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     Gun Bans
17 Years After Gun Bans in Australia …Police Say Gun Crime is Out of Control
In 1996 Australia unloaded some of the most severe gun bans and gun confiscation programs on record. And for the guns that were not confiscated gun owners were…

Oregon Shooting Hoax - Drills Galore (+One Week Before) Terrorizing Oregonians!
Oregon College President Says School STAFF Has Been Conducting School Shooting Drills 
    Drills running. No shots heard. Student claimed it was a drill. Teacher sues gov for carrying out active shooter drill without announcing it.
    Annnd… Our “hero” boy is well on his way to becoming a MILLIONAIRE. 

Oregon residents have been rallying to the ‪#‎2A‬ in the wake of the attack. And the mother of one victim said ‪#‎GunsSaveLives‬: “America we need to pack guns -- if this is what it’s coming to -- to protect ourselves.”
Mother of Oregon Shooting Victim Tells Americans They Must Be Armed
Cheyenne Fitzgerald was shot in the back during the attack at Umpqua, and her mom says the attack is a reminder that Americans must be armed for self-defense.

Oregon: another psyop, a staged hoax involving hired "crisis actors" and real-deal MK subjects. 3.0: Oregon psyop: recycling old crisis actors
! Jurisdictionary®1215 Law Notes13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati21st Century MedicineA Marine's DisquisitionAdmiral Byrd's 1947 DiaryAfter…

Who is running the world's biggest counterfeit operation?
World's Biggest Counterfeit Operation - Mike Maloney & Rick Rule -
You might be surprised who is running the world's biggest counterfeit operation... 
Obama's been fighting ISIS for almost 2 years, and all ISIS did was growing bigger and more powerful than ever!
Russia Claims ISIS Now On The Ropes As Fighters Desert After 60 Airstrikes In 72 Hours
"A bunker-busting BETAB-500 air bomb dropped from a Sukhoi Su-34 bomber near Raqqa has eliminated the command post of one of the terror groups, together…

SHTF ALERT -- Russians Say U.S. Not Bombing ISIS At All... Obama Lying to the American People
by Kurt Nimmo, INFOWARS Alexei Pushkov, the head of the Russian parliament’s international affairs committee, took to Twitter on Friday and said the United…

    Next: Obama will try to get the corporatist control plan through Congress
    The corporatists have agreed on the details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Video: Migrant Complains About Lack of Sex in ‘Refugee Camp’
Spends three days in taxpayer funded hospital over 'blue balls'. 
    Video footage shot outside a refugee camp in Europe shows a migrant complaining about the lack of sex available in the camp while bemoaning the fact that he had to stay in a taxpayer funded hospital for three days because of ‘blue balls’.

Preview Of World War III? Russia Is Putting On A Display Of Firepower That Is Shocking The World
A state of panic has been created among ISIS militants that we have not seen
       The Russians have unleashed their own version of “shock and awe” in Syria, and the brutal efficiency of their airstrikes against ‪#‎ISIS‬ targets has stunned many observers around the globe.

The Ugly Untold Truth About the Pertussis Vaccine...

Flu Vaccine is the most Dangerous Vaccine in the U. S. based on Settled Cases for Injuries
The last report issued in 2013 by the Department of Justice (Vaccine Court), for compensation made by the Health and Human Services for people injured or…

#‎CancerTruth‬ Ingredients in ‪#‎Vaccines‬:
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