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The 8 most powerful food types that keep your immune system happy and healthy!

Herbs are among the easiest garden plants to grow during the summertime because they typically perform their best with lots of sun exposure.

There is no shortage of things people can do in order to live a healthier lifestyle. In fact, the frustration often lies in how much there is TO do, and not knowing where to start!

NSA to Control the Stock Market
Kit Daniels | Spy agency can easily manipulate the market through latest surveillance hub.

Jury Nullification

"what difference does it make?" - Hitlery Clinton 
Special House Committee on Benghazi can subpoena Obama. Has evidence of White House coverup

Cruz lists 76 'lawless' Obama actions
Delves into little-reported details of executive orders

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz released a definitive list Wednesday of 76 “lawless” Obama administration actions and abuses of power.

Cruz’s “The Legal Limit Report No. 4,” obtained by The Daily Caller, delves into little-known and little-reported details of President Obama’s executive actions. Cruz was set to discuss his report at the Federalist Society in the Promenade Ballroom of the Mayflower Hotel in Washington at 2:15 PM Wednesday.


Charles can you guess what Hitler did to the Jews once he laid his "sensible" gun laws on them? Charles I am not apologizing for Hitler. I am telling you the story is always the same in every country. First the guns get registered. Then as the country rots, it confiscates the guns and genocides the people.

For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.