party  
go-ers are super excited to see all that hula hooping has to offer so  
please join us and come play! Come show off, come share your moves,  
come in your finest costume, come naked, just at least come and  
partake in this mega meeting of hoopers!


I will be teaching two community classes at Deep End as well -- come  
play... multilevel, all abilities... hopefully will be co-facilitated  
by some amazing fellow hoopers if there are many many people who show  
DATES: Wednesday August 31 and Thursday September 1
TIME: from 2-3.

Kirstin Slye will be teaching poi classes right before me from 1-2 as  
well, so come spend a whole afternoon with us if you like!

want to join deep end camp or just learn more?  check us out at

See you on the playa! - Christabel

Black Rock Tourrorists Thu Sep 1 4:00 PM
 The Black Rock Tourrorists will embark upon their first ever guided tour of Black Rock City. Thursday september first around 4 o'clock or so, meet at the cafe- wear your tourist best, with camera attached, and be prepared for tourist antics.

Thu Sep 1 Sundown @ Hookahdome on Esplanade: hoop down hula hooping!

Fri Sep 2 4pm Critical Tits bicycle ride for women: Meet at the man.

SEPTEMBER 2005 September 1st, 2005: MUNI Social Strike begins.

# Beginning September 1, a MUNI social strike begins...
 Thursday, September 1, 2005 7:00 AM
 City-wide  San Francisco  More Info:  415.267.4801 
 MUNI's fare is being raised to $1.50. Bus routes are being cut or consolidated. 
Drivers are facing layoffs or being "encouraged" to retire early. 

All the while, big business downtown gets a free ride. 
And politicians call this a "compromise" to "fix" MUNI. 

A social strike, where drivers don't collect fares and riders don't pay fares, will force MUNI bureaucrats and city politicians to rethink their strategy of constant attacks on poor and working class people. 

The strike will continue until the cuts, fare hikes and layoffs are reversed, until San Francisco has a truly world-class transit system that geuninely serves the needs of working people, not rich people. 

Spread the word.  For more details:

# Fun Alternative to Burning Man ~ Melting Woman on Labor Day Weekend!
Sep 1-6 at Harbin Hot Springs
Some people will be in the Nevada desert for Burning Man…
 Not going to Burning Man?
 Let's have a “different party”!

YOU and your special MEN and WOMEN friends 
 are invited
 to the waters at Harbin Hot Springs

o     Sept 1-6: Come any date and time 
o     Stay in a room (if still available) or camp under the stars (in the Meadow or along the stream)
o     Bring your food and cook in the kitchen and/or eat in the restaurant

Some happenings where we can play:
 * * The MELTING FLOAT ~ Meet Saturday night in the Warm Pool at 10pm (the night of the Burning of the Man ) to float together in a Melting Float
 * * The BLISS FLOAT ~ Meet Sunday night for a floating time in the Warm Pool at 10pm (the night of the Temple Burn)

 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Some things to do to make Melting Woman 2005 even more delight-filled, and if it's your pleasure:

You can put a STAR on your body, your tent, hat, and/or sarong, if you want. After all, you're always a star in the constellation of life! 

o     Let's create a Chill Space: Bring a shade tent and put them together with others and make a chill space in the Meadow, or bring a carpet or pillows to put down for a chill space. Would someone like to coordinate this? Or it can just be free-form.
o     Bring extra lighting (battery operated) to put in the chill space (make sure your name is on your items)
o     Bring your own HOT CUP or large plastic glass -- to be more environmental
o     Bring Spa goodies (salt scrubs, massage oils, etc.)
o     Musical Instruments and drums, in case you want to jam together or serenade

o     Bring extra fruit to share for the weekend, and a non-breakable platter to serve it on, or just pull it out of your cooler!
o     Sunday: Wear a decorated hat, just for fun
o     Sunday: Make non-alcoholic libations to share
o     Monday, Labor Day: Appetizers and nibbles

Is there something YOU would like to “organize”, lead or offer? There will be a sign in the Meadow where you can list your offering and get stars, too. A morning hike? Group and individual massages? Erotic readings in the Chill Space? Dance and movement? 

 Remember, Harbin offers yoga in the morning and afternoons, and movies at night, sometimes showing past Burning Man movies, so I hear.

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

 Come and relax … and go with the melting flow.

* Easy * Elegant * Flow * Fun * Pleasure *
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
 I look forward to seeing/meeting you.
Welcome to Melting Woman 2005.

Fri Sep 2

# Kai Eckhardt, Jon Fishman, Julia Butterfly Hill Fri Sep 2 9:00 pm $22
Featuring the collaboration of world class musicians, performers, and artists, The Village represented by Kai Eckhardt on bass, Jon Fishman on drums, Julia Butterfly Hill performing spoken word, and many very special guests. Born in Germany, raised in West Africa, Eckhardt's passionate dedication to the study of bass started at age 15, and has continued to grow through graduating Berklee College of Music with honors, teaching music, recording and performing with artists including Bob Moses, the John McLauglin trio & Zakir Hussein, and since 2000, has toured extensively with Garaj Mahal.

The original drummer for Phish, (as well as the inspiration for the band's name), Jon Fishman's passion for the drums started at an early age in Syracuse, NY.  He spent twenty amazing years touring with this generation's most beloved jam band, and is now experimenting with his own side projects. Fishman is known for going as far as playing a vacuum cleaner to get his desired sound, and for his intricate and explosive rhythms.

Most known for living in Luna, an ancient redwood, for two years, and thus bringing the battle for Headwaters forest to the attention of national and international media, Julia Butterfly Hill now tours on behalf of the Circle of Life foundation, dedicated to education, youth programs, and tools for sustainable living.

Other guests include keyboardist Kit Walker (Pagan Love Orchestra, Kundalini Boombox,), West African talking drummer Rasaki (King Sunny Ade), and Indian Kathak dancers Kaveri and Mansi.

 Ashkenaz Music & Dance Community Center
1317 San Pablo Ave @ Gilman Berkeley 510-525-5099 510-525-5054

# September 2-5th, 2005 Eco - Defense Rendezvous

Camp with us along the Wenatchee River!

Rainforest Action Network - Greenpeace - Earth First!

Join us in a forest east of the Cascades for labor day weekend! Bring
all your musician friends for some wild sounds around the campfire.
There will also be many workshops and trainings: tree-climbing,
self-defense, edible and herbal plant walks, gorilla theater, radical
cheerleading, map and compass, timber monitoring, non-violence, gender
dynamics and much more. (Note: if you attend these workshops you’ll be
considered trained and ready to work on Greenpeace, RAN, EF! campaigns.)

About the forest: Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest in Washington State
approved a plan to log 2,500 acres of federal lands that were burned by
the Fischer Fire in August of 2004. The plan calls for logging in
old-growth forest reserves, and for building or re-building over 15
miles of road. So lawsuits have been filed and loggers are logging as
fast as possible to ensure the courts have no control over the hauling
of 4,000 log trucks of fire adapted forests. It's called an "Economic
Emergency." Details about the lawsuit

For Directions to the Rendezvous site, or for more info:

Sat Sept 3 New Moon

# Saturday, September 3, 2005
Sick Plant Clinic — Dr. Robert Raabe, UC plant pathologist, and Dr. Nick Mills, UC entomologist, convene a team the first Saturday of every month to diagnose plant illnesses and recommend remedies. Bring a piece of the plant in a securely sealed container. A zipperlock bag is ideal. Location: UC Botanical Garden, 200 Centennial Dr., Berkeley. Time: 9am - noon. Cost: Free (parking 50 cents an hour). Info: 510-643-2755

# Saturday, September 3, 2005
Really Really Free Market — The Berkeley Really Really Free Market takes place on the first Saturday of every month. The idea is to give and receive without money. Display your talents; offer your stuff. Do not sell anything! If no one takes your stuff, take it home with you. Leave no trace. Location: Martin Luther King Park, Martin Luther King Way and Milvia, Berkeley. Time: noon - 4pm. Cost: Free. Info: 510-290-5301, kevintouch@msn

# Sat Sept. 3, noon to 1pm San Jose KFC PROTEST
 Help get the word out to boycott KFC who refuses to prevent the worst abuses of chickens on the farm, during tansport, and at slaughter.  KFC:  983 Meridian Ave., San Jose  (between Willow and Fruitdale) All posters and leaflets provided. 

# Saturday, September 3, 2005
San Francisco Mime Troupe: "Doing Good" — The San Francisco Mime Troupe's latest offering is based on John Perkins' Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, a book that explains how America built an empire on Third World debt. Music at 1:30pm, show at 2pm. Location: Dolores Park, between 19th & 20th, SF. Time: 2pm. Cost: Free. Info: 415-285-1717,

# Saturday, September 3, 2005
Dusk Tour of Animal Place — Dusk at Animal Place is one of several opportunities for the public to visit this 60-acre sanctuary for abused and discarded farmed animals. Visitors get to help lock up the turkeys and chickens, call the goats in from hillsides, give the baby pot-bellied pigs their last belly rub of the day, and walk the dogs. After tucking in the critters for the night, giving many of them -- including the dogs, pigs, and rabbits -- their evening meals, visitors enjoy wine and appetizers al fresco. Location: Animal Place, 3448 Laguna Creek Trail, Vacaville. Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Cost: $25. Info: 707-449-4814,

Sun Sep 4

# Sunday, September 4, 2005
San Francisco Mime Troupe: "Doing Good" — The San Francisco Mime Troupe's latest offering is based on John Perkins' Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, a book that explains how America built an empire on Third World debt. Music at 1:30pm, show at 2pm. Location: Dolores Park, between 19th & 20th, SF. Time: 2pm. Cost: Free. Info: 415-285-1717,

Thu Sep 8

# 9/8: 7-9pm Post Carbon Institute for San Mateo County
 All are invited to the first meeting of the Post Carbon Institue, in and for the County of San Mateo, California. Guest Speaker will be Dave Broom, the Institute's Co-Founter. 
 Thursday, September 8th   7:00 - 9:00PM   
212 Miller St   South San Francisco, CA 
 212 Miller Street is 1 block north of Grand Avenue and 1 1/2 blocks west of Airport Blvd. It is an easy walk from the South San Francisco CalTrain Station. 
 The Post Carbon Institute's purpose is to educate the public about the imminent peak of world oil and gas production and to discuss how to live successfully in a post-carbon world. 
 Refreshments will be available.  For further information, see: 
 Tom Dickerman 650-992-3963

Fri Sep 9

# 9/9 John Trudell, acclaimed Native American poet, recording artist, actor, and activist will appear in San Francisco September 9 at the Women's Building.
Trudell reads poetry and speaks as part of a fundraiser for the Buffalo Field Campaign (BFC)--the only group working in the field every day to stop the slaughter and harassment of Yellowstone's wild buffalo.
 September 9.  7 to 9 pm $15 more info (415) 637-1855.
 Woman's Building Auditorium
 3543 18th St., San Francisco
 The Buffalo Field Campaign (BFC) works in the field to stop the slaughter and harassment of some of the last herds of wild  buffalo. Volunteers from around the world defend buffalo on their traditional winter habitat in the Yellowstone area, and advocate for their protection. BFC's daily  patrols stand with the buffalo on the ground they choose to be on, and document every move made against them.
  John Trudell is an acclaimed poet, national recording artist, actor and  Native American activist whose international following reflects the universal language of  his words, work and message. Trudell (Santee Sioux) was a spokesperson for the Indian of All Tribes occupation of Alcatraz Island from 1969 to 1971.  He then worked with the American Indian Movement (AIM), serving as Chairman  of AIM from 1973 to 1979.

In 1982, Trudell began recording his poetry to traditional Native music and in 1983  he released his debut album Tribal Voice on his own Peace Company label.  Trudell then teamed up with the late legendary Kiowa guitarist Jesse Ed  Davis. Together, they recorded three albums during the 1980's. The first of  these, AKA Graffiti Man, was released in 1986 and dubbed the best album of  the year by Bob Dylan.  AKA Graffiti Man served early notice of Trudell's  singular ability to express fundamental truths through a unique mix of  poetry, Native music, blues and rock. His latest CD, Bone Days, was executive produced by  Aademy Award winning actress Angelina Jolie and released on the Daemon  Records label in 2002. In addition to his music career, Trudell has played  roles in a number of feature films, including Thunderheart and Smoke  Signals.  He most recently played Coyote in Hallmark's made for television movie, Dreamkeeper.
Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters (BACH)
2530 San Pablo Ave.  Berkeley, CA  94702 510 548 3113

# Sep 9 Lorin @ Get Freaky  Mesmerizing The Ultra
 Bassnectar Record Release  alongside Prefuse 73 & The Lawgivers 

# Power to the Peaceful Festival
Speedway Meadow in Golden Gate Park on  Saturday, September 10

# Sept. 11 benefit - Beats Not Bombs, & other stuff
 911 POWER to the PEACEFUL Weekend events: 

Sat. Sept. 10: Michael franti's Power to the Peaceful Festival 
at golden gate Park - Speedway Meadow 

Sun. Sept. 11, daytime: Social Justice Forum at 2050 Bryant @ 18th St. 

Sun. Sept. 11, night: BEATS not BOMBS 
at Club Oasis in Oakland - 

Mark your calendars and spend the weekend supporting positive change. 

The artist lineup will include: 
Black Mahal . Dhol Rhythms . Susan Getz 
DJ Dragonfly . DJ Amar . Jimmy Love . Kush Arora . Nihal . Giamma . Belly Groove . Bastet Bellydance . Scott Kungha Drengsen 

Sposored and Supported by: 
Bansuri, Global Exchange,, Code Pink, KPFA, Project Ahimsa, Dhol Rhythms, Electric Vardo, Gathering for good, Dhamaal, AACM, New Delhi restaurant, Club Oasis, Crigslist Foundation, Acteva, Club Oasis, Ultra Gypsy ... 

We are in need of sponsors and volunteers to promote the event. Please contact Amar at 415-259-8629 or by e-mailing me here.  More details on the way as they progress. 

Live Music, dance performances, DJs, Nigerian food, Art installations, visuals, 2 dance rooms plus chill space

# Once in a Lifetime Opportunity in Wash, DC - September 10, 11, 12 Sometimes the Universe reveals "opportunities" to all of us in the most mind-boggling of ways. Please look at what a friend just now sent that will be happening in DC on 9/11 (from 9/10 - 9/12). This friend will be flying in from the Pacific Northwest to be here for this event. No doubt, many others will be doing the same.... Please mark your calendars, save your dollars for the trip (give up the beers if you must), as well as a few days vacation time. The event in DC on 9/11 has just suddenly now grown to mind-blowing proportions. They talk about hundreds attending? Mark my words - thousands upon thousands - will be there: 911 - inside job. Demand investigation! - - - - - -

# Sept 16,17,18 5 Mi north of LaytonVille, CA on 101 Ani DiFranco Michael Franti & Spearhead Zap Mama Karl Denson's Tiny Universe Lyrics Born Prezident Brown New Monsoon Signal Path Kan'nal Tre Hardson Wisdom O-Maya Heavy Weight Dub Champion Lost Children of Babylon Alfred Howard Hamsa Lila Aphrodesia Trillian Green Clan Dyken Rogerwood Synchrosystem Sasha Butterfly & Friends Woodland Kingdom Travelers Gospel Choir Transcendental Hayride Kali's Angels Joanne Rand Leslie Helpert Something Different Scott Huckabay Shukar Belly Dance Ensemble Blane Lyon Darryl Cherney & the Chernobles Dianne Patterson Fanna -Fi Sufi Ensemble And many, many more TBA... Special Guest MC: Julia Butterfly Hill TEMPLE OF ELECTRONICA featuring DJs: CB – Osiris – Adam Ohana – Dragonfly – Zack Darling – Alex Theory – Ganga Giri and many more (TBA) …

# September 16-18, 2005
 The Green Party of California is hosting 
 Gathering 2005 
 in the Oakland area.
 If you, your Green Party chapter, or your organization would like to host a workshop, please send us a proposal. The deadline for all proposals is Sunday, August 14.
 Proposal guidelines are listed below. Please include all the requested information and send your proposal to, telephone number (510) 593-0048.
 Note: All workshops should plan on setting aside AT LEAST half the allotted time for audience discussion, debate and participation. We will try to accommodate all proposals, but this may not be possible, depending on how many are submitted.
 See you in Oakland!
 Green Party Gathering 2005 Organizing Committee
 Proposals Guidelines:
 1. Sponsor's individual or group name:
 2. Contact information (address, phone number, and email):
 3. Topic and Title:
 4. Description of workshop (one paragraph):
 5. Speakers/presenters/facilitators (whichever is appropriate):
 6. Biography/credentials of Speakers/presenters/facilitators

# Saturday, September 17, 2005
String Band Contest / Crafts Fair at the Berkeley Farmers' Market — Twenty high-spirited old-time string bands will compete for agricultural prizes (Berkeley Farmers' Market gift certificates) in the Berkeley Farmers' Market String Band Contest. The contest will start with a youth showcase (last year, about 20 young folks ranging in age from 7 to 17 fiddled and strummed onstage), followed by the string band contest with 20 bands. In addition, California's own national treasure, Kenny Hall, with his fierce, inimitable approach to the fiddle and mandolin and his thousand-song repertoire, will lead an open jam session. It's going to be intense both on stage and off: superb playing, great listening, fantastic dancing. The string band contest is the cornerstone event of the 2005 Berkeley Old Time Music Convention-a rollicking four-day festival featuring Appalachian music and dance. Bands from San Diego, Seattle, Mendocino, Fresno, and other outposts of civilization will strut their stuff at the contest. The crafts fair will feature beautiful and useful handmade gifts by local artists and crafts people. The Berkeley Old Time Music Convention is co-sponsored by the Ecology Center, Freight & Salvage, Ashkenaz, and KPFA. Location: Saturday Berkeley Farmers' Market, Center St. at MLK Jr. Way, Berkeley. Time: 11am - 3pm. Cost: Free. Info: 510-548-3333, ,

# Sept 17,18 Polk Street Fest Arts and crafts with music and an urban oasis theme. 3rd weekend of September 10a-6p

Sun Sept 18 Full Moon

#  Sep 22 Lorin @ Love Boat  SF

# ECOPALOOZA 2005 Mendocino County's First Annual Green Living Expo Ukiah - Mendocino County, CA SEPTEMBER 24, 2005 Sept. 24th, 9am - 8pm, Admission $5 Downtown Plaza Park & Convention Center, Ukiah, CA

# Sept. 24th, 9am - 8pm, ECOPALOOZA 2005 -  Mendocino County's
 1st Annual Expo Of Green Living Downtown-Plaza Park & Convention Center, Ukiah, CA
 ECOPALOOZA 2005 will feature attractions such as: workshops and exhibits, solar-powered music, Kids Town and activities, green businesses, organic and vegetarian food, green building demos, speakers, Kids Town and activities, hybrid and biodiesel car display, solar home and eco tours, green businesses, a Farmer's Market, Sustainable Fashion Show, and much more.

# 9/24  athletic conference
check out the list of vegan athletes, some are Living Foods§ionid=7&id=37&Itemid=221
mad cow found in US
Living Foods:

# Sept. 24-26: Washington DC Mobilization to End the War on Iraq!

#  Washington D.C., Sept. 24-25
The Green Festival is a two-day party with a serious purpose: to accelerate the emergence of a new economic paradigm that is life-affirming and life-restoring. Together we are cultivating a culture of sustainability and social equity that honors our interdependence with all life. Green Festival unites green businesses, social and environmental groups, visionary thinkers and thousands of community members in a lively exchange of ideas, commerce and movement building fun.

# Sep 24,25 Webzine 2005

# Sep 25 Folsom St Fair Reportedly the 3rd largest event in California just behind the Rose Parade and Pride Parades.
last Sunday in September. Folsom @ 7th to 12th Streets. Lots of naked people, leather, latex, fetish.

# How Berkeley Can You Be? parade Sun Sep 25

#  Sep 25 Lorin @ Love Parade Afterparty  @ The Endup... noon on Sunday 6th @ Harrison

October 2005

# Sat. Oct 1 10:30 am to 5:30pm   (Youth Party 7 - 8:30)  GREEN YOUR SCHOOL CONFERENCE

#  Oct 1 Lorin @ Mesmerizing The Ultra Bassnectar Record Release
 The Do Lab  Los Angeles,

# Oct 1,2 Castro Street Fair A celebration of ‘middle class’ gay lifestyles and commerce in the gay mecca.
1st weekend in October Castro Between 19th and Market.

# October 1 - 2, 2005  Bay Area Counter Military Conference
Military Out of Our Schools, counter-recruitment conference
 "ON THE FRONT LINES--Options for Youth in Times of War."
 Tentative Location - San Francisco City College 
 Are you part of a local counter recruitment effort? We urge you to attend the next planning meeting which is scheduled for Thursday evening, June 30th at the AFSC headquarters, 65 9th St, S.F. We have begun to start early--at 6:30 PM in order to get out promptly at 8:30 PM.
 Bay Area youth leaders are strongly encourage to attend these meetings and plan for the components and outreach for this vitally important educational action opportunity.

Mon Oct 3 New Moon

# National Strategy Conference Refusing to Pay for War
October 7-9th, 2005. Brooklyn (NY)
 Northern California War Tax Resistance

# OCTOBER 14 - 16, 2OO5  16th Annual 
 Take part in this fertile network, rich with inspiring ideas, models, tools, and resources — and powerful connections. Join us in improving the environment by changing the world !

# GI Rights Hotline Training October 15
 A crucial element to slowing the military machine is helping individual GIs get out of the military!  As CCCO has done since 1948, we are supporting individuals in their resistance and opposition to war.  In particular, we are standing with a group of people —GI’s whose questioning and resistance are increasing and becoming better known

 The GI Rights hotline is staffed by a network of organizations throughout the United States and in Germany.  In 2004 we received 32,000 calls from people who needed help obtaining discharge from the military.  Increasingly, people are also using email to contact us and we sent about 3,000 emails in response to email queries.  

 The hotline provides accurate, comprehensive, and objective information on draft registration, military discharges, civil rights in the military, and involuntary activation and deployment of military personnel.  The work we do and the information we disseminate are known to enlisted people in numbers far greater then the thousands with whom we communicate personally.

 We are seeking additional military counselors to volunteer on the Hotline.  Tasks include answering live phone calls, returning phone messages, responding to email inquiries, and making referrals to relevant organizations and individuals.  Volunteers make an initial one- year commitment of at least 2 hours of service per week.

 CCCO will be holding a GI Rights volunteer training on 
 Saturday, October 15, 2005  9am – 5pm
 405 14th St., Suite #205 Oakland, CA
 Pr-registration required by September 26
 For more information or to register for the training, call 
 510-465-1617 or  888-231-2226
 Or email
 The training will provide an overview of all the discharges, AWOL practices and regulations, and  legal and ethical issues in hotline counseling.

Mon Oct 17 Full Moon

# Coop America Green Business Conference Ramada Hotel, SF, Nov. 1-4

# Nov 4,5 Dalai Lama @ Stanford

# Nov. 5-6 Brannan @ 8th St. Concourse Exhibition center.
HUGE ECO SHOWCASE with speakers, workshops, music, food, booths.
NOT TO MISS!  This show keeps growing and FILLS the space. 
The Green Festival is a two-day party with a serious purpose: to accelerate the emergence of a new economic paradigm that is life-affirming and life-restoring. Together we are cultivating a culture of sustainability and social equity that honors our interdependence with all life. Green Festival unites green businesses, social and environmental groups, visionary thinkers and thousands of community members in a lively exchange of ideas, commerce and movement building fun.

Thur Dec 1 New Moon

Thur Dec 15 Full Moon and Bill of Rights Day

PATRIOT ACT I and II are NULL and VOID Any law that is repugnant to the Constitution of the United States of America is NULL and VOID. Marburry v. Madison -1803

NATIONAL ID CARD LAW / REAL ID LAW, passed by treasonous, secretive congress, is not binding law. Any law that is repugnant to the Constitution of the United States of America is NULL and VOID. Marburry v. Madison -1803

-The Geneva convention instructs us to resist genocide by any means necessary. 
-The US constitution directs us to overthrow our government if it fails to represent us.

If a cop does not understand these laws, you can arrest him for impersonating an officer.

Get used to ignoring or arresting officers who do not understand the US Constitution.

Live free or die.

NATIONAL ID CARD LAW / REAL ID LAW is NULL AND VOID. Any law that is repugnant to the Constitution of the United States of America is NULL and VOID. Marburry v. Madison -1803 Ignore or arrest any cop who asks to see such. You are allowed to do so by the Geneva Convention and the US Constitution. Passed by treasonous, secretive congress, HR 418 Real ID ACT is NULL AND VOID. Note how senate secretly approved this bill the eve before running away to winter break. Note US history of passing repressive legislation the eve before a break, so that no opposition or public response can take place. Stand in Peace, Pay No Tax. THE TITLE 26 "INCOME TAX" IS A HOAX, AND SO IS THE IRS Cracking the Unified Commerce Code: Cracking the Code Third Edition

HUMAN WEALTH : Beyond Greed & Scarcity Latin : Jus is Justice. Belli is War. Use of force continuum. Jefferson Party website.

Recommended: Subliminal Dynamics course for rapid learning! Aurora Colorada. 52,000 words per minute reading level. Get back in touch with your allready photographic memory. Sub Dyn reunites you with your

Subliminal Dynamics Histoy

For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.