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Event The False Left Right Paradigm - From the Obama Deception Alex Jones - How the elite control politics false left-right paradigm

Explaining the left-right paradigm to a co worker!
Edward tries to explain to Brenda that the two major parties are controlled by the same corrupt special interests! Carroll Quigley confirms Left/Right Paradigm scam of two party System

Kiev Protest: Police Lit on Fire -
Protesters heave molotov cocktails during anti-government uprising. Homeland Security Coordinated 18-City Police Crackdown on Occupy Protest DHS Adviser Helped Coordinate Police Crackdowns on Protests in 18 Cities
USAF Enviromental Specialist Kristen Meghan Blows Whistle On Chemtrails and Air Force Cover-Up
Pilot says Chemtrails are a necessary EVIL!

Would you knowingly inject dangerous heavy metals such as mercury, lead and arsenic into your body?
Bad news for tattoos - Many tattoo inks contain dangerous heavy metals, phthalates and hydrocarbons 

I guarantee they never taught you  this in school...
And Obama, Clinton etc. pray you never find out.  Video: Homeless Round Up Has Begun: Depopulation Agenda Chrissy Chat - Lets Muckety Around Serco

FAR too many people in this nation, and across the world, for that matter, are STILL caught-up in the false-Left/Right-paradigm, and that is why NOTHING is improving in the efforts against the Zionist-cabal's take-over.

People need to know, immediately, that almost every politician from BOTH PARTIES are controlled via blackmail, treason, threats, and actual belief in the evil system that they are promoting, and when any intellectually-honest politician has a moment-of-conscience and decides that enough is enough and to-step-aside-the-control-paradigm, they end-up having their careers destroyed, or worse, if they speak too loudly and make too much of an effort at changing the status-quo.

The easiest way to perpetuate the cabal's oldest stratagem, divide-and-conquer, is to CONTROL BOTH SIDES OF A MOVEMENT, ARMY, ORGANZATION, OR WARRING NATION(S), and perpetuate a system of one side being the "bad-guy", and the other side hoodwinking those with similar base-beliefs of that side's philosophy, and calling that faction the "good-guys", and this has been on on-going psychological-operation against the masses for literally MILLENNIA. 

How people are not able to see-through this master-level deception at this point, with things as COMPLETELY OUT-OF-CONTROL AS THEY ARE, is wholly inexcusable, and this is a prime-example of cognitive-dissonance.

Explaining the left-right paradigm to a co worker!
Edward tries to explain to Brenda that the two major parties are controlled by the same corrupt special interests!
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.