Plant Trees SF Events 2014 Archive: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024


Fluoride goes to court! 
“Fluoride providers and promoters are now under the microscope as the Fluoridegate scandal unfolds,” said attorney Chris Nidel. “In their own publications, dentists warned of a day when fluoride litigation would arrive.”
Fluoride, Deemed Toxic by Harvard Doctor, Under Fire in U.S. Federal Court | EcoWatch 
The legal community’s interest in the long-smoldering controversy over fluoride use is growing as the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of...

UN Tells Us to Eat Bugs While Elite Live As Kings - Reading of the Declaration of Independence
A host of celebrities including Mel Gibson, Whoopie Goldberg, and Michael Douglas perform a live reading of the Declaration of Independence in Independence Hall, Philadelphia, PA. For more information and teaching materials, check out: ‪‬

There's only one superfood that stands out among the rest, and you should take it every single day to ensure your health: spirulina.

Scientists finally catching up with what we all know: Animals not less intelligent than humans, just different.

"As of 2008, the DHS has decided that 100 miles within the US border is now a fourth amendment-free zone."
Do you live in this zone? 197 million Americans do.
Posted by: Wil Brown of Awakened Citizen

i guess suicide is becoming trendy in the financial world
NYC trader suicide becomes 11th this year in financial community
The financial world suffered another apparent suicide this week, as a New York City trader ended his life by throwing himself in front of an oncoming train.

Along with families who lost loved ones on Sept. 11, 2001, Representatives Walter Jones .(R-NC), Stephen F. Lynch (D-MA) and Thomas Massie (R-KY) urged the president to declassify 28 pages from the 9/11 congressional investigation report, providing more information to the general public.

This story is growing more and more bizarre by the day. 
Could this really be about a Rothschild patent??? hmmmm
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: "Patents Patents Patents?" 
This update on Malaysia Airlines flight 370 is about an online message and e-mail that is currently circulating on the internet. The message is posted below: "Have you pieced together the puzzle of...

If you haven't seen this yet, it will blow your mind. 
When local newscasters read the news, where do you think it comes rom?  Video:

Supreme Court Refuses To Hear Case On ‘No-Knock’ Police Raids - Cops are using lawful gun ownership as justification for entering homes unannounced
Blood Diamonds full movie 

The US news media does a masterful job
of reporting nonsense. 

But when the news is serious, they're
missing in action. 


An odd and disturbing story...
How a wanted serial killer found
time to be a contestant on the Dating Game. 
Stranger than fiction.  Video:
Previous edition: Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Passengers' Mobile Phones Ring But Not Answered (Google subscribers: Google Filter Instructions for CLG Newsletter.)
Malaysia Airliner Communications Shut Down Separately With 'Manual Intervention' - US Officials 13 Mar 2014 Two U.S. officials tell ABC News the U.S. believes that the shutdown of two communication systems happened separately on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. One source said this indicates the plane did not come out of the sky because of a catastrophic failure. The data reporting system, they believe, was shut down at 1:07 a.m. The transponder -- which transmits location and altitude -- shut down at 1:21 a.m. This indicates it may well have been a deliberate act, ABC News aviation consultant John Nance said. U.S. investigators told ABC News that the two modes of communication were "systematically shut down." That means the U.S. team "is convinced that there was manual intervention," a source said, which means it was likely not an accident or catastrophic malfunction that took the plane out of the sky.
Hijacked and hidden? US counter-terror officials fear plane could have been captured after new data reveals it was airborne FOUR hours after vanishing --US investigators now examining the startling possibility that Flight 370 was captured and transported to another location 13 Mar 2014 US investigators officials think that Malaysian Airlines flight 370 remained airborne for four more hours after vanishing from its last recorded position - raising the startling prospect the plane was hijacked. Officials suspect that the plane flew for a total of five hours based on data automatically downloaded and sent back to Rolls Royce - the manufacturers of the Boeing 777's engines. US counter-terrorism teams are now pursuing the astonishing possibility that the plane and its 239 passengers was diverted to an undisclosed location 'with the intention of using it later for another purpose'. Government terrorism experts are now examining the possibility that the pilot or somebody else turned the plane's transponders off to avoid detection and flew it to another country.
Missing Flight MH370: Plane 'may have flown for four hours after last-known contact' 13 Mar 2014 US investigators are examining whether missing Flight MH370 was "intentionally diverted" from its planned route after new data revealed the plane may have flown for a further four hours from the point of its last confirmed location. A report in the Wall Street Journal said US counter-terrorism officials are examining the possibility the plane's course was changed "with the intention of using it later for another purpose" and that its transponders were intentionally turned off to avoid radar detection. The report said data downloaded automatically from the plane's engines, suggests the plane flew for a total of five hours.
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.