Plant Trees SF Events 2006 Archive: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025


Butterfly's Bay Area Events Calendar

Dedicated to informing you of the best events in music, art, poetry, media, 
politics, spirituality & consciousness.

Great News - Donovan joins Musicians for Peace.  See new members section

Upcoming Special Events
Sept. 15-17                      **Earthdance 2006 - Laytonville
Fri. Sept. 22  7-11pm      **Butterfly Collective Meeting & Musicians for 
Peace Jam  - SF
Sat. Sep. 23  12 pm        **San Francisco LoveFest Parade & Festival

Contents    **Asterisk denotes events I plan to attend. 

Details for the following events are below & on-line at 
Other peace & justice events at

Thu. Sept. 14  6-10 pm        Abundance League Meeting - SF
Thu. Sept. 14  7:30 pm        San Mateo County Mosquito Abatement Talk - SF
Thu. Sept. 14  8 pm            Blue Blanket Comedy Bust-Up - SF
Fri. Sept 15  7-9 pm            General Paul Monroe & Gold Star Mom Nadia 
McCaffrey - Berkeley
Fri. Sept. 15  7 pm              Bluewater Network Benefit w. Ed Begley Jr. - 
Fri. Sept 15  7 pm               David Rovics Halliburton Boardroom Massacre 
US Tour - Oakland
Sept. 15-17                     **Earthdance 2006 - Laytonville
Sat. Sept. 16  11am-6pm     Expo for the Artist & Musician - SF
Sat. Sept. 16  3-9 pm          Association of Transformative Media Arts Open 
House - Novato
Sat. Sept. 16  8 pm             Film on Julius Margolin & Inspiring Concert - 
Sat. Sept 16  8 pm              David Rovics Halliburton Boardroom Massacre 
US Tour - Oakland
Sept. 16-17                         She Shamans Dance Workshop - Auburn
Sept. 16 - Oct. 7                 Anna Coulter's Butterfly Art Exhibit - Palo 
Sun. Sept. 17  1 pm            Celebration of Independent Media w. Amy 
Goodman - San Rafael
Sun. Sept. 17  3 pm            Lake Merritt Walk for Peace - Oakland
Sun. Sept. 17  5-7 pm         Sufi Gathering for Peace - SF
Mon. Sept 18  7 pm            David Rovics Halliburton Boardroom Massacre US 
Tour - Rohnert Park
Mon. Sept. 18-Oct. 23         Awakening the Heartist Within, the Mandala 
Process - Forest Knolls
Wed. Sept. 20  12 pm         Japan Dolphin Day in San Francisco - SF
Thu. Sept. 21  6-8:30 pm     International Day of Peace Vigil - SF
Fri. Sept. 22  7-11pm      **Butterfly Collective Meeting & Musicians for 
Peace Jam  - SF
Sat. Sep. 23  12 pm        **San Francisco LoveFest Parade & Festival
Sat. Sept. 30  9am-6pm  **Robert F. Kennedy Jr. @ West Coast Green Conference 
- SF
Sat. Sept. 30  8 pm         **Arianna Huffington "On Becoming Fearless!" - 
Sun. Oct. 1  1-6 pm            1st Annual Gandhi Birthday Poems & 
Performances for Peace - SF
Oct. 21&22                        Dr. Wayne Dyer Intensive - SF   Details at
Oct. 21-22                         Joshua Tree Roots Music Festival  Details 

Wish of the Week
Please consider becoming a contributing member this week and you will get our 
Make Love Not War that includes the Bell by Stephan Smith & Pete Seeger or 
our Songs for Cindy compilation CD. Mention that butterfly sent you and I will 
include a CD of 19 of the best butterfly songs I know.   Details are below.

Quotation of the Week
Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always 

Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elemental 
truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the 
moment one definitely commites oneself, then Providence moves too.

All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have 
occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favour 
all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which 
no man could have dreamed would have come his way.  -   W.H. Murray

New Members
Donovan* - We are the US management for Donovan, and his agent had passed 
along your message to us. Donovan would be happy to lend his name to your 
organization.  He sends his best wishes to David Hamilton, too.  Bridget Nolan, 
Metropolitan Talent Mgmt.
Carl Johan Calleman - the author of Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time: 
The Mayan Calendar(Garev 2001) & The Mayan calendar and the Transformation of 
West Coast Green Conference + Expo*
Free-Will Productions/The Oil Factor: Behind the War on Terror *-
Area 101  Laytonville, CA

Story of the Week - Butterfly Sighting at Sea World
Hello Alan, Today I felt compelled to drive to Sea World to walk and connect 
with Spirit.  You phoned me and we spoke for a few minutes while I was 
walking. Suddenly I stopped without thinking and stared into a flower.  Then you 
spoke about your experiences with butterflies following you.  Immediately in that 
moment a huge monarch butterfly started to fly in circles around me!  - Dr 
Lisa Longworth    More at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,372/year,2006/month,09

Music Video of the Week
Naked: The Right to Bare Breasts music video by Sherry Glaser  with the song I Want to Get Naked by Human  Please see the video at

This Week's Links
SciFi Butterfly Video - A butterfly lands on a woman's finger & she breaks up 
into a thousand butterflies and flys awayaway!
Third White Buffalo Born on Wisconsin Farm!
The Declaration of Peace* - a new campaign uniting organizations and 
individuals across the nation to take action to end the US war in Iraq.
Passion for butterflies: Flowers draw visitors* - See the Oaland Tribune 
article at

This Week's Sponsors
Sponsors for this newsletter & memberships are welcomed. Sponsors will also 
be listed on our webpage.  Please contact Alan at 707-552-9886 or email for details.
The Light Party & Artainment Media - Inspired Musical Messages at

Thu. Sept. 14  6-10 pm             Abundance League Meeting - SF

Here we go again, gathering at the most abundant meeting in the Bay Area.

FAS Research headquarters (Doris and Harald's place), 1168 Folsom Street - 
Unit # 304, San Francisco
Maritza Schafer at or call 415.861.6445
Details at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,360/year,2006/month,09/day,14/Itemid,1

We love the Abundance League because it reminds us of our power, magic, and 
humanity.  Our lives are meaningful, some of us would even say revolutionary, 
regardless of our access to consumer products.  Because we choose to live this 
way and we define ourselves in relationship to each other, not to whom we vote 
for or to how much crap we can buy.

We are very excited about the dynamic created by our new format and so we 
want to continue to use it.  We encourage you to come prepared to speak about 
-and gifts

Thu. Sept. 14  7:30 pm         San Mateo County Mosquito Abatement Talk - SF

Our meeting this Thursday will feature the rescheduled PowerPoint 
presentation by Angela Rory, of the San Mateo County Mosquito Abatement District. Come 
find out about West Nile Virus and other local insect-borne diseases.

Randall Museum, 199 Museum Way, San Francisco
For more information, call Patrick at (415) 225-3830, email, or go to

Thu. Sept. 14  8 pm          Blue Blanket Comedy Bust-Up - SF

Comedy Improv Showcase!

50 Mason Comedy Lounge, 50 Mason St., San Francisco
Reservations: 415-398-4129

"A fast paced, side splitting comedy show that goes places others fear to 
tread!"  Each show is entirely built on audience suggestions; no two shows are 
ever the same, so there’s never a dull moment when YOU’RE at the wheel!  

Maps and directions at:

Fri. Sept 15  7-9 pm         General Paul Monroe & Gold Star Mom Nadia 
McCaffrey - Berkeley

Unitarian Church, 1924 Cedar at Bonita, Berkeley
$20 donation suggested, $5 Students: 

Does our nation need to face today's global village complexities?
Does our military need?
Do Gold and Blue Star moms want for their children?
Does Peoples Lobby's American World Service Corps 
Congressional Proposals do to address those needs?

Opening comments:  
Blue Star Mom Laura Monroe
Philosophy professor, author, & journalist Paul Rockwell

General Paul Monroe
Gold Star Mom Nadia McCaffrey

More at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,363/year,2006/month,09/day,15/Itemid,1

Fri. Sept. 15  7 pm-12midnight            Bluewater Network Benefit w. Ed 
Begley Jr. - SF

Bluewater Network - a division of Friends of the Earth presents: Moulin Blue 
- a cabaret extravaganza for the oceans

Broadway Studios, 435 Broadway, San Francisco 
RSVP at 415.544.0790 x12 or to reserve your space 

A world class circus cabaret featuring, acrobatics, breath-taking aerials, 
and MC Jeff Raz, and a rollicking finale by the Extra Action Marching Band. Plus 
celebrity guest, Ed Begley, Jr., fine wines, hors d'oeuvres, a silent auction 
featuring getaway packages, and much more to benefit Bluewater Network's 
cutting-edge campaign to protect our bays and oceans from shipping pollution

Fri. Sept 15  7 pm             David Rovics Halliburton Boardroom Massacre US 
Tour - Oakland

AK Press Warehouse, 674 A 23rd Street, Oakland  Phone: 510 208-1700

Sept. 15-17          **Earthdance 2006 - Laytonville

3 day Camp Out Celebration for World Peace and Unity, uniting over 250 
locations in 50 countires, set amidst a beautiful old growth oak forest, featuring 
over 70 acts on 5 stages of entertainment uniting Jamband, World, Conscious 
Lyricism, Electronica, Reggae and Folk. Also featuring Global Artisans Market, 
all night music and jam cafes, international food court, workshop domes, late 
night cinema, healing village, activist alley, hot showers, and more..   

Musicians for Peace will have a booth in Activist Alley will be joined by 
Papa Dave 'Kunundrum' Potter with special performances by members of Dreamseeker.  Also 1001Ways will be at earth-dance Friday with 
Arun Gandhi presenting The the Music 4 Peace Gandhi Tour. Papa Dave & the Ghandi 
Tour are members of Musicians for Peace.

Some of the featured acts will be Ani DiFranco, India. Arie and Ozomatli. 
Special guests include Arun Gandhi, Wavy Gravy and Barbara Marx Hubbard. 
Indigenous Elders from many nations around the world will also be at Earthdance 
sharing their wisdom.  James Twyman will be performing on the main stage between 

Black Oak Ranch, Hwy 101, Laytonville
$135 Presale, $165 Gate: 3 day pass includes camping:
Free admission for children 12 and under

Ozomatli, Blackalicious, John Trudell, Toshi Reagon, Luna Angel, Kan'Nal, 
Trillian Green, TranceZenDance, Transcendental Hayride, Ancient Future, 
TranceZenDance, Luminous Fog, Trillian Green, Sasha Butterfly & Friends, Luna Groove, 
Kali's Angels, Tina Malia, Dianne Patterson, The Freys, Ani DiFranco, India 
Arie, Human and the Other Humans, and more ...

More details  & tickets at

Sat. Sept. 16  11am-6pm          Expo for the Artist & Musician - SF

The Expo is the Bay Area's only grassroots connection fair for independent 
arts, music and culture!

SomArts Cultural Center, 934 Brannan Street, San Francisco

Sat. Sept. 16  3-9 pm           Association of Transformative Media Arts Open 
House - Novato

Celebrate Association of Transformative Media Arts/ATMA's 10th Birthday Party 
with us. Dinner starts at 5 pm  Come early for swimming, hot tubbing, or 
kayaking. Bring swimsuit,towel and sunscreen. Stay late into the evening to 
reconnect, reminisce and dance!

Home of Norm McVea & Sharon Hart, 153 Caribe Isle, Novato
RSVP: Sharon Hart if coming for dinner. (415) 499-9065

BRING:  Salads, Veggies, Pastas,etc.  We provide barbecue. No desserts or 
alcohol.  Guests are always welcome. 

SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS:  We will show videos of members' works throughout the 
event on a large projection screen to celebrate ATMA's 10 years of supporting 
transformative media and media producers. 

Members--bring some work you would like to show or recent product info for 
our Media Mall--launching September 1st, 2006. 

Directions and more info at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,325/year,2006/month,09

Sat. Sept. 16  8 pm             Film on Julius Margolin & Inspiring Concert - 

"A UNION MAN: The Life and Work of Julius Margolin"

After the film, labor folk singers George Mann and Julius Margolin will be 
joined by Faith Petric in songs of joyful resistance.

Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, 1606 Bonita near Cedar 
(through gate, UPSTAIRS), Berkeley
$5-10 Donation 
Info at  510-528-5403

Julius, at 90, is a living legend in the NY labor movement. He's been active 
in the CIO since the '30's. He has represented the Theatrical and Stage 
Employees at the Central Labor Council for over 32 years. A tireless fighter for 
justice & equality, Julius embarked on a new career  in 1989 making music and CDs 
 with George Mann while still hitting the picket lines and organizing workers 
around the U.S.  "A Union Man" is the story of his life through his eyes as 
well as those he has met along the way. There are guest appearances by Utah 
Phillipps and Faith Petric. It is an affectionate portrait of a rank and file 
activist still working for justice.

Sat. Sept 16  8 pm         David Rovics Halliburton Boardroom Massacre US 
Tour - Oakland

Station 40, 3030b 16th Street, San Francisco
$5-10 sliding scale
Will include a speaker on Israel/Palestine
Meredith Dearborn

Sept. 16-17                   She Shamans Dance Workshop - Auburn

Saturday 3-6pm & Sunday 1-5pm
For Women Only

Outrageous media personality, internationally recognized sacred dancer and 
shaman, Francesca Gentille teaches
She Shamans Dance Workshop - - -  this weekend in Auburn, CA (minutes from 
Sacramento – only 2 hours from San Francisco.)

We'll be exploring trancing for visionary purposes, the roots of ancient 
shamanic dance, connecting with totemic lineage and soul source lineage, accessing 
healing energy (for self and others) through dance.

This is great class if you are a beginning dancer or advanced dancer (of any 
style) who wishes to deepen the spiritual roots of your dance. This type of 
dance/movement will strengthen vitality, clarity, healing energy, the Divine 
Feminine, and soulful sensuality.

If you' d like more info, email Francesca at or 
call 510-759-3839

Francesca teaches this class very rarely, so it is great opportunity.

Francesca is an initiated shaman in 4 traditions and has been a sacred dancer 
for over 20 years. She has traditional dance training in ballet, tap, jazz, 
modern, flamenco, Irish, Scottish, Middle Eastern, and Vintage ballroom. She is 
also a life coach, relationship coach and cross cultural minister. 

Sept. 16 - Oct. 7              Anna Coulter's Butterfly Art Exhibit - Palo 

Solo show of new paintings by Swiss artist & poet Anna Coulter with the theme 
of transformation.
The opening reception is Saturday Sept 16, from 5 - 7pm

ART21 Gallery, 539 Alma, Palo Alto
Standard ART21 business hours are Wed - Sat 10 - 6 pm and Sun 11 - 5 pm
Contact information is: 650-566-1381 or

The closing reception coincides with the Palo Alto First Friday Art Walk on 
Oct 6th at ART21 Gallery from 6 to 9 pm.
Both events will have live music. 

Sun. Sept. 17  1 pm       Celebration of Independent Media w. Amy Goodman - 
San Rafael

Join us for A Celebration of Independent Media with Amy Goodman.
Doors open at 12:30

Angelico Hall, Dominican University
$18 at door, $12 students or in advance at Book Passage and Bedrock Music.
Visit for details & directions. MORE INFO: Call 415 381-9085

Amy Goodman of "Democracy Now" is coming to San Rafael this Sunday 
accompanied by her brother, investigative journalist David Goodman. They have 
co-authored a new book,Static: Government Liars, Media Cheerleaders, and the People Who 
Fight Back.

* Video presentation with LinkTV
* Live music performances by Shree Dove and Jon Fromer

Marin Peace and Justice Coalition is producing the event as a benefit for the 
Independent Media Guide of Marin.
Come with friends and family to support the media that support us!

Sun. Sept. 17  3 pm             Lake Merritt Walk for Peace - Oakland

Please join our Walk-a-thon around Lake Merritt, Oakland  to support the 
campaign for a U.S. Dept. of Peace and 
the Peace Alliance.

Meet at East end of Lake Merritt at the Colonnades, Oakland
For more info contact Stephanie Thomas at 510-435-6092 or Willard Davis at 

More at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,362/year,2006/month,09/day,17/Itemid,1

Sun. Sept. 17  5-7 pm        Sufi Gathering for Peace - SF

Unlock the hidden experience of the divine reality within you through deep 
prayers for opening the soul. 

Center for Healing and Expression, 1749 O'Farrell Street (at Fillmore), San 
$5 suggested donation 
Contact: Christian Bundy at  (707) 235-7654.
Parking garage available for $1 per hour. 

The San Francisco Shadhiliyya Sufi Community is a group of holy and sincere 
people who gather each week to pray for peace with the support of a Sufi master 
teacher and healer. Shadhiliyya Sufism is known as the 'direct way' to divine 
realization. The real Sufi is one who tastes the honey and says, "this is 

Sun. Sept. 17  7-9:30 pm     Introduction to Nonviolent Communication - 
Oakland Post

Also October 15, November 19, December 10

Bay Area Nonviolent Communication office, 55 Santa Clara Ave., Suite 203, 
$0-35 sliding scale  
Wheelchair accessible
For more information, or to pre-register, go to or call (510) 

Mon. Sept 18  7 pm         David Rovics Halliburton Boardroom Massacre US 
Tour - Rohnert Park

Sonoma State University, The Cooperage
$10 (No one turned away)
For more information: 707.664.3373
Co-sponsored by Project Censored

Mon. Sept. 18-Oct. 23  9:45am-1:15pm         Awakening the Heartist Within, 
the Mandala Process - Forest Knolls

6 Mondays, Beg. Sept 18 - Oct. 23

These “sacred circles” offer an opportunity to rest in the Heart and 
celebrate the presence of our communal resonance. Meditation, movement, ritual, 
singing and other sound practices, along with writing, will be the vehicles for 
embodying our personal and collective exploration.  When we rest in our Essence, 
spontaneous creative expression naturally arises effortlessly. No prior art 
making experience is necessary. The only requirement is an open heart! Themes 
will include relationships with self, other humans and nature. (CEUs Available 
for Nurses, MFt's, and LCSW's)*

Art & Soul Studio, Forest Knolls (near Spirit Rock Meditation Center
$255, $50 deposit required to hold your space. Entire amount due at the end 
of the first meeting.
RSVP Julia Weaver, MFT  415-455-5989

More at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,323/year,2006/month,09/day,18/Itemid,1

Wed. Sept. 20  12 pm     Japan Dolphin Day in San Francisco - SF

Join Seaflow community members in San Francisco on Sept. 20th for this 
important event!  Its Japan Dolphin Day: Abolish the Slaughter  
URGE Japanese authorities to ban the brutal slaughter of dolphins! 

In front of the Japanese Consulate, 50 Fremont Street  (between Market and 
Mission Streets), San Francisco
For further information, contact Earth Island Institute (415) 788-3666 or
or Seaflow at or 

The SF event will feature: 
**Earth Island Institute, In Defense of Animals (IDA), Seaflow AND YOU 
participating in a peaceful demonstration against the Japan Fisheries Agency's 
annual slaughter of dolphins; 
**Earth Island's Giant Inflatable Blue Dolphin; 
**Dolphin hats designed by the late activist Ben White from the Animal 
Welfare Institute used in demonstrations against the World Trade Organization. 

Please plan to attend, and bring a friend! 

Details at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,358/year,2006/month,09/day,20/Itemid,1

Thu. Sept. 21  6-8:30 pm            International Day of Peace Vigil - SF

You are invited to Drum, Dance, Ring, Sing, Chant & Pray Peace Vigil by 
Michael Payne of Declaration of Peace.
Help us stop the War in Iraq -- Support Peace, Thurs Sept 21, 2006

SF City Hall Plaza, 1 Carlton B Goodlett Pl, San Francisco
Contact: Michael Payne  415 819-2380

Children and Choirs Welcome

2-6:00 pm Warm up Drumming Circle for all – bring a drum or something to bang 
out a beat.
6-6:30 pm Easy "Dances of Universal Peace" Dancing for all;
6:30-7pm; “Singing Bowl” Harmonics session – (bring a resonating bowl or 
7-8 pm Taizé and other Prayer chanting from various spiritual and faith 
8-8:30 pm Peace & spiritual songs old and new singing for everyone.
8:30-9 pm Everyone please help pick up the area to leave it as we found it.

Gather, show yourself, be a part of the message:
“Help stop the war in Iraq, support peace!”

Bring a small flashlight or liquid light, a drum, a resonating bowl or bell.

This is a FUN and spiritual participatory peaceful interfaith and persons of 
conscience & concern for the war in Iraq gathering of music, song, dance, and 
prayer where everyone participates.

Planning meetings every Tuesday at 65 Ninth St, SF 7:00pm till the event. All 
are welcome, we need your participation and help!

We are looking for one contact person for each Church, Synagogue, Mosque, 
Temple, Organization, or Meeting, to be the liaison champion representative to 
post in your calendar, post on bulletin board, and e-mail members, Please e-mail 
or call me!

And to invite any and all to help launch this event, and invite all peaceful 
participants to come to the vigil.

We need volunteers to help us make phone calls too!

In Santa Cruz, California, 500 beacons will light up the night for peace on 
September 21 -- just one of many thousands of Peace Day events taking place all 
around the world.

More at

Fri. Sept. 22  7-11pm        Butterfly Collective Meeting & Musicians for 
Peace Jam  - SF

Please join us for our next gathering as we have a fabulous evening planned.  
The Butterfly Collective's mission is to link you to other artists for 
positive social change so as to inspire you and offer new insights, identify 
opportunities for collaboration and celebrate our work, and we intend to do all of 
those things that night.  Alan Moore will make a presentation about Musicians 
and Artists for Peace and his Butterfly Network.

Phil Deal's Music Studio #113 at Project Artaud, 499 Alabama at Mariposa, San 
Enter at the double-green doors on Alabama, and dial #113 and Phil Deal (the 
evening's host) will buzz you in.  
Closest BART station: 16th Street station.
Contact:  Allison Quaid at

1. Phil Deal - music 
2. Moritza  Schafer - film
3. Alan Moore - building community, education & Musicians and Artists for 
4. Lauren Raine - Masks of the Goddess & community theatre
5. Julie Larson - art muse records - music

Phil Deal/Inside/Out Trio  He plays the saxophone and his music is what I 
call Psychedelic Jazz
Ted Czuk -
Channin Smith
Maria Mango
Julie Larson
Vinit Allen
Jesse Dyen

Details at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,355/year,2006/month,09/day,22/Itemid,1

Sat. Sep. 23  12 pm                       San Francisco LoveFest Parade & 

A Dance Music Parade and Festival, and the next evolution of Love in America. 

Begins at 2nd & Market
Ends at the Civic Center Plaza

Details at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,318/year,2006/month,09/day,23/Itemid,1

Sat. Sept. 30  9am-6 pm      Robert F. Kennedy Jr. @ West Coast Green 
Conference - SF

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. keynote lecture and book-signing will be from 9-10:30 
am at West Coast Green Residential Building Conference + Expo (Thursday and 
Friday are only open to the trade. Saturday open to the public.)

Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, 99 Grove Street, San Francisco
$20 advance until 9/27, $30 door
Tickets & info on the full conference at or call 
Price includes access to over 30 workshops and presentations related to green 
building, remodeling, clean energy, gardening and more + full access to 
tradeshow floor (250+ exhibits). 

Sat. Sept. 30  8 pm              Arianna Huffington "On Becoming Fearless!" - 

We are honored to host Arianna Huffington for her only North Bay appearance 
this fall! Arianna Huffington is one of the most articulate spokespersons for 
progressive politics today. In her eleven books and widely-read blog,  The 
Huffington Post, she tells it like it is --- with humor, savvy, and sheer 

Arianna's latest book, "On Becoming Fearless....In Love, Work, and Life," is 
a road map for achieving fearlessness in every aspect of life, a 
straight-to-the-point manifesto on how to be bold, how to say what needs to be said and do 
what needs to be done in order to find the freedom to love, lead, and succeed. 
Vanity Fair Magazine (October '06 issue) chose Arianna Huffington as one of 
100 major figures of the "New Establishment."

Sonoma Community Center, 276 E. Napa St., Sonoma
$20, Praxis Members: $15
Tickets available Online from Praxis Peace Institute  707-939-2973

Reception with Arianna Huffington at the Fifth Anniversary Celebration and 
Fundraiser for Praxis Peace Institute
4-6 pm at the home of Sonoma author Sam Keen

Address and directions sent upon registration
Ticket: $130, Praxis Members: $125
IMPORTANT: Reception ticket includes reception, ticket for evening event, and 
Arianna's new book, On Becoming Fearless. So, if you are buying a ticket for 
the reception, you do NOT need to buy any other ticket.

Sun. Oct. 1  1-6 pm        1st Annual Gandhi Birthday Poems & Performances 
for Peace - SF

The 1st Annual Gandhi Birthday Poems and Performances for Peace will 
celebrate Mohandas Gandhi's 137th birthday.  Bring cushions, food and drink to share. 
Poets, musicians, dancers...will be able to sign up for 5 minutes, beginning 
at 12:30 pm

The Gandhi statue, in the square east of the south end of the San Francisco 
Ferry Building on the Embarcadero, between & below the feet of Mission & Market 
Streets, San Francisco
For more info contact  Arnie at (510) 845-5481 or (415) 240-0286
Public transportation & bikes encouraged         
Streetcars, Buses, Ferries, BART (2 blocksaway)

More at,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,361/year,2006/month,10/day,01/Itemid,1

Make Love Not War CD is now available. Immerse yourselves in the spirit of 
the butterflies & hear great music. Get our single CD featuring 19 songs of 
mostly Bay Area Artists for $12.50.  Our double CD has over 2.5 hours of music 
featuring 38 songs for $20, including postage & handling.  You get a copy free 
with a membership to the Butterfly Gardeners or Musicians & Fine Artists for 
World Peace for $25. I personally guarantee that you will love it & your purchase 
or membership will help support our mission. 

Songs for Cindy compilation CD with 18 songs that you will love.  $12.50 
includes postage

We also have copies of the English-Japanese edition of Butterfly that was 
translated by Yumi Kikuchi.  You can get a copy for $20 including shipping. With 
a family membership for $35 you can get this book and the CD. 

For a $50 donation you can get the English-Japanese edition, the CD, a 
membership and a listing as a sponsor of our calendar too!  
Please see membership info below or at

Please add $20 if you want to substitute the first edition of Butterfly by 
Norie Huddle in any of the following catagories.

Peace and love,  Alan

Butterfly Gardeners Association & Musicians & Fine Artists for World Peace

___Limited Income    $0-15  Get listing & membership  

___Individual           $25    Includes Double CD or Songs for Cindy CD       

___Family                $35    Includes Double CD or Songs for Cindy CD  & 
the book Butterfly

___Butterfly Lover      $50    Same as above plus sponsor listing on calendar 

___Sponsor/Business  $100   Same as above sponsor plus listing on calendar & 

___CD only                $12.50 for single with 19 songs & $20 for double 
with 38 songs

___CDs for groups      $10 per double CD or $5 per single CD in bulk for 
peace & justice groups used as a fundraiser. Please inquiry at 707-552-9886.

Specify if your membership is for the Butterfly Gardeners or Musicians & Fine 
Artists for World Peace and specify which CD you want. If you want both CDs, 
please add $10 to your order.and mark in memo "Both CDs"
Please make your check out to the Butterfly Gardeners and mail to Butterfly 
Gardeners Association, P.O. Box 1511, Vallejo, Ca  94590
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.