Plant Trees SF Events 2014 Archive: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025


Baker Beach SF north end is warmest. Bluff on 2 sides means warm protected cove.
SF 77' Wind 3 East. then at 6pm 64'  wind 13 west
clear skies. Control the cam yourself here:
clear skies for 200 miles,+CA

Ocean Beach Parking lot closes at 10pm so park in Beach chalet or Fulton or Lincoln.
$25 tickets rarely issued after 10:30. Only on a really busy night. and only after 30 minutes of lights and sirens from 10p - 10:30p.
DAMN new rule: fires out at 10 pm. (9pm soon?) SHITE you see fascism creeps. Every year a new rule! Was 11pm last year. No time limit 2 years ago. you dig?

     June 2014
Enchanted Forest May 30-Jun 2 Donner Tahoe.      June 6-9 RainDance @ Belden Town, CA
DISTRIKT Presents DISTRIKT REVEL STATION 16th St Train Station, Oakland (Wood & 16th) Sat June 7th, 2pm-10pm, 21+
)'()'()'( DYKEMARCH Sat Jun 28 Dyke March - SF Music and Performances, Noon-5pm Dolores Park SF then DYKE MARCH to PINK SATURDAY in CASTRO
)'()'()'( SF June 28-29, 2014.
)'()'()'( PRIDE SF Sunday Jun 29 Market St to SF CIVIC CENTER PLAZA and the 16 blocks surrounding. YES 16 BLOCKS of HELLA GAY FESTIVITY COSTUMES and MUSIC. HYDRATE!   
     Fri MAY 30 MAY 30 Bottle Rock Napa

Critical Mass MAY 30 5:30pm Critical Integrity Bike Ride Justin Herman Plaza1 Market St SF Fri MAY 30 8pm Pier 70 SF Movie Night featuring BULLITT

Pier 70 Partners 420 22nd St SF Join us for a free walk-in movie night 

SOLD OUT but plenty folks selling tix on FB and CL. Enchanted Forest May 30-Jun 2 has moved to Hwy 80 approaching Donner Pass Tahoe. Cold nights. Cold River. Rattle Snakes. Rocky. Hilly. 60' days. 35' Nights
Stone Bear Cabins (Google it) in Soda Springs

Sat May 31 Hella Big Bike Party III Richmond BART station  7:30pm 

     Jun 2014 California Academy of Sciences | Free Admission Day Sun  June 1 – All Day | Cost: FREE | California Academy of Sciences Stern Grove On The Road: Final Mini Music Fest | SF Sun June 1 – 11:00 am | Cost: FREE | Noe Valley Town Center Free Kundalini Yoga Day in the Park | Dolores Park Sun  June 1 – 12:00 pm | Cost: FREE | Dolores Park JUN 01 SUNDAE FUNDAY | Free Day Party at 
Eastside West | Brunch + Music + Drinks 2pm 3154 Filmore St, SF

FREE Sale / Spring Cleaning / Eviction Clearing / Free SALE (alamo square / nopa)
Sunday JUNE 1st <> 1PM-5PM <> Broderick + Fulton



First Thursdays ART RECEPTIONS 49 Geary 2nd 3rd 4th 5th floors and 77 geary 2nd floor. 251 Post. Some months 210 Post. Some months 228? Grant Upper TL Art Walk | Trendyloin Thursday,   – 6:00 pm | Cost: FREE | Lower Polk / Gulch Corridor Oakland Art Murmur | First Fridays Art Walk Friday, May 2 – 6:00 pm | Cost: FREE | Broadway/Telegraph JUN 05 9p-2a Zodiacs Petaluma 256 Petaluma Blvd. North, Petaluma ENCHANTED FOREST AFTER PARTY 
June 6-9 RainDance @ Belden Town, CA Kalya Scintilla, Eprom, Russ Liquid, G Jones RAINDANCE CAMPOUT 2014 RAINDANCE 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY 6 June at 12:00 Belden, California 7th Annual SubZERO Festival 2014, June 6th & 7th San Jose

Yerba Buena Art Walk Saturday June 7 Noon to 8 PM JUN 07 4:20-Midnight.
June 8 4:20-10pm Dennis Peron & Castro Castle Presents: The Heavenly High Artshow! 3745 17th St SF @ Church

)'( DISTRIKT Presents DISTRIKT REVEL STATION 16th St Train Station, Oakland (Wood & 16th) Sat June 7th, 2pm-10pm, 21+
IT'S OUR 5TH ANNIVERSARY YEAR: We're pulling out the stops with a new 80 foot "HUGe" stage design at Burning Man, MORE Funktion One sound and other improvements to our bar, lighting, and Bordello...our biggest year yet. The best part about fundraising for a big build/infrastructure year is we get to throw a REALLY BIG PARTY!  Our biggest PARTY yet. 
This is our one and only fundraiser in the Bay Area for Burning Man. One stop. At the historic Oakland landmark, 16th Street Train Station. If you haven’t caught a glimpse of this beautiful building, take a moment to check it out here: Or watch a video here:
4 areas of sound run by DISTRIKT, Dusty Rhino, and Opulent Temple.
Special guest: The Scumfrog   Chill area provided by Zomadic   Art by Flux Foundation
Indoor visuals by Allofitnow, Howard Wong ..and more
Just across the bridge - off very first exit just by American Steel where so many of our fine burner friends create and innovate. Outdoor, Indoor, Day to night. Art. Vending of playa fashions & more. DISTRIKT bars throughout, with food trucks to keep you going.
This is a one-stop-station of EPIC proportions.  News of more performers, artists, vendors, and beat masters to come throughout the next 7 weeks. Watch our Facebook page and check the SF Announce for updates!
$20 Tickets:

June 8 Art Show @ Castro Castle 3745 17th ST SF home of Dennis Perron Pioneer of Medical / Medicinal in SF / CA / US / Earth

San Francisco Truth Action Thu  June 11, 2014 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm Market & Powell SF
We will have plenty of fliers & dvds. Help us pass them out & educate the public.

Jun 12   9:13 P.M.  Full Moon

)'( JUN 14 7pm-2am Burning Man Precompression at NIMBY 8410 Amelia street, Oakland $20, 21+ 

Oregon! What The Festival June 19-22 big recap video:

Save the Date – SoulFire Precompression Announced!! June 20-21-22 in Los Gatos 6/20-22 Sierra Nevada World Music Festival Mendocino Co. Ca

)'()'()'( DYKEMARCH Sat Jun 28 Dyke March - SF Music and Performances, Noon-5pm Dolores Park SF then DYKE MARCH to PINK SATURDAY in CASTRO
DYKEMARCH is LOVE! Here you will find so many happy people you will find BLISS and NIRVANA!
hope they update these silly 2013 pages, sheesh!

)'()'()'( PINK SAT Jun 28 in the CASTRO. HELLA GAY COSTUME BLOCK PARTY! the biggest gayest DYKEest party anywhere!
Best way to get there is to join the DYKEMARCH in DOLORES PARK! 

)'()'()'( SF June 28-29, 2014.

)'()'()'( PRIDE SF Sunday Jun 29 Market St to SF CIVIC CENTER PLAZA and the 16 blocks surrounding. YES 16 BLOCKS of HELLA GAY FESTIVITY COSTUMES and MUSIC. HYDRATE!
Pride is MASSIVE and has much BEER. Therefore watch your step, like Bay to Breakers you don't want to slip where someone puked.
July 2014
High Sierra Music Festival July 3-6 Quincy, CA

Priceless 2014: Thursday, July 3 to Sunday July 6. Belden, CA. False Profit

The next biggest gathering of peeps in SF is 4th of JULY at Pier 39, but sadly more ordinary MSM slaves squares and drunks, not so fun.

Camp Tipsy is an annual rotten boat building contest and campout in Colusa County, California.
Camp Tipsy 2014 will be held July 7th to July 13th
Camp Tipsy is an annual rotten boat building contest and camp-out held at East Park Reservoir in Colusa County, California organized by the San Francisco Institute of Possibility. 

SOAK* - Tidewater Falls, OR - July 10-13 July 11 12 13 delight in our world class entertainment, hand-made crafts, delectable foods, educational displays and magical surprises at every turn of the path We invite you to join us in our wooded setting, 13 miles west of Eugene near Veneta, Oregon for an unforgettable adventure.

Northern California Polyamory Gathering: July 11-13: Lupin Lodge Los Gatos, CA

Jul 12  4:26 A.M.  Full Moon July 18-20 Northern Nights Cooks Valley Campground, Piercy, CA

Stilldream 7/31-8/04

Aug 2014 Aug 1,2,3 Cisco Grove, CA

Outside Lands SF GG Park 8/08-10 Open-Air Sacred  Art & Music Festival Aug 8-11 Tidewater, OR

Aug 10   11:10 A.M.   Full Moon

BLM SNIPERS patrol Western deserts day and night. DO NOT WALK on the PLAYA. DO NOT WALK outside the designated FREE SPEECH ZONE.

BLM SNIPERS ‪‬ Ranch Riot!! Bundy Ranch Protesters Tasered by Federal Agents and Attacked by K9's. Pete Santilli from the Bundy Ranch in Nevada with protesters 
Federal Snipers Train Guns on Family For Filming Cattle 
Armed Feds Prepare For Showdown With Nevada Cattle Rancher

Cattle grazing is bad for ecosystems. But if you do not see creeping fascism… please wake up.
Govt Tyranny is far worse than grazing cattle.
This is a slippery slope.
These are the same BLM who Arrest kids for smoking pot or eating mushrooms on 400 square miles of Nevada deserts that has no plants and nothing to damage.

These are the same officers who in theory are protecting? something? maybe the dust on the ground? 
but instead rip your car apart with search dogs because your bicycle partially obscured your license plate

BLM is the result of merging 2 Departments: 
The Grazing Service was merged with the General Land Office to become the Bureau of Land Management. DREAM: The Art and Culture of Burning Man

)'()'()'()'()'( Aug 25 - Sept 1, 2014. Black Rock City, NV )'()'()'()'()'( = 68000 peeps, mostly in costumes or festively dressed Burning Man 2014 Monday August 25 Black Rock City Gerlach, Nevada
Forever Young ... we LOVE this video by Spark director Steve Brown, featuring retired firefighter Jim Duffy. Forever Young - Burning Man 2013 download a slide show for costume, bike, hydration, camp, sun, shade, art sculpture ideas FUN and SEXY!
Updated weather on playa: website
This website from Friends of Black Rock has updated weather conditions on the playa and forecasts.:
FLAME ON FIRE Burning Man is hella freaking FUN. This rapid-fire tour of (parts of) the playa Daft Punk - Lose Yourself to Dance - Burning Man 2013 ☼► Burning Man 2013 !!! Such an amazing burn !!! ♥♪► My Burning Man Experience 2013 Warren Currell·19 videos Burning Man 2013 - Beyond The Fire (Ellie Goulding - Burn) Kien Lam·6 videos Burning Man 2013 [by drone]: In the Dust, Above the Dust 
Rockstar Librarian Fan Page. Here you will find the most complete listing of DJ set times at )'( Burning Man. Copy Print and SHARE. Bring With.
This may be the BEST GIFT you can bring to playa. Printed copies of ROCKSTAR LIBRARIAN guide. (The next one, from Rockstar Librarian. Not this April 1 one silly.)
2nd best gift is to make a YOUTUBE VIDEO of how to COLATE the guide after you print it.

You a wallflower? Shy? trouble meeting peeps? bring this and you will meet TONS o PEEPs.
I been givin away stuff for decades and found that ROSES and CHOCOLATE are the quickest and easiest things to give away. Flowers not allowed in desert due to litter problems. So bring Chocolate and ROCKSTAR LIBRARIAN guides and your SHY DAYS will b a thing of the past.

Sep 2014
Sep 8    6:38 P.M.    Full Moon

)'( Sun Sep 21, 2014 11 to 6

Oct 8   3:50 A.M.    Full Moon

Sunday Streets' 2014 Season Finale in the Mission has been moved up one week to October 19 (instead of October 26, as previously noted).
Joshua Tree 10/10-12

Nov 6   2:22 P.M.   Full Moon

Dec 6   4:27 A.M.   Full Moon 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.