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Your Fluoride comes from China! And It's Laced with Heavy Metals
Here are 10 health benefits of coconut oil that have been experimentally confirmed in human studies.
Wolfgang Halbig on Alex Jones Nightly News (starts at 30:00)
Infowars Nightly News: Thursday (5-28-15) Wolfgang Halbig
http://www.sandyhookjustice.com/ http://www.infowars.com/ http://prisonplanet.tv/news/ http://conspiracyscope.blogspot.com
Self Driving Cars:
Self Driving Cars Not As Cool As Batman's
Batmobile 1989 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXtAy1-xTwA Self-parking Volvo ploughs into journalists after owner neglects to pay for extra feature that sto...
EBMUD's rebate encourages sheet #mulching (soil absorption) and no deleterious fake #turf. #CaDrought #localizewater
We Are ‘One Nation’, Says Woman On Gold Throne Wearing Diamond-Encrusted Crown: http://bit.ly/1HNPOzR''
Killer robots will leave humans ‘utterly defenceless’ warns professor: http://bit.ly/1J7ZrLq
U.S. government claims ownership of creeks, streams, wetlands, ditches - even big puddles: http://bit.ly/1HNHX5w
Google and Whatsapp will be forced to hand your messages to MI5: http://bit.ly/1HNDsrw
Governments Eye New Stingray-Detecting System
Espionage driving governments to their protect cellular communications
Financial expert Harry Dent explains the slow-motion collapse of the economy.
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The infographic documents the nefarious players of the vaccine industry: the mainstream media, the CDC, deceitful vaccine propagandists like Paul Offit, the secretive vaccine court, the cover-up of vaccine-injured children, mainstream media propaganda that programs the public to worship vaccines, and much more.
I first sketched out this Vaccine Racket Infographic after observing the behavior of all the key players in the contrived Disneyland measles outbreak, which was used as a public panic springboard to launch a series of government-enforced vaccine mandate legislation efforts across the country. Every player in the vaccine racket played its role in that "medical theater" episode, displaying uncanny coordination and a well-funded ability to gin up the kind of fear mongering that's only pursued when corporate profits are at stake.
New Film Highlights Dog Shootings By Police - Michael Ozias an independent film maker talks to infowars about his new film "Of Dogs And Men" which explores a disturbing trend in American law enforcement: the killing of pet dogs. From SWAT raids to simple calls and even visits to wrong addresses, we are seeing more and more incidents of officers using lethal force against a family pet they deem a threat. Are these callous acts by officers in a system without regard for our four-legged family members, or are they true peace officers doing their best in a dangerous job? OF DOGS AND MEN investigates the issue from all angles, interviewing law enforcement officers and experts, and taking a journey with pet owners through the tragedy of loss and pursuit of change in a legal system in which the very officers they challenge are an integral part.