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Which vegan protein products tested LOWEST in heavy metals? I've just published a complete list of everything we've tested so far: http://www.naturalnews.com/045108_vegan_proteins_heavy_metals_laboratory_test_results.html
The medical experts who refuse to use low-energy lightbulbs in their homes: Professors have stocked up on old-style bulbs to protect against skin cancer and blindness. So should YOU be worried?
...this is for all the vaccine believers...
eat it
While Smearing Liberty Lovers as Terrorists, DHS Lets Actual Terrorists Into America
Paul Joseph Watson | Federal agency created “hands off” list to give suspected terrorists VIP treatment.
Tonight, Joe Biden’s Son Appointed to Board of Ukraine’s Largest Gas Producer, then, Obama Administration has Killed More Kids than Boko Haram, and later, Greenwald: Criticism of President Hillary Will Be Labeled “Misogynistic”. Details & More on the
Infowars Nightly News @ 7pm ct Tune-in http://bit.ly/InfowarsNews
Alex talks about a remark by Glenn Greenwald that criticism of president Hillary Clinton will be sexist and misogynistic in the same way criticism of Obama is now considered by the political class and the establishment media to be racist. Alex also talks about the Federal Reserve manipulated economy and the impending engineered crash.
TUNE-IN LIVE 11am-2pm CST http://bit.ly/FreeVideoStream
Salon Labels Benghazi Cover-Up a “Conspiracy Theory”
Paul Joseph Watson | Leftist publication regurgitates intellectually bankrupt White House talking point.
Is Fiesta now a racist word? According to some universities they feel that it is offensive to Latin Americans and needs to be removed from all social functions due to its negative connotations.
A new wrinkle on the FBI's citizen intimidation program.
When they're not intimidating (and sometimes shooting) witnesses or making evidence
of government crimes disappear, hey have time for this... Video:
Just because the sky above you isn't criss crossed with chemtrails, it doesn't mean they're not spraying you upwind. Here's today's NASA image of the ocean off the SF Bay Area. Ugh. https://earthdata.nasa.gov/labs/worldview