Plant Trees SF Events 2006 Archive: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025


Store lots of water in case of earthquake or marial law.
Grow your own vegetables and fruit. Use glass to sprout grains and seeds.
Study the laws of sovereignty. Know how to camp, survive off grid. Be prepared.
Meet your neighbors. Plant community gardens. Organize.

Martial Law / Fed Gov Takeover less likely if we are self - sufficient. Relational Database of corporations and boards.

SF events 2.2
Archive Events / Articles:
SF events 2.2
SF events 2.2
SF events 2.2 search events for "sf events"
important events:
fun events:
more events:
eco events: 390 27th St Oakland Marin Peace and Justice Center Palo Alto Peace and Justice Center
Thursday, February 2nd
 4:30pm Berkeley: Picket at Berkeley Honda with SEIU 790
 6:00pm Santa Cruz: Women as Social Warriors IV: Prevenir y Protejer
 7:00pm SF: Screening of "Animal Liberation - History in the Making"
 7:30pm SF: ANSWER Screens "Negroes With Guns" 
Friday, February 3rd
 4:00pm Petaluma: Critical Mass
 5:30pm SF: Creative Justice Art Show
 6:30pm Oakland: New Orleans Revival Benefit
 7:00pm SF: Artistic Explorations of Queer and Gendered Landscapes


Help Stop Carcinogenic Methyl Iodide!

Why U.S. EPA Should Not Register Methyl Iodide
"We have to have more detention space." --George W. Bush, Nashville, TN 01 Feb 2006  [And, Halliburton/KBR is happy to oblige! See: KBR awarded $385M Homeland Security contract for U.S. detention centers 24 Jan 2006 BTW, during the speech, Bush had trouble with the word 'implement.' He tried to say it three times, then resorted to the word 'put.'

Medical Corruption: Drug industry turn pimps to boost profits.
Seductive medicines
It’s clear that prescribing patterns of most doctors are “informed” not by “evidence-based” science, but by market forces

Mental Exercise Nearly Halves Risk of Dementia

Halliburton Detention Camps For Political Subversives

US plans to 'fight the net' revealed
The Pentagon's Private Army - This seems like it should be bigger 
news. Congress has recently granted the Pentagon $200 million to 
aid foreign militaries, a sum which the executive branch can now 
spend without oversight from either the State Department or the 
Judge offers a choice: Join the Army or go to jail 
Army's Rising Promotion Rate Called Ominous - Experts say the 
quality of the officer corps is threatened as the service fights 
to retain leaders during wartime and fill new command slots.

9/11 News :
Getting Naked For 9/11 Truth - "this 'naked for 9/11 thing' is
  designed to show people (especially the mainstream media) two 
  things. first, that on a grass-roots level, we are really this 
  serious about getting your attention; we are not just going to 
  shut up and go away. and second, that we will never tire of 
  finding ways to transcend -- via the infinite creative potential
  of the human spirit -- the fear-based non-existence being demanded
  of us by the forces behind the bush cabal."

Secret Vatican Catacombs, Child Sacrifices, Mind Control: Svali, Involved In U.S. Illuminati For 30 years, Talks Openly About Devious Plans To Topple America
 There's some very interesting stuff in this NASA Acrobat slideshow presentation that I stumbled across.  It comes from Langley (AF Base) Research Center, produced in 2001.  There are some very interesting admissions in it about currently available and in-use microwave (MW), radio-frequency (RF) and biological weaponry (BW).  Much of what is presented is usually blown off as "conspiracy theory", but clearly cannot be after reading this document.  Please, download it while it's still up.
     BTW, I know much of it is projecting into the near future, but it clearly states toward the beginning that it's only talking about existing technologies and sometimes specifies current capabilities. Download here:
  2 excellent video's re: neo-cons ... a must see!
WHY WE FIGHT? ... The building of the american
military war machine and global domination (PNAC).
E-Newsletter Research and Development (RnD) by InfoNature.Org
Information & Education, Activism & Volunteering on: Nature, Human Rights,
Animal Rights 
Please send this e-mail to all your contacts 
An excellente documentary about the american war machine, the military
industry, the building of wars to earn profits and other real political,
economical and military interests by the US upon the world.
View video:
Dwight Eisenhower warned in 1961 about the dangers of unauthorized power in
the form of the military-industrial complex.
The first drop of a nuclear weapon as a declaration of war against Soviet
Union, war propaganda, 'bunker busters', defense industry, Cheney and
Halliburton, military recruiters, Vietnam, Iraq... Various interviews with
Pentagon and military insiders, officials, victims, journalists.
The truth about the "Project for a New American Century" (PNAC), the bogus 
war against terrorism", the Bush Administration and their plans to dominate
the world. View video:
(You must first install Real Player at: 

News Updates  from Citizens for Legitimate Government
01 February 2006

NORTHCOM Prepares for Possible Pandemic 01 Feb 2006 U.S. Northern Command recently hosted representatives from more than 40 international, federal and state agencies for an exercise designed to provoke discussion and determine what governmental actions, including military support, would be necessary in the event of an influenza pandemic in the United States. "NORTHCOM will not be running the show in the event of a pandemic," said Dave Wilkins, the NORTHCOM exercise facilitator. "We will be taking guidance and requests from other agencies, such as the Department of Homeland Security, via the secretary of defense."

"We have to have more detention space." --George W. Bush, Nashville, TN 01 Feb 2006 [And, Halliburton/KBR is happy to oblige! See: KBR awarded $385M Homeland Security contract for U.S. detention centers 24 Jan 2006 BTW, during the speech, Bush had trouble with the word 'implement.' He tried to say it three times, then resorted to the word 'put.' LOL!]

Address to receive newsletter:
Please write to: for inquiries. lrp/mdr

I just started up a new webring called We Hate School. This is an 
invitation to everyone who hates school and has a website to join 
the webring and get more visitors :)

You can read some more about the webring here if you want:

To join, go here:
and click on "Join This Ring" close to the top of the page. You'll 
need to sign up at first, if you don't already have an 
account with them.

If you wanna do more for the anti-school movement tho, then join 
RATS or NYRA or something like that: = RATS = NYRA (US only)

or join the Misled Youth Network Forums to discuss what can be done:

Feb 2006

Thu Feb 2

# Thu Feb 2 First Thu art receptions @ 49 Geary: 20 galleries in 5 story building. 5:30pm-7:30pm

# ANIMAL LIBERATION : History in the Making 

 Screening on Thursday, February 2nd at 7 PM. 

This film documents the actions of the animal liberation movement worldwide. From the first ALF raids on British laboratories and factory farms, to the voyages of the SeaShepherd fleet, ships to shut down illegal whaling and sealing, to the ELF, to activists using direct actions in defense of life. 

Movie Trailer - 

Sponsered by East Bay Animal Advocates 

Hosted by 5lowershop 

Location: 382 Bayshore Blvd, San Francisco CA 94124  This event is free.

# SF911Truth: MEETING, SF, Thursday, Feb 2, 7-10pm -- Round Table Pizza, 3567 Geary Blvd
Thursday, February 2, 2006 ---- 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.

      Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting
          7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
      Location: Round Table Pizza, 3567 Geary Blvd
         (415) 387-5054 - is the pizza place's phone number...

   (near University of San Francisco, at Stanyan St. and Geary Blvd.)

      Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-


      9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320

# Planetworks: Geo Mapping For Good 
 Thu, Feb 2  6:00pm-10:pm  Donation requested, not required 
111 Townsend between 2nd and 3rd St, SF SOMA
Venue: 111 Townsend btwn 2nd and 3rd St. SF 707-529-6413
 Join us at our monthly meeting, and see projects that demonstrate the 
 use of the internet to explore and solve social justice, ecological 
 and true democracy issues.

 CURATOR - Rich Gibson, editor of O'Reilly's Mapping Hacks and Google 
 Maps Hacks.

 Lightning talks including:

 Rebecca Moore-Google Earth as a Citizen

 Rebecca is using Google Earth to display the impact of proposed 
 timber harvest plans on communities and the environment.


 Join us at our monthly meeting, and see projects that demonstrate the 
 use of the internet to explore and solve social justice, ecological 
 and true democracy issues.

 CURATOR - Rich Gibson, editor of O'Reilly's Mapping Hacks and Google 
 Maps Hacks.

 DATE - Thursday, Febuary 2nd - 111 Townsend Street - San Francisco
 TIME - Doors at 6 pm
 Program at 7 pm
 Socializing and Networking 8-10 pm
 PROGRAM - 6 presentations including -

 Rebecca Moore-Google Earth as a Citizen

 Citizens are confronted today by a bewildering array of environmental 
 concerns at every level: the effects of global climate-change, 
 national resource management policy (to drill for oil in ANWR vs. 
 protecting the wilderness), California state-wide water concerns and 
 local issues such as timber harvesting and watershed protection.

 Rebecca will present a live demonstration of Google Earth, including 
 several specific case studies developed by ordinary citizens which 
 have already achieved results, including helping to halt a proposed 
 timber harvest plan in the Santa Cruz Mountains. See this SF 
 Chronicle article, "GREEN Eyes in the Sky", by Gregory Dicum, for 
 more info:

 Mike Liebhold-Institute for the Future
 I'll be talking about a 50 year plan workshop I am leading (this
 weekend) with the steering committee of the environmental 
 organizations on the island of Maui. We'll be looking at major 
 desireable outcomes for eco-zones, human settlements, and economics, 
 all visualized by date and place, to be rendered, later on, on 
 digital maps. I'll talk about both the process and methods and a bit 
 about the future of community mapping.

 Brian Hamlin-E-Waste Insights The lastest developments in computer 
 recycling from Briain Hamlin Author of E-Waste Insights. News Views 
 and Information on the State of Electronics Recycling in California 
 and the USA

 Chris Holmes - The Open Planning Project
 The key to effective use of geographic data is the ability to 
 exchange data. Chris is the main programmer on the Geoserver 
 project, the reference implementation of a powerful set of standards 
 for geographic interconnection.

 Mathew Spolin, creator of
 highlighting 'The Worst Places in the World.'

Venue: 111 Townsend btwn 2nd and 3rd St. SF 707-529-6413

# Movie night: "Brazil" Thur Feb 2 8:00 PM 
555 DeHaro @ 18thSt. Potrero Hill Suite 120 @ bottom of the parking lot 
 Doors open at 7:30, screening begins promptly at 8:00 pm 

Every other Thursday night, Encounter Studio presents classic and cult films on an amazingly bright, sharp digital projector in a comfortable home environment. Conveniently located in a Potrero Hill artist’s collective for film, music, and theater. 

Message me for the address in San Francisco 
Free admission, donations accepted. We need to buy some bean bags! 
Bring your own whatever. 
Kid-friendly environment, but this movie is pretty damn disturbing with some paranoid imagery. 

Brazil  1985  Directed by the great genius Terry Gilliam 
Written by Terry Gilliam and Tom Stoppard 

Dr. Yo sez, “This is my favorite film of all time.” 

First known as the animator and only American member of Monty Python, Gilliam has written and directed many astonishing films such as “12 Monkeys,” “The Fisher King,” and “Monty Python and the Holy Grail.” Gilliam’s dystopian masterpiece, “Brazil,” is a dreamlike, terrifying, and hilarious black comedy about a bureaucratic mishap in a totalitarian future society. In this sumptuously designed and photographed piece, the art direction is so excellent that it doesn’t even matter if the story or acting is worthy. And yet the film is satisfying on all levels. Co-written by the brilliant English playwright, Tom Stoppard, known for his excellent farces. If you’re a fan of Franz Kafka or George Orwell, but you have a sense of humor about it, then this is the film for you!!!

# Dick 'N Dubya: A Republican Outreach Cabaret Thurs, Fri, Sat Feb 2 - 25 8.00pm

Thurs $10-15 sliding scale; $5 student rush at door. Fri & Sat $15-22
Dubya (Amos Glick) and Dick (Ed Holmes) fresh from an extremely  
successful run at The Marsh Berkeley, during which they exerted their  
considerable talents to convert everyone in the audience into a card- 
carrying member of the Republican Party, are ready to try their luck  
in San Francisco.  The show is full of singing (yes, Dubya sings),  
dancing (yes, Dick dances), speeches (Dubya, much to Dick's  
consternation, has decided to write his own) and a raucous press  
conference where the audience asks the questions. It is rumored that  
Barbara Bush is so encouraged by her son's derring-do that she is  
flying out to assist him.

Ed Holmes, a navy veteran and San Francisco Mime Troupe member for  
nineteen years, instigated the annual St. Stupid's Day Parade, now in  
its 27th year.  Amos Glick, a San Francisco Mime Troupe member since  
1997, represented the troupe on the Lollapalooza '95 Tour doing  
political sketch comedy and guerrilla theater.  Masters of political  
satire, they honed their impersonations of Dick 'n Dubya during the  
Mime Troupe's outdoor shows.  Bill Allard (director) is a founding  
member of Duck's Breath Mystery Theater.  In 2004, he directed Merle  
Kessler and Raoul Brody in BROKE at The Marsh, San Francisco.

 The Marsh 1062 Valencia St  @ 22nd San Francisco 415-641-0235

# Greetings, time for the next service at BEAT CHURCH, this time we welcome
long awaited guest ADAM OHANA aka AN-TEN-NAE (get freaky) This will be
Adam's first appearance at Beat Church and you can bet he's  gonna throw
it down proper.  Adam AN-TEN-NAE Ohana will be blessing us with an all
original live set,  and word has it that he has got some all new material
that he will be debuting this night.  This will be your chance to be the
first to catch some of the new shiazit from the beat master himself.  As
usually Kitty-D and myself will be throwin down the eclectic audio
frequency soundscapes that we do best and you have come to love.  Please
join us for another congregation of good friends, good music, good family
vibes and straight up get down booty shakin' good times!  Thanks for all
you support...let's keep it  rockin'!

BEAT CHURCH (1st & 3rd thursdays monthly)
460 Haight st (between fillmore & webster)
10pm til 2am....only $5 at the door

specail guest Adam AN-TEN-NAE Ohana (get freaky,
Resident Beat Clergy:
Kitty-D (troubled youth)
Neptune (spiritual technologies)

Fri Feb 3

 Friday, February 3, 2006  more on this date 

Friday, February 3 - 2050 Bryant near18th/  19th St  In the Mission
Gather/visit altars 6:30, ritual 7:30pm 
$9-33 sliding scale donation, no one turned away. Proceeds benefit 
Reclaiming activists working in New Orleans and the Reclaiming general fund. 
Volunteers needed -- see below. 

Join us for our annual ritual celebrating the feast of Brigid. The 
heart of this ritual invites participants to make a pledge for the 
coming year before Brigid's flaming cauldron. (See below for more 
information on the goddess Brigid.) 

You are invited to bring small samples of water from sources sacred 
to you, to add to "waters of the world." You may also bring objects 
to place on the directional altars (and take home afterwards). 

Children are welcome with adult accompaniment (this ritual can get a 
bit "talky" for some kids). 

Help is needed with set-up, clean-up, and altar-building - arrive at 
or soon after 5:00pm to help. 

Transit: Catch the 27-Bryant heading south near Powell BART. (For a 
more scenic route, BART to 24th Street, then walk several full blocks 
east (east leads through commercial district, not uphill) on 24th 
Street to Bryant Street. Walk north (left off 24th) five blocks to 
Cellspace, 2050 Bryant.) 

To volunteer or for more info, contact 

Future ritual dates --


Brigid was so loved by the Celtic people that she was worshipped all 
through the land, including Ireland, Wales and farther into Europe as 
well. Her name was spelled many ways: Brigit, Brighid, Brigit, or 
simply Brid (pronounced Bride or Bridey). 

She had a sacred temple at Kildare, where 19 priestesses tended a holy 
flame that was never extinguished. The flame represented Brigid, as the 
Goddess of fire and forge. She ruled over smithcraft and other arts, 
poetry, divination, animals and livestock, healing and physicians. 

Because she is associated with 3 distinctive and unrelated fields 
(smithcraft, healing, poetry), Brigid is sometimes considered a form of 
triple Goddess. Imbolc Sabbat is particularly sacred to Brigid, as her 
feast day. 

As Christianity swept over the Celtic lands, the people loved Brigid 
too much to let her go. She was converted into a Catholic saint (St. 
Brigid) and her temple became a Catholic convent, tended by nuns. The 
flame was put out in the 18th century by Bishops who became angry at 
the all-female convent, because they wouldn't allow men within its 
walls. In 1993, the flame was relit by the Brigidine sisters of Ireland 
and is still lit today. 

-- Sent by Margaretta, from 

Reclaiming — a Community of people, a Tradition of Witchcraft, and a religious organization. 

More info on Reclaiming:

# San Francisco in Jell-O Friday, February 3 7-9pm
 Included in the price of admission to the Exploratorium
 By Artist Liz Hickok
Kick-Off Event for Reconsidered Materials
 Imagine a scale model of the city rendered in the translucent primary  
colors of Jell-O®. Liz Hickok's San Francisco in Jell-O® is one of  
the shimmering, temporal crown jewels of the one-night-only opening  
night event for Reconsidered Materials at the Exploratorium. On that  
night, the whole museum will be filled with this and other  
performances, films, and one-night-only artworks, that comment on the  
subtler and more abstract relationships objects have with the  
materials of which they're made. The exhibition Reconsidered  
Materials or Although Suitcases May Seem As Though They're Made of  
Stone, They Seldom Are, is on view at the Exploratorium from February  
3-June 18, 2006.
 The Exploratorium 3601 Lyon St. SF (415) 563-7337

A 40 Year Retrospective  *  My Favorite Erotic Photographs
Dear Friends,
On Friday, February 3rd, from 7PM to 10PM, join me for the opening my
retrospective exhibition at the CSC.   I will show highlights from my
career as "family photographer of America's erotic underground."  The show
will include 45 silver prints, several large silkscreen images, and recent
collage work.   

Admission is free. There will be light refreshments, erotic readings and a
ritual performance.

The Center For Sex And Culture is at 398 11th Street, at Harrison, four
blocks south of Market, phone 415-255-1155.

Cheers, Charles Gatewood               DIRECTIONS:

CSC is an easy walk from Civic Center BART at 8th and Market (about 7
blocks) and an even easier walk from Civic Center MUNI (the underground
stops at Van Ness and Market, 4+ blocks away) and all Mission and Market
Street buses and trains, including the historic F-line. Also, MUNI stops
right at our corner. Southbound (from the Civic Center Area) the lines that
serve us are the 27 Bryant, the 9 San Bruno, the 47 Van Ness, and the 90
Owl. The westbound12 Folsom line (from the downtown area) stops one block
away, at 11th and Folsom. Northbound (toward Civic Center) you can catch
the 9, 47, 12, and 90 lines, and the 49 Van Ness/Mission can be caught at
11th and Howard.


"Charles Gatewood--A 40 Year Retrospective" will be on exhibit  February
3--28, during hosted events, or by appointment.  For more information, see and  or call 415-267-7651.

BIO:  Charles Gatewood's striking photographs have been published in
numerous books and magazines, and in shown in exhibitions throughout the
world.  His work has been supported by three fellowships from the New York
State Council on the Arts.  He has also received the Leica Medal of
Excellence for Outstanding Humanistic Photojournalism, and the Aphrodite
Award for Sexual Service to the Community.


"Charles Gatewood is my favorite kinky photographer."  --Annie Sprinkle,
Ph.D., sexologist

"Gatewood's work is freakish, earthy, blunt, erotic--most of all, terribly
and beautifully alive."
     --A.D. Coleman, New York Times

"Charles Gatewood's pictures are so scary.  He may be the only person who
can make me feel nostalgia for the Hellfire Club."     --John Waters

# 2006-02-03 6:00 PM The return of ?Blue? at Blupointe!
 Fri. Feb. 3 and Fri. Feb. 17, 2006 (Every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month!) 
Jeno [Wicked]
Seven [NK7, Lo-Rise]
Rebecca Watkins [Get Underground]
Sol [Solsound]
Gogi Chhokar []
6pm-10pm>  Relax during the downtempo happy hour with sultry lounge beats, after-work cocktails & tantalizing food. Enjoy Blupointe?s oyster bar, fusion tapas & lounge. No cover.  VIP bottle service avail.
10pm-2am>  Enjoy two levels: funky house and electro in the subterranean ?Metro? level and downtempo/chill/lounge on the Mezzanine level. 
Complementary champagne with VIP bottle service starting at 6pm and going all night! For bottle service reservations RSVP to:
Arrive early, stay late!
Drink specials sponsored by Level Vodka.
239 Kearney (bet. Bush & Sutter) ? downtown SF
Dinner reservations: 415-986-4450
Parking nearby at the Sutter/Stockton Garage

#  Om Records 10 year anniversary in SF Friday 2/3/06  8:15 PM  A Decade Of Future Music! 
Om Records presents the 10 year anniversary celebration! 
Mark Farina 
JBoogie Live 
Colossus Live 
Afro Mystik Live PA 
Johnny Fiasco 
John Howard 
Andy Caldwell 
Samantha James 
and Chuck Love 
Limited $15 Presale Tickets Available at 
Friday, February 3rd, 2006 
444 Jessie Street @ Mint 
San Francisco, CA 
10pm - 5am 21+

# WaterJuice and DJ Kenni @ MARS BAR Fri Feb 3 10:00 PM
 Mars Bar  798 Brannan St @ 7th  SF CA 94103 (415) 621-6277

# 9th Annual National Conference on Organized Resistance
February 3-5, 2006 American University, Washington DC

Sat Feb 4

# Awakening the Dreamer 
Changing the Dream Symposium 

Saturday, February 4, 2006, 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 
First Unitarian Universalist Church - Starr King Room 
1187 Franklin Street San Francisco, CA 94109 

To register,  click here...

Where on Earth are we going? And what can we do about it? 

These are two of the questions that lie at the heart of the Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium . The Symposium explores the link between three of humanity's most critical concerns: environmental sustainability, social justice and spiritual fulfillment. Using video clips from some of the world's most respected thinkers, along with inspiring short films, leading edge information and dynamic group interactions, the Symposium allows participants to gain a new insight into the very nature of our time and the opportunity we have to shape and impact the direction of our world with our everyday choices and actions.

The aim of the Symposium is not merely to learn more about the world, but to grapple and come to grips with the very assumptions that underlie the way we ourselves see the world and our place in it, and with what each of us can do - both individually and cooperatively - to move the world in this new direction.

If you are ready to be disturbed, inspired and moved to action, if you are ready to be introduced to a thriving community of like-hearted, deeply committed cohorts who are actively engaged in awakening from and changing the dream of our modern industrial culture, we invite you to come to the next Symposium. 

To register for the February 4th Symposium,  click here...

For more information, contact Tatiana Tilley at 415-561-4522 x102 or

# Urban Composting Sat, Feb 4, 2006   10:00 am - 12:00 pm  Free
Garden for the Environment 7th Ave (at Lawton Street) San Francisco
 Don’t let your food scraps go to waste! The City found that approximately 45% of San Francisco’s residential garbage is valuable organic material that can be composted into rich fertilizer for your soil! Learn what you can do to reduce waste, save money and help the environment.
 This class will cover the basics of both backyard and worm composting so don’t miss out!

# Sat Feb 4 * The BERKELEY FREE MARKET is every first Saturday, and <> FREE 
(of course); 12-4pm; next to the Berkeley Farmer's Market in MLK park 
on Martin Luther King Way @ Allston Way; 510-290-5301; 
KevinTouch msn com

# Marin KFC Demo Reminder, Saturday, Feb. 4th 12-1 PM San Rafael
Join Bay Area Vegetarians as we stick up for the chickens and protest
theColonel's secret ingredient (animal cruelty) at:
San Rafael KFC 555 Second St San Rafael, 94901

New or experienced activists are welcome. This is a low-key protest,
all signs and leaflets provided. We do this monthly, usually happening
on the 1st SATURDAY of each month, 12-1 pm *(NOTE NEW DAY AND TIME)*,
but check calendar to confirm. If you can't make this date but want to
help at future ones, please email me.

For more info on this nationwide campaign to get KFC to mandate better
conditions for the chickens slaughtered, click here

Now that winter is here, rain cancels. Fog is okay :-) Please RSVP if
possible so we can contact you in case of last-minute weather changes
(tel #helpful)

>From Chris Overton, KFC campaign coordinator for PETA, "These demos
are a VERY important part of our campaign to improve animal welfare
standards that corporations require of their suppliers. Every time you
attend one of these demos, you are helping to ensure that life
improves for billions of animals all over the country."

If you can't make this demo, check the BAVEG event calendar for other
monthly demos happening in Palo Alto, SF, San Jose, San Francisco, and
Santa Cruz.

 To subscribe to Bay Area Animal Rights Network please send blank email  to:


Great news. This is the second KFC that we've been targeting that has closed. The first being the KFC on El Camino in Palo Alto. Candace lead the effort there, and is now focused on the remaining Palo Alto KFC location on San Antonio.
I know that our local KFC in Pacifica is never busy, and it's hard to see how they stay in business - so maybe they'll be next :-)
KFC closed!

I was just told that the KFC on Valencia in SF has closed!  One down, a few more to go!  :)

# KFC Protest in San Jose on Saturday 2/4 (san jose east)
Before you spend all day Sunday watching people score touchdowns, score one for the chickens on Saturday by protesting KFC! 
 WHEN: Saturday, Feb., 4 at 1:00 
 WHERE: KFC 250 North Bascom, San Jose (corner of Bascom and Naglee) 
 posters and leaflets provided 
 WHY: Please go to to find out 
 The "chicken man" will be there. Come help him!

# February 4 Noon Costco, 2400 Monument Blvd, Concord
Distribute Info: Outside of Costco, one of Foster Farms' top suppliers, join EBAA
as it exposes Foster's inhumane treatment of animals.
 Foster Compassion Outreach

#  Opening Celebration – Porcelynne Boutique & Gallery and  Miranda Caroligne – a living construction boutique
 485 and 487 14th street @ guerrero sf ca
 THIS SATURDAY, February 4, 1 - 9pm
 Swing by and visit two new local designer stores in one amazing neighborhood. Doors open at 1pm, with food and drinks from 4-9pm.
miranda caroligne currently hosts a variety of designers and artists from the Bay area, all emanating an otherworldly romantic flair. Porcelynne  Boutique and Gallery will be opening its delectable doors for the first time this Saturday! The artwork of Sharon Gobuty will be featured for the month of February.

# Reading with Richard Paul Russo Saturday, February 4 3:00 pm Free
Borderlands is particularly pleased to welcome back Philip K. Dick  
Award Winner Richard Paul Russo, author of SHIP OF FOOLS and the  
marvelous CARLUCCI books.  Richard will be reading from his brand-new  
space opera, THE ROSETTA CODEX.  From Publisher's Weekly: ". . . Cale  
Alexandros, the heir to a great mercantile family who's abandoned at  
age five on a backwater planet, grows up among savages. Barely  
surviving into adulthood, Cale makes his way out of the wasteland to  
the planet's one civilized city, where he discovers the  
Resurrectionists, a cult dedicated to unearthing the ancient  
technologies of an extinct alien race, and begins to understand the  
meaning of the Rosetta Codex, a strange artifact he himself  
discovered in the wasteland. Cale must also deal with the mysterious  
Blackburn and his employers, the Borg-like Sarakheen, who want the  
artifact for themselves. After regaining control of the Alexandros  
family holdings on another planet, Cale sets off on a journey that  
will transform the galaxy, his goal nothing less than the  
resurrection of the ancient aliens who created the codex . . . ."
Join us to meet this exciting author!
Borderlands Books 866 Valencia S SF 415 824-8203

# 2/4: ~~~Vegan Thai Dinner~~~ (santa cruz)

# First Saturday of the Month dinner  at the Bay Leaf Cafe
 in Palo Alto at 6:30 pm on February  4th.

Second, unfortunately, due to circumstances unforeseen when I 
volunteered to host, I'm going to be in Los Angeles that weekend and 
won't be able to attend.  Is someone willing to host on my behalf?

Please try to attend the February dinner and I look forward to seeing 
you at the March one. Beth

 To subscribe, send an email to:

# Saturday, February 4 8:00 PM  
Location: OneTaste Urban Retreat Center 
1074 Folsom (just East of 7th) 
San Francisco, ca 94103 view map  
More Info:  

DreamTree's White Hot Party 
Saturday Feb. 4th 
In San Francisco @ OneTaste 

It all began with a campout one h-o-o-o-o-t summer night. One hundred beautiful Dreamers gathered in the woods and pitched a 25- foot-tall tent where they adorned themselves in their hottest whites to dance the night away. 

Then the Dream took shape in the desert... As the sun set over the horizon, they began to converge... this time hundreds of the most beautiful dust-covered Dreamers you have ever seen... all adorned in their hottest whites... surrendering to the rhythm of the Dream under the magical Dream Tree. 

Now this delicious Dream comes to San Francisco! On February 4, 2006, the DreamTree will appear at the One Taste Urban Retreat Center. Beautiful Dreamers, all adorned in their hottest whites, will surrender to the rhythms of their shared Dream, and cuddle up under the boughs of the Dream Tree. 

Come share the Dream with us! 

What: The White Hot Party 

Where: The One Taste Urban Retreat Center 
1074 Folsom St. at 7th in San Francisco 

When: Saturday, February 4, 2006 
8PM - 4AM 

8PM - Opening Ceremony/Intimacy Games by Shara Ogin and One Taste 
Come create your dream party by connecting deeply with other Dreamers! This is an opportunity to set the vibe of connection, community, and pleasure for the evening. We'll play games that bring us closer together. Some games involve touch, but are non-sexual. You may bring a chosen partner if you wish, but it is far from necessary. 

10PM - DJs, Dancing, Bar opens 
DJ Lineup: 
Domino (DreamTree)
Rueben (Browntempo)
Noel Chandler (Plado)
Psykick Girl (L.A.) 

Tickets: $15 Advance / $20 Door 
Costumes Required! 

Buy Now:


Sun Feb 5

# Sun Feb 5 
* The NIKE MISSILE BASE OPEN HOUSE is the 1st Sunday of every month, 
featuring tours of a Cold-War-era ICBM missile base that actually 
operated in the Marin Headlands from'll scare the 
livin' shit outa' ya; FREE; 1230-330pm; 415-331-1453

* Every 1st Sunday is FREE DAY at The OAKLAND MUSEUM of CALIFORNIA, 
featuring art, history, and the natural science of California, and a 
special exhibit, "Baseball As America," in town for a limited time; 
$8 (50% off for non-profit groups w/advance notice), or FREE the 
first Sunday of the month; Wed-Fri 10am-5pm, 1st Fri open 'til 9pm, 
Sat 10am-8pm, Sun 12-6pm; 1000 Oak St; 510-238-2200;

* The Weekly SUNDAY LAKE MERCED LOOP SKATE leaves the Sunday Roller 
Disco in GGPark and does a level 17 mile skate for about 2 hours 
including 5 stops along the beach and around the zoo and the lake; 
FREE; 1-3pm, MEET from 1-115pm at 6th @ MLKJr; 510-521-0124;

* BAD MOVIE NIGHT is every SUNDAY in SF, and includes popcorn and 
residential furniture seating, plus your chance to wear stupid 
costumes and yell stupid remarks at the screen; $5; 8pm each Sunday, 
and featuring: 1/8-The Cock T's; 1/15-Gigli hosted by Mike 
Spiegelman; at The Dark Room Theatre at 2263 Mission St twn 18th and 
19th; 415-401-7987;

* Interested in joining the BWClub?  E-mail:

* Visit the BWClub web site at:
And the BWClub TRIBE at:
And the BITWClub Yahoo Group at:

#  SF Living Foods Potluck  Sunday February 5 11:00 am  - 2:00 pm 
 This event repeats on the first Sunday of every month. 
Event Location: Mission Community Center 
Notes:  Corner Valencia & 17th Street

# ACTCM's Chinese New Year Celebration Sun Feb 5 12 noon to 5pm FREE!
American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ACTCM) will be  
hosting a free event for the public on Sunday, February 5, 2006 from  
12:00 p.m. to 5 p.m. The college will be offering free  acupuncture  
treatments,  massages, Tai Chi and Qi Gong workshops, and  
informational lectures.

A special performance by the Eastern Ways Martial Arts Lion Dance  
Team will kick off the event promptly at 12:30pm in the college's  
parking lot at 555 De Haro Street (at 18th in Potrero Hill). This  
performance will be a spectacular visual event. The Eastern Ways Lion  
Dance Team is known for its energetic and engaging performances and  
has performed all over Northern California and beyond. Lion Dancing  
is one of the oldest cultural arts of the Chinese people, dating back  
to the Tang Dynasty, around 800A.D.

Lecture topics will include: The History & Profession of Traditional  
Chinese Medicine, Relax Managing Stress & Pain, Staying Healthy this  
Winter: Preventing Colds & Flu, and Nurturing the Whole: Treating  
Women's Health Issues.

ACTCM will provide refreshments, free informaion, and certificates  
for discounted acupuncture treatments (new patients only). The event  
is free and open to the public.

American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a non-profit  
institution, is one of the nation's oldest and most prominent  
acupuncture colleges. Since 1980, ACTCM has provided affordable,  
quality health care to the public and trained professionals in  
acupuncture and Chinese medicine. ACTCM has been the recipient of  
many awards for its curriculum, faculty and clinic, and has been  
voted Best of the Bay by both the San Francisco Weekly and the San  
Francisco Bay Guardian.

For more information on this event, or to RSVP by February 1, 2006,  
please call (415) 282-7600 x45.

American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Pioneer Square, 555 De Haro Street (between Mariposa and 18th)
San Francisco 415-282-7600 x45

# All-Women Cuddle Party 2/5   Emeryville

# 2006-02-05 2:00 PM Location: Mighty 119 Utah @ 15th St. one block East of Potrero
how can you resist an event with a cute name like mighty aphrodite?  this event sounds fun and wholesome and i'm excited about it.  and i might just come home with a hoola hoop.  uh-oh.

i'll be selling my cat, bear, bunny and other animal hats and my furry poi.  and i just got new fur, so i'll have new furry poi colors.  yay!  all the stuff you see on my etsy site will be there:

here's the details:


Mighty Aphrodite Gallery & Trunk Show
Men & Women's Clothing, Playawear, Accessories,
Gifts, Art, Music, Drinks & the Superbowl all under one roof!
119 Utah St @ 15th St., S.F.

Just in time for Valentines day, come get that unique gift or a little something for yourself. With over a dozen designers and artist there is a lot to choose from! This is a one time event not to miss! Special sales and discounts just for you!

Feb 5th Sunday), 2-7pm
Super Bowl showing in the lounge
Admission $3 or 2 for $5 (so bring a friend)

Love to our DJ's
Laird, Get Your Freak On!
j9, Angels of Bass
Ethan, Friends and Family
Drei, Slow Kitchen

ViaJay, customized urban and playa creations
Green Girl
Silver Lucy- Designer to Goddesses
One-of-a-kind neoarchaic creations by Miranda Caroligne
Creative Control - Men's Tee's
Futuretrybe designs by Jezza
Twistedtravellers - funky fun and fab fashions

Tessa Poppy ? Jewelry, Clothing, Art
Feisty Elle- Accessories for the Feisty-minded
Passion, Self development, Soul adornment by Josie
Handmade Creations by Bex
Hats and fuzzy things by pokiedot
Sara Kremer ? Tribal Jewelry
Heather Hearstead ? Jewelry
Ginger's Outrageous Adornments
Themed jewelry by Gina
Sterling and Gold jewelry by Kristina

Art and more:
Get a Headcase for your favorite DJ
Sean Nash- Native American and indigenous artwork
Artistic Pyrex adult toys and art glass by Sylvain
Booty Bags tm
Real Well-Being Massage by Shayne
Orange?s Sparkly Hula Hoops
Condom Keepers

# SUNDAY, FEB. 5th, from 4 to 6pm Sonoma NEXT STEPS
 Election Analysis, Updates, Next Steps, Activation!
 We are launching an exciting new program to build a GE-Free Sonoma County.
 Come find out what we're doing and how you can get involved - and bring your
 friends!  Sebastopol Community Center, 390 Morris
 St (off Hwy 12) in Sebastopol  Info: 823-4410, or

# BAD MOVIE NIGHT is every SUNDAY in SF, and includes popcorn and 
residential furniture seating, plus your chance to wear stupid 
costumes and yell stupid remarks at the screen; $5, plus FREE 
POPCORN, but BYOBeer; 8pm each Sunday, and featuring: 1/22-Gratuitous 
Breasts Night, 1/29-The Astounding She Monster, 2/5-Evil Knievel 
(with george hamilton), 2/12-Goonies, 2/19-Bad Porn Night, 2/26-The 
Mysterians (bad.. i mean good japanese men from mars flick), 3/5-
Chicks in Prison Night, 3/12-All That Jazz, 3/19-Bail Out (with David 
DAWN, 4/2-Mesa of Lost Women, 4/9-White Comanche, 4/16-Roadhouse, 
4/23-Bad TV Double Feature Night, 4/30-20 Million Miles to Earth, 5/7-
Battlefield Earth, 5/14-TBA, 5/21-Glitter, 5/28-TBA; at The Dark Room 
Theatre at 2263 Mission St twn 18th and 19th; 415-401-7987 OR 415-517-

Mon Feb 6

# 2/6: Sex Bondage Class at Good Vibes Berkeley! Mon Feb 6th! (berkeley)
 Real Bondage for Sex, New to Good Vibrations! 
 Location: Berkeley  San Pablo @ Dwight Monday, February 6, 8-10 pm  $25, all welcome 

 Here's the write up: 
 There are all sorts of ways to tie someone up, but some of them work better for sex than others. With her experience rigging and directing some of the hottest bondage web sites around, Chanta Rose certainly knows how to make rope sexy, and she’s here to help you do the same. In this hands-on workshop, she’ll show you bondage techniques that are safe, comfortable and totally inescapable; how to use rope to support sexual positions; ways to work with your existing furniture and much more. You can either bring a friend to practice with, or pair up with a classmate. If you have it, please bring some 1/4”- 3/8” rope. If not, Chanta can lend you some. You can learn more about Chanta at 

 RSVP's are preferred at least 24 hours in advance: 415-255-1155 or 

 Check out all of the Good Vibes classes here: 

# LECTURE:      The Lost Art Of Nutrition

SPEAKER:      T. Colin Campbell, PhD, Project Director of The China
Study and the Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional
Biochemistry at Cornell University, and Author of the book The China Study

DATE:         Monday, February 6, 2006, 8:00 PM

LOCATION:     First Baptist Church, 305 N California Avenue (at
Bryant, 1/4 mile East of Alma), Palo Alto.

LECTURE COST: $5-10 donation

RESERVATIONS: not needed for lecture

SPONSOR:      Peninsula Macrobiotic Community


INFORMATION:  650 903-0447

Optional Gourmet Vegetarian Dinner:

Monday, February 6, 2006, 6:30 PM before lecture


RESERVATIONS: call 650 599-3320 by Monday 9:30 AM; early dinner
reservations suggested as we may sell out days in advance.  Those
without a reservation may not be served.

For more information, please see the Press Release below.
Thank You! Gerard T. Lum
Newsletter Editor, Peninsula Macrobiotic Community

For Immediate Release: January 16, 2006
The Peninsula Macrobiotic Community


A Lecture by T. Colin Campbell, PhD, Project Director of the China
Study and the Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional
Biochemistry at Cornell University

Many in our society, perhaps most, do not appreciate the simple fact
that we are what we eat. We pay a huge price for this
misunderstanding. Many believe that the single most important
disabling budgetary factor in our society is the rising cost of health
care, more aptly known as disease care. Central to this difficulty is
our abject misunderstanding of nutrition, what it means, how it can be
used, how we study its effects, and how national policy on its effects
on health is developed. Using conservative figures, it is easy to
argue that the leading cause of death in the U.S. is our
misunderstanding of nutrition. As a result, we rely on drugs as a
means to health instead of food as a means to health. In brief, the
present system fosters wealth for the few at the expense of health for
the many.

Dr. Campbell, with his son Tom, is the author of the recently
published book The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of
Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet,
Weight Loss and Long-Term Health    see
The New York Times has recognized the study (known formally as the
China-Oxford-Cornell Diet and Health Project, a 20 year partnership
which surveyed diseases and lifestyle factors in rural China and
Taiwan) as the "Grand Prix of epidemiology." In The China Study, Dr.
Campbell details the connection between nutrition and heart disease,
diabetes, and cancer, and also its ability to reduce or reverse the
risk or effects of these deadly illnesses.  For an excerpt from the
Introduction, visit

For more than 40 years, Dr. Campbell has been active in experimental
nutrition research and policy development, has authored more than 300
research papers, and has participated in many national and
international diet and health policy reports.

$5-10 donation requested for lecture (not necessary to reserve if
coming for lecture only)
The First Baptist Church, 305 North California Ave. (at Bryant, 1/4
mile East of Alma), Palo Alto

$13; Dinner Reservations recommended by Monday, February 6, 9:30 AM,
call (650) 599-3320; early reservations suggested as we may sell out
days in advance.  Those without a reservation may not be served.

The Peninsula Macrobiotic Community 
sponsors Gourmet Vegetarian Dinners every Monday at The First Baptist
Church in Palo Alto.

To subscribe, send an email to:

# Fruit Tree Tour 2006 Monday, February 6, 2006  - Saturday, April 22, 2006 
 Common Vision is about to embark on the 3rd annual veggie oil , dununba powered caravan across California. If you re interested in voulenteering, performing, planting, connecting your local school to the program or hanging out at school with us while were in your town, check out
save seed conserve culture...plant seeds signs songs!

Tue Feb 7

# Tue Feb 7 FIRST TUESDAY is always FREE DAY at the following SF MUSEUMS: 
California Legion of Honor art museum (34th Av in Lincoln Park; 415-
863-3330; 930am-5pm;  free EVERY Tuesday, in 
fact), New Asian Art Museum (200 larkin at The Civic Center; 415-379-
8800; 10am-5pm), Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (701 Mission @ 3rd; 
415-978-ARTS; 11am-6pm), SF Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA...151 3rd 
St; 151 3rd St; 415-357-4000; 11am-6pm), and the Jewish Museum (121 

Featuring Top Bay Area Tantra Teachers
First Tuesday of the Month and Day Long Workshops

Sun. Feb 12 -  PASSION, ECSTASY, and BLISS are your BIRTHRIGHT

Tues. Feb. 21 - Film Presentation: SECRET KEYS TO ULTIMATE LOVE LIFE

Tues. Apr. 4 - TIMELESS LOVING: An Introduction to Tantra

Tues. May 2 - CULTIVATING THE DEEP HEART: The Arts of Sacred Love

JWALA Tuesday, February 7   7:30 PM - 10 PM
The sexual force is the light generator of the body. When it is clear, flowing and open we connect with our own feminine and masculine in JOY and the full expression of that Life force. In this evening we will experience breathing and sounding to open to this flow. We will clear and activate the Chakras in preparation for a Tantric Deeksha. This deeksha is a nondenominational energy transference where a neuro-biological process creates a shift in the brain.The joy center is stimulated.
$20 Advance, $25 At The Door

Sunday, February 12 10 AM - 6 PM
In this day Jwala will share some of the most profound techniques she has learned in her 30 years of Tantra. COME remove the wounds and blocks that keep you from experiencing your sexual and life force full expression...whether these conditionings come from family dynamics or social programs once these blocks are cleared, new and more fulfilling possibilities are only a breath away,your true human potential awaits you.  Some of the days techniques include: Fire Breath Energy Orgasm...this is a conscious connected breath technique that releases old stuck energy and makes way for your erotic potential.  Next we will delve into a Tibetean Pulsing technique that releases wounds from the bone and often is done in dyads or group-chains lying on the floor. Lastly we will experience some of the exercises from herTantra book by running sexual energy. No explicit sex in the workshop.
$85 Advance, $100 At The Door

JWAJA is a world renowned Tantra pioneer who has taught TANTRA  internationally for over 25 years in Austrailia,Germany, England, India and in 15 cities in the U.S. and Canada. She is author of the book SACRED SEX, " ecstatic techniques for empowering relationships".  She is featured in the video "The Tantric Jouney of Female Ejaculation" and her apprentice the infamous Annie Sprinkle has referred to her as the most orgiastic women she has ever meet. Some of her other students now peers include Mare Simone, Charles Muir and Lori Grace. Check her web site at

Harmony Community Room 400G Morris St. Sebastopol, CA 95472
(across from Coaches Corner Health Club)

To pre pay, send check to the above address.
To RSVP and for more info: Debra Giusti, 707-861-2038, deb harmonyfestival com
 To contact instructor: Jwala - jwalaji hotmail com 415-847-7801

Wed Feb 8

# former Presidential candidate GEORGE MCGOVERN talk & booksigning
 Wednesday, February 8 7:00 PM Booksmith - at All Saints Church 
1350 Waller  San Francisco, CA  415-863-8688 
 former Presidential candidate GEORGE MCGOVERN *** 
talk & book signing for Social Security and the Golden Age 
Wednesday, February 8th at 7 pm 

In his timely new book, Social Security and the Golden Age: An Essay on the New American Demographic, one of our greatest living political thinkers, George McGovern, argues that Social Security is NOT currently facing a crisis. Instead, the former United States Senator and Democratic Presidential candidate discusses ways that we can maintain this program well into the future with just a few simple steps. 

George McGovern served in the U.S. Senate for 18 years and was the 1972 Democratic candidate for president. He is a decorated World War II bomber pilot, holds a Ph.D. from Northwestern University, and directed the first Food for Peace Program under President John F. Kennedy. In 2000, he was awarded the nation's highest honor, the Medal of Freedom. 

*** This Booksmith sponsored event will take place at the All Saints Church (1350 Waller) in San Francisco. For further information, call 415-863-8688 or visit

# Relationship-and-Sex-Talk w/Drs. Vera & Steve Bodansky
 Wednesday, February 8 7:30 PM Books Inc.  2251 Chestnut St.   415-931-3633;jsessionid=a8R

Engage in rapt discussion on the nature of sensuality, sexuality, and relationships 
with the world's top authorities on 
"Extended Massive Orgasm"... 

During the final countdown to Valentine’s Day, Drs. Vera and Steve Bodansky will celebrate the release of their third rousing title — TO BED OR NOT TO BED: WHAT MEN WANT, WHAT WOMEN WANT, HOW GREAT SEX HAPPENS — by meeting with readers and others to discuss their intriguing, often provocative, and always enlightening ideas on sexuality and relationships. 

The premise of TO BED OR NOT TO BED is that the differences between the sexes create both fun and tension. Most men want sex, either with a new or current partner. Women want sex, too, but are trained to put up obstacles so as not to seem “easy.” The Bodanskys explain how to use these differences to create more pleasure and intimacy in bed and elsewhere. 

The Drs. Bodansky are longtime residents of Walnut Creek. Their previous books are EXTENDED MASSIVE ORGASM and ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO EXTENDED MASSIVE ORGASM, which have sold over 150,000 copies worldwide. The Bodanskys have been featured in several national and international magazines, from Tina Brown's Talk to Marie Claire, Glamour and Cosmopolitan, and more.

# Feb 8 8pm "Shaping San Francisco's Spring Talks 2006" 

Every second and last Wednesday through June, IAM invites you to CounterPulse for Shaping San Francisco's Spring Talks. Speakers, multimedia and round-robin audience participation open up the conversation about Bay Area issues, history and future.  
	All programs begin 8:00 p.m.
	CounterPulse, 1310 Mission St. 

	Details & Full Schedule:

	  January 18 -- General Strikes
	Feb. 8 -- The Philippines & San Francisco
	Mar. 29 -- What's Natural about Natural Disasters? 
	Apr. 12 -- Black Exodus/Black Evictions
	May 31 -- Can San Francisco Feed Itself? 
	AND MORE ... !


#  Feb 9-19   Circo Romani -A Gypsy Dinner Circus
 2006-02-09 7:00 PM Location: CELLspace
Circo Romani is a unique experience that combines spine-tingling circus acts, live Old World music, side-splitting antics, heart-melting romance and a delicious four-course Romani-Gypsy feast to immerse you in the amazing and mystical world of a traveling Gypsy Circus Troupe.

Perfect for a unique Valentine's experience or a special evening out, Circo Romani transforms CELLspace, a San Francisco nonprofit arts center, into the enchanting interior of a spectacular gypsy circus tent. 

    * Mesmerizing Magicians,
    * Amazing Aerialists,
    * Juxtaposing Jugglers,
    * Delectable Dancers,
    * a Rollerskating Bear,
    * an Absurdly Tall Ringmaster 

Feb. 10-19 (Dark Feb. 13 & 15)
Sneak Preview, Feb 9 ("pay-what-you-can," no dinner)
Ages 21+ with I.D., please.
Doors & Bar Open at 7pm, Show at 8pm
At CELLspace, 2050 Bryant St., San Francisco
Tickets available now at

Performances By:
    Nick da'Creature (CELLspace), Mike Templeton (Templeton Variety), Fleeky Flanco (SF Circus Center, Flying Tiger Circus), Kerri Kressinski (SF Circus Center, SupperClub), Mike "ZigZag" Witbeck (Infinite Kaos), Rebecca Firstone (Silk Road School), and Houston's award-winning ethnic dance band, The Gypsies. 

Special Thanks To:
    Voice of Roma, CELLspace, The Funky Puppet Supper, EvilAlien Foundation for the Arts, Dustfish, and Julia Pecak (formerly Bistro E Europe).

Tickets are $45 per person and include a four-course dinner, and show. There will be a cash bar with beer, cocktails, and special wine selections. The "Perfect Valentine" package is $125 per couple and includes prix-fixe dinner and show for two, a bottle of champagne or wine, a rose and a commemorative photo of you and your date.

Seating is limited and advance reservations are recommended.  Visit for tickets and more information.

# John Ross speaks on the Zapatistas Friday, February 10th at 7 pm
New College Cultural Center, 766 Valencia St., SF

# 2006-02-10 8:30 PM Oakland: Beneath the breast a crimson glow
The pounding sounds seduce the soul
Fierce and free a copious flow
The sacred heart of no control

Yellow no 5 presents

Sacred Hearts Untamed

Ooah(L.A.B.A.,Troubled Youth)
Smoove(Space Cowboys)
Mozaic(13 Moontribe,Troubled Youth)
Dj Goldilox(Brass Tax Crew)
Friction(Yellow No. 5)
Athena(Evil Breaks)
Switch(Meta4Music,Bumpin' Buddha)
Evan Bender(Yellow No. 5)
Mr. Rogers(Ooze System)
T-Dub(Bumpin' Buddha)
Soul Tripper(Live PA)(Collective Conscious)
Justin Roth(Hardfloor Movement)
Tigrlily(Global Citizen)

Special Performance By SOLSTICE
Feb. 10th 2006
from 9Pm til ?
doors open @8:30
$15 advance tix @
at the door $15 before 11Pm, $20 after 11Pm
yno line:415-238-2244

Fri Feb 10

# Fri Feb 10 12:30 PM Foster Compassion Outreach
 Costco, 2201 Verne Roberts Circle, Antioch
 Info: Outside of Costco, one of Foster Farms' top suppliers, join EBAA
as it exposes Foster's inhumane treatment of animals.

# FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: False Profit, LLC and the Hallmark Corporation Announce the Inception of a New Joint Venture:


Alone?... Again?

Try not to let it burn you up. Fucking manufactured postcard holiday anyway, right? Why should you let hallmark decide the one day of the year you need to have a date? Fuck Hallmark! Fuck Valentine's Day!

Woah there, cowboy. Times like these we need some outside help. Some words of wisdom. A call to tolerance, maybe.

    "Hatred ever kills, love never dies."
    - Gandhi

    "Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it.
    Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it.
    Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it."
    - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Of course, neither Gandhi nor the Reverend Doctor ever had to push through a Valentine's Day without any nookie. They were also both extremely bad dancers. So, for our inspiration we turn to a lesser known but equally righteous quixotic quotable, Edna Millay:

    "I love humanity, but I hate people."

There. That's more like it. Edna's our kinda girl. She definitely got down and got around in her day. Fuck, there's a book about her and her friends called "All-Night Party!" And what parties they were: "one might see English Rothschilds, French princesses, Russian grand dukes, mobsters, prizefighters, men of the stock exchange and Manhattan's social elite, elegant homosexuals, Village bohemians, white movie celebrities, and smartly dressed employees of the U.S. Post Office."

Make False Profit your Valentine for a celebration of the holiday that the American Corporation put on the map.

    Friday, February 10th, 2006
    21 plus, 12 bucks
    (10 bucks if you show up as the office slut.)

    Location will be posted the day of the event.

    Adam Ohana (Get Freaky /
    Alxndr (DownLow)
    benchun (False Profit)
    Boreta (Nexus, Troubled Youth)
    Beth Murphy (House of Lotus)
    dj mancub (Space Cowboys/
    Donna Matrix (Newsbreakz)
    Dr. Toast (False Profit)
    Ernie Trevino (Space Cowboys)
    Kapt'n Kirk (Space Cowboys/PandaMoanEum)
    kitty-d (troubled youth)
    Kraddy (Muti Music :: Refiner Records)
    Piotron (DownLow)
    Queen Agnes B (SisterSF, Femme DJs)

    Fruit, Water, V-day snacks, and more.
    Valentine Delivery Service by Dre’s Ho’s.
    False Profit Personals.
    Massage/Sensual area._______________________________________________
false profit : invest yourself

# Sat Feb 11
 Jan 14-Dec 9 Canopy: Trees for Palo Alto
A reminder...the first Tree Walk will be January 14 from 10 am - 12 pm.
In 2006, Canopy will be celebrating our 10th Anniversary. As part of the yearlong celebration, Canopy volunteer arborists will be leading a Tree Walk every month. Each Tree Walk will focus on a different area in Palo Alto. The leading arborist will cover the trees in each neighborhood and answer participants' questions. The Tree Walks will be held on the second Saturday of each month from 10 am – 12 pm. See the schedule below for locations. You can also check our website, call the Canopy office at 650-964-6110 or email us at for more information. The Tree Walks are free and open to the public. There is no need to pre-register.
Tree Walks will be held on:
Sat, Feb 11 10 am – 12 pm with City of Palo Alto Arborist Dave Dockter in the South of Forest neighborhood. Meet at City Hall Plaza, 250 Hamilton Avenue.
Sat, March 11 10 am – 12 pm with Arborist Roy Leggitt at the Main Library and Art Center. Meet at entrance to Main Library parking lot, 1213 Newell Road.
Sat, April 8 10 am – 12 pm with Arborist Roy Leggitt in the Crescent Park neighborhood. Meet at the corner of University Ave and Lincoln Ave.
Sat, May 13 10 am – 12 pm with Arborist Michael Young in the North Palo Alto neighborhood. Meet at Johnson Park at the corner of Hawthorne and Waverly Sts.
Sat, June 10 10 am – 12 pm with Canopy Program Director Jana Dilley. This will be a special Tree Walk for children at the Jr Museum and Zoo, 1451 Middlefield Road.
Sat, July 8 10 am – 12 pm with Canopy Board Member and Arborist Dave Muffly in the Greenmeadow neighborhood. Meet at the Greenmeadow Community Center, 303 Parkside Drive.
Sat, Aug 12 10 am – 12 pm with Canopy Board Member and Arborist Jeff Newborn. Location TBA
Sat, Sept 9 10 am – 12 pm with Canopy Board Member and Arborist John McClenahan. Location TBA
Sat, Oct 14 10 am – 12 pm with Canopy Board Member and Arborist Jeff Newborn. Location TBA
Sat, Nov 11 10 am – 12 pm with Canopy Board Member and Arborist John McClenahan. Location TBA
Sat, Dec 9 10 am – 12 pm TBA
Mark your calendars now, and join Canopy on a Tree Walk in 2006!
 Canopy: Trees for Palo Alto 3921 East Bayshore Road Palo Alto, CA 94303 phone: 650-964-6110 fax: 650-964-6173

# South of Forest Tree Walk - Palo Alto
Just a reminder, the next Tree Walk will be Saturday, February 11 from 10 am - 12 pm. Palo Alto City Arborist Dave Dockter will lead participants on a tour of the South of Forest neighborhood's trees. This event is free and open to the public, there is no need to pre-register. : Trees for Palo Alto

#  Chinese New Year Parade  Saturday, February 11, 2006  (5:30 PM)
 San Francisco Chinatown
 Grant Avenue (Yahoo! Maps, Google Maps)
 San Francisco, California 94108
 Named one of the world's top ten parades, Chinese New Year Parade in San Francisco is the largest celebration of its kind outside of Asia. Over 100 units will participate in the parade, many of the floats and specialty units will feature the theme of this year's Chinese zodiac sign. Nowhere in the world will you see a lunar new year parade with more gorgeous floats, elaborate costumes, ferocious lions, and exploding firecrackers. Some of the parade highlights include elaborately decorated floats, school marching bands, martial arts group, stilt walkers, lion dancers, Chinese acrobatics, the newly crowned Miss Chinatown USA and the Golden Dragon. The Golden Dragon is over 201 feet long and is always featured at the end of the parade as the grand finale and will be accompanied by over 600,000 firecrackers!

# Hot Glass, Cold Beer; Gettin Hot with Your Honey! Feb 11 6-11pm 
$20 includes glass blown cup or heart and Beer all night!
Get Hot with Your Honey!
Or come meet new singles this Valentines Weekend
Come See Glass Blowing Demos and Fire Dancing!!!!
Great Live Music and Great Free Food!
Public Glass 1750 Armstrong Ave. SF San Francisco

# 2006-02-11 10:00 PM NK7 Productions presents?
 Lovers Rock A Valentine?s Party Sat. Feb. 11th, 2006
They tag team in more ways than one!
Didje Kelli vs. Danny ?Buddha? Morales
Laird vs. Klara Lova
Melyss vs. Craig Jayo
J-Fi vs. Tonic
Rebecca Watkins vs. Seven 
Two levels.  Upstairs lover?s gallery and lounge with local artists on display. Downstairs lover?s rock with love elixirs served all night.
10pm-6am, $10 before midnight, $15 after
Submission Studios, 199 Capp St. bet. 16th and 17th St. (Mission District, SF)

# International Quirkyalone Day Party Saturday, February 11 8: 00 pm Free
Fourth Annual International Quirkyalone Day Party, San Francisco (IQD IV)
Saturday, February 11 8 pm Cafe Royale 800 Post Street at Leavenworth
Whether you are single, coupled, widowed, divorced, or married,  
International Quirkyalone Day is here for you as an alternative to  
the mass-marketing barrage of Valentine's Day.

What is International Quirkyalone Day? IQD is a do-it-yourself  
celebration of romance, friendship, and independent spirit. It's a  
celebration of all kinds of love: for your friends, your family, your  
partner if you have one, and last but not least, yourself. IQD is a  
feel-good alternative to the marketing barrage of Valentine's Day and  
an antidote to the silicone version of love presented in shows such  
as Hooking Up and The Bachelor. It celebrates true romance,  
independence, creativity, friendship, solitude, and  
Quirkyalone Day is not anti-Valentine's Day, nor is it a pity party  
for single people. It is merely a coincidence that IQD happens to  
fall on the same day! (That's our story anyway, and we're sticking to  
International Quirkyalone Day began in San Francisco with a party at  
Atlas Cafe in 2003. In 2005, IQD was celebrated in 24 cities as  
faraway as Sydney and New Delhi. Last year's San Francisco party was  
featured on MSNBC's "Countdown with Keith Olbermann. . . " Watch the  
clip here.
This year's IQD is a release party for the paperback version of  
Quirkyalone: A Manifesto for Uncompromising Romantics by Sasha Cagen.
IQD parties tend to be warm, intergenerational affairs. Feel free to  
come alone, with friends, or with a partner. This is a friendly crowd.
There will be party games, raffle, an alone-time table, and more . . .
Elegant attire encouraged but not required.
Quirkytogethers/couples welcome. FREE!
Cafe Royale 800 Post Street at Leavenworth San Francisco

# Heritage Park Tree Planting
The Heritage park planting we were forced to delay in early January has been rescheduled for Sunday, February 12 from 9 am - 12 pm. We need 12-15 volunteers to help out. Heritage park is in downtown Palo Alto, on Homer between Bryant and Waverley Streets.

# Two ways to help animals in San Francisco on Sun., February 12, 2006! 
 Come to one or both:

 (1) Join the Veggie Jews' Tsedakah Brigade and participate in the
 PETA campaign against Kentucky Fried Cruelty (see You can educate the public regarding
 KFC's treatment of chickens by passing out leaflets at KFC, 1900
 Irving Street at the corner of 20th Avenue in San Francisco from NOON
 to 1:00 p.m. PETA is providing the literature.

 (2) At 1:00 p.m. we'll walk two blocks to Shangri La vegetarian
 restaurant (2026 Irving St. at 22nd Ave., 731-2548), a Kosher-vegan
 restaurant, where we'll order around 1:15 p.m. This is a chance to
 eat tasty, low-cost, Chinese vegan food; to socialize; and most
 importantly, to spend a few minutes writing letters to help relieve
 the suffering of animals. Suggestions for subjects and recipients
 of letters will be available but feel free to bring your own agenda,
 as well as your own paper, envelopes, pen and stamps.
 In the event of rain that is heavier than a San Francisco
 fog/drizzle, the event will be rescheduled. For information and to
 RSVP, write to

 [Veggie Jews is an on-line and real world organization with events in local communities dedicated to supporting Jewish vegans and vegetarians and spreading vegan, vegetarian and animal rights values into the Jewish community.  All Veggie Jews' events are open to Jews of all ages and our non-Jewish friends. We are not a singles or religious group, although single and observant people are always welcome.  For group information or to join, please go to or simpler yet:
send blank email to
  And remember: It's only kosher if it's cruelty free.] 

# Intermediate HoopDance Intensive in SF February  -- tentative dates Feb 12 and Feb 19th
Two intensive Sunday seminars from 12-2pm. This INTERMEDIATE LEVEL class provides a total of 4 hours of training. Designed for those who want to master more complex moves, create supple transitions and cultivate the awareness of a performer. All students who enroll must already have mastered all skills from beginner class. First meeting focuses on torso and arms. Second meeting focuses on off body moves including advanced jumps, spins, body rolls, tosses. These seminars take moves you already know and has you perform them on many other dimensions and angles. More challenging moves and tricks also provided. Emphasis is on creating more flow in transitions, integrating dance with your complex moves. Each evening will have a jam circle to close with performance critique by your peers. Hot music, great people, detailed instruction. Printed copies of two articles written by HoopGirl on the topic of performing hoopdance, provided to all students. $85 for two 2 hour sessions. Enrollment preference given to those who take entire series to promote the "intensive hoop bootcamp" experience. THIS CLASS IS TENTATIVE. Email Christabel if you are interested. If there are at least 5 students the class will happen and a registration icon will be added to the online store.

# Due to overwhelming demand, there will be a second Hoop Hatchlings
class starting on Sunday, 2/12 at 3pm (see below for full details)
Sign up now before it's too late, these classes are filling up quick!

Mon Feb 13 Full Moon

# Beginner Hoop Intensive in SF Feb 13, 14 & 16
7:30-9pm on consecutive Monday, Tuesday and Thursday night in February. Come join Christabel for a fun sexy dance class in her brand new 2700 square foot auditorium at Women's Building in San Francisco! This super energizing 3 night series designed for the beginner -- no experience required. Monday's class focuses hooping basics and hooping on the torso and arms. Tuesday's class focuses on legs and floorwork. Thursday's class focuses on off body moves, jumps, spins and rolls. There will be special attention given to micromovements of the body, working with the downbeat, freeing the head, unleashing your own style. We learn how to navigate using feeling instead of sight or thought -- becoming responsive, breathing deeply and creating fluid transitions. Guidance for performance given throughout class. Each evening will have a jam circle to close. A variety of music -- from electronic house music, R&B to classical and world music will provide a rich tapestry of sound for your dance. Class series costs $85. Enrollment preference given to those who register for entire series as this creates the "intensive hoop bootcamp" experience. 2 teaching assistants will be on site to make sure everyone recieves individualized attention. Pre-registration required at Go to "Buy Now" link and register in online store. Space is limited and sells out every month. Don't miss out! Christabel is now teaching in San Francisco only once a month. The Womnen's Building is located at 3543 18th Street. Please arrive early or promptly on time - give yourself time to find parking. Bring water. For more information or questions on the class call Christabel at 415-515-0469. Please note that registration cannot be refunded, but credit may be applied towards future classes.

# Celcius  9/11 Wed Feb 15 7:00 pm FREE  but  $5  donations are accepted
CELCIUS 9/11 Presented by Gypsy Gypsy

This film by Jeremy Wright is subtitled: "Full Spectrum Dominance and  
the War of Terror." It asks tough questions that Michael Moore's  
"Farenhiet 9/11" did not ask. It features the highlights of the  
International Citizens' Inquiry into 911 organized by the 9/11 Truth  
Alliance in the spring of 2003. In part 1, Jeremy provides a very  
extensive and in-depth overview of all different aspects of the 9/11  
attacks. Part 2 is dedicated to "the bigger picture," the political  
climate that is surrounding us now: the plans of world domination and  
the execution of the plans by the U.S. government. This informative  
film is also very moving emotionally, with a lot of personal passion  
and compassion.
Humanist Hall 390  27th  St Midtown Oakland 510-393-5685
between Broadway and Telegraph

Click on the link "Directions" on our website
tripping_gypsy hotmail com 510-704-0268

# Thursday, February 16, 2006

Bay Area Relocalize: Preparing for the End of Cheap Oil

In response to the growing concerns around climate change and the end 
of cheap oil, Post Carbon Institute has launched an exciting new 
project called Bay Area Relocalize. The project is assessing our 
region's use of resources and developing a model for local 
communities to bring the production of our food, energy and essential 
goods closer to home. We are connecting with neighborhoods, 
businesses, and community groups to mobilize around reducing our 
consumption of resources from outside the region and replacing them 
with local resources.  Examples include creating community gardens, 
installing solar panels on homes and businesses, capturing rainwater, 
improving public transit, and building affordable homes nearer to 
where we work. This 2-hour event hosted at the Ecology Center will 
feature a panel of presenters from the project and Q&A. Proceeds will 
benefit the Bay Area Relocalize project.

Time: 7pm - 9pm
Location: Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo Ave, near Dwight Way, Berkeley.
Cost: Requested donation of $5-20 (sliding scale). No one turned away 
for lack of funds..
Info: 510-548-2220 x233.

# Advocacy Authors Forum: Protect Chickens at Foster Farms
 February 16 7:30 PM Pizza Plaza, 6211 Shattuck Ave, Oakland
 Info: Join EBAA for an evening of letter-writing and vegan pizza!

# Training Young Trees for Structure and Form - Palo Alto
Local arborist Kevin Raftery will be leading this tree pruning workshop on February 18 from 9 am - 12 pm, as part of Canopy's Community Tree Steward Workshop Series. There are still a few spots available for this workshop. It is free, thanks to a grant from California ReLeaf and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Prevention, but you must pre-register. Contact Canopy or check our website  for more information.

# Saturday, Feb. 18, 10 AM to 12:30 AM 
Health Care for All  "Citizen" congressional hearing
 Board of Supervisors' Chambers at Marin Civic Center. Lynn Woolsey will preside, Sen. Sheila Kuehl has been invited, and we hope to have numerous other legislators present. The object is to tell them what's wrong with our health-care system and to demand a system that works. There will be many people testifying. These hearings are being held around the country with the support of Rep. John Conyers; it's all part of building an irresistible groundswell for a single-payer system.
 This is all part of building the mass movement that we will require before we can hope that a single-payer system will pass. There are too many monied interests opposed to expect that mere good will and good sense could overthrow the disastrous system we have today. Like civil rights, like the anti-tobacco movement, we must first have a sea change in public thinking. 
 Information about hearings and planned hearings nationwide is available at, our local site

# live food birthday party aturday, February 18, 5:00pm
 Host:  jessy and brooke
Location:  brooke's place! (urbanPILATES)
410 Jessie Street (loft 703), san francisco, CA  View Map 
When:  Saturday, February 18, 5:00pm Phone:  626-2976 (jessy)
Thank you Brooke for providing a space and for helping to host this potluck! This one falls near my birthday, so I guess it will be a party for that (and anyone else who was born in february) as well. 

 To participate, bring an organic living vegan dish to share, for approximately 10-15 people. If you can, label the ingredients.* 

 Let me know if you have questions or need a recipe suggestion ( Feel free to invite others too. Just add their email to the list or pass along the information. 

 Don't know what qualifies as raw or living vegan food?

 FAQ from living foods website: 

 **What do raw/living foodists eat?
 Raw and Living Foodist eat all fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, seeds, grains, sea vegetables, and other organic/natural foods that have not been processed. In some instances, there are special ways to prepare the foods (example: most raw and living foodists soak/sprout nuts, seeds and grains before consuming them). For some delicious recipes, see our recipe section!

 ***Other websites:

PLEASE, no meat or other flesh products or derivatives, dairy, eggs, sugar, or processed food over 105F). If possible, avoid soy products, corn, wheat, honey, and peanuts or clearly mark their presence in your recipe, to help those who are sensitive to these common allergens or those who wish to avoid exposure to foods that may be genetically engineered (or GMO-contaminated). 

 {If you'd like to be off this list, please just use the "remove me from this list" feature or button. You should see it if you look around. I hope to have these gatherings monthly, and I know it can be annoying to keep receiving reminders if you are never going to go. So, I won't be offended if you take your name off! :) If you're out of town and will never be able to go, please remind me.}

# Hello friends, It's confirmed!  There will be a "Satir Satori -- Consciousness-Raising Festival" Saturday and Sunday, February 18th through the 19th at the Virginia Satir Conceptual Art Center outside Ben Lomond in the Santa Cruz mountains.  This mini-festival will feature music, speakers, performance art, video, a bonfire, community building, and sacred space for meditation and healing.

The opening ritual will begin at 3:33 pm on Saturday and the closing ritual will run from 4:44 till 5:55 pm on Sunday.  A more detailed schedule and directions will be sent once you RSVP to this invitation.  There will be no charge for this event, nothing for sale, and all musicians, speakers, organizers, and land stewards are donating their time, talents, and resources.  This is a community building event in the spirit of Virginia Satir, "mother of family therapy", and is focused on expanding human consciousness while having fun in the process.

We're asking that people bring whatever you like to drink and enough vegetarian food for the duration of your stay.  Please bring things you'd love to share and together we'll create some beautiful meals.  Also, bring musical instruments, art, and your magical self.  If you plan on spending Saturday night, bring a tent and sleeping gear. There's plenty of room for camping in the meadow which is surrounded by redwoods.  There's parking space available for a few RVs; please indicate in your response if you plan on bringing an RV.  Friday night camping is available to those who wish to help set up.

If you're interested in attending all or part of this event, please e-mail galen at or phone 650-493-0367 to confirm.  We're still lining up speakers, artists, and musicians, so feel free to contact galen regarding getting dedicated time or space. With Love and Blessings, galen & Panther Woman

# Wed. Feb., 22, 7 p.m.  “Sir No Sir!”   a film about war resistance 
 Benefit with Jane Fonda Throckmorton Theater in Mill Valley. 
 We look forward to Jane Fonda hosting this special evening with an intimate VIP reception leading into the film presentation & trailer. Grammy nominee Maria Muldaur and friends will round out the evening with a beautiful concert presentation. 

# The Truth and Lies of 9/11 Wednesday, February 22 7:00 pm

The Films are  FREE  but  $5  donations are accepted
Film Series on 9/11: An Inside Job
The Truth and Lies of 9/11

Presented by Gypsy Gypsy

This is the famous documentary by Mike Ruppert who once was a  
narcotics investigator in the L.A. Police Department until he  
realized that the CIA was dealing drugs and arms.  Authorities  
offered him a nice sallary to keep his mouth shut, but they obviously  
underestimated him; Mike became a whistle blower instead.  They tried  
to threaten him, they even shot him, but he survived and never backed  
down.  He spent many years touring the country and exposing the CIA's  
drug dealings and other dirty secrets.  Today Mike is justly  
considered the pioneer of the 9/11 truth movement.  In this  
documentary, Mike explains the connection between the CIA and Wall  
Street -- Wall Street being a front, a "laundromat," for the CIA.  He  
points out a connection between the put options on both American and  
United Airlines and the CIA as well as many other incriminating  
facts.  He is the author of Crossing the Rubicon,  the second best- 
selling book after The Kean Commission Report on 911.    http://

Before and after the film, everyone's invited to indulge in our  
Humanist Coffee House

The Films are  FREE  but $5 donations are accepted 
Humanist Hall 390  27th  St Btwn Telegraph/ Broadway. midtown Oakland 510-393-5685

click on the link "Directions" on our website
tripping_gypsy hotmail com  510-704-0268

 # Thu Feb 23 6pm  Free Animal Law Clinic
 Contra Costa County Bar Association, 704 Main Street, Martinez
 Get your animal legal questions answered simply, quickly, and at

# Saturday February 25th, Noon to 6 P.M.
 In front of SF City Hall
Welcome to BANG4CHANGE 2006 !
 We Poor People are called "Gang Bangers" & "Thugs"
 Challenge the Hype ! Bang with Peace, Courage & Solidarity!
End US War on Poor, Black & Brown, NOW !
 "It takes a Village !"
 Please forward widely the link to this site, meant to build momentum and alliances for the Civil Rights Revival Festival in San Francisco, Feb 25th 2006.
 On November 23, 2005, ISF (Idriss Stelley Foundation), sponsored by Bayview Campaign to End the Death Penalty and October 22 Against Police Brutality Coalition, hosted a Civil Rights Cookout at its location in the heart of the Bayview District on 3rd & Palou. After hardly a week of minimal outreach, more than 300 folks, progressive city officials, community activists and most importantly many families of Victims of law enforcement came to share their stories, proudly celebrate their heritage and shout out their demands for change ! February 2006 event will unite thousands of People demanding Justice and Peace!
 SF ANSWER, SF Peacemakers, National Radical Women, SF Black National Newspaper and Community First Coalition have joined our Team !
 Idriss Stelley Foundation is allocating $5000 to the event. We need volunteers to apply for city permit, sound permit, and we are recruiting artists and musicians willing to donate their performance to the cause. Please send us your speakers and vendors requests ! Tabling will be free, provided that you bring your own table (or ironing board LOL)
 See you on February 25th, we gonna make a lot of powerful noise and bring some serious changes !
In Struggle & Solidarity,
 mesha Monge-Irizarry
 Idriss Stelley Foundation ( I S F )
 SF BAYVIEW CEDP CHAPTER (Campaign to End the Death Penalty)
iolmisha cs com
 4921 3rd St SF CA 94124
 (415) 595-8251 / 24HR Bilingual Crisis Line

# Foster Compassion Outreach February 25 1 PM
 Costco, 2201 Senter Road, San Jose
 Outside of Costco, one of Foster Farms' top suppliers, join EBAA
as it exposes Foster's inhumane treatment of animals.

Link TV Makes Pro-Animal Film Available to Viewers in 26 Million American Homes

The Witness Highlights the Dramatic and Inspiring Personal Transformation of Tough Brooklyn Construction Contractor Whose Heart is Opened by the Love of a Kitten

Airs Saturday, Feb. 25 at 7 PM PST /10 PM EST
(DIRECTV Ch. 375/DISH Network Ch. 9410)

Send a personalized e-vite to friends and family:

San Francisco, CA—Jan. 17, 2006—Link TV today announced the upcoming broadcast of the award-winning documentary The Witness, produced by James LaVeck and directed by Jenny Stein of Tribe of Heart. The Witness,  which airs Saturday, Feb. 25 at 7 PM PST, 10 PM EST, during Link TV’s pledge drive, tells the inspiring story of tough construction contractor turned animal rescuer Eddie Lama. A film festival favorite, The Witness has won seven Best Documentary awards and one Best of Festival award. Los Angeles Times columnist Howard Rosenberg wrote, “The Witness is one man’s truth that cries out for mass exposure… may be the most important and persuasive film about animals ever made.”

Actor William Baldwin, who calls The Witness "one of the most moving documentaries I've ever seen,” urges viewers to “watch this important, life-changing film.” Baldwin and his wife, singer-songwriter Chynna Phillips of the musical group Wilson-Phillips, were so impressed with The Witness that they hosted screenings at their home for their friends and colleagues.

“Eddie Lama, who learned about violence through his own rites of passage on the mean streets of Brooklyn, now speaks with eloquence, passion and humility about the pressing need to protect the vulnerable,” said Baldwin. “That a man with his life experience could be so completely transformed by spending time with a kitten is a testimony both to the magic of the human-animal relationship and the magic of the human spirit."

“So many people who have seen The Witness at film festivals and independent theatres have asked us, ‘why isn’t this playing on national TV?’” said the film’s producer James LaVeck. “We always tell them there are a lot of great films they’re not getting to see that tell the truth about what goes on behind closed doors in this country. That’s why now, this opportunity to reach a mass audience in partnership with a broadcaster with the integrity and independence of Link TV, means so much.”

“We bring documentary films to the American viewer that extend far beyond the narrow scope of the popular media,” said Link TV Producer Toni Whiteman. “The Witness is one of those films, made with the courage and commitment to speak on behalf of those who have no voice. The strength of the force to banish this provocative film is the very reason we chose to broadcast it.”

ABOUT TRIBE OF HEART: Producer James LaVeck and Director Jenny Stein founded their Ithaca, New York-based non-profit production company, Tribe of Heart, to fill an unmet need for films that explore the human potential to respond to injustice with creativity and non-violence.

ABOUT LINK TV: Link TV is a non-commercial, independent television network available in more than 26 million U.S. homes on DIRECTV channel 375 and DISH Network channel 9410. The 24-hour programming is a mix of documentaries, international news, foreign films and the best of World Music. Link TV is operated by Link Media, Inc., a California non-profit organization, with production studios in San Francisco, New York and Washington.

More info:

To subscribe to Bay Area Animal Rights Network please send blank email  to:

#  Farm Animals Fundraiser February 26 5:30 PM
 New World Vegetarian, 464 8th Street, Oakland
 Join us for a nationwide party to benefit the Humane Society
Legislative Fund. The HSLF is working on several legislative issues at
the local, state, and federal levels as part of our larger campaign to
reduce the suffering of farm animals and shine a light on the most
egregious and abusive.

Tue Feb 28 New Moon

MARCH 2006

March 2006 Call to Action: Confront the War Machine
Become A PART of the Solution at Liberty Underground. Learn how the Broadcast News Media Deceives You!

# The Color of Palo Alto: Art Meets Canopy
How a Public Art Project is Helping to Preserve Our Urban Forest – One Photograph at a Time
Saturday, March 4, 9 -10:30 am Free
Presented by Canopy and the Palo Alto Art Center

Celebrate Arbor Month with a lively presentation by artist Samuel Yates on how The Color of Palo Alto incorporates technology, contemporary art, environmental protection, and public service into one award-winning public art project that helps maintain our urban forest.

The presentation will focus on how the City of Palo Alto will use the project to:
•	Respond more accurately and efficiently to daily tree inquiries from residents. 
•	Coordinate tree maintenance decisions between departments.
•	Assist the building permit application, smart planning, and tree verification process. 
•	Preserve city trees by reducing root system destruction.
•	Reduce pollution and natural resource use.
•	Promote the City’s environmental and renewable energy initiatives. 
•	Create the nation’s first photo-assisted 911 emergency response system.

As part of a public art project, artist Samuel Yates photographed each of the 17,860 properties in Palo Alto to find the average color of each property, street, and neighborhood. The final results, including "The Color of Palo Alto," will be unveiled later this year and used as paint, font, and product colors thereafter. The potential city benefits emerged in 2001 when the artist offered Palo Alto a free license to use his photographs and tie them into the citywide parcel data system.

San Francisco Magazine named it the "Best Art Project in the Bay Area;" Dwell Magazine gave it their "Nice Modernist" humanitarian award; and the San Jose Mercury News called it "The Great Palo Alto Art Experiment." Come see for yourself what it’s all about!

 (650) 964-6110 info canopy org

# Sun Mar 5 
* The NIKE MISSILE BASE OPEN HOUSE is the 1st Sunday of every month, 
featuring tours of a Cold-War-era ICBM missile base that actually 
operated in the Marin Headlands from'll scare the 
livin' shit outa' ya; FREE; 1230-330pm; 415-331-1453

* Every 1st Sunday is FREE DAY at The OAKLAND MUSEUM of CALIFORNIA, 
featuring art, history, and the natural science of California, and a 
special exhibit, "Baseball As America," in town for a limited time; 
$8 (50% off for non-profit groups w/advance notice), or FREE the 
first Sunday of the month; Wed-Fri 10am-5pm, 1st Fri open 'til 9pm, 
Sat 10am-8pm, Sun 12-6pm; 1000 Oak St; 510-238-2200;

* The Weekly SUNDAY LAKE MERCED LOOP SKATE leaves the Sunday Roller 
Disco in GGPark and does a level 17 mile skate for about 2 hours 
including 5 stops along the beach and around the zoo and the lake; 
FREE; 1-3pm, MEET from 1-115pm at 6th @ MLKJr; 510-521-0124;

* BAD MOVIE NIGHT is every SUNDAY in SF, and includes popcorn and 
residential furniture seating, plus your chance to wear stupid 
costumes and yell stupid remarks at the screen; $5; 8pm each Sunday, 
and featuring: 1/8-The Cock T's; 1/15-Gigli hosted by Mike 
Spiegelman; at The Dark Room Theatre at 2263 Mission St twn 18th and 
19th; 415-401-7987;

* Interested in joining the BWClub?  E-mail:

* Visit the BWClub web site at:
And the BWClub TRIBE at:
And the BITWClub Yahoo Group at:

# annual permaculture convergence for the Bay Area March 10-12th  ~ 2006 ~
at Ocean Song Farm and Wilderness Center Occidental, Ca   benja77 earthlink net

# Sat Mar 11 2006
Phat Phundraiser to build the  Conexus Cathedral
 Project in Black Rock City 2006 
 2232 MLK, Downtown Oakland/  7pm to 2am  
     Featuring yummy treats, dancing, entertainment, live
and silent auction and more…
     All proceeds will benefit  The Conexus Cathedral
 Project* , a project of Conexus Village, which comes
together to create, not
 only a joint community comprised of several SF-based
tribes, but also a
 structure/art installation on the playa that reflects
hope, inspiration, and  beauty.
      The Conexus Cathedral Project  aspires to inspire all
BRC residents to participate and interact with it – to
generate ritual, ceremony, and art; to dance,
celebrate, and surrender; to experience joy  and
spirit, fun and silliness. By day, The Cathedral is a
place of  simplicity and seemliness, creating
sanctuary and refuge for the BRC community.  By night,
The Cathedral glows on the playa with color, magic,
and glamour – attracting BRC citizens to play,
celebrate, and explore feelings the structure might
inspire. To learn more about our vision, see
 For more information about the  Phreaky Phormal ,
 contact Leah at lahofkin gmail com

April 2006

# April 22, 2006 Green Century Institute, Planetwork 
 and a host of evolutionary agents 
 are pleased to announce

 Digital Be-In 14:  Planet Code   THE EARTH DAY BE-IN
April 22, 2006   SOMARTS  934 Brannan @ 8th St  SF

 Be-Integrity Symposium and Exhibition
 12 noon to 6pm
 Digital Be-In  
 Luminaries and Special Guests, Performances, Live Music
 7 pm – 11 pm
 Planet Code Dance Party
 11 pm – 4 am

Participating Organizations (partial list)
 --Earth Day Network
 --Natural World Museum
 --Environmental Non-Profit Network
 --San Francisco Alliance for Urban Sustainability
 --Women’s Global Green Action Network
 --California Institute of Integral Studies

This 14th edition of the Digital Be-In combines its lineage of invention and cultural evolution marking the dawn of the digital age with the emerging green economy and sustainable culture movement. Producer Michael Gosney (whose Verbum magazine began the Digital Be-In during the late 1980s) developed the Paradox conferences on sustainable communities at Arcosanti, Arizona in 1997, 1999 and 2001  and formed the Green Century Institute in San Francisco in 2002. Planetwork, founded in San Francisco by Jim Fournier and Elizabeth Thompson in 1998, fosters the creative application of digital tools for positive global change through a series of conferences and monthly forums in major cities. The Green Century Institute and Planetwork are working with several San Francisco Bay Area groups that were involved in the seminal World Environment Day week in San Francisco June 5–11, 2005  in the development of this combination daytime symposium, evening rally/celebration and late night dance party. As in the past, the Digital Be-In will reach beyond the physical event with a live netcast, information-intense website and new kinds of exposure and interaction via social networks and blogs. The theme “Planet Code” implies our writing (and re-writing where necessary) the “codes” that define our place within and interaction with the natural environment, and calls upon the high technology community we have encouraged and celebrated over the years to empower the sustainability movement with bold, forward-thinking initiatives. 

Digital Be-In 14 will offer a variety of opportunities for sponsors to reach opinion leaders, press and a receptive public interested in SOLUTIONS FOR A SUSTAINABLE CULTURE. All presentations and content associated with the EARTH DAY BE-IN will emphasize new projects and initiatives: actions! We encourage sponsors to use the Be-In as a launching platform for products and campaigns that are making a difference. Outreach via marketing messages, the Be-In website, associated organization websites, social networks and public relations will be designed to inform and connect the public with sustainable culture resources. 2006 is a vital year for shifting the tide of awareness and action toward sustainability and April 22, 2006 promises to be a pivotal date. Please contact Michael Gosney or Justin Weiner from GCI for details on sponsorship programs.

Event Sub-Themes 
 Climate Change
 Environmental Justice
 Alternative Energy Solutions
 Urban Environmental Accords
 Sustainable Communities 
 High Technology and Sustainability 
 Women and the Environment
 Building the Green Economy

Previous Be-In Themes 
 8 – Freedom of Speech on the Internet (EFF Blue Ribbon campaign launch) - 1996
 9 – Cultural Diversity in Cyberspace (w/ Unity Foundation) - 1997
 10 – Human Rights in the Digital Age (with UN 50th Anniv. of Declaration of Human Rights) - 1998
 11 – Body, Mind and Cyberspace (feat. Drug Peace Campaign) - 1999
 12 – Media Revolution - 2002
 13 – Transparent Network - 2004
 Interested sponsors, participants and collaborators are encouraged to contact the event producers in early January.

Green Century Institute 
Michael Gosney
 Be-In Producer
Justin Weiner
 Be-In Assistant Producer

Karri Winn, Executive Director
 Be-In Associate Producer

#  Cycle around the SF Bay with Go Greenbelt!: April 23 -29, 2006
 Sunday, April 23, 2006  - Saturday, April 29, 2006   
 The seventeenth annual Go Greenbelt! will be April 23-29, 2006. Come ride with us! Check it out and register at:

# May 12-14 (2006) Harbin Hot  Springs Polyamory Conference, Calistoga / Middleton CELEBRATE RELATIONSHIP CHOICE, until 
April 1, 2006.  Email us at worldpolyamory aol com or call 808 244-
4103 if you're interested in giving a workshop, leading a 
discussion,  presenting music or dance geared to polys.

# June 9-11 Certified HoopGirl Dance Teacher Training June 9-11 in SF
 Level One: Certified HoopGirl Dance Teacher:
How to create Hoopdance classes, parties and events
 Who this training can benefit: 
 Teachers, Dancers, Yoga Instructors, Coaches, Personal and Group Fitness Trainers, Chiropractors, Massage Practitioners, Expressive Arts and Somatic Therapists, and anyone wanting to make a creative career change.
 Working knowledge of all the skills taught in the HoopGirl Beginner HoopDance Class and experience facilitating at least two hoopdance events for a group of 5 or more people. which has provided hoops to enthusiastic dancers in every U.S. State.

# June 23,24,25 Sierra Nevada World Music Festival  Mendocino County Fair, in Boonville, California.


# FYI the US runs a school of assasins / torture at Ft. Benning, GA
Previously called School Of the Americas (SOA),
now called Western Hemispheric Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC).
Congress demanded SOA be closed down. So they simply renamed it.
SOA used to be in Panama, until Manuel Noriega said it had to go.
Noriega was an important drug smuggling ally for the CIA.
When he broke with the CIA because he was not happy about the US school of torture in Panama, his days were numbered. 
Two other notable men who the CIA made alliances with:
Sadam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden.
The CIA makes allies of people it can use to torture and murder it's enemies.
The CIA was arming, training and using Osama Bin Laden to fight the USSR in Afghanistan.
Before Sept 11, 2001, the CIA was negotiating an oil pipeline through Afghanistan to be built by Haliburton, paid for by Enron, to supply Unocal 76.  Those negotiations broke down.  That was plan A.
Plan B was flying our own airplanes into our own buildings and blaming them.
SEE: Operation Northwoods (1962) Plan B has been on the table for 43 years.
Cheney, Perle, Wolfowitz, et al are part of Project for a new American Century (PNAC) who wrote: (a year before 911)
Without a Pearl Harbor style invasion the American people will not accept 
the empirical mobilization necessary to seize middle eastern oil. 
CIA initiated Saddam Hussein by having him commit an assasination in Iraq to prove himself.
Once installed to power by CIA, Saddam did oversee the torture and execution of an entire generation Iraqis.
Every Iraqi student or activist who had political aspirations was killed by Saddam who was a CIA operative.
Learn more about the School of Assasins (School of Americas) at School Of Americas Watch:

The Great Owl Invasion
obvious and blatant freemasonic symbols on the dollar bill, what precisely that hidden microscopic owl is doing there.
Neither will we ever be certain whether those plans for the National Mall surrounding the White House, the Washington Monument and the U.S. Capital proposed by the McMillan Commission in the same year that the Bohemian Owl worshipers legally acquired their grove in California, had anything to do with why there appears to be a Giant Owl surrounding the Capitol Building.

As an American citizen I am bound by no law executed by Bush Coup.
I shall not follow any fruadulent advice from John Ashcroft or Mr Torture: Alberto Gonzales.
I am bound by no Judgement by John Roberts or any other criminal installed by BushHitler.
Wake UP America, the current organized crime family Hi-Jacking Washington, DC
is similar (in fact connected) to the NAZI hijacking of a highly civilized Germany. 

Patriot Act is illegal.  No law or provision of Patriot act is legally binding.
Any law that is repugnant to the Constitution of the United States of America
is Null and Void - Marburry V. Madison, 1803.

Any officer who attempts to enforce an illegal law such as patriot act is unlawful and may be ignored and/ or arrested.

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The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies 
In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776 
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, 
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. 
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain [George III] is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. 
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. 
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. 
He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only. 
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. 
He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people. 
He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within. 
He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands. 
He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers. 
He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. 
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance. 
He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the consent of our legislatures. 
He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power. 
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation: 
For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us: 
For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States: 
For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world: 
For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent: 
For depriving us, in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury: 
For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences: 
For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies: 
For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments: 
For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. 
He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us. 
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. 
He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation. 
He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands. 
He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions. 
In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. 
Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends. 
We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. 
The signers of the Declaration represented the new states as follows: 
New Hampshire: 
Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, Matthew Thornton 
John Hancock, Samual Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry
Rhode Island: 
Stephen Hopkins, William Ellery 
Roger Sherman, Samuel Huntington, William Williams, Oliver Wolcott 
New York: 
William Floyd, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, Lewis Morris 
New Jersey: 
Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkinson, John Hart, Abraham Clark 
Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, Benjamin Franklin, John Morton, George Clymer, James Smith, George Taylor, James Wilson, George Ross 
Caesar Rodney, George Read, Thomas McKean 
Samuel Chase, William Paca, Thomas Stone, Charles Carroll of Carrollton 
George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Nelson, Jr., Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton 
North Carolina: 
William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, John Penn 
South Carolina: 
Edward Rutledge, Thomas Heyward, Jr., Thomas Lynch, Jr., Arthur Middleton 
Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton 
"You are a member of government. And one of that majority which has doomed my country to destruction. You've begun to burn our towns and murder our people. Look upon you hands. They are stained with the blood of your relations. You and I were long friends.You are now my enemy and I am yours.".........................Benjamin Franklin 7-5-1775 

Preventing / resisting  MARTIAL LAW: by building self-sufficient communities: 

Learn to resist, better yet, to be invisible.
But be visible now as we all must stand up to prosecute high crimes.
Learn the laws of sovereignty. This is the freedom gauranteed to all.

Know where you will get water in future.
Grow your own food. Eat your perishables. Save your non-perishables.
Have lots of grains and seeds in glass mason jars, so you can sprout and eat them while waiting for your crops.

Do not recycle large bottles. Especially keep glass and stainless steel.
Fill with spring water or tap water and store in safe places.
Start composting NOW. Build your soil.
Do not let "gardeners" remove your leaves. They become soil.
Flag down a tree trimming truck. Have them dump wood chips in your yard.

Get involved in your community. Create community.

Kachina Katrina NEWS, Grooves, and Resources. and beyond:
It’s good to have a vision: 
COMMON VISION: (fruit tree tour: 2006) 
COMMUNITY SELF-SUFFICIENCY INITIATIVE: - click 1st link: in expandable logic 

Thinking about the body and nourishment: 
RAW BALANCE: - excellent food combining chart, good things to think about. 

Martial Law / Police State / BushCoup organized crime family = Fourth Reich
 'Fever/Flu-Sensing' Infrared Video Cams To Scan US Public 
FLIR Systems Products Used  to Help Combat Avian Flu
Why build it the shackled rail cars and trucks and camps and order 
guillotines on this scale if you are NOT planning on using it?

"Excuse me sir, would you step this way?"

Here is a suggested possibility of a proper response to retain your 
rights to not be searched and seized by the USA corporation or local 
agent offering to "protect" you.

Option of a possible response based upon my and others' understanding 
and reading of court findings revolving around exactly at what point 
you give up your Constitutional non-search & seizure rights:

In the real world, asserting your rights politely usually only works if 
your rights are respected by a higher-up who knows the legal score, and 
you  answer no question ever.  Not in detention, not in jail, ever. At 
some point someone somewhere in the chain knows this truthful 
information - while the practical full loss of all rights in an 
executive  dictatorship for our own good is not in effect.

"How are you today, sir?" This is a trained ploy to elicit 'proper' 
response without the officer even knowing why. He is not told the whole 
truth and is simply told to start the investigation by as 
to "be friendly."

Any answer or giving up of documents at any point makes you 
"participating in an investigation" - unless you answer ONLY in the 
form of a QUESTION.

Example: smile, and politely ask "Who is asking and why?" 
This immediately determines the encounter status and 
whether the person is acting in their private or public capacity.

If you ANSWER, you have automatically given up all rights. Once given 
up, they cannot be restored. Because "Once you testify in part you must 
testify in whole."

If taken against your will, you can come back later and win.

Be friendly, be polite.

"I respectfully do not consent to this encounter. If I had and gave you 
such documents can they be used against me in a court of law? 
Would you please inform your supervisor what I just said? Am I free to go?" 
(Immediately determines your status.)

Theoretically, this applies not just to airports, but roadblocks, 
traffic stops, street encounters = they are all the same.
Here are the most current pictures on American prison  camps I've
seen yet, with what will seem like a valid reason for filling them up.
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.