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Aspartame causes cancer. Greedy Susan G. Komen does not care.

From: Dr. Betty Martini,D.Hum.
Date: Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 11:01 AM
Subject: [Activist_List] Charity Fraud - Susan G. Komen is Pure Con

I am so glad to see this. Many years ago in the early 1990's I gave
a talk in front of the State Capital on the Cure For Cancer. There
were so many requests for it I made 4000 copies. Part of that speech
is now in the book, "The Only Answer to Cancer" by Dr. Leonard
Coldwell. You will see it under resources at the top of the page on I wrote a chapter in the book. Michelle, a dear
riend who was there and myself, went to the "Run For the Cure" to
give out the speech, and information on aspartame, especially in
original studies it caused so much mammary tumors. The people were
so happy to get the free papers, especially since they could have
called me for the formula I used to cure myself.

However, a woman from Susan Komen asked us to leave. If you knew
Michelle you would know she is as feisty as they come, and says it as
it is, and therefore very successful. Michelle said: "Do you really
want to cure cancer or do you just want the money?" The lady in a
very nasty tone said, "We just want the money so please
leave." Michelle told her in no uncertain terms that we were on
public property and we weren't leaving. If there was anything they
didn't want was someone to have the cure for cancer. The Sierra Club
wrote about them many years ago and who was really behind Susan Komen.


From: "Glutimas Maximus"
Subject: Fw: Charity Fraud - Susan G Komen is Pure Con
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2011 19:00:24 -0600

Send this to all the brain dead, the nitwits, and the morons, who
"run" for the cure.


Where does all the Komen for the Cure money really go?

Wednesday, October 05, 2011 by: PF Louis
(NaturalNews) During October, there will be runs, walks, and other
fund raising schemes for "curing cancer." The most notorious fund
raiser is the Susan G. Komen for the Cure. They display the most pink
within the pink ribbon culture. Their mission statement is a world
without breast cancer. So why are they ignoring actual existing cancer cures?

Pink washing

Woe to any other non-profit fund raising group that uses their event
or activity linked to the phrase "... for the cure." Komen threatens
them with lawsuits. It's okay for Komen's "corporate partners," for
example KFC's "Buckets for the Cure" not long ago. One wonders how
Komen will protect the word "hope" that they're using these days.
Komen enlists businesses to display the pink ribbon or color a
product pink "(item) for the cure" or "(item) of hope." This has come
to be known as "pink washing". It involves businesses donating small
portions of their sales revenue to Komen. Often the businesses sell
products that suppress the immune system or contain carcinogenic ingredients.
Besides KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) there have been many other
unhealthy contributors "for the cure." Some of them sell cosmetics
that contain carcinogenic ingredients. Some others are industries
that emit environmental and health hazards. Some of them sold yogurts
that contained rBGH in their pasteurized milk.
Komen has its own mail order list of mostly useless items, but under rather than Pink washed companies or corporate
partners have an opportunity to sell more products to those who think
consuming goods leads to cancer cures. A Seattle gun store once
teamed up with Komen and sold pink barreled Walther P-22 "handguns of hope."

Following the money

According to Charity, former CEO of Komen for the Cure
Hala G. Moddelmog was salaried at approximately $500,000 annually
plus bonus. But Komen's founder, Susan G. Komen's surviving sister
Nancy G. Brinker, has recently taken over the CEO position and no
figures could be found for her.
CEOs of charities that spent more than $100 million, which includes
Komen, averaged over $450,000 annually according to Charity Several charitable organization jobs are advertised
for $200,000 annually. Naturally there are additional perks for
travel and lodging as well.
Komen's revenue for the fiscal year of 2009/10 was $400 million.
Thirty-five million came from investments and $365 million was from
the various fund raising efforts, including race or walk fees,
donations, pink washing, sponsors, and sales.
That fiscal year, Komen' s contributions were: $141 million for
education, $47 million for health screening, and $75 million for
research. Fundraising costs and affiliate expenses were approximately
$60 million with general administrative costs at $37 million.
Education did not include dietary information such as abstaining from
sugar (cancer's favorite food) and toxic foods. It didn't include
avoiding junk foods and eating whole organic foods. Vitamin D3 was
not even mentioned. But bickering over whether radiation should come
before or after chemo was discussed.
Mammograms can cause cancer or misdiagnose, resulting in unnecessary
treatment. Thermography is safe and effective. But Komen refuses to
acknowledge this while pushing mammograms.
Research is for Big Pharma only. There's nothing for Dr. Stanislaw
Burzynski in Houston or Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez in New York, both of
whom are doing their best going through FDA hoops to gain acceptance
for their safe, efficacious treatments. No real follow up with the
Gerson Institute or Hoxsey's Bio-Medical Center, both forced into
operating out of Mexico.
How come no research into mega-dose IV vitamin C for cancer? There
are studies proving its efficacy. Hey Komen, how come you haven't
consulted with TV star Suzanne Somers about her breast cancer cure
from European mistletoe extract injections? She wrote a bestseller about it.
What would any of these cancer charity people do if the actual
existing inexpensive cures were allowed? Maybe they don't want a
cure. Maybe they want their high paying jobs and puffed up prestige.
They are part of the multi-billion dollar cancer industry, which
would collapse if cures are allowed.
Komen has been raising funds for thirty years. As long as there are
suckers who worship the cut, burn, and poison cancer cult while
continually biting the "hope" bait, they'll continue.
Sources for this article include:
The Pink culture
Mike Adam's commentary on KFC for Komen
The Pink Washed LIst
Komen's 2009/10 audit
CEOs of charity incomes
How Komen elbows out other charities
Komen CEO salary
Komen by the numbers
The idiocy of October AIDS and cancer walks
Charity Navigator costs and CEO salary for Komen
Think before you pink
Wyze Report

Articles Related to This Article:

Cure Con: how you're being deceived by charities that claim to be
racing for the cure for cancer and other chronic diseases
G. Komen for the Cure makes mockery of self with KFC pinkwashing
campaign (opinion)
<>Miracle Cure
for Gout and Arthritis Pain? Six Cherries a Day
Launches Operation False Cures to Suppress Natural Cancer Remedies (opinion)
the Myths Surrounding Homeopathy
Press declares war on alternative medicine (opinion)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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