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Butterfly's Bay Area Events Calendar

Dedicated to informing you of the best events in music, art, poetry, media, 
politics, spirituality & consciousness.. 

Upcoming Special Events
Fri. Aug. 25  8-10 pm       **An Evening of Cosmic Comedy w. Swami 
Beyondananda - Petaluma
Thu. Aug. 31  7:30 pm     **Concert for Peace In the Middle East w. & Gary 
Malkin - SF
Sat. Sept. 9  9am-5pm    **911 Power to the Peaceful Festival w. Michael 
Franti - SF
Sept. 15-17                      **Earthdance 2006 - Laytonville

Contents    **Asterisk denotes events I plan to attend. 

Details for the following events are below & on-line at 
Other peace & justice events at

July 1 - Sept. 17                 David Spero's Enlightenment Gatherings - 
Bay Area  See
Fri Aug. 25  6-9 pm             Progressive Dems Party w. Lynn Woolsey & 
Normon Soloman - Sebastopol
Fri. Aug. 25  7 pm               Stop Bodega Bay Strip Mine Meeting
Fri. Aug. 25  7 pm               Activism Series with Nadia McCaffrey - 
Fri. Aug. 25  7:30 pm           Unconditional Theatre's Voices of Activism: 
Crawford - Oakland
Fri. Aug. 25  7:30 pm           The Hitchhikers' Cabaret Cauldron - Sebastopol
Fri. Aug. 25  8-10 pm       **An Evening of Cosmic Comedy w. Swami 
Beyondananda - Petaluma
Fri. Aug. 25  8 pm                Ecstatic Kirtan w. Jaya Lakshmi & Geoffry 
Gordon - Sebastopol 
Aug. 25-27                          Visioning Weekend w. Sahar - Guerneville
Sat. Aug. 26  12 pm             Fatherless Children Foundation 5th Annual 
March - Oakland
Sat. Aug. 26  7 pm              Crystal Trinity w. Paradiso & Eddie Gale - 
San Jose 
Sat. Aug. 26  7:30 pm          Kirtan w. Jaya Lakshmi & Geoffrey Gordon - 
Aug. 26&27  1:30pm            SF Mime Troupe's GodFellas -  Berkeley
Sun. Aug. 27  9pm-1am        Musicians Showcase @ Peri's Bar - Fairfax
Aug. 30-31                          Unconditional Theatre's Voices of 
Activism: Crawford - Berkeley & Mill Valley
Thu. Aug. 31  7:30 pm     **Concert for Peace In the Middle East w. & Gary 
Malkin - SF
Sept. 5-21                          Camp Democracy w. Cindy Sheehan - 
Washington, DC
Sat. Sept. 9  9am-5pm   **911 Power to the Peaceful Festival w. Michael 
Franti - SF
Sat. Sept. 9  9-11 am         Congressman Dennis Kucinich in Palo Alto
Sept. 15-17                     **Earthdance 2006 - Laytonville
Mon. Sept. 18-Oct. 23        Awakening the Heartist Within, the Mandala 
Process - Forest Knolls
Sat. Sep. 23  12 pm        **San Francisco LoveFest Parade & Festival
Oct. 21&22                        Dr. Wayne Dyer Intensive - SF   Details at

Wish of the Week
On the international day of peace, September 21, 2006, The Agape Foundation 
will be having its 2nd annual Peace Prize event at 111 Minna Street Gallery in 
San Francisco, CA. This Prize is given in recognition of Northern California 
individuals and organizations that provide voice and leadership as peacemakers 
and agents of social change.  Why not nominate Musicians and Fine Artists for 
World Peace for next year.  Please see 
Please consider becoming a contributing member this week and you will get our 
Make Love Not War that includes the Bell by Stephan Smith & Pete Seeger or 
our Songs for Cindy compilation CD. Mention that butterfly sent you and I will 
include a CD of 19 of the best butterfly songs I know.   Details are below.

Action Alert of the Week
Put a lid on global warming pollution in California!  Please see,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,316/year,2006/month,08
Stop Bodega Bay Strip Mine - The Dutra Group ( is planning a 
large-scale aggregate mine on 550 acres of beautiful open space used for sheep, 
sustainable agricultural, and organic farming. We need reinforcemnet as far 
as protesters and donations. We can feed and house 10-20 more so if you know 
any reliable solid individuals who are willing to go up against the State's 
largest rock company, send 'em on down and they will be our brothers and sisters.
Details at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,320/year,2006/month,08/day,25/Itemid,1
Strike a Blow for Honest Elections - Please see,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,319/year,2006/month,08/day,22/Itemid,1
Stop Nestle from privatizing our water* In the McCloud-Nestle deal there is 
no limit to how much water Nestle can take for their own use even it it has an 
adverse impact for the community and lowers the water table. This is part of a 
global trend for corporations to privatize our water supplies for profit.
Details at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,309/year,2006/month,08/day,16/Itemid,1

Quotation of the Week
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way 
its animals are treated."   Ghandi

New Members
The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
Van Jones/The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
Mercedes Nunns/Butterfly Healer  Windermere, England
Clint Curtis - Striking a Blow for Honest Elections  Clint is running for 
Congress in Florida's 24th District against Tom Feeney. He is the computer 
programmer who testified to Congress that he had been requested by Feeney, the 
incumbent congressman, to build a software program that could flip the votes in an 
electronic voting machine without detection. This "computer hack" would allow 
a person or political party to secretly control that machine, thereby deciding 
the winner, regardless of the actual votes cast. Please see
Friends of the Bodega Bay Watershed
San Francisco Liberation Radio
Ghislaine Gery - Deeksha practitioner, Palo Alto
Power to the Peaceful Festival*
Unconditional Theatre** - This group visited Cindy Sheehan in Crawford, TX, 
where they interviewed people on all sides of last summer's anti-war protests. 
This series of documentary scenes traces the journeys of a number of 
surprising activists who stepped out of their comfort zones to get involved. We invite 
you to listen to the current voices of change. Look for upcoming performances 
throughout the Bay Area, or consider booking us to perform for your own 
organization. Please see

This Week's Links
Donate back-to-school supplies to kids in Oakland who need them 
Shadow Company - This year thousands of private soldiers will be deployed in 
conflicts worldwide. These individuals, known as private security contractors, 
are changing the face of modern warfare. But to those at home, their world 
and influence remains a mystery.
This site my load the trailer faster

This Week's Sponsors
Sponsors for this newsletter & memberships are welcomed. Sponsors will also 
be listed on our webpage.  Please contact Alan at 707-552-9886 or email for details.
The Light Party & Artainment Media - Inspired Musical Messages at

Fri Aug. 25  6-9 pm    Progressive Dems Party w. Lynn Woolsey & Normon 
Soloman - Sebastopol

Progressive Democrats Sonoma County Birthday Party
Special guest appearance by Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey 
Author and columnist, Norman Solomon
With a short film presenting Tim Carpenter, Executive Director making it 

Home of Dr. Bill Prange, 2640 Olsen Road, Sebastopol - a magical space, in a 
geodesic dome
RSVP, or for more info: (707) 586-5913 or

Fri. Aug. 25  7 pm        Stop Bodega Bay Strip Mine Meeting 

The Dutra Group ( is planning a large-scale aggregate mine on 
550 acres of beautiful open space used for sheep, sustainable agricultural, 
and organic farming.  The land is on the Sonoma Coast on the Calvi Ranch at 1001 
Bay Hill Road, Bodega Bay.  Farm and endangered species habitat will be 
destroyed and "mitigated" into a sub-division or a lake. We need immediate 
assistance, as the ranch wil sell on Sept. 8th, 2006! 

We will be having urgent community meetings every Friday at 7 pm in Bodega, 
downtown, outside of the firehall.
Meet, inform, organize, decide for the sake of our community's future.

Sat&Sun, Aug 26&27  All day PROTEST - Bodega Seafood Art Wine Festival-Bodega
Fri. Sept.1  7 pm  Community Meeting-Bodega Fire Hall-Bodega
Sat&Sun-Sept2&3- Save Bay Hill Benefit Bycycle Race Music, Campout Event

We need reinforcemnet as far as protesters and donations. We can feed and 
house 10-20 more so if you know any reliable solid individuals who are willing to 
go up against the State's largest rock company, send 'em on down and they 
will be our brothers and sisters.  Please help if you can.  

Donations can be sent to Friends of the Bodega Bay Watershed,   PO Box 542, 
Bodega Bay, CA 94923

Chris Calvi   

Details at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,320/year,2006/month,08/day,25/Itemid,1

Fri. Aug. 25  7 pm          Activism Series with Nadia McCaffrey - Berkeley

Nadia McCaffrey, Gold Star Families Speak Out Founder, with Dewayne Hunn, 
Director of the People's Lobby & World Service Corp. Her son, killed in Iraq, 
joined the National Guard to serve his country, not to kill!

Berkeley Fellowship, 1924 Cedar St. at Bonita, Berkeley
$5 to $10 donation.  No one turned away for lack of funds.
Info: Cynthia Johnson 510-528-5403

Sponsored by BFUU's Social Justice Committee

BFUU Social Justice Cttee events are followed by discussion and action!

Fri. Aug. 25  7:30 pm              Unconditional Theatre's Voices of 
Activism: Crawford - Oakland

Wed. Aug. 30, 7:30 pm  La Pena Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley
Thu. Aug. 31  7:30pm    Tam High School's Ruby Scott Theatre, 700 Miller Ave, 
Mill Valley

Evenings of Documentary Theatre, Storytelling and Dialogue. Members of 
Unconditional Theatre visited Crawford, TX, where we interviewed people on all sides 
of last summer's anti-war protests. We found some very surprising activists, 
and many of them are gathered in Crawford for the anniversary right now! So if 
you can't travel all the way out there, come hear their stories at one of our 
upcoming events. Part play-reading & part discussion, these events are a 
wonderful way to make contact with the current voices of change -- including your 

Temescal Creek Co-Housing, 322 45th St, Oakland
$2-$20 sliding scale
Questions?  Email John Warren at

More at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,297/year,2006/month,08/day,25/Itemid,1

Fri. Aug. 25  7:30 pm               The Hitchhikers' Cabaret Cauldron - 

"Warming!" is the June theme for The Hitchhikers' Cabaret Cauldron, 
Sebastopol's bimonthly artistic salon, challenging the performing artists to their own 
interpretations of its meaning.  

Youth Annex of Sebastopol Community Center, 425 Morris St., Sebastopol
RSVP  707-824-4307 or

This month marks the return of singer/songwriter Teresa Tudury, who launched 
the Cabaret Cauldron as anchor artist in January 2005.  With a deep, sultry 
voice and sharp wit, her career spans acting on stage and screen, and recording 
with such greats as Rickie Lee Jones, Lyle Lovett, Taj Mahal, Leo Kottke, and 
Bonnie Bramlett.

She now resides in Sonoma County and performs frequently with the Feisty 
Females.  Her 1991 CD was recently re-released on the Serpentine Music label, 
along with a new single, "Take Your Hand off that Bible," and she is now recording 
a new CD.

Hosted by Conrad Bishop & Elizabeth Fuller, the Hitchhikers Cabaret Cauldron 
also regularly features six other variety artists, plus openings for audience 
members to add their own stories, songs, poems, or quirky talents to the mix.

The event is produced by The Independent Eye and cosponsored by Sebastopol 
Community Center and KRCB-FM.

Fri. Aug. 25  8-10 pm        An Evening of Cosmic Comedy w. Swami 
Beyondananda - Petaluma

The evening will also include a musicalsurprise -- Swami's new song for peace 
in the Middle East!

Petaluma Vetrans Memorial Building, 1094 Petaluma Blvd, South Petaluma

$20 advance, $25 at door
For More Information, call 707-769-9933

Sponsored by BodyWorks Yoga

Fri. Aug. 25  8 pm           Ecstatic Kirtan w. Jaya Lakshmi & Geoffry Gordon 
- Sebastopol 

Peacewave and Mystic Beat Lounge are happy to announce an evening of 
devotional singing and dancing to  music of India  with Jaya Lakshmi, Geoffrey Gordon 
and Manose Singh.

Odd Fellows Hall, 195 N. Main St., Sebastopol (downtown above Sprint Copy 
$13 donation

Jaya Lakshmi (lead singer for the West coast based ethno-trance group One at 
Last) has been leading ecstatic kirtans (devotional singing from India) for 
several years on the West Coast and in Hawaii.

Jaya Lakshmi is joined by Geoffrey Gordon on Tabla and vocals

Geoffrey Gordon has led Kirtan for many years and toured internationally with 
Jai Uttal and Krishna das and  many others.  He will play tabla and dumbec.

More at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,293/year,2006/month,08/day,25/Itemid,1

Aug. 25-27                Visioning Weekend w. Sahar - Guerneville

From Friday 5 pm to Sun. 2 pm

This journey will take place in the glorious wilderness of  Austin Creek 
State Park. We will descend into a rich and verdent land where deer, turkeys, wild 
pigs, and even mountain lions make their home.  The weekend will be a 
combination of vision quest, group process, hiking, and music circles designed to 
allow us to feel and express our natural rhythm.

Austin Creek State Park, just outside of Guerneville.
$30 (includes camp site and activites if received by August 18th: $40. 
Space is limited.
Hosted by Sahar Pinkham, CHT. 

Details at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,303/year,2006/month,08/day,25/Itemid,1

Sat. Aug. 26  12 pm                Fatherless Children Foundation 5th Annual 
March - Oakland

Children of families who have lost their loved ones to gun violence need your 
back to school donations. We will be needing donations of food, back to 
school supplies, and/ or your service to be there and help at the event in some 
We need your help to send a child back to school with the supplies he/ she 
needs to receive a better education.

16th & Adeline, West Oakland
Questions:  Ora Knowell

Bring your donations and support to the Lower Bottom Fatherless Children 
Foundation. You can bring your donations to the Center Street Baptist Church on 
the corner of 10th and Center St. in West Oakland.


Story at

Sat. Aug. 26  7 pm                Crystal Trinity w. Paradiso & Eddie Gale - 
San Jose 

Crystal Trinity presents "Vibrational Sound Extravaganza" , A Spiritual 
Journey into Inner Peace at CSL. This concert event features performances by 
Crystal Trinity, Spirit Whisperers, Paradiso, Special Guest Eddie Gale, Dave 
Dilullo, Teresa Orozco & friends. A moving musical experience for body,mind,heart,& 

San Jose Center for Spiritual Living, 1195 Clark Street San Jose
Center Phone (408) 294-1828
$20 in advance, $25 at the door. 

Sat. Aug. 26  7:30 pm          Kirtan w. Jaya Lakshmi & Geoffrey Gordon - 

Geoffrey Gordon on tabla & other musical guests TBA
Doors open 7pm

Studio Rasa, 933 Parker St., Berkeley  510-843-2787
$16 advance, $18 at door

JAYA LAKSHMI Inspired by the deep devotional mood of Indian singing and 
music, Jaya Lakshmi began leading kirtan with harmonium and 12 string guitar and 
writing her own devotional songs over 12 years ago on the island of Hawaii, 
shortly after she received harinam initiation from Srila Govinda Maharaj. Her 
singing and kirtan leading has had a powerful effect amongst various communities 
in the islands of Hawaii, the West Coast, and Europe, always creating a deep 
sense of intimacy with divine. In addition to leading kirtan, she is the lead 
singer and songwriter for the band “One at Last,” a high energy tribal trance 

Aug. 26&27  1:30pm               SF Mime Troupe's GodFellas -  Berkeley

WILLARD PARK, Hillegass & Derby - Berkeley
Music 1:30 pm, Show 2 pm
More info at

Imagine a nation where religious fervor runs hot, and faith rhetoric runs 
hotter. Where belief has replaced reason, and where Liberty and Justice play a 
broken second fiddle to an all powerful, omniscient and omnipresent 
military-industrial God complex. That's the nation Reverend C.B. De Love wants. And that's 
also the nation where shy civics teacher Angela Franklin finds herself. But 
in her struggle to stop the coming Theocracy will Angela go too far? In her 
zeal to destroy the opiate of the masses, will she make a religion out of her 
anti-religion, and join the ranks of the Gangsters for God? Or will she see the 
folly of blind faith in anything - even the Constitution - and return to 

Sun. Aug. 27  9pm-1am         Musicians Showcase @ Peri's Bar - Fairfax

Peri's Bar, 29 Broadway, Fairfax  bar phone: 415.459.9910
Free show
Hosted by krickie

The musician's jam @ Peris is a musical showcase featuring local artists. It 
always happens on the last sunday of the month. Hope you can make it out to 
celebrate music & life with us in our own beautiful way!

Aug. 30-31           Unconditional Theatre's Voices of Activism: Crawford - 
Berkeley & Mill Valley

Wed. Aug. 30, 7:30 pm  La Pena Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley
Thu. Aug. 31  7:30pm    Tam High School's Ruby Scott Theatre, 700 Miller Ave, 
Mill Valley

Evenings of Documentary Theatre, Storytelling and Dialogue. Members of 
Unconditional Theatre visited Crawford, TX, where we interviewed people on all sides 
of last summer's anti-war protests. We found some very surprising activists, 
and many of them are gathered in Crawford for the anniversary right now! So if 
you can't travel all the way out there, come hear their stories at one of our 
upcoming events. Part play-reading & part discussion, these events are a 
wonderful way to make contact with the current voices of change -- including your 

$2-$20 sliding scale
Advance reservations not necessary
Questions?  Email John Warren at 
More details at

Created & Directed by John Warren

Featuring Joan Bernier, Susan Brashear, Tom Darci, Brady Gill, Jennifer 
Gordon, Karen Hester, Jay Martin, Tom Parker, Peter Schmuckal, Valerie Weak, & 
Jordan Winer

More at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,298/year,2006/month,08/day,30/Itemid,1

Thu. Aug. 31  7:30 pm         Concert for Peace In the Middle East w. & Gary 
Malkin - SF

The featured musicians  are:  
Yair Dalal, Iraqi Israeli Jew, international peace worker and teacher, oud, 
violin, and voic
Naser Mousa, Palestinian-Jordanian Muslim, percussion, voice
Souhail Kaspar, Lebanese Christian, oud, voice
Dror Sinai, Israeli percussionist

Also featuring Gary Malkin, Composer, Pianist, Vocalist
Other artists yet to be announced.

Grace Cathedral, 1100 California Street, San Francisco
Event Price to be determined. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Contact: Gary Malkin or 415 461-1170

As we are all painfully aware, the tension is growing daily along the 
Lebanese/Israel border, increasing everyone's anxiety about the precarious states of 
balance throughout the Middle East.  We, as artists, must do what we can at 
this time to speak as effectively as possible for peace, hoping our voices will 
inspire citizens to demand peace from governments, hoping our politicians will 
listen to our voices of reason and passion.

Debating about this spiraling conflict can only go so far during times of 
such extreme divisiveness.  It is times such as these where we must acknowledge 
that there is no more eloquent  way to directly experience the peaceful 
collaboration and co-existence that is possible for human beings than to witness a 
demonstration of this through the universal language of music and the arts.

Therefore, I am deeply honored to be able to announce that we of Wisdom of 
the World Productions, in association with the generous support of Grace 
Cathedral (and other participating organizations yet to be announced)  are producing 
this concert for peace in the Middle East.  Grace Cathedral has generously 
offered to sponsor this event.

Please pass on this news to all your friends committed to taking a stand for 

If you or someone you know can refer us to serious leads to PR opportunities 
(considering the short notice),
local peace organizations and networks that are dedicated to peace, or for 
donations to help make this concert possible,
please contact us at or 415 461 1170 - Gary Malkin

Posted at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,307/year,2006/month,08/day,31/Itemid,1

Sept. 5-21                Camp Democracy w. Cindy Sheehan - Washington, DC is joining with organizations and individuals across 
the country to create an event on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. called 
Camp Democracy. This will be a camp for peace, democracy, and the restoration 
of the rule of law. Camp Casey will move from Crawford, Texas, to Washington 
to create a larger camp focused not only on ending the war but also on righting 
injustices here at home and on holding accountable the Bush Administration 
and Congress. 

Cindy Sheehan's Camp Casey to Move from Texas

Tents will provide activist activities, trainings, workshops, and 
entertainment on a variety of themes united by the demand that we shift our resources 
from war to useful projects. Camp Democracy will provide food, housing, 
education, and inspiration for all who can come for the whole event or part of it. To 
do so, we need your help. 

Please sign up to volunteer and please contribute financially at this website 
Contact:  David Swanson

Sat. Sept. 9  9am-5pm        **911 Power to the Peaceful Festival w. Michael 
Franti - SF

Musician and Filmmaker, Michael Franti and his group Spearhead with Guerrilla 
Management present the 8th Annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Festival at 
Speedway Meadow in Golden Gate Park. Come visit the Musicians & Fine Artists for 
World Peace and Global Peace Foundation booth when you are there.

You are cordially invited to attend a Rainbow Circle of Peace following The 
Power To The Peaceful event. We will gather at the Center of  Speedway Meadows 
by the Permanent Bathrooms & Create a Sacred Space and Circle. Ah-Oming and 
Praying For Global  Peace.

Speedway Meadows, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco

The 911 Power to the Peaceful Festival is proud to present this amazing 
collection of Musicians and speakers:
Michael Franti & Sperahead, Blackalicious, New Monsoon, Los Mocosos, Sila and 
the AfroFunk Experience, and more

Rabbi Lerner, author of the forthcoming "The Left Hand of God: Taking Our 
Country Back from the Relligious Right" and 
Jeremy M. Glick, Robi Damelin and more

Sat. Sept. 9  9-11 am       Congressman Dennis Kucinich in Palo Alto

Learn about a new series of creative, peace building initiatives in which you 
can participate.  Join with others to bring hope and courage to these 
troubled times.

Bay Leaf Cafe,  520 Ramona St.,. Palo Alto  (650) 321-7466
RSVP to Julia Prange: or  (707) 547-7902 

This is a rare opportunity to hear Dennis live, be inspired for Peace 
(remember Dennis is the author of the Department of Peace legislation in the House of 
Representatives), and contribute to keep him in office.

Contributions will be requested for the ReElect Kucinich Committee.

Sept. 15-17          **Earthdance 2006 - Laytonville

3 day Camp Out Celebration for World Peace and Unity, uniting over 250 
locations in 50 countires, set amidst a beautiful old growth oak forest, featuring 
over 70 acts on 5 stages of entertainment uniting Jamband, World, Conscious 
Lyricism, Electronica, Reggae and Folk. Also featuring Global Artisans Market, 
all night music and jam cafes, international food court, workshop domes, late 
night cinema, healing village, activist alley, hot showers, and more..   

Musicians for Peace will have a booth in Activist Alley will be joined by 
Papa Dave 'Kunundrum' Potter with special performances by members of Dreamseeker.  Also 1001Ways will be at earth-dance Friday with 
Arun Gandhi presenting The the Music 4 Peace Gandhi Tour. Papa Dave & the Ghandi 
Tour are members of Musicians for Peace.

Black Oak Ranch, Hwy 101, Laytonville
$135 Presale, $165 Gate: 3 day pass includes camping:
Free admission for children 12 and under

Ozomatli, Blackalicious, John Trudell, Toshi Reagon, Luna Angel, Kan'Nal, 
Trillian Green, TranceZenDance, Transcendental Hayride, Ancient Future, 
TranceZenDance, Luminous Fog, Trillian Green, Sasha Butterfly & Friends, Luna Groove, 
Kali's Angels, Tina Malia, Dianne Patterson, The Freys, Human and the Other 
Humans, and more ...

More details  & tickets at

Mon. Sept. 18-Oct. 23  9:45am-1:15pm         Awakening the Heartist Within, 
the Mandala Process - Forest Knolls

6 Mondays, Beg. Sept 18 - Oct. 23

These “sacred circles” offer an opportunity to rest in the Heart and 
celebrate the presence of our communal resonance. Meditation, movement, ritual, 
singing and other sound practices, along with writing, will be the vehicles for 
embodying our personal and collective exploration.  When we rest in our Essence, 
spontaneous creative expression naturally arises effortlessly. No prior art 
making experience is necessary. The only requirement is an open heart! Themes 
will include relationships with self, other humans and nature. (CEUs Available 
for Nurses, MFt's, and LCSW's)*

Art & Soul Studio, Forest Knolls (near Spirit Rock Meditation Center
$255, $50 deposit required to hold your space. Entire amount due at the end 
of the first meeting.
RSVP Julia Weaver, MFT  415-455-5989

More at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,323/year,2006/month,09/day,18/Itemid,1

Sat. Sep. 23  12 pm                       San Francisco LoveFest Parade & 

A Dance Music Parade and Festival, and the next evolution of Love in America. 

Begins at 2nd & Market
Ends at the Civic Center Plaza

Details at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,318/year,2006/month,09/day,23/Itemid,1

Make Love Not War CD is now available. Immerse yourselves in the spirit of 
the butterflies & hear great music. Get our single CD featuring 19 songs of 
mostly Bay Area Artists for $12.50.  Our double CD has over 2.5 hours of music 
featuring 38 songs for $20, including postage & handling.  You get a copy free 
with a membership to the Butterfly Gardeners or Musicians & Fine Artists for 
World Peace for $25. I personally guarantee that you will love it & your purchase 
or membership will help support our mission. 

Songs for Cindy compilation CD with 18 songs that you will love.  $12.50 
includes postage

We also have copies of the English-Japanese edition of Butterfly that was 
translated by Yumi Kikuchi.  You can get a copy for $20 including shipping. With 
a family membership for $35 you can get this book and the CD. 

For a $50 donation you can get the English-Japanese edition, the CD, a 
membership and a listing as a sponsor of our calendar too!  
Please see membership info below or at

Please add $20 if you want to substitute the first edition of Butterfly by 
Norie Huddle in any of the following catagories.

Peace and love,  Alan

Butterfly Gardeners Association & Musicians & Fine Artists for World Peace

___Limited Income    $0-15  Get listing & membership  

___Individual           $25    Includes Double CD or Songs for Cindy CD       

___Family                $35    Includes Double CD or Songs for Cindy CD  & 
the book Butterfly

___Butterfly Lover      $50    Same as above plus sponsor listing on calendar 

___Sponsor/Business  $100   Same as above sponsor plus listing on calendar & 

___CD only                $12.50 for single with 19 songs & $20 for double 
with 38 songs

___CDs for groups      $10 per double CD or $5 per single CD in bulk for 
peace & justice groups used as a fundraiser. Please inquiry at 707-552-9886.

Specify if your membership is for the Butterfly Gardeners or Musicians & Fine 
Artists for World Peace and specify which CD you want. If you want both CDs, 
please add $10 to your order.and mark in memo "Both CDs"
Please make your check out to the Butterfly Gardeners and mail to Butterfly 
Gardeners Association, P.O. Box 1511, Vallejo, Ca  94590
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.